The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 122 5. The person who investigated the Bat family in Gotham?Have you consulted the master ye

Chapter 122 5. The person who investigated the Bat family in Gotham?Have you consulted the master yet? 【410】

"toot toot"

Just as Mason and Zha Kang were busy around the gate of the world, the young man's cell phone rang suddenly.He frowned and took off the enchanted glove on his hand, picked up the phone and glanced at it.

It was the call from Catwoman, which made Mason raise his eyebrows again, and walked to the French window to connect to the communication. Then he heard Selena, who was spending the evening in Wayne Manor, say to him in a low voice:

"Mason, who did you mess with? Bruce greeted a mysterious guest. I just heard them discussing about you. The guy named 'Brad' was asking about your background and current situation."

Hearing the first-hand news from Catwoman, Mason immediately had a headache.

他 说:

"This matter is very complicated. It has something to do with my bad friend in the magic circle. I can't say a word or two clearly. We will talk when you come over to 'drink'.

The Bingshan Bar will have a trial opening tomorrow, as a distinguished guest, you must 'attend' it. "

How clever Catwoman is.

Immediately after hearing Mason use the code word, she let out a female laughter and said:

"Of course, of course, I'm a minority shareholder of that bar, I'll definitely go to my property and have a good time, and reserve a box for me tomorrow night.

I'll bring some friends over to cheer.

That's all. "

After speaking, Selena hung up the communication and glanced at the wall of the next room.

Mason was reminding her that Mr. "Brad" could hear their phone conversation, well, another troublesome character.

"The devil knight went to Wayne Manor!"

Mason put down his phone and turned to Zha Kang and said:

"That guy is staring at me. It's such a troublesome character. Can you think of a way to give him to me?"

"Don't bother."

Zha Kang, who was holding a golden rod to add extra inscriptions to the gate of the world and was about to enchant it, said without raising his head:

"Jason Brad's body is a high-ranking demon. You may not have any idea about this term. Let me use a simpler description.

If the big battle that the League of Assassins staged that night was aimed at Brad, then he alone could kill them all within 10 minutes.

The corpses were burned and even the souls were devoured.

Once that guy enters the demon form, it is estimated that only Batboy in this city has the ability to contain him. If he wants to defeat him, he must call for help. "

"I have heard some rumors about him."

Mason narrowed his eyes and said:
"But you also said that Jason Brad in human form has conflicts with the demon in his body, maybe we can take advantage of this?"

"It's a good idea, but all the people who thought this way in the previous hundreds of years are dead."

Constantine looked up at Mason, and said quietly:
"Don't even think about it, can a guy who seals a high-ranking demon in his body be an ordinary person? Even if Brad doesn't summon a demon, he can still easily open Wushuang in Gotham City if he is given a hand and a half sword." .

He is a Holy Grail Knight who has lived to this day in King Arthur's time!

The demon in his body was sealed by the archmage Merlin himself. His first lover was Morgan Le Fay, and his current lover is Nimue, the wife of Shangdu.

Don't underestimate him, Mason.

He is really dangerous.

You can think of him as a magical version of 'Superman' who might not be a match for the Justice League freaks but can kill us little characters with one hand. "

"Then there's no way."

Mason spread his hands and said helplessly:
"We can only use the last resort. If you can't beat it, join! Just like I did with you, let's find a way to bring Jason Brad into the K team.

Let him see with his own eyes how those of us "underground workers" who are in the dark and have a bright heart fight against the stars. "


Mason's proposal made Zha Kang stunned, wanting to refute but feeling powerless to complain.

The black magician tilted his head and thought for a while, and felt that although Mason's proposal was to order takeout from the pandas, it really hurt his family, but it was indeed a no-brainer.

And this proposal is quite in line with Zha Kang's character.

This guy belongs to the kind of bad guy who wakes up from the cold at night and lifts the quilt for his roommate. He was tricked by Mason. How can he not invite others to enjoy such a sour feeling?
"This way is good!"

Ten seconds later, Zha Kang showed a smirk and waved his thumb, saying:
"Leave it to me, I'll plan it, make sure nothing goes wrong! Let me tell you, Brad is a good fighter! Once he goes completely crazy and actively uses demon power, he can even fight Superman for 10 minutes with all his strength." defeat.

And because of demon possession, he is immortal.

The perfect candidate for a cannon fodder fighter. "

"I absolutely trust your ability to deceive people, but let's get rid of this door first."

