The track of dawn in the world of American manga

第115章 67.K小队工作报告-祝2023年快乐幸福~【5050】~打完收工!

Chapter 115 67. Team K's work report-I wish you a happy and happy 2023~ [5050]~ Call it a day!

"Is this your city? Well, it looks pretty good."

The foursome of Pirates of the Caribbean world stand in front of the French windows of the office on the top floor of the dark iceberg bar, admiring Gotham City at dawn.

Wearing a vintage pirate outfit, Captain Jack admired the "concrete forest" in front of him with a kind of awe. Life in this world is estimated to be quite interesting, and it must be much more comfortable than I expected.

The amazement in the eyes of the other three people was the same.

After all, there is a difference of more than 300 years from the time they lived here.

The world may still be that world, but everything is different.

Mason didn't disturb his new team members to accept the appearance of the new world. He glanced at the gate of the world that was slowly closing behind him.

Zha Kang had just driven the pirate crew on the Black Pearl into the Forbidden Forest of the Hogwarts world. Those noisy guys were very disobedient, but fortunately, the Black Mage had enough means and deterrence to subdue them.

"You take our new team members out more in the past few days, teach them some common sense to follow in life in Gotham, or arrange a few smarter brothers for them."

The captain glanced at Henry Turner, who was curious about everything, and said to the kite man:

"This child should go to school at his age. Do you want to find a way to let him go to your son's school and introduce him to your son?"

"He doesn't even have a household registration status."

Charles sighed.

Although he is an old villain in Gotham City, he is not the same as the penguin-like mafia tycoon, and he doesn't have many official contacts to arrange the new identities of the four strangers.

Although there is not much difference in the chaotic city of Gotham.

"Let me do it."

Lady Catwoman reached out and rubbed Little Henry's head, she turned her head and said to Mason and the kite man:
"Because of Batman's special 'Robin adoption fetish', Alfred has a special 'liaison' in the municipal department who is responsible for handling these matters for Batman.

All it took was one phone call to that guy to come up with a whole new set of completely clean identities for Jack and the others.

Of course, this 'private service' comes at a high price. "

"Isn't it just money?"

Mason said something very Versailles.

He casually threw the black bat card that Bruce gave him to the kiteman, and the latter put it in his arms with a grin.

"Come on, guys, don't look at it! I'll take you to take a shower and change your clothes first, and Jack's hairstyle also needs to be changed. I'll take you out for a meal later as a welcome."

Charles opened his arms and called for the four of Jack to follow him. The next few days should be enough for these guys to adapt to the new place.

They are all excellent talents in the Caribbean world, and there is nothing to say about their adaptability.

After Jack, Angelina, Elizabeth, and Little Henry all left the office, the catwoman standing in front of the French window turned around and said to Mason who was changing clothes:
"Is it really okay to keep Jason and Barbara over there?"

"That's what they asked for, Selena."

With his back to Mrs. Catwoman, Mason took off his battle clothes and changed into his daily clothes, saying:

"Both Ertong and Barbara need time to adapt to their new identities, and by the way, let's unravel the shadow left in each other's hearts about what happened in Gotham.

Don't worry, they can take care of themselves in that world.

The K team really needs to keep the liaison officer there. If we lose the news, the cooperation system we have built so hard will fall apart. "

Having said that, Mason smiled and said:

"I asked 'friends' to look after them and they will be safe."

"'Two Barrels'? What kind of strange name is that?"

Catwoman asked in surprise:
"Can't you call him Jason?"

"Don't you think that helmet really looks like a barrel in his Scarlet Knight outfit?"

Mason stretched out his fingers and gestured on his head, then shrugged and explained:
"I also called Grayson 'Boss' and I never saw him contradict that title, you know when men call each other nicknames it's a step forward.

Speaking of which, do you want to go straight back to Wayne Manor to see your adopted son? "

"Stop mentioning him! Annoying!"

Selena undid the hidden zipper of her battle suit indifferently, while stretching her body and curling her lips, she said:
"The trade fair will be held in seven days, right? I'll be back on time, don't call me for seven days, sister, I'm going to Europe for a vacation to treat myself."

"Can't you go to the cubicle and change?"

As soon as Mason turned his head, he saw Lady Catwoman's tight battle suit slipping off her smooth skin, and a ripe body was exposed in front of his eyes against the rising sunlight outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Selena was still stroking her short hair to reveal her beautiful figure in the sunlight, just like a statue interpreting sexiness and temptation.

