The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 123 6. Go To Shopping! 【510】

Chapter 123 6. Go To Shopping! 【510】

It took Mason and Zhakang a whole night to complete the covering of the "time-space disturbance" of the World Gate. At the moment when the whole project was over, several prompts jumped in front of Mason:
Successfully completed an outstanding craftsmanship, multiple complexity, and high-level enchantment circle production, and the skill proficiency of the enchantment branch has increased by X200, so far it is Lv2.

Character traits are unlocked as [Accurate Enchanter: Speed ​​and accuracy increase when performing complex and above enchanting crafts]

The mysterious side talent is unlocked as [Quick Spiritualization: You can use enchanting skills to temporarily enchant ordinary items to make them have magical effects in a short period of time.

Items of lower quality will be damaged by this, and enchantment skills gain double proficiency when this talent is in effect. 】

Successfully completed an outstanding craftsmanship, multiple complexity, and high-level inscription circle production, and the skill proficiency of the inscription literature branch has increased by X200, so far Lv2.

The character trait is unlocked as [Efficient inscriptionist: the production speed of low-level inscriptions is greatly improved]

The talent on the mysterious side is unlocked as [Photographic memory: fast memory when contacting unknown inscription runes, and understand the characteristics of items and speed up the analysis of blueprints when contacting crafting objects]

The inscription crafting [mysterious card] is unlocked.

This series of prompts made the young man show an undisguised smile.

The improvement of enchanting skills is expected. After all, after learning raw material processing from Zhakang, each time before alchemy, he must use magic to process materials. The more he practices, the faster he will naturally improve.

But it is a real surprise to directly upgrade from Lv0 to Lv2 for the inscriptions that have not been practiced much.

"Why is there such a bright smile all of a sudden?"

Zha Kang pouted and said:
"Have you found the money?"

"No, it's better than finding money."

Mason moved his fingers and stood up regardless of the exhaustion from a busy night.

He glanced at the sun that had risen outside the window, stretched his body, and took out from the suitcase all the strange-shaped cold weapons he made when he practiced forging with magic metal.

He poured himself a big mouthful of refreshment, wiped his mouth and said to Zha Kang:
"It just dawned on me that there's one more item that Team K can sell at fairs. Maybe D-class people don't use it, but those E-class rookies must be scrambling for 'magic weapons', right?

Don't bother me today and tomorrow!

I'm going to mass-produce this 'rookie-only' stuff. "

Seeing Mason's full of energy, Zha Kang twitched his mouth and reminded:
"I suggest you take it easy, Mason, refreshing potion is indeed useful, but that doesn't mean you can use it to exempt your body from the accumulated fatigue.

If you continue like this, you will be exhausted sooner or later.

Of course, I am not worried about you, mainly if I want to collect gifts for Xiao Zha in the future."


A bottle of healing potion with a small amount of unicorn blood was slapped on the table by Mason. The thing reflected quite beautifully in the dawn light.

He stared at Zack, and said:

"What do you dare to say about me? Will you be exhausted? You're kidding, right?"

Konstantin was speechless at this heroic gesture.

After a few seconds, the black mage threw up his hands in surrender and said:

"All right, all right, the future master alchemist speaks confidently, I'll shut up, okay."

"Wait, John."

Seeing that Zha Kang was about to leave, Mason stopped him again and said:
"About that little unicorn Pola you gave your girlfriend, I read that unicorns change their teeth twice when they grow up, and they bleed naturally when they change their teeth
do you understand me? "

"Damn! I knew you had bad intentions for asking me to raise that naughty unicorn!"

As Constantine walked out of the office, he turned his head and gave Mason a middle finger, and said with a smoke ring:
"I want half!"
The night after two days.

The troubled Bingshan Bar finally started its trial operation.

As the boss, Kiteman used his "connections" in the minion union and invited many friends to join him. Catwoman also brought a group of female friends here on time.

Of course they are ordinary people.

But because of her "special status" in the Wayne family, Catwoman's social circle of ordinary people is also full of gold, and all of them belong to local wealthy wives with money and leisure.

This directly raises the business level of Bingshan Bar to a higher level.

Mason also specially mixed a wonderful cocktail with euphoria and refreshment, so that every guest who came to tonight's soft opening was very satisfied and enjoyed.

While the bar manager, Mr. Jack Sparrow, took two assistants, Angelina Teach and Elizabeth Swan, to deal with the guests in the bar, the members of the K team in the office on the top floor were also ready to go.

"Charles, I'm sorry to trouble you this time."

Mason whispered to the Kite Man dressed like a successful man with a glass of wine:

"After we pass, this door is yours to keep."

