The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 121 4. Captain!We are in big trouble-【310】

Chapter 121 4. Captain!We are in big trouble-【310】

As soon as Mason crossed the gate of the world and returned to Gotham, the camouflaged school cap on his head immediately gave a warning.

"A suppressed and deeply hidden burning force is approaching. It is the gaze that paid attention to this place just now. Take action immediately, Mason! Hide the gate of the world before that existence arrives."

"It's simple."

The young man took out the suitcase that never left him, opened it, and threw the World Gate back into his bag, but then the hat on his head reminded again:

"This is not enough! The aftermath of time and space travel is still there, if it can't be erased, it can only be disguised. Put your hand into my stomach, Mason, I just have something here that can help you."

"Your four-dimensional pocket is so convenient."

Mason took off his hat and whispered:

"Actually, I think it's troublesome to always carry a suitcase. I suddenly have a bold idea. Can you tell me if I can?"


Before the young man could finish speaking, he was rejected by Gao Leng's hat.

The branch school cap twisted its "body" a bit, and formed a fuzzy face on the cap body and scolded:

"My storage magic is only used for emergencies, not to put messy things on you! Don't even think about putting your junk into my body.

Although I am down and out, I still have a bit of dignity. "

It strongly rejected Mason's bold idea, which made the young man curl his lips, and Mason then reached out and pulled out a golden broken pocket watch from the hat as if by magic.

Its delicate dial is inlaid with a small hourglass, just like a timer, but the hourglass itself has been broken, and a lot of grit has been lost.

Mason recognized this thing at a glance:
Failed Time-Turner
Quality: Epic Engineering / Inscription / Enchantment / Alchemy Item · Perfect Craft
Item Effect: Turning the chronograph reverses time, going back one hour with each turn.

Item status: Due to the breakage of the timer, the sands of time have been seriously lost, and the item has expired.Restoration requires Engineering Lv6 and an ounce of Sands of Time.

Producer: Department of Criminal Investigation Affairs, Ministry of Magic and Magic
Item description: Have you heard of the "grandmother paradox"?Don't be afraid, that thing is a lie, the nature of time is much more complicated than that.

"Why is the stuff in your stomach all this junk?"

Mason complained:

"So besides assigning colleges to freshmen, do you have a hobby of picking up trash?"

"Quiet! And my lord refuses to answer this indecent question."

The branch hat scolded, and was about to teach Mason how to use the failed time-turner to disguise the scene, but suddenly let out a puzzled snort.

it says:

"The force stopped, someone stopped it, it was three blocks away."

Mason looked down at the pin on his collar. The Eye of Hell pendant was emitting a faint light. He stretched out his hand and tapped it, and Zakon's voice came out of it.

"Listen to me, Brad, that's my residence in this city, and I may have left some dangerous things in it... I don't think you need to go and see it yourself.

Dude, don't you still trust me, my friend of many years? "

Jarcon seemed to be talking to someone, which made Mason raise his eyebrows.

There is no doubt that this is Zha Kang deliberately reminding himself to cooperate quickly.Mason rolled his eyes, and immediately took out his mobile phone, but he didn't call immediately, but waited for nearly half a minute before dialing Zhakang's number.

At the same time, three blocks away, Zha Kang, who was wearing a crumpled khaki windbreaker and a cigarette dangling, was chatting with a tall and silent man, took out his phone, glanced at it, then looked at the indifferent man opposite, Pick up the phone, turn it on and turn on the sound.

"Master Constantine!"

Mason's terrified voice came from it, and he shouted:
"The magical magic item you left in the laboratory is shaking, come back and have a look!"

Zha Kang was expressionless, but he let out a sigh of relief.

I repeatedly sighed that Mason is really reliable, and it is always reassuring to leave things to him.He calmly puffed out the smoke ring, and said impatiently:

"Enough! You stupid servant, I made a mistake in bringing you into my domain, didn't I teach you how to deal with that thing?
do not bother me!

I'm chatting with my dear friend. "

"You did."

Mason's voice became more panicked, and he said:

"But this thing is glowing and humming. It was broken just once, but I swear I never touched it on purpose out of curiosity. Anyway, you should hurry back and have a look."

Zha Kang frowned, then glanced at the indifferent tall man opposite him, turned off his phone and said to this guy:
"Come and take a look with me? Brad, if something goes wrong with the thing I made a few days ago to monitor the time-space disturbance in the whole city, you will have to take the lead."

"You're always going to get yourself into trouble, John."

