The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 108 60. Because of your excellent deception, I sincerely hire you as the professional manage

Chapter 108 60. Because of your excellent deception, I sincerely hire you as the professional manager of the Iceberg Bar-【4350】


Barbara, who was handing out sweets and pastries to the poor children, exclaimed as a scowl-faced Jason Todd walked out of the bamboo building with Jack Sparrow in classic pirate attire.

She didn't expect Mason to bring the second barrel into this world.

And Er Tong, who was full of killing intent, was obviously taken aback when he saw Barbara, especially when he saw that Barbara was not in a wheelchair but walking freely on her legs, the sharp light in his eyes softened a lot.

"You shouldn't hang out with Mason Cooper, Barbara."

Jason dragged Barbara out of the crowd, and in the shadow by the bamboo building, he said sharply to Barbara:

"You have no idea what organization he belongs to! You don't know what these bastards really want to do, they are the source of evil!
They are behind the actions of the League of Assassins in Gotham City!
Were you forced by Mason?

tell me!
I'll kill him in no time! "

"Actually I do, Jason."

Barbara shook her head and said:
"Mason told me this, he may have withheld some but I believe he told me most of the truth. I knew there was going to be an extra curse on me when I returned through that door.

But this is a choice I made myself and was not forced. "

Barbara looked at the children in tattered clothes who were sharing candy in front of the bamboo building. She held the candy bucket prepared by Mason and the kiteman in her arms and whispered:

"I made mistakes, and so did you. Our mistakes were so horrendous that we had to take on something heavier if we wanted to live on.

Compared with the pressure and self-condemnation of the soul, perhaps helping this civilization and the world under the doomsday can make my conscience feel better.

You don't have to talk me out of it, Jason, I know what I'm doing.

It's you instead."

Batgirl flicked her hair and glanced at Jason.

Pay special attention to Jason's pupils. Barbara was obviously more worried when she found that there were green light spots remaining in his pupils, just like what Mason said.

she says:

"The water in the Lazarus Pool distorts your mind and intensifies the darkness in your heart, Jason, we have the same experience and pain, and I know the torment in your heart.

But it's over!

I don't know if I can get over this, but I hope you can get back on the road with me.

Instead of being a ruthless executioner in Gotham who doesn't know where he is going, maybe Mason can give us a better choice. "

"I don't believe him!"

Ertong stared blankly at the expression on Barbara's face, he let go of her hand, but gritted his teeth and said:

"That guy wasn't a nice guy, you had no idea what he was doing that night and what he was hiding, but don't worry, Barbara.

I will stay here to protect you.

If they want to hurt you, they have to pass me first, I promised! "

"Hey, handsome black-haired guy."

Captain Jack, leaning against the bamboo building and throwing sweet toffee into his mouth, became a little impatient. He flicked the compass rope in his hand with his fingers, and shouted to Jason:
"Although Turtle Island is not big, it is not small. It takes at least an hour to go around. You better hurry up! I don't want to miss the wonderful show that will be staged on my Black Pearl.

This is the day I will make the most money ever since I became a pirate.

Well, all the riches of the world are at my disposal, and I'm afraid I'd be jumping for joy if the hell's doom wasn't right around the corner. "

"Go, Jason, and get to know this new place. Don't worry about Mason, he's still my brother legally, and he'll take care of me."

Barbara smiled.

Pushing Jason, he quietly stuffed a black pistol into the second barrel's hand.

This is for his self-defense.

Ertong quietly hid the pistol in the large local robe he was wearing, and followed Captain Jack on the road to visit Turtle Island with a gloomy face.

As a superhero trained by Batman and trained in the League of Assassins for a year and a half, Jason Todd's observation of the environment and control of details is by no means comparable to ordinary people.

He frowned immediately after walking around half of the small town of Turtle Island, observing the drunk bastards and the islanders who were messing around with all kinds of trivial matters.

Even without talking to any of the locals, he's already drawn quite a few conclusions.

Compared with the chaos in this ghost place, even Gotham's most desolate Neihe Island residential area can be regarded as "simple and simple".


He followed Captain Jack into the cramped, dark and smelly bar, but Jason grabbed the wrist of a wretched guy who was trying to steal something, and threw him against the wall with a wave of his expressionless face.

