The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 116 68. What should I do if a subordinate tries to find out his identity?waiting online

Chapter 116 68. How should I respond when a subordinate tries to identify his identity?waiting online
After nightfall, the top floor of Bingshan Bar is very lively.

The new owner Charles is holding a party here to welcome his "distant friends", and by the way, introduce the bar's industry and operation mode to the upcoming "new manager" Jack Spyro.

Speaking of which, Kite Man has had a bad time since he took over the Iceberg Bar.

It was said that this bar has completed the renovation and will open soon.

However, when the renovation was just completed, the Assassin League attacked Gotham, causing the bar to enter a "war-damaged state" again, and now it has to be redecorated.

It just so happens that Captain Jack, who is new to Team K, has the powerful talent of "super charisma".

Kiteman had no experience in management and business operations before, and now that he has money, he plans to spare time to fight a lawsuit with his ex-wife for custody of his son. Naturally, he is happy to have a sociable and trustworthy friend take over and hide behind the scenes.

As for Jack, he and his two girlfriends are newcomers and need time to adjust to modern life.

What's more, this is still in Gotham City, which is "plain and simple". Before the official mission, Mason felt that it was quite appropriate for the three of them to stay in the Iceberg Bar to manage the logistics.

Today, Dr. Harley, who accompanied these "friends from the [-]th century" for a day, and her best friend, Poison Ivy, are also dancing and singing while holding a microphone.

All are happy.

Even Mason, who is not here, is also very relaxed.

While the others were enjoying themselves, Mason was closing the door to the world in the office not far away. He had just sent out the K team work report he had written.

Stars will be a super-large organization spanning countless parallel worlds, with an independent and mysterious postal system inside, which can deliver messages and even items across worlds.

But this "organizational benefit" can only be used by the team leader.

After sending the letter, Mason didn't go to have fun, but assembled his "new toy" on the spot in the kiteman's office, and took out a large box that was one person tall from the suitcase.

On a mechanical stand inside is the "anti-superman armor" that Mason brought back from the Batcave.

This thing is tattered and tattered. Obviously, the master has not repaired it at all since the last "enthusiastic exchange" with Da Chao. Its posture is so miserable that it can be directly sent to the museum.

Most of its functions have also been damaged, only maintaining its general integrity, and even the eyes of the thick black mechanical helmet have been torn open with a clear fist mark.

From this scar, we can see how hot Batman and Superman's "first meeting" was before.

Mason took an overall look at the damage of this set of armor with the rigorous attitude that an engineer should have. After a preliminary inspection, the specific information label of this thing also popped up:

Bat Armor Anti-Superman Series Prototype
Quality: Epic Engineering/Forged Items · Supreme Craftsmanship

Traits: Severely Broken · Super Defense · Super Brute Force · Thruster Flight · Ultra Precision Combat Aid · Bat Fire Control System · Lethal Weapon Slot【Empty】

Producer: Bruce Wayne

Item description: Superman was actually in pain when he was hit by this thing, but he just gritted his teeth and didn't say anything.

Tips: The power system and the internal suspension system of the battleframe are relatively complete, and the combat assistance and electronic fire control are not damaged. After replacing the external armor and reloading the weapon, the combat state can be restored.

Manipulating the Warframe requires Engineering Lv3, and further upgrading the Warframe requires Engineering Lv5.

When he saw this prompt, Mason raised his eyebrows. With his current engineering knowledge, he could already use this set of armor, but he had to repair it first.

Just by looking at its damage, you can tell that this is a big project.

After thinking for a while, Mason walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and amidst the lights of thousands of homes in Gotham City, he took out the retro flip phone presented by Ah Fu, dialed one of the numbers and placed it next to his ear.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected, and a deep voice sounded from the other side:
"Which one?"

"Mr. Lucius, this is Mason."

Mason didn't waste any time, and said straight to the point:

"I want to negotiate a deal with you, it doesn't involve business issues, it's just a communication between two engineers. I need a batch of fire control chips for some kind of smart individual weapon, and your laboratory has enough capacity to develop it out it.

It's really just a matter of downgrading the fire control chip you're using on the Batmobile. "

"Well, that's a very excessive request, Mason."

Mr. Lucius Fox, who is on the other side of the phone, is currently testing the effectiveness of industrial printers in the newly built secret base.

He put the sophisticated earphones in his ears and turned on the recording function. While skillfully operating the complicated equipment, he said:

"You're asking me to sell you state-of-the-art technology from Wayne Industries' military division, which isn't even in production. But considering your personal relationship with the actual owner of this company, it's not out of the question.

I haven't found any individual weapon design in the same industry that needs to use such a complex fire control chip. I am very interested in this.

So I hope we can meet.