Wearing a red suit, with black hair combed meticulously, the muscular man with his hands in his pockets said in a cold voice with no expression on his face:

"I hate everything about you, but if they see Gotham as my area then I have to make sure there's no threat.

lead the way!

John, let's take a look at your place.

You better not have anything to do with this!

You were also at the meeting in the mystery room, and you know how important and troublesome it is. "

Having said that, the tall man stopped for a while, and a penetrating dark stream of light flashed in his black and white eye sockets, and said:
"But personally, I really hope that you will be involved, I really hope that I can catch you with my own hands and throw you into Nimue's dark dungeon, and then listen to your screams and wailing.

Only in this way can the debts you owe me be written off. "

"Shut down your demonic aura, Brad, look at the evil taste coming out of this sentence."

While taking off his pipe to draw magic, Zha Kang rolled his eyes and said:
"You are in human form now! Do you think being a human being is boring, and you plan to go back to your old job? Stop making trouble, your hell territory has already been carved up by your enemies.

You are now an 'undesirable' in the Nine Hells, just like me. "

A green portal was opened, Zha Kang popped out a cigarette and stepped into it, followed by the tall man behind him.

The two landed in the office on the top floor of the Iceberg Bar one after the other.

As soon as Kang Zha came in, he exchanged glances with Mason. Mason nodded slightly to him, and pouted his lips to signal the things on the table.

Constantine immediately felt relieved.

It seems that Mason has already foreseen the approaching danger, so he has prepared everything in advance. Well, having such a partner is really reassuring and reassuring.

"The breath of space-time disorder is very weak but it does exist, and my feeling is correct."

The tall man who followed Zha Kang into the office frowned and sniffed, then his captivating eyes looked at the "servant" Mason who was following Zha Kang with a low eyebrow and obediently.

Afterwards, his eyes were attracted by the things Zha Kang picked up from the table.

"Hey, my alchemy is still not good enough. Look at this thing, it's broken before it's officially used."

Constantine picked up the expired Time-Turner and stroked it sadly, as if there was something wrong with something he had carefully crafted.

He threw the thing in his hand to the man in front of him, who examined it carefully in his hand.

This is obviously also a character on the magical side.

He used his fingers to touch the hidden inscription on the surface of the Time Converter, carefully discerned the small hourglass that was obviously treated by alchemy, and finally stretched out his fingers and poured out the weak Sands of Time before his eyes.

After several minutes like this, the man shook his head and threw the time converter back to Zha Kang, saying:

"It should be the leak of the Sands of Time that caused the time and space here to be slightly distorted. Well, John, you escaped. But I warn you!

No more of your dangerous activities in this city!
At least not now.

I will keep an eye on you. "

After finishing speaking, the tall man took another look at Mason, who had kept his head down and maintained a servant posture. He strode towards the exit of the office, opened the door and walked out.

Obviously the portal left by Zha Kang was still working, but he turned a blind eye to the more convenient things.


Constantine made a silent motion to Mason. He waved his fingers and popped up a few light spots as if some kind of detection. It was not until several minutes later that he breathed a sigh of relief and said in a low voice:
"The upper demon in Jason Brad's body can help him perceive any information in at least five blocks, and the fate of being targeted by that bastard is quite bad.

They really know how to pick someone and actually persuade this guy to help. Our behavior in the future should be more subtle, Mason.

The place is no longer available. "

"Jason Bullard? The legendary 'Demon Rider'?"

Mason blinked and said:
"Isn't he usually active in California? Why did he suddenly come to Gotham?"

"He didn't come suddenly, in fact he has been in Gotham for more than a year."

Slag Kang was playing with the damaged Time-Turner while blowing out smoke rings, he put it into his arms naturally, and explained to Mason with folded arms:

"Brad has a bad relationship with the demons in his body. They have been entangled for more than 500 years and have already hated each other. Every once in a while, he has to find some villains or evil spirits to kill in order to satisfy the demons in his body. .

I ask you, what better place to do this than Gotham?

Although there is no proof, I am basically sure that there is a cooperation between Brad and Batboy!
The night the League of Assassins attacked Gotham, the demon in his body probably had a good time, otherwise that thing wouldn't be so quiet today. "

"That demon is said to be called Etrigen?"

Mason asked.

In the end, Zha Kang gave him a hard look and said:
"Don't say the devil's name here! Don't say the devil's name anywhere! You're making trouble for yourself, luckily that's just a transliteration.

Its real name is more complicated than that.

Listen, Mason, here's what I'm going to tell you next.

