The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 117 69. A traitor has appeared in the organization!How can I just sit idly by?

Chapter 117 69. A traitor has appeared in the organization!How can I just sit idly by?
Mr. Hunter's "wonderful reply" made Mason unable to let go of it all night, and it was really uncomfortable that his carefully crafted temptation was fooled like this.

It's as if you have carefully prepared a birthday surprise for your friend for a long time, and when you present it, the other party just gave a very cold "oh".

This has nothing to do with the facts but your attitude!
At three o'clock in the morning, Mason, who was getting more and more angry after thinking about it, simply took out another piece of letter paper and began to write a second letter to Mr. Hunter.

This time it is no longer a work report, but a material application.

And this time it was more explicit.

Not only did he no longer maintain the humble attitude of his subordinates in his writing habits, he became more presumptuous, and his attitude when asking for material support was also called rude and arrogant.

Mason intended to take this as a second try.

While trying to pluck the wool of the evil boss, let's see how far Mister Hunter can tolerate the K team?
If she is really an accomplice, I think these unusual needs of my own should be met to a certain extent.If she's not, then send an execution team, just to sell to the Justice League.

I am not at a loss anyway!

With this in mind Mason sealed the envelope again with wax, activating the World Gate at this rather sinister time in every sense of the word to summon the courier to deliver it.

Then, with a sense of comfort in his heart, he poured down a bottle of refreshing potion and continued his work.

Speaking of which, Mason has mastered most of the various potions recorded in Old K's Alchemy Notes and Hogwarts Potions Encyclopedia, and the rest are very cumbersome and difficult configurations.

Although this knowledge can last for a while, Mason feels that he should plan ahead.

Maybe at the Stars Fort trade fair that is about to start, I should try to find some advanced alchemy formulas.

And the fact that the trade fair is once every three months sounds like a lot.

But how?

Judging from the current situation, Mason feels that whether the K team can stay in the Stars Club for three months is another matter. Maybe before the next trade fair, he has already jumped because of the strong urge to "turn away from the dark and turn to the bright" .

So this opportunity must be seized!
Mason chose to send the letter in the early morning to tease Mr. Hunter to express his dissatisfaction, but he didn't know that his "evil boss" would not sleep at all!

The reason for not sleeping is not because Ms. Hunter is a workaholic or likes to stay up late to cultivate immortals. As a lady, she also pays attention to maintenance and rarely stays up late.

Only today is a special case.

After being summoned by her, it didn't take long for the other two great mentors of the Stars Association to return to the Stars Fort. The Big Three started a discussion and meeting in the top hall of this majestic castle with complex spatial structures.

There is only one theme for the meeting.

It's about this unexpected loss in the world of Mason's base and the looming trace of a traitor in the process.

Since the meeting was held by Ms. Hunter, she naturally presided over it.

"There are less than 400 B-level members of the Constellation of Stars, and just one unplanned reckless action cost us one-fifteenth of our members.

Especially when this 'shock' is approaching! "

In the dim three-person hall, the female hunter disguised as a man said very rudely to the two colleagues sitting in the dark in front of her:

"The demise of the four high-level pioneer teams means that the four high-level vassal worlds are at risk of losing control, and even if they are rescheduled now, it may not be in time.

It may even cause us to directly lose four important stronghold worlds.

I'm not blaming anyone.

But someone has to be responsible for this! "

"What do you mean?"

Another woman's voice came from the darkness, with a sense of rage and displeasure, she said directly:

"You might as well make your words clearer! Who do you want to be responsible for this?"

"Whoever's subordinates do stupid things will naturally be held responsible."

Ms. Hunter spread her hands, and said indifferently with her hoarse male voice:
"So, here comes the most important question, who among us belonged to the four annihilated teams?"


The irritable woman suddenly stood up.

In the darkness, the pulsating boiling magic power gathered to form a spreading long sword, and Ms. Hunter also sneered without fear and held the handle of the exquisite war knife at her waist.

Seeing that the two masters of exploration and combat were about to meet each other, the last master of logistics who had been sitting in the dark and hadn't spoken shook his head helplessly.

He scolded in a cold and impatient tone:

"Swordsman, sit down!"


The swordsman lady who was scolded seemed to be afraid of her gloomy colleagues beside her.

She let out a dissatisfied nasal sound and dissipated her magic power and sat back on the chair. She felt that she was not counseled, but in fact she was.

Ms. Hunter nodded in satisfaction at this scene, and then said:
"Don't blame me for letting you bear the loss, swordsman. Suspending all activities in that super-dangerous A-level world and only maintaining the lowest level of observation and cooperating is the decision made by the three of us together.

If I recall correctly, that was right after you ventured into it two years ago and got a broken rib in a punch from Kryptonian Superman.