I mean, I need to see the blueprints in your hand. "

"no problem."

Mason nodded and said:
"But I have a small request. You cannot disclose this blueprint to others. Of course, you can use it as an experimental weapon on the weapon system of the Batsuit.

In fact, besides this small fire control chip, I have some other needs in these high-tech fields. It would be great if we can reach a long-term cooperation between the two engineers.

How about this.

I will go to your home in two hours and bring the drawings and real objects of the smart pistol I developed, and please bring what I need. "

After reaching an agreement with that side, Mason returned to his desk, took out some special steel from his luggage, and began to shape it with magic fire.

The precise shaping of the flame after reaching Lv2 saved him from the trouble of using molds, and made those weak magic ores from different worlds into some gun parts like flowing water.

Soon three quasar combat guns lacking fire control chips were assembled by Mason.

He glanced at the engineering proficiency prompt three times, and after finding out that he hadn't upgraded yet, he patiently continued to make this advanced pistol and the matching magical engineering pistol ammunition.

Occasionally, I rub a few upgraded flying bombs with my hands to adjust them.

After getting the blueprint of the Bat Drone from the Batcave, the destructive power and movement mode of Mason's explosive gadget have also been effectively improved.

Finally, the moment the ninth quasar pistol was assembled, a reminder finally lit up in front of Mason's eyes:
Successfully complete an excellent quality and outstanding craft engineering creation, and the engineering proficiency will be increased by X40, which is currently Lv4.

The blueprint of the higher-level branch of Engineering Bomb is unlocked.

Engineering auxiliary item blueprint unlocked.

The character trait [Skillful Engineer] is upgraded to [Gunner Engineer: When making weapon engineering creations, the production speed and finished product quality are improved]

A whole stack of drawings jumped out of the translucent light curtain in front of Mason's eyes, especially those engineering aids dazzled Mason.

There are also some rather unscientific "black technologies" among them.

Like these two that Mason is looking at
"'World zoomer and zoomer' and 'gravity well'?"

The young man rubbed his chin and looked at the two very unscientific things in every sense. He was very interested, but he calmed down after glancing at the lowest manufacturing level requiring engineering Lv5.

He turned his attention to the anti-superman armor waiting to be transformed and repaired.

The improvement of engineering level made a very bold idea pop up in his mind. Batman has proved by facts that this set of anti-Superman armor can't deal with Superman, so it is a failed design.

Maybe I should redesign and make it according to my own needs?

After all, it is the first set of mechanical armor that a 17-year-old can get at this stage of life. It is understandable to want to make it more usable and cool, right?
The more he thought about it, the more reasonable it became, so he began to plan to make a set of blueprints first.

A few minutes later, Mason put away the nine quasar pistols and a large pile of explosives and bullets he made himself, and prepared to go to complete the meeting with Mr. Lucius.

Although his own engineering is all-encompassing, it is not without flaws.

He has already noticed that his knowledge is insufficient in the field of high-tech. In fact, just looking at the "world amplifier" he unlocked just now, he knows that these magical knowledge do not conform to the physical laws of this world at all.

It is essentially a "magic technology".

It seems that in terms of chips and electronic systems, I really need to find some foreign aid "suppliers".
While Mason was planning to upgrade his weapons and equipment, in the distant Fortress of Stars, Mr. Hunter had just returned to the quaint and quiet office with his sword, and saw the letters on the table at a glance.

This made the great mentor raise his eyebrows.

There is no need to pretend to be a man in the field that makes him feel at ease, so Mr. Hunter took off his cloak and mask.

While shaking his long silver hair, he picked up a handkerchief and wiped the blood stains on his blood-red saber.Judging from the blood dripping from the blade, she should have just finished a dangerous hunt.

"Mason Cooper?"

Ms. Hunter picked up the letter on the table, looked at the signature, and then squinted her eyes. She was a little unsure why this guy wrote the letter, but when she opened it, she found that it was actually a work report.

It carefully describes all the actions of Team K in the past month in three parts in a realistic style.

Including resource plundering in the Caribbean world and long-term persistence calculations and plans, at the same time fulfilling the duty of monitoring the base world to truthfully describe the crisis that occurred in Gotham City and the entire world.

The last part records in detail the contact between Team K and Team Hydra.

On the surface, there is nothing wrong with it.

It's just a job summary from a low-level employee to a superior. The writing format is very standard, and the words and sentences are also simple and unpretentious. The most rare thing is that the content is detailed and not watery at all.

But what kind of character is Ms. Hunter?
Being able to reach the position of the three mentors of the Stars Club all the way proves that she is not only powerful in force, but also absolutely not bad in mind, so after reading it for the first time, she felt that there was something in Mason's report.

After making herself a cup of coffee and taking off her combat boots and relaxing in the chair, she read the report carefully again.

