The track of dawn in the world of American manga

第124章 7.你1定是老K的私生子,对吧?【610】

Chapter 124 7. You must be the illegitimate child of old K, right? 【610】

How to use one word to describe Castle of Stars?

Mason, who just swiped his "employee card" through the gate to enter here, felt that it should be "chaos".

Obviously in a medieval fairy tale castle, there are almost all things from different eras and even completely different styles.

Take the large promenade that runs through the entire castle in front of Team K as an example. On Mason's left, there are a few "wizards" leisurely setting up booths and basking in the sun with pipes in their mouths. It is said that the latest powered exoskeleton.

There was also an exaggerated advertisement for a set of blue power armor on the futuristic holographic image.

Mason looked up.

At the end of the lively street, the most eye-catching thing is a three-story snow-colored giant tiger, which looks like some kind of biologically modified combat weapon, which is covered with cool armor.

And several people with lightsabers on their waists are bargaining with its owner.

A group of girls dressed as Amazon warriors walked through the street hand in hand, causing a burst of whistles.The "Birdmen" whistling overhead were discussing the Asgard Viking banquet tonight.

The most outrageous thing is that a few "worms" walking upright are also decently visiting the stalls or shops on both sides of the road, picking up products from time to time to inquire about prices.

"I saw death alive."

Zha Kang next to Mason was stunned for a long while with a cigarette in his mouth, before bumping into Mason's shoulder, pointing to a man wearing a black robe and carrying a scythe not far away, followed by several crying ghosts chained up guy.

He whispered:

"That's not some goddamn Halloween costume, that's a real Grim Reaper! Ultra-rare high-level undead! Hell! It can take all the souls on this street."

"Come on, look at the two Stormtroopers on your left who are wrestling with the Chewbaccas, and look at the sister angel on top of your head who wears a stripper's obscene ribbon to attract customers.

Isn't it the god of death?

When it appeared, it was already the worst dressed guy on the street! "

Catwoman was also taken aback by the noisy and bizarre scene in front of her. She complained to Zha Kang:

"I feel like I've strayed into a weird otaku manga exhibition. Hey, why does the black-haired woman in front look so familiar? I seem to have seen her somewhere?"

"That's Jerusalem er, no, I mean Miss Tifa."

Mason stared at the long-legged oriental girl who was shopping hand in hand with a yellow-haired girl with a mechanical sword on her back, and said faintly:
"Even if they are there, they may see Lord Sephiroth in the future. It seems that I have to re-examine my stereotype of the Stars Club before my three views are shattered."

"Mason! Come see this!"

While the "Big Three" of Team K were discussing the noisy scene in a low voice, Barbara called out in a low voice and made Mason glance back.

It turned out that Batgirl was picking up a wrist armor-like electronic product on the carpet next to her.

As the young man walked over, he heard Barbara say to him excitedly:
"This integrated portable computer is an order of magnitude more technologically advanced than the Batcomputer, and with it I can hack into every electronic device we see.

Look at this cutie, it is backward compatible with almost all backward technologies! "

Barbara, who has always been generous, will hold the wrist computer in her hand and look at Mason with wide eyes. The expression can be summed up in one sentence:

"I want it! Buy it for me!"


Mason rubbed his forehead with a headache and said in a low voice:

"Don't be in a hurry and turn around, okay? Maybe you can meet better ones, and the thing in your hand, if I read it correctly, should be part of the 'Blood Hunting' system used by the Predators.

It needs the support of a full set of iron blood system and unique hunter blood. "

Mason looked up and down the thing in Barbara's hand very knowledgeably, then reached out to touch it, shook his head after a few seconds and said:

"This is a defective product with the hunting system removed, and it is specially used to deceive a rookie like you who doesn't know how to do it."

He pulled the disappointed Barbara away from the stall, and led the team members across the busy street.

Originally, I thought the helmet of the second barrel was a bit exaggerated, but now I will be among a group of "geeks" from various parallel worlds, and the normally dressed K team has become the most unobtrusive "passerby".

"Look, Mason, your fellow."

The sharp-eyed Zha Kang pointed to a small stall next to him, and said something to Mason.

The young man turned his head and saw that there were three connected stalls on the side of the road that contained potions in various bottles, and several master chiefs with guns on their backs were standing in front of the stalls sweeping the goods.

And the owner of the stall is a young lady who is fashionable and chews gum.

"It's them!"

Just when Mason was about to go over to have a look, the black gentleman's hat on his head suddenly shook.The sleeping branch school hat sent a message to Mason's heart, and it said in a cold tone:
"I feel the breath of a traitor, where did those potions come from?"