We are in trouble.

big trouble! "

Constantine sighed and said:

"Reputable magic users in the whole world, and even some unworthy guys have been summoned to the mystery room.

Dr. Fate, Black Adam, and Mrs. Shangdu were all present, and even the new generation of super wizards like Xiao Zha were their assistants.

They spent most of the day announcing the news to us. The whole world is divided into thirteen regions, and different guys lead a group of people to supervise and detect all time-space disturbances.

Brad is one of the three detectors in charge of the east coast, the other two are Zha and Shazam.

Xiao Zha said well.

I've been convinced.

Shazam needn't have worried either.

That guy has no brains.

The only troublesome one is Jason Bullard, you have to watch out for him.The Star Society's attack obviously triggered a counterattack from the world, and we have to keep our tails between our legs until this magical supervision is over. "

Mason frowned at the bad news Zha Kang brought back, but then he realized a loophole.

He squinted his eyes at Zha Kang, and said faintly:
"You went for two days, and then you said that the meeting only took half a day? Why didn't you tell me the news after the meeting?

What are you doing the rest of the time? "

"Uh, didn't I say that?"

Constantine pursed his lips and said:

"I helped us 'convince' Xiao Zha.

Well, I admit that I may have wasted some time, but in the face of this 'sudden attack', we both dealt with it well, and our cooperation was perfect.

By the way, why does your hat look weird?

Let me see! "

The mean-spirited Zack put his hand on the disguised school cap before Mason stopped him.

And the decent hat with a temper obviously didn't like others to touch it. The moment John's hand touched the hat, a gray-black lightning hit the black mage.

The latter screamed and fell to the ground, twitching.

"What a Cruciatus Curse!"

Mason sighed in admiration, ignoring Zack Kang's pain, but bent down and took the time-turner from his arms back and put it in his pocket.

He put the camouflage hat on his head, walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, and looked at the city at dusk.

He whispered:

"You may not know the characters represented by those names mentioned by Zha Kang, I can only tell you that they are all the top group of spellcasters in the world.

Do you have what it takes to help us continue to use the Worldgate under their noses?

I know it's a lot of trouble, but if you want me to help you hunt down those traitors"

"Mason, young man, your understanding of magic is too shallow."

The old, drawling voice of the branch hat rang in the young man's head, and it said:
"Power is power, knowledge is knowledge!

These are two completely unrelated domains. Even though I have lost most of my power, the valuable knowledge is still enough to help you hide in this dangerous situation.

It is not too late.

Let's get started now. "

Its voice fell, and a large piece of obscure information appeared in Mason's mind. The character card in front of him flashed a few times, and then a prompt popped up:
"It is detected that an external force intervenes in the identification, and the new blueprint X25 for high-level enchantment/inscription knowledge transfer is unlocked."

"This knowledge is a bit complicated, and it is difficult for me to understand."

Mason looked at the enchantment and inscription formula in front of him, he frowned and said:
"It's a little difficult for me to do it on my own."

"I will teach you by hand."

The branch hat reminds:

"And don't you have an assistant?
That prodigal son is a very talented soul. If he hadn't been born in Hogwarts, it would be impossible for him to enter Hogwarts with his character.

Woohoo, that is a dirty soul born to belong to Azkaban!

But he does help. "
Wayne Manor on the outskirts of Gotham City, a special guest visited here near dusk.

"Mr. Brad, you are really a rare visitor."

The old housekeeper Alfred personally received the cold-faced guest, and he is currently preparing tonight's sedative medicine for Master Damian in the manor according to Mason's instructions.

And the whole process made the visiting demon knight raise his eyebrows.

After watching Ah Fu's skilled potion mixing in silence, he asked:
"Where did these medicines come from? Ordinary people don't have access to this kind of mysterious knowledge. Just by smelling them, I can confirm that these medicines come from quite ancient inheritance."

"A friend of ours made it for Master Damian."

Ah Fu seemed to trust the man in front of him very much.

He picked up the pink mixed potion and said politely:
"It's very useful. The young master's mania and gloom have faded too much. Master Wayne is dining with a lady. You may need to wait a moment, Mr. Brad."

"It's okay, I've always been patient."

Brad looked at the potion in Ah Fu's hand, and responded blankly:

"And now I am more interested in the origin of these potions. When did there become an alchemist in the city? Can you introduce him to me?
Alfred Pennyworth."

The man paused and said softly:
"For the sake of the friendship between your ancestors and me."

(End of this chapter)

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