Especially the second and third parts.

Soon, Ms. Hunter got a taste.

"On the surface, it seems that Sandstorm, the captain of the Hydra Squad, leaked information due to misjudgment of information during the cooperation with the local aborigines, which directly led to the annihilation of the four advanced pioneering teams.

But in fact, Mason cryptically pointed out the key role played by the K team in the report. "

Ms. Hunter took a sip of the hot bitter coffee, rubbing her cheeks and thinking:

"If you make a bolder guess, you can draw an astonishing conclusion. It is not Sandstorm's indigenous partner who leaked the information, but Mason himself.

This little guy sold the four high-level pioneering teams of the Constellation Club to the Justice League of his world in a cruel and cold-blooded manner, in exchange for him being able to enter the circle of the world's most advanced power.

Especially the last part where he describes how he helped Sandstorm escape.

It seems that he has cleared the suspicion, but he actually told me that he left a 'tail' for this matter, so, is this actually asking me for instructions on what to do next?
Do not!
Not just that. "

Ms. Hunter put down the work report in her hand.

She reached out and played with the ends of her hair. After a few seconds of thinking, she whispered:
"He's testing me? He wants to confirm my identity through my reply. It seems that he already knows that Old K is not absolutely loyal to the Stars Club.

Another point. "

She picked up Mason's work report again, carefully read the details of Team K's operations in the Caribbean world again, and as expected, found important information in just a few words:

"Squad K ran into friends in the Caribbean world?"

Ms. Hunter looked at the line, and she probably understood what Mason wanted to express.

They met old K's former "friend" in the exclusive development world of old K, and old K had reported this to himself before the last mission.

In other words, Mason already knew about the existence of the "Quint Society", and this guy was using this incident to test whether he was a member of the small organization hidden in the Constellation Society.

"Cunning little guy!"

Lady Hunter snorted.

Annoyed, she crumpled up the work report with the abacus beads falling on her face and threw it into the trash can next to her. She didn't really like dealing with these bastards who winked with eight hundred eyes.

But now she had to give Mason a reply.

It's a pity that the rookie didn't know that the intensity of being "monitored" as a great mentor was far from being as simple as a C-level person like him.

I am far less free than him.

You have to find a way to stabilize him first.

After much deliberation, Ms. Hunter finally made a decision, opened the drawer, took out a piece of letter paper and wrote a few words on it, and then summoned the courier of the Society of Stars to deliver the reply.

After doing all this, she didn't stay idle. Since Mason had told her the truth, there should indeed be a safe solution to this matter.

Reminiscent of the upcoming internal trade fair, Ms. Hunter quickly made a decision.

She closed her eyes and called her two companions in the soul link, her tone turned cold and said:

"Swordsman! It's been a few days, and your subordinates have caused such a big mess and you can't give us an explanation? Is this trying to pretend that the loss of 27 B-level personnel didn't happen?"

"Shut up! I'm checking!"

A slightly irritable female voice sounded and said:

"You don't need to intervene."

"You? Investigation? Stop being funny."

Mister Hunter sneered mercilessly:

"Your brain and the word 'investigation' are completely different from each other. I think this matter should be handed over to the more shrewd Lord 'Warlock'."

"No time to!"

Another sullen male voice responded:
"You guys should know the important moment is coming, I don't have time to ask about such little things."

"Is it a trivial matter to reimburse nearly one-fifteenth of the high-level personnel at one time? Although they are all cannon fodder in the hands of Your Excellency Fate, they shouldn't be wasted like this!"

Mr. Hunter scoffed at this, she took a sip of coffee and said:
"Let's meet, two. I found some clues. There is something hidden behind this incident. It may involve traitors. That's right.

There are traitors in our organization!


It's like this crap will never stop. "

On the other side, when Mason returned to the Iceberg Bar contentedly with a box of miniature fire control chips, the first thing he saw was the reply letter placed on the desk.

Signed is Mr. Hunter.

His heart suddenly rose, he didn't expect that guy's reply to be so fast!
Mason picked up the envelope and opened it, looking forward to it.

He really wanted to know how that mysterious Mr. Hunter should reply to him?Is she his friend?Or was the letter informing the execution team of the impending verdict?

With this in mind, Mason looked at the paper.

There was no reply, no confirmation, no threats or reprimands.

There is only one word on the huge letter paper:


From the light strokes of this word, Mason can even think of the malicious smile on the corner of Mr. Hunter's mouth when he wrote this word.

She understood and answered Mason's probing, but did not answer at all.


Mason, who was full of expectations and felt that he had been tricked, tore up the letter paper and threw it into the sky with some annoyance.


met an opponent.

This is a high-end game!
(End of this chapter)

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