Mason put on the enchanted gloves again and squatted down to start processing the inscriptions and enchantments on the door. The branch hat fell into a deep sleep, but he had told Mason all the key points before falling asleep, and Mason would teach it to Jarcon.

This kind of advanced hidden enchantment and energy balance inscription needs to inject magic power every time it is drawn, and Mason can only complete some simple rune outlines.

The complicated ones still have to be left to Zhakang.

Of course, when two men work together, it is always boring and boring, and they always need some topics to adjust their emotions, so Zha Kang quickly talked about his "happy life" in the past two days.

"I tell you, when I gave 'Baoli' to Xiao Zha, her eyes were straight!"

Zha Kang proudly exhaled the smoke ring, and said in a drawn out voice:

"She kept asking me where I found a little living unicorn, and I made up a story that didn't really matter.

Especially if I take the initiative to bridge emotional issues.

She saw my sincerity, no doubt about it.

We had a candlelight dinner together, fed the little unicorn together, and took a bath together, together."

"Stop! The rest don't need to be described in such detail."

Mason interrupted blankly:

"I'm really not interested in the details of your overly rich and rotten private life, John. Instead of talking about that, let me tell you some details about the magical meeting you attended in the Mystery Room.

For example, are you sure this is just a unilateral action by the magicians, and there is no linkage with the Justice League or anything?
I always feel like this is not quite right. "

The young man rubbed his chin, thought for a few seconds, organized his words, and said to Zha Kang, who was reminiscing about the "beautiful life" of the past day and night:
"Do you remember when Batman left Gotham for a while?

When I visited Mr. Lucius a few days ago, I asked around. Since more than a year ago, Batman has disappeared for a few days from time to time.

I think Justice League is definitely pushing something in the dark as well.

Even including the actions of the League of Assassins around the world not long ago, although it was because you notified them urgently, don't you feel that the speed of the Justice League's actions is a little too fast?
In less than 10 minutes, several actions of the League of Assassins in the entire world were dealt with at the same time!

This is obviously a similar plan in advance!
So, John, what do you think? "

"Ah? What are you talking about?"

Zha Kang blinked and said:
"Sorry, I didn't listen to you just now, something about Justice League blah blah blah blah blah. I'm recalling little Zana's rare enthusiasm.

Maybe I should find more surprise gifts like little unicorns during my journey across the world? "

"Oh, you are hopeless! Brother."

Mason sighed and said no more.

Zha Kang obviously has his own answer to this question, but he will pretend to be stupid and unwilling to say that Mason will not pursue it anymore, but instead leads the topic to another aspect.

He looked at the colorful gate of the world smeared with alchemy solutions and enchanting sigils in front of him, and said:

"Two days will be the day of the trade fair, I plan to take you, Selena, Ertong and Barbara with me.

Charles and Jack they need to stay in Gotham, we're going for three days so someone has to cover us here, especially now that Jason Brad's got my eye on me.

He also met with Bruce, and Batman's monitoring of me might be restarted.

What a hassle! "

"It's okay, we have compound decoction in our hands, which is a fake medicine."

Zha Kang snapped his fingers and said:
"Let Spyro play you for a while, that guy is good at this kind of thing and don't worry about revealing. But are you ready for the fair?"

"Part of it is prepared."

Mason patted the suitcase by his hand and said:
"Potions, engineering items, plus some rare raw materials and magic items, these are the common trading items of the K team, and we have to share the exchanged items equally.

But if you have prepared good things to exchange, then I can't control it. "

"Cool, that's the answer I want to hear."

Constantine grinned wickedly and said:
"Just when I was leaving the mysterious house, I brought back some good things from Xiao Zha's collection. I can't be busy all day and night, right?"

"You steal money from your girlfriend while you're falling asleep?"

Mason looked at the proud black mage in front of him in astonishment.

He wanted to think of an appropriate word to describe the bastard in front of him, but after much deliberation, he could only sigh helplessly and say:
"You are such an out-and-out scum, John, now I am really curious why a good girl like Xiao Zha can get entangled with you?

What a flower stuck in cow dung. "

"Tch, you don't understand, if Xiao Zha cared about those things, she would have put them away before she invited me into her bedroom."

Constantine exhaled smoke rings and said plausibly:
"And this is the way we get along, you don't understand! Just be jealous, just because I'm a toad that ate swan meat."
"That's how it happened.