But now, you actively violated the rules you set. "

"You also said that was two years ago."

The swordsman who looked at Erlang's legs continued to complain:

"I'm not what I used to be today... Well, I admit, it was I who instructed my four direct squads to carry out an adventurous 'pollution tactics' plan in that world.

I actually don't have much confidence in their victory.

I also told the four captains to retreat if the situation is not good.

The main purpose is to let the Big Three of the Justice League lead out and I will go and clean them up when they gather, so this plan is called 'Advent Day'.

I have even prepared a device that can instantly descend across the parallel world in all states.

But unfortunately, those idiots and trash were defeated too quickly, and their complete annihilation has prevented me from knowing the reason for the failure of the operation.


You said you got some information?
how did you get it
The magicians of that world blocked their time and space after the failure of 'Advent Day', and I couldn't even go there without triggering attention. "

Ms. Hunter is very satisfied with the frank "admitting mistakes" attitude of the swordsman who has a bad temper and doesn't want to think hard. He obviously has a brain but doesn't use it, but he has a straightforward personality and won't hide his failure.

She hates the kind of coward who finds all kinds of reasons and excuses to shirk responsibility when he has clearly failed.

Now that the matter has been discussed, she did not hide it anymore, but took out the crumpled and crumpled work report, and said to her two colleagues:

"My source of intelligence was also an accident. If you haven't forgotten, I have a direct team that I sent to that world for routine patrols a month ago.

Its name is K-Squad.

But there were some embarrassing problems.

K-Squad completes an unplanned iteration of its captain, and the new captain happens to be native to that world and has some personal ties to Batman, one of the founders of the Justice League.

In this failed operation 'Advent Day', he was thus involved, and almost witnessed the downfall of those idiots throughout.

He wrote a detailed mission brief that gave me a glimpse of what went wrong. "

Ms. Hunter handed the report to the swordsman.

The report is of course incomplete, and only intercepted the part about the contact between the Hydra team and the K team, but this is enough to explain the reason for the failure of the mission.

After a few seconds of silence, the swordsman sneered and said:
"I knew it! Sandstorm, the guy who wants to squeeze into the A-level 12-member council, will get me into trouble sooner or later because of his ability that doesn't match his ambition.

If it weren't for the fact that he was a servant I picked up with my own hands, I would have given this guy up. Forget it, judging from the information we have collected, Batman is indeed a very difficult opponent.

It's not my fault that my team fell into an ambush and was led into a trap.

After all, even I couldn't imagine that the leader of the big villain organization that has been fighting against the Justice League is actually Batman's lover and gave him a son.

This is too outrageous! "

"It's not surprising."

Your Excellency the logistics instructor "Warlock" who has been silent all this time said in a calm tone:
"If you can spend a little more time reading the A-level world exploration log of the Society of Stars, you can find that in countless multiverses, as long as there is a parallel world with the concept of 'Batman', the time-space alien with this code name The body is not an easy generation.

Although their identities and origins are different, and their world environments are also different, they all have common characteristics or a common 'superpower', which is to always be fully prepared for bad things that may happen.

And for some undetermined reason, all Batmen are very rich and know how to turn wealth into fighting power.

Therefore, in my opinion, the most troublesome target in that ultra-dangerous Class A world is not Kryptonian Superman, but the ordinary person in the Justice League.

The man who, with the power and identity of an ordinary person, can stand side by side with a group of the most powerful individual lives in the world and even lead them.

A real hassle!

Before he was dealt with, that world was not suitable for people below A level to operate in it.

Archive it. "

Mr. Warlock sighed and suggested:

"After this 'shock' is over, it will be handed over to the A-level 12-person development council to evaluate and decide on the disposal plan for that world, provided that it can still exist. Of course, there are individuals like Kryptonian Superman that cannot be evaluated by common sense. , its survival is also the result of high probability."

"I agree!"

Ms. Swordsman nodded immediately, and Ms. Hunter didn't make sense of it.

She called this meeting to protect Team K from being exposed, and she is quite satisfied with the result so far.

The Big Three nodded and the matter was settled.

But Ms. Hunter didn't finish her topic. She said to the swordsman sitting in the dark:
"Your habit of only reading half of things is too bad, first read the work report I gave you."


Ms. Swordsman looked back at the briefing in her hand in surprise. After a few seconds, she exclaimed:
"What? Is that idiot Sandstorm still alive? I thought he was also sacrificed to the Dark Stars, or did the captain of your K-team help him escape from danger under the pursuit of the Justice League?"

"That's exactly what I'm talking about!"

Ms. Hunter crossed her arms in displeasure and said to the swordsman:

"Your subordinate is a very bad person! He bullied my subordinate as a rookie who didn't understand the rules, and even took two blueprints to pass away such a level of assistance.

