The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 110 62. Why is my majestic Captain of Team K not considered a big shot? --【4550】

Chapter 110 62. Why is my majestic Captain of Team K not considered a big shot? --【4550】

Zha Kang came in a hurry, because it was indeed a matter of urgency.

While the deck of the Black Pearl continued to maintain a happy atmosphere, he had already entered the captain's cabin with Mason for a secret conversation, and the zombie flying dragon was put away by Constantine's magic.

The sharp-eyed Mason immediately noticed that Zakon was using the same thing as the voodoo birdcage, but the shape was slightly different.

It seems that he has almost mastered Blackbeard's voodoo encyclopedia in the past few days.

As expected of a guy whose spellcasting depends entirely on talent.

"Look at my tattoo!"

As soon as he entered the cabin, Zha Kang rolled up his sleeves to show Mason the devil tattoo on his left arm, and the young man was startled after taking a look.

Jarcon's tattoo as a D-class personnel should have only two ghost claws, but this will have "grown" to the point where Mason's tattoo is about the same size.

He actually became a C-level member without doing any tasks of the Stars Club!
Konstantin said with a frowning face and his beloved Sika cigarette in his mouth:

"I think this may be a warning, or our tricky behavior may not fully trigger the curse of the Stars Club, but it also meets some conditions.

I could die in the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts.

Fortunately, I still have the ability to press the bottom of the box, and I paid some price to barely suppress the expansion of this thing.One more thing, there is a 'newcomer' in the ruins of Hogwarts. "


Mason narrowed his eyes immediately and asked:

"Is it a senior member, or a pure newcomer? Have they entered the Forbidden Forest?"

"That's not true. I let Norbert scare them away."

Zha Kang played with the flying dragon statue in his hand, and said proudly:

"It should be a group of rookies. It's similar to when old K led you newcomers back then. There was a guy who looked stronger, but he didn't choose to be tough with Feilong, but decisively led his team members away.

But I followed the route they left and found something interesting. There is a magic powder called Floo powder in that world, right?
Those rookies escaped through that thing.

They found a good fireplace in the ruins, and I stopped by to see it. It seems to be a destroyed magic academy there, right in France.

However, it had been searched and cleaned up there long ago, not even a trace of hair was left. "

The "Noble" Constantine was talking about was the zombie wyvern in his hand, which was the name Hagrid gave the Norwegian Ridgeback.

Zha Kang didn't bother to change it, so he continued to call it that.

Mason nodded and said:

"Hogwarts is a public world dedicated to newcomers to practice their hands. It is not unusual for other people to appear. It seems that the enchantment you left at King's Cross Station has been destroyed.

As for the School of Magic
There are so many in that world.

Not counting the hidden orders, there are three in Europe alone, and other continents have their own inheritance.Old K said that Hogwarts is the last area that has not been explored, and other places have long been evacuated.

Can you confirm that your curse will not continue to grow? "

"I'm sure."

Zha Kang threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stomped it out, glanced at Mason again, looked left and right, and snapped his fingers.

A ball of green flame danced and formed a circular arch beside him, and then a ghostly guy like a goblin ran out of it, and handed a Sika cigarette to Zha Kang with both hands in fear, and then With his proud expression, Zha Kang summoned flames with both hands to help the black magician light a cigarette.

Afterwards, this little devil-like creature viciously waved its claws at Mason, and then dissipated into black smoke.

"Look, this is the power I got from the curse. I can summon a group of hell creatures across the world. The thing just now is called a kid, and there should be more dangerous and powerful hell creatures waiting for me to call on it.

This kind of summoning does not require me to pay any sacrifices or owe a hellish contract, as long as I have magic power, I can continue to summon.

So convenient and so generous.

I said earlier that this curse is not all bad. "

Constantine exhaled the smoke ring and said:
"The spell I got from Xiao Zha was perfected by me. Although it will still attract the attention of the godhead devil, I'm sure that the power sequelae I got with this method are definitely much smaller than the price paid by other members of the Stars Club. "

"But there's still a price."

Mason couldn't decide whether he should let Zha Kang hold a ceremony for Selena and Charles. Seeing his hesitation, Constantine immediately knew that Mason's kindness had flared up again.

He sighed and said:
"You're enough, Mason. Is it possible to want power without paying a price since ancient times? Bat Boy sacrificed his teammates to gain such dangerous combat experience.

Superman is even worse, even his home planet is gone. "

"Well, I don't think those two examples are appropriate, but you may have a point. They should decide for themselves."