This immediately caused a chaos, a dozen guys with unfriendly faces stood up from everywhere and surrounded them.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Jack Spyro immediately hid behind the gloomy Jason with a whoosh. He poked his head and showed a polite but not awkward smile to the people around him. He said to Jason in a pretentious tone:
"Oh, new friend, you really are a troublemaker, these guys are not easy to mess with, they are 'locals'."

"It's okay, I'm really angry now!"

Jason moved his fists and asked in a low tone:

"Can you kill someone?"

"better not."

Captain Jack stroked his coquettish mustache, took a sip from the wine bottle next to him, and said in a low voice:
"There are only so few people left in this world. Although they are bastards, they still have one life. Just teach them a lesson. But there are a dozen of them, and you only have one.

can you? "


Jason moved his neck, making a creaking sound of joints.

He narrowed his eyes and said:
"They'll have to find a dozen more people to play with to make this 'relaxation game' fairer!"

10 minutes later.

The drunken Captain Jack cheered and carried a bag of gems snatched from the chaos, whistled and followed the expressionless Jason Todd to leave the bar full of wounded people behind him.

Er Tong didn't have any scars on his body.

Except for a knife cut on the side of the neck, but the wound has stopped bleeding due to excellent self-healing.

And his glorious record is that he single-handedly overthrew at least 40 alcoholics and 30 pirates in the entire bar. This terrifying fighting power made Captain Jack's eyes shine.

It's a pity that the era of pirates in the damn doomsday is coming to an end, otherwise he would definitely not miss such a good player, and he would trick him into boarding the ship as a bosun or something.

"Hey, give you a third, this is the pirate's rule."

Captain Jack took out a handful of gems from the pouch and handed it to the second barrel, and said:
"Man, you are really violent, are you venting your frustration with your fists? I saw a smile on your face when you punched them.

Do you enjoy the feeling of hurting others? "

"Don't mind your own business."

Jason replied indifferently, rejecting the gems by the way.

However, after a big fight, his gloomy heart really relaxed a lot. When Captain Jack handed over a bottle of rum, he didn't refuse again.

He needed something relaxing to numb his messy mood at this moment.

"There's not much to see in the rest of the place, unless you're going to have some fun."

Captain Jack took the two buckets and found a random place outside the bar, kicked down the drink there and sat on it, showing Jason a wretched smile that a man could understand.

He took out another bottle of wine and said:
"But you don't look like a fun-seeker by any stretch of the imagination, so just hang out here and tell your story to your brother Jack. Even the dumbest bilge rat knows to listen to a story while drinking, And you do look like you need an audience."

"I'm not interested in showing my heart to anyone."

Er Tong still looks like the autistic but violent young man, frowning while drinking this strange but very strong wine, he said:

"What's more, we are still strangers. I have known you for less than 10 minutes."

"Isn't it better?"

Captain Jack blinked his coquettish eyes painted with eyeshadow, pointed at the orchid in a very feminine way, pointed at his beard and said:
"In this way, you don't have to worry about me leaking the secret. The psychological pressure to kill a stranger is different from killing a friend, right?
So if I talk too much you can snap my neck without worrying about not being able to sleep at night.

I mean, share before we become friends.

I don't lie to you either.

I was hoping to get more information on Mason Cooper from you, because I'm going to have a showdown with that bastard in a minute, and I don't know anything about him yet. "

"Frank enough."

Er Tuan glanced at Captain Jack and said:
"But don't struggle, you can't play with him. That guy played with a group of people in applause a few days ago, and the most powerful of them can destroy your world with one hand."

"It doesn't cost money to try."

Captain Jack shrugged and said:

"Look at this shitty world, do you think I have any other options? Come on, grumpy Jason, let's talk."

Under Spyro's superb skills in making friends and persuading him with a very weird but very friendly attitude, the second barrel who drank most of the bottle of wine finally couldn't bear the loneliness in his heart, and finally opened his mouth.

His story is actually not that long.

After all, he is only 21 years old this year.

But compared to a normal 21-year-old young man, Er Tong's story is so rich and bizarre that it really fascinated Captain Jack, who was a round older than him.

"So, for some messy reason, after you came back from the dead, you recognized the thief as your father, and chose to help your adoptive father's enemies kill the one who raised your adoptive father.