Even in today's declining society, such an act of actively rescuing a companion at the risk of exposing oneself needs to be rewarded!
But Sandstorm is so ignorant!
What do you say?
Swordsman, I advise you to answer carefully, because after seeing my subordinates being treated so bullyingly, I am really angry now! "


The hunter's imposing Huduzi questioned the swordsman's aura suddenly.

She complained in her heart that incompetent waste would always cause trouble for herself, and hesitated for a few seconds before saying to her colleagues:

"I will make up for what he owes, and you will pass it on to the K team as a reward for their rescue. Is this the head office?"

"Hmph, that's about the same."

Ms. Hunter snorted and said sarcastically:

"As the saying goes, it depends on the owner to beat a dog. Since you are still sensible, I won't pursue it further. But what I'm curious about is that after Sandstorm escaped the trap alone and returned to his base world, he didn't have the first time to talk to you Contact?"


The swordsman's voice also became depressed.

she says:

"Not only did he not take the initiative to report the results of the operation, but he also unilaterally cut off the contact with the Stars Club, making me mistakenly think that the Hydra team has also been wiped out.

I also learned about the failure of the Advent Day plan from the number revocation notices of other teams.

What the hell is that guy trying to do? "

At this moment, the hunter raised his head, and his eyes met with the silent warlock in the darkness. Both of them were lost in thought. After a few seconds, the gloomy warlock said in a low voice:

"There is a suspicion of defection! There is no doubt.

Even this failure itself is doubtful. If everything is attributed to his stupidity, it would be a bit too sorry for his status as a B-level personnel and the explorations he has experienced in the past.

As I recall, this member named Sandstorm came from an A-level world occupied by the Cleaner Legion?We've run massive pollution tactics there, and he probably has a deep-seated dissatisfaction with the Stars. "

"So, do you want to inform the execution team to act?"

Hunter asked:

"Or apply to the 'Cleaners' to let them do it?

Anyway, the resource recycling system of Sandstorm's base world is already very complete, and it has entered the late stage of recycling. It is not a big problem with his help or supervision.

With the 'shock' on the horizon, we don't have time for the cumbersome internal inquiry process.

He took the initiative to cut off contact with the swordsman.

This has already shown the attitude.

I mean, maybe it's time to scare the chickens and monkeys out in this turbulent time!
Someone must be responsible for such a tragic failure. Considering the identity of the swordsman, I think it might be better for Sandstorm to take the blame.

He was a disgraceful loser.

The right is used as waste, what do you think? "

"I'll come by myself!"

The swordsman had no objection but gritted his teeth and said:

"He is a servant army brought out by me, even if such a scandal happens, I hope to be able to."

"You have your mission!"

Warlock said coldly:
"Don't make troubles, just do what the hunter wants, and notify the execution team to dispatch!
Get Sandstorm's head back before the onslaught comes!It doesn't matter what the truth is. At this important moment, those senior members who have other ideas should indeed be given a warning.

The Constellation can certainly tolerate betrayal.

The premise is that they can afford the price! "

"I actually had a better idea."

Mr. Hunter laughed and said in a low voice:
"The execution team also has its own world to take care of, and there is only Sandstorm left in the six-headed snake team. It would be a waste of resources to use this kind of battle for him.

I will arrange my men to deal with him.

Of course, after Sandstorm's death, his base world will also be given to my people as a reward, do you have any objections? "

"The K team?"

His Excellency Warlock said with great interest:

"That's a new team, Hunter. They haven't even gone through a pioneering mission. Isn't it too much for them to deal with a B-level personnel?"

"You are sending your people to die!"

The swordsman said more directly:
"You've committed another bad taste, Hunter. You should really review your attitude towards your immediate team. They are not consumables that you can dispose of at will."

"so what?"

Ms. Hunter said with a sneer:
"You all know me, I am a person who advocates efficiency and strength. I don't need the weak and cowards under my command. Their failure can only show that they are not strong enough, and their death can only show that they are nothing more than that.

Losers are not worthy of my attention.

So be it.

As for how I get along with my people, you two should meddle in my own business! "

After finishing speaking, she nodded to the two colleagues coldly and waved to open a silver light curtain and disappeared, leaving only the two big men in the dark to mourn the poor K team.

May their sacrifice please the dark stars and light the path of their companions.

When Ms. Hunter returned to her room, she found the second letter from Mason unsurprisingly. She opened it and took a look. After reading Mason's request for supplies, Ms. Hunter gave a meaningful smile. .

"Want a reward? Yes. Then come on, little guy Mason, let me see if you can perform another miracle. If you can come back alive, I will admit it.
You are the new 'Old K'. "

(End of this chapter)

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