The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 109 61. At the critical moment, our Master John still needs to act--【4450】

Chapter 109 61. At the critical moment, our Master John still needs to act——【4450】


The kite man, who soared down from the sky at an extremely fast speed, gathered the black winged flying "kite" on his back, and landed on the ground in front of the bamboo building with precision like some kind of predator.

He reached out and pressed the prismatic switch on his chest.

The black biological material and mechanically constructed wings on the back were folded together and stored in a backpack made of titanium alloy. Judging from the expression on Charles' face, he was not very satisfied with this flight.

"How about it?"

Mason who came out of the house asked, and the kite man shook his head and said:

"The lack of wind tunnel testing really caused some problems with our original design, not to mention the complexity of the flight control, the vibration during the flight alone is enough to make me turn into a bald chicken in the mistakes.

Still have to keep improving.

But for the prototype flying wing, this result is already very good.Boss, our ship is ready in the open sea, and representatives of various forces are also approaching to board the ship.

It's time for us to go. "


Mason nodded, and threw a strangely shaped gun to the kiteman, who took a look at it and then widened his eyes.

The gun in the hand is a pistol style, but there is a round drum inserted in the rear of the gun body. It is avant-garde but comfortable to hold, and the design of the drum makes this pistol absolutely not have the problem of lack of firepower.


Charles disassembled the combat gun in his hand and said:

"It's much better than the one we use now. Is this your new one?"

"Test work, you can use it first."

Mason frowned and looked at the "quasar" combat gun in the hands of the kiteman. He said:

"The finished product of this thing also needs an intelligent fire control chip, otherwise the bullet charging device inside it cannot be activated, but we don't have this kind of thing on hand.

However, in terms of firepower and power alone, it is indeed more than three grades higher than ordinary pistols.

I'll make some for you later.

You go first, Charles.

I then went with Jason. "

While speaking, Mason released his flying motorcycle, and the kite man didn't persuade him much. He inserted the new gun into the weapon slot of his waist suit, and then turned on the thrusters of the jetpack. Black biological wings.

Although he said that he was very dissatisfied with the new flying wing, he was also very happy to see Charles playing.

Sure enough, no matter how old a man is, he is a sophomore in his heart.

"Second Barrel, are you sober?"

Mason yelled towards the small tent next to the bamboo building.

A few seconds later, a drunken Jason Todd came out, his robes were stained with vomit and looked extremely sloppy.

The young man ignored him, put on his safety helmet, and inserted the car keys.

When Er Tong approached him, this guy's eyes flashed fiercely.

The hidden black pistol was instantly pressed against the back of Mason's head. He only needed to pull the trigger, and the captain of Team K would die here.

But Mason lacked even a change in expression.

He casually said:

"You threatened me with the gun I made? Second barrel, are you out of your mind?"

"Bullets won't know who you are!"

Jason gritted his teeth and said:
"I've removed the blocking device you put in the gun, so now your life is in my hands. Mason, tell me, what the hell are you going to do?
What exactly are you trying to do?
Why drag Barbara into your bloody team!I'm the only one who wants to go to hell! "

"I didn't force her, it was her choice."

Mason got on the motorcycle, popped out the rocket-shaped body again, and said:
"And I don't think I was the one who forced her to make this choice. Do you think Barbara didn't guess that you fell into my hands? I think she agreed to my invitation so easily, and some of them wanted to protect your factor.

You are an idiot who is loved by everyone but insists on breaking everyone's heart once.


My partners are waiting for me.

Being late for such an important deal is not a good attitude for long-term business. "

"I do not!"

Er Tong put his finger on the trigger when he committed a stubborn crime. As long as he gets excited, Mason will be on the spot. It seems that the scene of the conflict with Zha Kang was repeated again.

But Mason just glanced at him silently, put away the body of the car and started the motorcycle, roaring into the sky and heading towards the Black Pearl.

From start to finish, the two barrels didn't fire a single shot.

Mason didn't care about Er Tong's attitude at all.

This irritable donkey can either go back with Team K and become one of them, or stay in this world forever and learn to be an eighteenth-century pirate and fight against zombies.

With his good skills, maybe decades later there will be a legendary story about the "demon-slaying hero Jason Todd" in this world.

Just like boiling an eagle, the initiative is always on Mason's side.

As for whether Ertong would shoot himself out of embarrassment, Mason never considered this possibility at all.

Barbara is still on board.

If something happened to Mason, maybe Selena would not do anything to Barbara because of Batman's face, but Kiteman, the "captain diehard", would definitely throw Batgirl into the sea to feed the fish.