Mason nodded, skipped the topic and asked again:

"What do you think about Xiao Zha calling you?"

"Well, I think I will be 'blessed' when I go back."

Mentioning this, Zha Kang showed a smile that any man could understand, and moved his lower body obscenely, but under Mason's quiet gaze, the black magician snorted.

He exhaled smoke rings and said:
"There must be something urgent, and I guess Xiao Zha is not the only one who summoned me, and the famous guys in the magic circle should be invited.

Even Xiao Zha himself may not be the person in charge, but just an assistant to the real convener.

If I had to say it, I'd guess it has something to do with Stellaris' activities in Gotham and around the world, the magic circle mobilized to get to the bottom of those guys.

So, you guys have to keep a low profile recently!
Try not to use the World Gate if you can.

Although the space-time shock that came out when the thing was turned on was very weak, it still existed.

If they encounter a spellcaster of the level of Dr. Fate or Mrs. Shangdu, they can easily capture this vibration. "

"So we have to make arrangements in advance and then hibernate for a while?"

Mason nodded and said again:

"But John, if you were questioned after meeting your old lover, you wouldn't betray us, would you?"

"Hey, to tell you the truth, this is also one of my options."

Zha Kang smiled very treacherously. He rubbed his hands and showed a universal gesture, saying:
"It depends on what you have to convince me with."

"You are enough!"

Mason sighed, and took out the phoenix egg that he disliked so much from his luggage and handed it to Zha Kang. Constantine obviously knew the goods, and his eyes were straight when he saw the phoenix egg.

But after turning around the egg a few times, he shook his head and said:

"No, this thing has some kind of connection with you, and it won't have a second owner before you die. Did you feed it with your flame?"

Facing Zha Kang's question, Mason sighed and nodded, saying:
"Almost died in its hands."

"Then you deserve it."

Constantine sneered mercilessly:

"Phoenixes are very sensitive to flames, especially magic flames, which can easily attract them. Your magic fire comes from the power of a godhead devil, and it is the energy-rich food that this weak Phoenix needs most. .

keep feeding.

As long as you persist long enough, it will always hatch. "

"Then use this to convince you?"

Mason took out another bottle of the essence of Lazarus' Pool, which Zakkang also liked very much. After collecting it, he pouted and looked at the remains of the tattered school cap that Mason took out from his luggage.

This gray and tattered thing had been used as Miss McGonagall's den for the past few days, and it was covered with cat hair.

Zha Kang looked extremely disgusted.

But the black magician touched his chin with his hand and said:
"This thing is a bit interesting. It has its own thinking. It should be 'activated' by the great wizards of Hogwarts. However, it has also established some strange connections with you.

I can no longer activate it except you.

Give you a suggestion.

Sew it up as soon as possible, maybe there will be surprises too. "

"That's gone."

Mason spread his hands and said:
"All my good things are here. If you don't like them, I can't do anything about them. But at the Stars Fair, which starts a week later, if you don't mind it, then I can give you priority.

Is this enough for you? "


Zha Kang showed an expression that was nothing more than that, flicked the cigarette ash, and snapped his fingers again, allowing Jason Todd, who was standing at the door, to walk in stiffly, gritting his teeth.

The second barrel was obviously controlled by some kind of force.

His mind is still clear but his body is out of control at all, and all the muscles in his body are tense.

"This idiot has the residual power of the Lazarus Pond in his body, and he didn't know how to get rid of it, so I easily subdued him."

Zha Kang was playing with a voodoo wooden stick carved in the shape of a human in his hand, and handed it to Mason.

Breathing out smoke rings, he said:
"If he is disobedient, use this thing to teach him. With his current understanding of magic, he can't get rid of it at all. However, the dark power in his body is dissipating with time, so use it up to three times."

"No need."

Mason took the wooden stick, and broke it with a click under Er Tong's gaze, causing Er Tong's body to go limp and almost fall to the ground.

The captain of the K team stared at the second bucket, threw the broken wooden stick to him, and said:
"I believe Jason is a smart man, and our K team should also love each other, and we don't need to use this seemingly evil method to control each other.

Once the suspicion chain is formed, things will be troublesome.

I don't want to be fighting wits with the enemy, but at the same time, I have to guard against the bullet John shot from behind and prepare for the Blood Pact. "

"Wait, let's talk about it tonight."

Constantine said:
"I have to take a break. That little red-haired girl was cute. I just need a lab assistant. Let her help me."


Mason raised his eyebrows and said in a drawn out voice:
"Does the role of your so-called 'assistant' include warming the bed and helping you release physical stress?"