Good-looking is indeed good-looking, and it does show the beauty of women's health, but Mason didn't appreciate it for a few seconds, but turned his head and complained:

"If the master sees me, I can't explain it clearly! Pay attention to the impact, okay?"

"Oh, little brother Mason is still so shy."

Once again, Master Catwoman, who inadvertently completed the daily task of "molesting the little boy", covered her mouth and chuckled a few times, and she said:

"It's not like I'm naked. Well, don't go, I'm not kidding you. Here, here's the key to my apartment, which is in the biggest house on Seventh Street in the Audisburg district.

I have a lot of beautiful but not expensive jewelry in there, don't you want to use them to make some accessories or something?
Use whatever you want. "

Mason took the key and glanced back at the catwoman who was wearing a skirt. He shook his head and felt that the master was really powerful enough to make such a woman love him so hard.

At the same time, my heart is a little sour.

When can I have such a "fairy love"?
Ten minutes later, Mason returned to his small shop on his beloved motorcycle.

It would be early in the morning, and the two girls living here were still sound asleep, and the young man entered the basement without disturbing them and started his busy work again.

Research on the Cleaner Legion's Commander Enhancement Potion is far from complete.

Although the first batch of test products had already been distributed to the drug testers, Mason knew that he was still a long way from getting the perfect strengthening potion, and he was even more unwilling to waste time.

However, in the afternoon, Mason didn't continue to practice alchemy. Instead, he sat in front of the counter and opened his notebook to write and draw on it. Sometimes he frowned and glanced at it because he was thinking about important matters.

And Poison Ivy, who woke up after sleeping until now, and Harley went out for a meal after washing up. Before leaving, Dr. Harley glanced curiously at the paper full of words in front of Mason, and she said curiously:
"What are you doing this is?"

"work report."

Mason said without raising his head:

"It is to be handed over to the superior."

"Huh? Do you have to write this as a nurse in the clinic?"

Harry said in surprise:

"Is Dr. Leslie so strict?"

"Yes, she has always been a very strict person."

Mason didn't explain but looked up at the girl in sportswear in front of him, and asked:

"How do you feel these days? You won't suddenly become irritable?"

"well enough."

Dr. Halle rubbed her hair and said:
"Living with you is very comfortable and there is no pressure. Not thinking about those troublesome problems and taking medicine on time have stabilized my mentality a lot.

Oh, by the way, Mason, Arkham called me.The dean wants me to go back there and continue to serve after the reconstruction of the madhouse is completed. Do you think I should accept it? "

"You have such a serious mental problem yourself, and you have to treat others? Are you afraid that staying with a group of real psychopaths for a long time will make your situation worse?"

Mason squinted and said:
"I think you should heal your illness first."

"Oh yes."

Dr. Harley, who was still full of anticipation just now, was visibly depressed by the naked eye.

Mason wanted to comfort him, but he had nothing to say. The main reason was that Harley's problem was rather difficult, and it couldn't be solved with just one or two heart-warming words.

A few minutes later, Poison Ivy, who covered her body with a trench coat and covered her face with a scarf and sunglasses, came down.

She took her good friend's arm and glanced at Mason again. With a feeling of "student handing in homework", she put a few bottles of strangely colored potions in front of Mason's eyes and asked him to taste them.

"You did this?"

The young man took a look at the bottles of medicine in his hands, unplugged them again, smelled them, shook his head and said:
"Although it does belong to the category of 'potion', its effect is much weaker than that of genuine products. It seems that you still need to practice basic skills. I will teach you again when you come back tonight.

Now, Ivy, take Harley to play, keeping her in a good mood is more important than anything else. "

Having said that, Mason blinked suddenly, and said to the two girls in front of him:
"Just in time, I have a few friends who have just arrived in Gotham and need a guide to familiarize them with the wild style of the city. If you are not busy, you can help.

Just contact Charles, Ivy you should have his contact information.

But I want to warn you. "

Mason lowered his voice and said mysteriously:
"Those guys are all fringe people in the 'magic circle', belonging to the hermit school that has not been involved in the outside world for hundreds of years. Their cognition of the world is still in the eighteenth century
So, don't laugh at them if they do something weird. "

"Guests from the Magic Circle, this sounds really interesting! The way people think and look at the world in the [-]th century is a very good research topic."