And also used the trauma of that lovely and kind girl just now as a breakthrough.And then you have the audacity to feel like you're helping your sister and calling it all 'for their good'?
Dude, how did you live to be this old and not get beaten to death? "

Captain Jack took a sip of wine and concluded with a thumbs up:
"If you were born in this sea, you would definitely be born with a bad seed and a good seed. There must be a place for you in the seat of the legendary great pirate."

"You think I did something wrong?"

Er Tong was actually not angry at this meeting, he just looked at the coquettish stranger in front of him, under the influence of alcohol, he was a little bored and said in a daze:
"Why do you say that?"

"Because I think you are a spoiled brat!"

Captain Jack unceremoniously pointed at Jason and said:
"Just because you slept with your adoptive mother, you will be despised in the pirate circle! And you also tried to force your adoptive father to break the strange rules he set for himself.

You probably don't know it, but we stinky pirates have rules too.

We call it the Pirate Code, it's a 'work ethic' that all pirates have heard of but few follow.

Its significance is not whether it is useful at ordinary times, but that it can save our lives at the critical moment when we need to survive.

But if this last rule is broken too, everyone will be miserable for it.

Rules are meaningless once they are broken.

This is something even pirates know.

And you hate your adoptive father for not punishing the lunatic who hurt you because of his rules, but you don't think that if he did, would you really be relieved by it?

Do not!
You're only going to get yourself another bad mess, after all, by your argument, give your adoptive father enough time to prepare that he could even destroy the world.

So those rules are not protecting bad guys.

It is precisely to protect you young masters who do not know the sufferings of the world. "

The captain took a sip of wine, wiped his mouth carelessly, glanced at Jason and pointed to the chaotic towns around him and said:
"Besides, you think your bullshit is suffering, how hard are you suffering than us? You have a strict but caring adoptive father who is as rich as a king, and you have a group of brothers and sisters who think about you, even when you hurt them They don't blame you after that either.

You also slept with your adoptive mother.

You can even come back from the dead!
You have it all and still feel like an insatiable psycho who lives in hell, but those of us who really live in hell want a tenth of your life for everything.

Listen to me, Jason!

You're such an idiot!
No wonder Mason beat you up before bringing you here, you do need a serious education.Well, I'm tired of talking about your little kid story.

Now tell me about Mason.

I am running out of time. "

The rhythm of the conversation has been completely controlled by Jack inadvertently.

Facing his strong request, Ertong hesitated after being scolded for a while, and told Captain Jack everything he knew about Mason.

The more the captain listened, the more frightened he became.

In the end, he confirmed that he might not really be able to play the guy who claimed to be only 17 years old, but acted as sophisticated and thoughtful as an old silver coin.

He felt he had to prepare now for what was to come.

Half an hour later, the drunken Jack and Er Tong returned to the bamboo building by the beach side by side, they were talking nonsense and their relationship was as good as two brothers.

Barbara was dumbfounded watching this scene.

She couldn't help but began to wonder if this Captain Jack Sparrow had some kind of "super charismatic" superpower. She had never seen Jason get so close to a stranger.

After handing the drunk Jason to Barbara and stuffing another bottle of wine in his hand, Captain Jack staggered into Mason's temporary alchemy room.

The instant the door was pushed open, all the drunkenness disappeared, replaced by a touch of sobriety that a great pirate should have.

He looked at Mason who was brewing some kind of potion, and said:

"I became friends with Jason Todd, and I let that kid give me his heart and soul. Of course, he may be pretending, after all, he is a very shrewd kid who has been trying to trick me.

But I still feel like I passed the test, right?captain. "

"Captain? This title is interesting."

Mason didn't look back, and continued to deal with the potion that was about to be boiled in front of him. While stirring the liquid in the cauldron, he said to Jack Spyro:

"But your performance really surprised me. Even Charles, who has been monitoring you all the time, praised you for your powerful speech skills. Congratulations, Spyro, you are now an intelligence officer of Team K.

After we complete this transaction, you can leave with us. In another world, we have prepared a very luxurious room for you
Well, you can think of it as a tavern.

You'll be in charge there and partner with Angelina to gather information for us.

You will also join in pioneering missions when necessary, but your role is as support staff, so you don't have to worry about your life being in danger before we all die.

Drink that bottle of medicine on the table, it will restore you to the healthiest state, and then go to Charles to order you and Angelina's team uniform.

Welcome to Team K, Jack.

May we have a happy cooperation in the future. "

(End of this chapter)

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