"I'm actually quite interested in that trade fair."

Charles held a glass of wine coquettishly, sighed and said:

"But whoever made me a member of the team naturally has to serve the team, don't worry, boss, I will pay attention to the situation in Gotham."

"Remember to keep an eye on Jack, don't let him mess around in my name."

Mason took out a box and handed it to the kiteman.

The latter opened it and saw that there were nearly fifty test tubes of compound decoction neatly placed inside. This terrifying amount made Charles twitch his mouth.

It seems that Mason intends to let Captain Jack play this "playing game" frequently in the future.

Well, think about it from this angle, maybe the boss brought the sociable Jack back from the Caribbean world for this purpose?

"This stuff smells disgusting."

The kiteman put away the box and whispered to Mason:

"I think you need to give him more compensation, boss, I think a handsome pirate suit should be enough to appease our captain.

He also complained yesterday that he was excluded from the team without a jersey. "

"Deal, I will fulfill the promise when I come back."

Mason touched his dark circles full of fairy spirit, and then looked back at Zhakang, Ertong and Barbara who were getting ready, as well as Mrs. Catwoman who was changing out of the luxurious evening dress in the cubicle.

While drinking the refreshing potion, he said to the kiteman:

"Keep the rear, Charles, I will bring you a gift."

"Good luck, guys."

The kiteman raised his wine glass to give blessings to Mason and the others, but the members of the K team who passed through the world gate did not enter a specific world as before.

When the trading day of the Star Club opens, all world gates will provide an additional world shuttle, and the destination is at the base camp of the Star Club.

The legendary Fort of Stars.

What caught their eyes was a stairway emitting a halo of light, and at the end was another door.

"Very clever space-time magic."

Zha Kang looked around for a few seconds and gave the answer:

"The level of the spellcaster is slightly better than mine by a billion points."

"As expected, if they don't even have this ability, it is impossible to create a large organization that spans countless worlds."

Mason stretched out his hand and pushed the black gentleman hat on his forehead, and while walking forward with a penguin umbrella, he said:

"All smiles, don't be so serious. Especially you, Er Tong, although we are performing the task of underground workers, a gentle smile is obviously more likely to make other people accept your questions."

Jason Todd, who was named by Mason, remained expressionless.

When Mason looked back for the second time, the indifferent guy simply took out the helmet that Mason made for him with Batman's equipment maker, and put it on with a click.

The round red helmet completely covered Er Tong's head, leaving only two white observation holes. Now no one could see his indifferent and unfriendly expression.

"Don't mind Jason's indifference, Mason."

Barbara Gordon, who was wearing a bat mask to cover her cheeks, was in a good mood. This girl seemed to have returned to her previous sunny and gentle posture after a few days of traveling in the Caribbean.

She whispered to Mason:
"Jason's personality has been affected after he was only resurrected from the dead, and his appearance as if the whole world owes him money is not aimed at you.

He always does the same to me. "

"The damn League of Assassins is good at turning good kids into psychopaths."

Catwoman complained next to her:

"Jason is like this, so is Damian, that kid finally put down the samurai sword that he always carries with him under Afu's persuasion in the past few days.

I was going to have a chat with him last night, but that little bastard put sleeping pills in my dinner wine!Bruce was almost overwhelmed by his lack of cooperation.

But he unexpectedly has a good relationship with Ah Fu.

Maybe it's Alfred who gave him a 'grandfather' vibe? "

"Ahem, this long-winded mother, please refrain from your complaints, no one here is willing to listen to your 'parenting experience'."

Zha Kang's mean words immediately aroused Catwoman's glare, Barbara also laughed, Mason's mouth curled up into a fleeting smile, and Er Tong still looked cold.

In short, the team is full of happy air.

It wasn't until Mason grabbed the doorknob at the end of the Aperture Road that he glanced back at his team before twisting down and pushing the door open.


Barbara let out an exclamation, and the catwoman beside her also widened her eyes.

What appeared in front of Team K was a valley under a distant mountain lined with green grass.

The surrounding snow-capped mountains rise one after another and the blue sky seems to be within reach, as if the world in front of you has been adjusted to the "highest quality" at once, and it is like turning on the unique Disney fairy tale filter.

At the end of the valley there is a huge medieval castle or city, which is very large and surrounded by green lakes, overlooking the distant sea.

From where they were, they could even see that there were already pedestrians going back and forth in the huge city built on the hillside.

Mason was also looking at the picturesque scenery.

He felt a sense of "peace" from the moment he stepped here, which was a sense of peace rising from the soul level, as if he could isolate himself from all the troubles of the outside world by coming here.