Ertong and Batgirl are like twins bound together, as long as there is nothing wrong with Barbara, no matter how angry Ertong is, he will honestly give in because of guilt in his heart.

Best of all, under Gordon's custody agreement, Barbara is Mason's adopted sister.
This relationship can be complicated.

The second barrel on the beach watched Mason disappear. He looked at the gun in his hand and understood Mason's thoughts and actions. He gritted his teeth and moved the muzzle of the gun to his chin to prop his cheek.

Just pull the trigger.
But if he died here, what would Barbara, who had become a member of the K team, do?
Although Jason, who has been in contact with Mr. Sandstorm, doesn't know much about the inside story of the Stars Club, he already knows from the actions of that team in Gotham that the organization behind Mason is definitely not a kind person.

Without his protection, how would the kind-hearted Barbara survive to the end in this organization?

Two barrels finally dropped the pistol powerlessly.

He felt that he had been thrown into a trap by Mason. At present, there was basically no solution, unless he could really make up his mind and stop caring about the future of the sister he had hurt.

But can he do it?
Maybe he should tell Batman everything here
"Huh? Who are you?"

A tired voice sounded from behind Er Tuan.

Jason glanced back, and saw Zha Kang walking out of the bamboo building with a puzzled expression on his black-gray magic suit and a red curtain cloak.

This guy is holding a thick magic book in his arms, and a strange magic weapon is suspended on his shoulder.

"Mason has recruited newcomers?"

John Constantine looked at the distraught Second Barrel in surprise, and said with a Sika cigarette in his mouth:
"That guy is a hell of a bastard, luckily so am I. They went to the boat, didn't they? Want to go together? Kid, you really look like you just got kicked hard by Mason Egg.

Come on, tell Uncle John how he bullied you? "


Er Tong, who was in a bad mood, didn't know Zha Kang, but he hated this glib guy.

It's just that Zhakang can get used to him?
Er Tong is not a sweet and soft pretty girl!

The black wizard sneered, and casually took out a dragon-shaped amulet and flicked it.

With a loud bang, a black zombie flying dragon suddenly appeared, biting Ertong on the beach, startling the latter, and quickly jumped back to avoid the virus-ridden dragon's kiss.

"Are you ill, bastard?"

Jason grabbed his pistol and aimed it at Jon Kang, shouting:

"You bastards on this squad are fucking sick!"

"Hey, let me remind you, kid."

I don't know what method Zha Kang used to make this dangerous zombie flying dragon bow his head very obediently to him, and let the black wizard step on the back of the flying dragon with its scaly spine.

The black magician who enjoyed it very much even made a comfortable seat there for himself like a throne.

Zha Kang spread out his hands in a huff and said:
"You're part of K-team too, and to call me a call is to call yourself. Oh, I guess I guess who you are, Jason Todd! That little idiot who betrayed the Bat-family for some stupid reason.

Didn't realize that your fight with Batman was exactly what the Joker wanted the most.

Being used by the same person twice in a row, you don't seem to be very smart.

Well, you still have the breath of Lazarus Pool, come, let your Uncle John tell you a little secret. "

Zha Kang opened the newly completed grimoire in his hand, and released the little unicorn Baoli with a weird black unicorn that was fussing about in his arms, making it howl and circle around.

He turned to a certain page of the grimoire, and showed a meaningful smile to Ertong amidst the rising smoke.

他 说:

"You have no idea what kind of dark power is hidden in that pool of water, let me show you the magic I just learned, you are lucky, this is Mr. Grindelwald's original creation.

And by the way, help the damned Mason solve the hidden danger of team infighting. "
On the Black Pearl, the arrival of Mason announced the beginning of the transaction.

A large table has been set up on the deck, and on one side of the table sits the plenipotentiary representative of Team K, Sister Selena, who has been known as the "cat goddess" in this world.

There are many people sitting on the other side.

In addition to the exaggerated old friend Barbossa, there are admiral commanders from the British Royal Fleet, envoys from other pirate kings, cowboy representatives from North American pioneers, and even some supernatural characters from the Caribbean and South America. An alliance of forces formed under Doom.

As required, they all brought large boxes filled with ice cubes, which were used to ship the "Hope Medicine" that needed to be preserved in low temperature.

And the people who can come here are the high-ranking people who got the "sample gift" in the last transaction discussion, and the immune serum is already flowing in their bodies, and they are no longer afraid of the Black Death and ghouls.

There are also several wild black buddy warriors who simply hang dried zombie heads and claws on their bodies to show their purity, fearlessness and bravery.