"What do you say?"

John grinned, showing his thick white teeth.

As a result, the second barrel, which was thrown up in the next instant, clasped his neck with a naked choke.The black mage's spine creaked under the pressure of the scarlet knight.

"Let go! It's about to break!"

Zha Kang screamed but Er Tong was unmoved.

Mason looked at the scene in front of him and sighed, saying:
"Barbara is protected by Jason. If you want to hook up with that girl, you have to pass him first. Also, before you are about to reunite with Xiao Zha, I really don't recommend you to mess with girls anymore.

Be human, John.

Haven't you learned your lesson enough from the trouble you caused with your lower body? "

"whispering sound"

Under Mason's signal, Jason let go of Zhakang in dissatisfaction. The latter curled his lips and looked at Ertong with some apprehension.

Just now, this guy didn't waste a second from making a shot to controlling himself. Encountering such an enemy at close range is simply a nightmare for all spellcasters.

This bastard Mason really has a good eye for picking players.

"Get a statue like Norber for the other 'little animals' in our hands, and it's easy to carry."

Mason looked at the flying dragon statue in Constantine's hand, and asked with great interest:

"Is there anything I can learn about Blackbeard's voodoo encyclopedia?"

"I know what you want, so I have prepared it for you."

Zha Kang casually took out a piece of paper from his grimoire and threw it to Mason.

There are not only voodoo-related enchantments and inscription formulas on it, but the caring black mage even sorted out some effective combat enchantment and advanced inscription formulas from the Hogwarts magic books.

This is the benefit of having a professional spellcaster in the team. These supernatural powers need to be handled by real experts in order to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Of course, Zha Kang did not give this knowledge for nothing. He stretched out his hand towards Mason and said:
"Give me another piece of the previous Sorcerer's Stone fragment, no matter the size."

"Don't you have a piece in your hand?"

Mason said with some distress:

"That's the sacred object of the alchemist! I don't have many."

"What price do you think I paid to suppress the expansion of the curse?"

Zha Kang rolled his eyes and pointed to his left arm, saying:
"My piece has already been used to save my life, and now I want to take it back to Xiao Zha to see, maybe her talented alchemist can sum up some tricks.

You don't suffer anyway. "

"I have to pay for the overnight money you spend on picking up girls?"

Mason said coldly:
"Do you want to buy both TTs for you?"

"We don't use any Muggle stuff that affects your senses."

Zha Kang showed off the new words he had learned, and said proudly:

"We have magical contraceptive magic! You idiot, stop talking nonsense and give me a living little unicorn and a fragment of the Philosopher's Stone.

Tsk tsk, this is enough for a marriage proposal! "

A few minutes later, the stinky Mason and the contented Zha Kang walked out of the captain's cabin together, followed by the expressionless Er Tong who was like a strong and ruthless bodyguard.

Lady Selena, who had socialized with the high-ranking figures in this world, walked over with a slight sense of drunkenness, and handed a luxurious invitation to Mason.

"Tonight the Pirate King's meeting is held on Turtle Island, and Barbossa and the other Pirate Kings agreed to invite 'Wizard Mason' to join the meeting as a spectator.

Look, you are now a big shot who can influence the future of the world, little Mason. "

"I'm more concerned with what we get than boring meetings."

Mason played with the invitation in his hand, and glanced at the several ships moored around. Jack Spyro and Angelina Teach were leading the pirate followers of Team K to count the harvest one by one.

Even if everyone in the K team had a magic suitcase brought out from Hogwarts, so many magic materials and treasures would have to be transported many times before they could all be transported.

"Selena, tell me, who is richer now, Bruce or me?"

Mason asked suddenly.

Catwoman froze for a moment, then looked down at the platinum bracelet on her wrist, which was inlaid with eighteen gemstones of different colors. After thinking for a moment, she said:
"If all these can be realized, you probably own one-third of the Wayne family property?"

"It's only one third."

Mason shook his head in disappointment, then remembered something and said to Catwoman:

"Where are Elizabeth Swan and her son? I must go and see for myself."

"On a nearby island."

Selena says:

"It's to prevent the pirates here from discovering their mother and son. After all, their identities in this world are quite special. Let's go and have a look now?"

"Well, it's not too late."

Mason looked at the calm sea in front of him. He seemed to be able to see a pair of eyes watching him on the dark and cold seabed through the waves.

He coughed and said:
"An agreement is an agreement, and breaking the agreement has never been the style of our K team."

(End of this chapter)

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