The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 107 59. Mason's K Team · The Second Naxin Day--【2】

Chapter 107 59. Mason's K Team · The Second Naxin Day——【4250】

At ten o'clock in the evening, the office on the top floor of Iceberg Bar.

Selena, who was wearing a "grey cat" battle suit, walked into it with elegant and charming steps, and when she walked in, she saw the office full of candles and Mason who was sitting on the office chair and pressing bullets for the magazine.

If the clip in the young man's hand is replaced with a glass of red wine, the atmosphere of the "candlelight dinner" in front of him is almost perfectly filled.

And in front of the luxurious floor-to-ceiling windows, the fully armed kite man is standing there looking out at the night of Gotham, which has returned to the city full of lights.

It's hard to imagine that this chaotic city that came alive under the night just encountered a "doomsday crisis" three days ago. The city in this ruin is like a cockroach in a sewer.

The vitality is really amazing.

"It's not on yet?"

Catwoman pouted and said:
"Do you need to be so careful? Bruce's tracking and monitoring of you has been reduced to a minimum, and now he is busy 'cultivating a relationship' with his cheap son."

"It's not about being careful, Selena."

The kiteman sighed and said:

"When Mr. Sandstorm was fighting Green Arrow, he blew up the power grid system of the entire bar, and at least three EMPs fell here. It cost a lot of money to renovate, and the opening will be delayed again.

But okay.

I applied to the 'Batman City Restoration Fund' for compensation, so I shouldn't lose too much. "

"I see."

Catwoman yawned, fell on the sofa as if she had no bones, waved her hands and complained:
"Then let's go, I can't wait to take a long vacation for myself, set sail in the Caribbean Sea and enjoy life.

Y'all don't know how troublesome that little madman is, I'm so stupid to think I could be a better mother than Thalia
It turns out I wanted to be simpler. "

She whispered:

"I can't wait to strangle that little bastard right now! He actually put poison in my cosmetics, which almost disfigured my face. Speaking of which, Mason, when will the 'beauty potion' you promised be made?
Sister, I'm still in your deadly team because of this promise. The potion that can restore my skin to a perfect pink is something that all women will long for. "

"There are many things at hand now."

Mason pressed the cursed bullet into the magazine at the last moment and threw it to the kite man, stood up again, looked at the time, and said:
"Wait until you come back this time.
I will make a batch of them as commodities before the trade fair of the Constellation of Stars opens, and I will find you as a drug tester when they are finished.Wait a few minutes, we have a new team member coming over. "

"Hey, Little Mason tricked the newcomer here again?"

Catwoman regained her spirits immediately, and said with burning eyes:

"Another unlucky guy who got pulled into K-Squad? Let me guess, Jason Todd? I knew you were behind it when Bruce told me Jason left Gotham.

I have experienced the same thing once. "

"It's Jason, but not quite."

Mason handed the folded invisibility cloak to Catwoman, picked up his penguin umbrella, and said:

"She will be at Three Two One soon."


The knock on the door sounded at this moment.

Catwoman turned her head and saw a tall girl who was wearing a sportswear, a mask and black-rimmed glasses, her cheeks were covered tightly, and she pushed the door in panting.

She seemed to be running all the way.

Sweat oozes from his forehead, and his whole body exudes a sense of exhaustion after strenuous exercise, but corresponding to this exhaustion is a kind of excitement and exhilaration from the bottom of his heart.

"I'm not late, am I?"

She gasped and said something, and under Catwoman's surprised gaze, she took off her mask and put down the hood of her tracksuit, revealing her long fiery red hair.


Selena exclaimed, and Barbara was taken aback.

The main reason is that Catwoman is wearing an invisibility cloak and she can't see a big lazy beauty lying on the sofa.

"Selena? Are you there?"

After Catwoman pulled back the hood of the invisibility cloak, Barbara froze in place.

She glanced at Mason who was smiling at her amidst the lingering candlelight, shook her head and moved her legs and waist while standing still, and said:

"Thank you for the potion. I feel like I'm recovering well. Jogging all the way here makes me feel like I'm alive again."

"It's just an illusion."

Mason sized Barbara up and down with the eyes of a professional alchemist, and after a few seconds, said:

"You've been in a wheelchair for years, and with proper maintenance, muscle atrophy and changes in movement patterns don't recover overnight.

In the next half month, I will give you a lot of recovery potions.

You have to take your medicine on time, and Selena will accompany you through your rehabilitation.

Charles! "

The captain of Team K said something softly, and the kite man beside him immediately handed a black "gift box" to Barbara with both hands.The latter showed a smile under the V-shaped iron mask and said:
"This is a gift from Team K for your recovery, Miss Barbara."