Dr. Halle's beautiful blue eyes lit up instantly.

She enthusiastically dragged her best friend Ivy to the door, and Mason threw the car keys over and said:

"Drive my car, be careful not to scratch it, and don't ride it flying around the city. Airplane mode is only used when you are in danger!"

"Thanks, Mason, you're such a good boss."

Harry whistled, put on his helmet, rode on Mason's scooter and disappeared on the road with his best friend.

Mason frowned as he watched them leave.

Dr. Halle may not feel it herself, but Mason, an outsider, can clearly see that her condition is deteriorating. The most obvious manifestation is that her personality is becoming more and more "lively" and her living habits are beginning to change.

A former psychiatrist and psychology expert abandoned the rigid habits developed in 27 years of life, and began to actively try a more lazy and casual lifestyle.

This is the external manifestation of personality deviation.

Mason's palliatives and euphoric medicines can keep her in a happy state of mind, but it is difficult to reverse this deep change in thinking and spirit.

Could it be that Harley Quinzel really couldn't get rid of her fate of becoming a "Harley Quinn" in her life?

"How good would it be if I had the ability of Professor X?"

Mason sighed, and while lowering his head to finish his work report, he said softly:

"Not to mention Harley, even Zhou Ke'er's illness can be cured, right?"

He stopped thinking about these currently unsolvable problems and focused on the work report at hand.

It's certainly not for Dr. Leslie.

Mason was summarizing the work of Team K in the past month, and he planned to use the internal postal network of the Stars Club to send this report to Mr. Hunter.

In addition to showing my formal and positive work attitude to my superiors, I also have a tentative mind.

After seeing "Old J" Edward Teague in the Caribbean world, and being reminded by that mysterious old pirate, Mason realized that his biggest crisis was with Mr. Hunter.

That guy already knew that Old K died at his own hands, but he didn't move. Instead, he included Mason's K team into his direct development team. This behavior was undoubtedly to achieve some purpose.

Mason has already thought about it very clearly.

Nothing more than two possibilities.

If Mr. Hunter is the "insider" of the small team marked by the Gwent card, then this behavior is probably out of covert protection and observation.

After all, old K left his Gwent card to Mason, which is equivalent to acknowledging Mason's "inheritance".

But if she is not one of her own.
Then Team K is in a very dangerous situation now.

I learned from Mr. Sandstorm that the damage rate of the team directly under Mr. Hunter's command is astonishing, plus the mandatory pioneering mission that will start a month later.

The combination of the two factors is likely to result in Mason and his crew being consumed as cannon fodder, like poor mice caught by a nasty cat.

It doesn't eat because of benevolence, but because it wants to play more maliciously.

But temptation also requires methods.

Mason squinted his eyes, and while he was writing quickly, he carefully handled some details in the work report. He wrote everything that happened in Gotham City.

He didn't even hide his role in this matter and how he helped Mr. Sandstorm escape.

Of course, such things as betraying the stars meeting cannot be included.

However, anyone with a sharp mind can guess some clues without any real hammer after reading the report.

Mason left this little "tip" on purpose.

He hoped to see Mr. Hunter's reaction to this matter, and perhaps from her reaction, he could deduce whether the mysterious master of exploration was a friend or not.

This is very risky behavior.

Sending out this letter is likely to cause the "execution force" of the Stars Club to appear in Gotham to find the K team, but the young people are not unprepared.

He has made a decision.

If the stars will react violently to this, then just tear your face off!

Zha Kang has also confirmed that the soul curse is only for keeping secrets rather than forcible control, so as long as the K team does not reveal the secrets about the Stars, they will not die on the spot even if they betray.

The best part is that Mason already has a strong enough "ally" in this super-dangerous Class A world that just thwarted the big move of the Stars Society.

The young man glanced at the old flip phone at hand, which not only stored Batman's emergency number, but also the personal phone number of the fastest Flash in the world.

He has integrated into the superhero circle.

And backed by the entire Justice League superheroes.As long as the execution troops of the Constellation Society dare to come, Mason can guarantee that they will never go back alive.

It seems that it was really wise to reject Mr. Hunter's proposal and resolutely choose this world as the base world!
"So, Ms. Mysterious Hunter."

Mason folded the envelope and took out a simple wax seal to seal it.

He looked at the work report in his hand and said softly:
"Now let me see if you are a friend."

(End of this chapter)

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