This is not normal at all!
Mason took a peek at the second barrel next to him, and even this cold guy seemed to be attracted by the rather exotic scenery in front of him.

"It's not an illusion."

Slag Kang whispered in Mason's ear:
"The surrounding snow-capped mountains, lakes, and grasslands are all real. It is very likely that we have come to a real world, but they must have set some magic here to eliminate hostility and calm the mind."

"Of course it's true here."

Mason held the witcher logo of the cat school that he always carried close to his body, curled his lips and whispered:

"I even know there used to be a place called 'Toussaint', the fabled land of fairy tales and virtues. Hell, that windmill in the distance is exactly as I remember it.

I just don't know if 'Heshan Bank' is still there? "

"What did you say?"

Constantine asked a question.

Mason shook his head and said to the players:
"The gate of the trading day should lead directly to the palace of Starsburg, where there is a room belonging to the K team, but because of the death of old K, the location was wrong.

Looks like we'll have to walk there. "

He took out the flying motorcycle, but Mason stopped Zakon from releasing the flying dragon. It is best not to make such a malicious creature in the base camp of the Stars to avoid trouble.

And when the K team was discussing how to set off, something that didn't fit the magnificent natural scenery in front of them flew over at an extremely fast speed, and finally stopped in front of the group of people.

It was a very sci-fi hovercar.

The silver-gray one is quite simple, without wheels, and looks like a flying bathtub as a whole.

And a guy who looks like an elf and has long ears sits in the driver's seat and says politely but routinely to the members of the K team who are aiming at him with weapons in front of them:
"According to Mr. Hunter's order, I came here specially to welcome you to the Fort of Stars.

Please don't waste time showing your hostility, Team K, the grand event of the trading day has already begun, if you don't hurry up, the good things will be replaced by others. "

"You are his servant?"

Mason put down the penguin umbrella that had been splashed by electric arcs in his hand and asked. The elf holding the steering wheel shrugged and said in an impatient tone that didn't match his racial appearance:

"No, I'm a staff member at the reception desk of Fort Stars, and I'm working overtime without pay, so you better hurry up before I get angry, rookies!

I don't want answering your questions to cause me to miss the Viking feast those Asgardians are throwing tonight.

The girl in Asgard is too straight, if I can meet another Amazon girl tonight, then I will be thankful, why are you still staring?

No time to explain now.

Get in the car! "

Under the urging of the dirty elves full of Asgardian chicks, Team K climbed onto this weird-looking hover vehicle. Mason sat on the co-pilot and reached out to touch the console full of buttons in front of him.

The next moment, the information label pops up:

Fantasticar/Fantastic Car
Quality: Epic Engineering Creation Standard Craftsmanship
Traits: Supersonic flight, space travel, energy protection, precision deformation

Designer: "Mister Fantastic" Reed Richards
Producer: The third production workshop of the logistics department of Fort Stars

Item description: Stan Lee said that he likes the shape of this car very much, but the truth is that he was probably drunk or high when he created it.

Tip: Drawing analysis is in progress. [Photographic memory] The talent takes effect, and the analysis speed is accelerated!

"Is this car for sale?"

When the "flying bathtub" approached the city in the valley in front of him at an extremely fast speed, Mason, who was sitting in the co-pilot, suddenly asked.

The driving elf glanced at him and said:
"Not for sale! But you can give it away.

C-level members can apply at Stars Fort, go through a set of bureaucratic procedures and wait patiently for a few months before picking up the car.

But no one will apply for this thing.

On the one hand, it requires a high degree of technical literacy to drive perfectly, on the other hand, most applicants who do not know how to do it will not live to have their car delivered.

After all, members who can be promoted to C-rank will not lack means of transportation, right? "

This inelegant elf worker seemed too lazy to talk to the pioneers of the Stars Society. He sent the K team to the entrance of the Stars Fort's castle and was about to leave.

But before leaving, the bad-tempered bastard smoked a cigar in a very social way, and said to Mason:

"Mr. Hunter asked me to bring you a message. Remember to go to the top of the castle to find him after you settle down. He has something important to tell you. Oh, and this!"

The elf worker threw over a business card with a room number and a special gear symbol on it.

He said to Mason:
"Mr. Hunter asked you to find these people. He said that you paid a good price for his drawings before, and said that these are his own people, and he will not slaughter you rookies."

After speaking, the elf smoking a cigar started the speeding car and disappeared into the sky with a whoosh.

"My own?"

Mason looked at the business card in his hand, savoring the words from Mr. Hunter.

At this moment, he felt that he finally got some response to the two temptations of Mr. Hunter, so, is that guy really "one of us"?
(End of this chapter)

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