There are at least ten ships moored around the Black Pearl, and it looks like the ship is surrounded.

but it is not the truth.

Those ten ships were filled with all kinds of rare resources and various treasures collected by various forces for the K team according to the requirements. In this era of doomsday, these valuable things have become hope in the eyes of the rulers. things.

Everyone's eyes were shining brightly.

That is the light called Ambition, Future and Power.

In the few hours since Mason returned to Turtle Island, he had already inquired about the future plans of these forces through the pirates and sailors under his command.

Barbossa and the Royal Fleet strike a deal.

Once the magic medicine arrives, they will immediately begin to return to the North American continent, and together with the pioneers of the thirteen states in the north, they will slaughter all the ghouls on this rich continent.

They even concluded a tripartite contract to divide the continent into three kingdoms.

The same goes for other forces.

The pirate kings in each sea area have their own territory and manpower. They are also waiting for the magic medicine promised by Mason, and then they will return to their territories with their soldiers to rebuild their powerful kingdoms.

Everything seems to be getting better.

Even if the effective period of this magic medicine is only two months, even if they use this magic medicine, it means that they will be tied to death on the K team's chariot.

Even if they succeed in establishing a country or even recovering the world later, they will have an extra "uncrowned king" on their heads.

But in this era, how can we think about what will happen after so long?

Let's talk about it later.

"Don't waste time."

Mason strode up to the table and said to both parties:

"Now use actual actions to prove the sincerity of both of us."

He raised his hand and waved, and Charles and several black and black buddy pirates belonging to Captain Jack immediately came out from below the deck carrying a silver-gray medicine box.

As soon as those high-tech medicine boxes appeared, they immediately aroused the attention and excitement of everyone present.

Barbossa was the first to get up and strode to the medicine box. When Mason reached out to open the box for him, a cold air radiated from it.

The big pirate looked at the box full of two thousand vaccines in front of him, as if he saw his own bright future.

Laughing, he took an all-in-one syringe out of it and held it in the sunlight to examine it.

That wonderful plastic composition refracts light in a different way, making the legendary pirate feel as comfortable as taking a sip of fine wine on a cold day.

He turned and gave Mason a hug.

This made Mason show a trace of resistance on his face.

No way, couldn't ask for more from the hygienic practices of pirates in this day and age
"come over!"

With a wave of Barbossa's hand, two people who looked like tribal chiefs stepped forward quickly.

In the eyes of everyone, the big pirate showed his golden teeth, proudly sticking the syringe into his "new friend"'s arm.

He said in a bewitching voice:

"Now, you also have the key to the next era! Don't forget who won this for you!"

The two tribal chiefs immediately knelt down to serve Barbossa, and more medicine boxes were carried out and distributed to different forces according to the previous agreement.

It wasn't just Barbosa who gathered his strength during these seven days.

The British Fleet is even more exaggerated. Mason also saw Italian and French-style soldiers in their ranks, and the first reaction of these soldiers who still maintained a certain degree of discipline under the doomsday was when they got the magic medicine It is to send it back to its own ship a few nautical miles away.

The king and ministers are still waiting there.

"Dragon! There are dragons in the sky!"

On a deck full of joy and joy, I don't know who yelled first.

Then everyone looked up to the sky and saw a black zombie flying dragon hovering around the Black Pearl. This scene frightened the group of superstitious sailors and pirates, and some even drew their weapons and pointed them at the sky.

But Selena quickly put a stop to the commotion.

Lady Catwoman declared loudly with a noble and unquestionable voice:

"That's my ally! It's the powerful wizard who tamed the black flying dragon! Don't panic, my partners, this will be your friend too!"

Sister Selina's announcement immediately caused bursts of amazement from the crowd on the deck.

After all, although there are supernatural powers in this world, things like flying dragons are really rare and almost only exist in legends. After Selena, Mason grabbed a communication headset and stuffed it into his ears, and scolded:
"John! What the hell are you doing?"

"I don't want to come either, you bastard."

Zha Kang complained in the newsletter:

"It's not forced by you! Although we have made various preparations, my warning to the Justice League seems to have triggered a curse reaction.

It has been very active for the past two days, but it was quiet again this morning.

In addition, I found out about the method of safely obtaining the power of the curse.

I can't ignore Xiao Zha's call to me, so I have to go back after I came here to help Selena and Charles complete the ceremony.

Find a quiet place and we can talk.

Oh, right.

I brought you your new team member, and by the way, inspired the power of the Lazarus Pool and cast a curse on him, now you don't have to worry about this irascible guy making trouble. "

(End of this chapter)

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