"Is your team entry ceremony so warm? It almost made me think that you are all good people."

The former Batgirl pouted, reached out to take the gift box and opened the bow tie on it.

In the box under the lid is a black, gray and yellow batsuit with a beautiful lady cape and a helmet that exposes the eyes and the lower half of the face like Catwoman's mask.

and fitted goggles and respirator.

Next to this suit is a V-shaped multi-functional combat belt and various combat accessories, a bat fighting stick that can be combined, a bat dart with a rope, two bat fighting knives and two engineering accessories for close quarters. gun.

"Go and change it."

Mason leaned on the penguin umbrella with both hands, and said to Barbara who was stroking the battle suit in front of him:
"Although tonight's action is just a performance of the 'partner', since it is a career I choose and love, I still have to dress up to have a sense of ceremony.

I got your body data from Grayson. It may not be accurate, but it should not be unfit. "

"Mason, I have one last question."

Barbara turned her head to look at her captain, she pursed her lips and asked:
"Maybe this question is stupid, but I still have to ask, are we good people or bad people?"

"It depends on how you understand it."

Mason shrugged and said:

"I don't always like to tell other people the answer to the question directly. I like to let them see with their own eyes. Also, I like the word 'we' very much."

"We're going to bring life-saving medicine to millions of poor people tonight to save their dying civilization."

The kite man next to Mason folded his hips and said:

"I don't think our style has anything to do with bad guys. Of course, if you look at the Bat Family's non-killing principle, the boss and I are already bloody executioners."

"If you have the monitor and locator that Bruce gave you, I advise you to destroy them when you change your clothes."

Catwoman put her hand on Barbara's shoulder and whispered softly:
"Little Mason is not a captain to be deceived, nor to challenge his hard-edged kindness."

"I'm out of the Bat-family."

Barbara said to Catwoman:
"At least not one of them now. I think quiet time may allow me to find the answer again. Don't you blame me? Selena, I almost killed Bruce."

"There are so many people who want to kill him. If I hate everyone, then I don't have to do other things for the rest of my life."

Catwoman yawned coquettishly, she pouted and said:
"Bruce is an adult, he's capable enough to handle his own grief, why should I care? Also, girl, start yoga tonight.

Look how bloated your ass and thighs are!
If this continues, your boyfriend will be snatched away from you by other coquettish sluts. You don't want to encounter such a thing, do you? "

"I will."

Barbara blushed and walked into the changing room of the office.

A few minutes later she came out wearing a full Batgirl suit, her red hair still swaying behind her helmet under full armor, like a flame dancing in the dark.

However, the bat logo on the suit has been replaced with a very artistic K symbol, which is quite consistent with the suits of Kiteman and Catwoman.

"Isn't John coming?"

When Mason turned the handle of the door to the world, Catwoman in the invisibility cloak asked:

"He just saved the world. With his character, he should be eager to jump out and show off."

"Zhakang has his own troubles, and there is a high probability that it will be a disaster."

At the mention of this, Mason's countenance fell, and he said:
"Zatanna came to him last night, saying that there was something important that Zha Kang had to go back to the mystery room. I had already informed John, and he said that he would come back to join us after studying the safe use of curses.

The ritual where the two of you draw your powers from the curse will begin at that time, too, but I've discussed this with Mr. Sandstorm, and from him I know that there seems to be a price to gaining these powers.

So it’s up to you to use it or not, I won’t force it. "


The door to the world opens in the next moment.

With the click of the brass handle, a door leading to another world was slowly pushed open. The other three were used to it, but Barbara, who participated in the action for the first time, widened her eyes.

The rotating light curtain in front of her made her feel that Mason was hiding everything, and seeing the three of them walking into it one after another, Barbara hesitated for a while, and finally took a deep breath and walked in.

Her figure was engulfed by the rotating light curtain, and then the World Gate automatically closed with a bang without wind.

A few minutes later, a figure appeared on the top floor of the Iceberg Bar.

Batman, who emerged from the shadows, looked seriously at the empty office in front of him.

He activated a special imaging mode of the bat helmet, but did not find any valuable traces.No footprints, breath, or anything else, except the candles that had been extinguished.

The master frowned.

He groped the wall and quickly opened the compartment, and saw a row of bat suits and combat accessories displayed on the wall, but turned a blind eye to it.

After all, he had tacitly accepted that it was an "exchange" for Mason to take his lab.

But even though the gate of the world is embedded in the wall in front of him, in the eyes of the master, he can only see an empty wall.


The cautious Mason also "camouflaged" the door.