Although Constantine explained this space-time disturbance with a perfect rhetoric, but based on my understanding of him, I can basically be sure that there is still an inside story about this matter.

Something he and his friends didn't want me to know. "

In the living room of Wayne Manor, Jason Brad, sitting on the sofa with his back straight like an ancient knight, was holding a cup of coffee in one hand.

Said to Bruce Wayne who was sitting across from him:

"I need your help, Batman."

"Call me Bruce here."

Master Batman sat on the chair opposite the Devil Knight in a relaxed posture that a rich man should have. He was over 38 years old but still handsome and very calm, looking at the visitor in front of him.

After hesitating for a few seconds, the master replied:
"You mean, you need me to give you all the information about Constantine?"


The Demon Knight stared at Bruce, and he said:

"I'm referring to 'Mason Cooper', the information you have collected about John Constantine is what he wants you to know, and the information that has been fabricated is of no use to me.

But Mason Cooper is on my mind.

His experience of being reborn last month is very consistent with the growth process of those hosts related to evil that I have seen in the past long time.

I suspect that there is some mysterious power behind that young man.

Coupled with his active performance in the 'Outsider' incident, I have reason to investigate him.But Gotham is your place, Bruce Wayne.

I need your help. "

"You mean, permission?"

The master raised his eyebrows and said:
"You didn't come to ask for help at all, Brad, you just came to ask me for permission to act. You have already identified Mason as a suspect."

The demon knight remained silent.

But he doesn't refute Batman's claim, just watches him awaiting an answer.

The master shook his head and said:

"He's a member of the Bat-Family! Brad, I have an obligation to protect his private information and the little secrets he's been hiding. And as far as I know, your 'investigative methods' have always been very, uh, wild.

I cannot allow you to hurt him. "

"Then you come!"

The devil knight drank the coffee in his hand in one gulp, stood up and straightened his clothes, took out a unique hourglass and put it on the table, and said to the master in front of him:
"I just need an answer, and if you can give me an answer, I don't have to bother that young man. But if you can't get an answer, then I can only figure it out myself.

This may be a little rough.

But I believe that as one of the founders of the Justice League, you also fully understand the grim situation we are facing now.There's only one month left after all, Bruce Wayne.

This number is what you told us.

Please understand that.

But I am not alone in this world waiting for this answer. "

After speaking, Jason Brad nodded coldly to the master, then turned and left.

Alfred sent the guests to the door instead of Bruce Wayne. When Alfred came back, he saw Bruce sitting on the sofa and holding two photos in his hand.


Alfred said in a low voice:
"Maybe you should talk to Mason, I mean to be honest, he's not a bad guy."

"But he doesn't want to talk to me, Fu."

Batman sighed, put the photo in his hand on the table and whispered:
"I should give Mason a certain amount of credit after what we've been through together. I just don't want to see what happened to Jason and Barbara.

Am I right? "

Bruce looked up at Alfred, and said:
"Knowing that he is a breakthrough, but betting the survival of us and the world on the choice he will make, this trust may be too heavy.

No matter for him.

It's still the same for me. "

Alfred looked down at the photos in Bruce's hand. One was Mason flying across Crime Alley on a flying motorcycle in the night, and the other was Selena wearing a bathrobe and putting on makeup.

Both photos have been processed in a special way, and the red marks on them circle a common point.Both have a magically covered tattoo on their left arm
Ghost claw tattoo.

This made Ah Fu's expression heavy, and he whispered:
"Have you contacted Miss Zatanna for any news?"


Bruce nodded with his eyes closed.
"She personally confirmed that John Constantine is also a member of their small team."

"But wasn't Mr. Constantine the first to inform the Justice League about the Outsiders and the League of Assassins plot?"

Ah Fu frowned and said:
"If they are a team, it means that Ms. Selena and Mason are very likely to participate in this warning, and it also proves that they have no malice towards us.

As a former secret agent, I can even think that they may be 'protecting' us in a dangerous way. "

"That's why I decided to wait, Ah Fu."

Batman stood up and said:

"Before Mason or Selena confess these things to me, they must be kept secret and no one knows, otherwise it will cause them trouble and cut off a 'hidden option' we have in this crisis."


The old housekeeper nodded, and said with worry:
"But the rest of the Justice League and the pressure from the wizarding world."

The master looked out of the window and said with deep eyes:
"If they have questions, come and ask me!"

(End of this chapter)

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