Relying on Zha Kang's magic, it can completely "disappear" in the eyes of ordinary people.Although Batman is almost omnipotent, he is really an ordinary person.

The old man who found nothing shook his head, and left along the way he came, and erased all traces by the way. The moment he stepped into the Bat Fighter, he connected to the communication and said to the anxious old man over there:

"I lost track, Gordon.

Barbara disappeared into the city, and Mason probably arranged for someone to pick her up.But I don't think you need to worry too much. She left a letter and explained her thoughts.

Give that kid some time.

I believe she will come back to us eventually. "

Barbara pushed open the door of the humble bamboo building in front of her.

What caught my eye was the Caribbean seascape at noon, and the warm sunshine shining on the beach reflected the chaotic and bustling piers that had revived.

And the bay in front of you is already full of all kinds of boats.

In the six days K-team left Turtle Island, there was no doubt that a lot happened here.

"The wizard is back!"

Seeing Catwoman wearing an invisibility cloak reappear next to the bamboo building, a group of working people under the humble two-story bamboo building cheered immediately.

Many women and children rushed over, sincerely kneeling on the ground with a "pilgrimage" attitude, just like kneeling down to a real saint.

Team K is used to this scene.

The fact that they have the "magic medicine" in their hands has already spread throughout this sea area, and many helpless and desperate people regard it as the last savior.

But it was the first time for Barbara to see such a scene, and she was immediately overwhelmed.

"We return to this place before the seventh day as promised, and declare to the world that we have brought hope back for it and for you!"

Lady Catwoman waved her hand and declared forcefully:

"Where is my mate and my bosun? Let them come to me, and salvation will come to you. Now, do what you have to do!"

The women and children who had been rescued by the K team immediately dispersed obediently, and a few minutes later, Angelina Teach, who received the news, quickly came to the bamboo building with her "male favorite".

Looking at the disheveled appearance of her and Captain Jack, you can know what they were doing before.

"Ms. Selena, we have fulfilled your and Lord Mason's request.

Elizabeth Swan and Henry Turner Jr. were both on board the Black Pearl.During your absence, seventeen warehouses have been filled with all kinds of belongings we collected! "

The female pirate stepped forward and reported respectfully:

"Our partners are very anxious. They have sent special personnel to wait on the island. I have sent someone to inform them."

"very good."

Catwoman nodded in satisfaction, then glared at Captain Jack Sparrow who was secretly watching her and Barbara, and said:
"Then tell them that the delivery ceremony will be held on the deck of the Black Pearl, Turtle Island is too noisy. Give them three hours to prepare the gift of sincerity and the first batch of goods for the transaction.

You also hurry to clean up that ship.

By the way, prepare some hot water for me and my assistant, we will take a shower after the transaction. "

"Jack! Come in!"

Mason's voice came from the bamboo building, making the unrestrained Captain Jack curl his lips.

His contact with Mason had been limited to previous conversations on Barbossa's ship and on the beach at parting, but the great pirate's instincts told Captain Jack that Mason, the young wizard, was a difficult bastard to deal with.

But the magic compass in his hand has clearly told him that Mason and his team are Captain Jack's only hope of escaping the doomsday, which makes Jack also have to choose to hibernate.

And now the most romantic and legendary pirate in the Caribbean knows that this conversation with Mason will be a moment of complete showdown.

"Well, this beautiful girl is probably coming to us for the first time. Look at the curious light in your eyes, like a tender lamb."

While tidying up his signature pirate dreadlocks, Jack showed his golden teeth and smiled at Barbara Gordon, and flipped out a luxurious sapphire ring as if by magic, and handed it to Barbara pull, say:

"Take this as a meeting gift from this sea of ​​plunder, lovely girl, you are different from these guys who exude a mysterious aura all over your body.

I can feel that you are a really kind person.

Maybe we can be together tonight."


The sound of engineering guns opening the safety sounded from behind Captain Jack.

The expressionless female pirate Angelina points her gun at the man she was intimate with 10 minutes ago, but the great Captain Jack will eat it.

He smiled without any embarrassment, gave Barbara a charming farewell smile in a personable manner and pushed the door open.

As a result, at a glance, the kiteman was dragging a muscular man who was tied up and wearing only small shorts out of the suitcase.

Then he saw Mason who was busy in front of the alchemy table and said to him without looking back:
"Jack, my intelligence officer and minion commander.

Now I want to give you a mission to take my new team member Jason Todd around Turtle Island, as his guide and answer all his questions.

If he wants to run, don't stop him.

If he's going to kill, let him.

Of course, if you manage to bring him back, I'll give you what you want most. I promise! "

(End of this chapter)

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