"The little girl?"

Mason narrowed his eyes and looked at the young girl playing games with her head down behind the booth.

But the branch hat was silent for a few seconds and said:
"No, she's not! She should be a follower recruited by traitors from other worlds, just like you and your team members."


Mason turned around and gave instructions to the other team members, letting them wander freely and agreeing to meet in the room belonging to Team K in this castle after an hour.

He himself straightened his clothes and walked to the booth selling potions.

He stretched out his hand to touch the potions and alchemy products in front of him. According to the results given by the information labels, they were all ordinary potions that did not make people's eyes shine.

However, the business of this stall is really good, and from time to time, guys with strange costumes come here to inquire.

Mason observed these buyers calmly. Judging from the tattoo shapes on their arms, most of them were E-class newcomers, and occasionally there were some D-class members.

From the moment he entered this street, Mason noticed that it seemed lively and the costumes of passers-by were extremely threatening, but in fact most of them were newcomers.

C-level personnel like Mason are very rare here, so the young people infer that this "commercial street" should only serve lower-level members.

The trading place for more senior personnel may still be inside the castle.

"How are these medicines sold?"

After a group of buyers dressed as Japanese warriors from the Warring States Period left, Mason finally asked the girl who was sitting behind the booth and pressing the game console in her hand:

"Is there a discount if you buy more?"

"You can sign a long-term supply contract, customer."

The girl chewing gum said without looking up like an automatic answering machine:

"The deputy captain said that we can provide high-quality and low-cost potion services for a long time. Orders start at half a year, and you need to pay a deposit first! You can pay with precious items or points from the Star Club.

If necessary, I can contact our dedicated person in charge for the guests. "

"Then contact me."

Mason showed a smile, reached out and pushed the hat on his head, and said softly:

"May I know the name and location of your team?"


The girl glanced at Mason and then took out a strange talisman and lit it in her hand, probably for team communication. After a few seconds, she raised her head and said:

"On the closing day of the trade fair in two days, our contact person will go to your residence to discuss this matter. Please leave a message."


Mason kept Team K's room number, and took out a few perfect Frozen Sea Heart pearls as a deposit.

When he turned to leave, the branch hat said darkly:
"It's the Shinto Magic Institute, the dregs of Neon's official magic academy! Those potions have obvious oriental styles, and the talisman paper used by that little girl is also their unique spell-casting props.

what are you going to do "

"Cheat people over, kill them, throw their bodies away, and finally run away."

Mason replied concisely.

This plan made the school hat a little speechless for a while, and after a few seconds, it tentatively said:

"I don't have any opinion on your plan, Mason, but I think it should be as safe as possible to do things in the headquarters of the Confederation of Stars, if possible.

What do you think? "

"No need."

From another stall, the young man picked up a small stone that looked like a flame and looked it up in his hand. He replied in his heart:
"We just need to kill people, and other things will be handled for us. Don't be afraid, there are people above me, but your reminder is also reasonable. This kind of thing should be safer.

Why don't we follow the clues to find their room, then rush in and kill everyone in that so-called 'Amaterasu Squad'? "

Mason rubbed his chin and thought:

"The end of Hogwarts happened more than a year ago, regardless of the slight time dislocation between the worlds, their team formation should not exceed C-level.

Coupled with your help, it is still within the range that can be dealt with.

I think this job can do it, what do you think? "

The branch hat fell silent again, and after a few seconds it said:
"I like your crazy and willful plan, but I have to go to the castle to take a look first. If there is a powerful magic for real-time monitoring, I don't recommend you to do it."

"I said it all, there are people above us, so be bold."

Mason glanced back at the Fortress of Stars behind him, and said softly in his heart:
"That's a solid big guy, enough to get us out of these 'little troubles.'"

After finishing speaking, he showed a gentle and approachable smile to the owner of the "snake man" in front of him, swiped at the booth in front of him, and said:

"I want all these scorching stones and wasteland sand, let's make a price. By the way, my lovely friend with scales, do you want to sign a long-term supply contract with Team K?

I really need these fine-textured elemental materials. "
An hour later, Mason arrived inside the Fort of Stars with various harvests from shopping.

This towering castle looks like a medieval building, but in fact the interior is very luxurious like a palace, and service personnel from all over the world walk through it.

People who enter here for the first time like Mason will also be given a special guide.

A short, cute receptionist with butterfly wings brought Mason to Team K's room, and left happily with a "Heart of the Forest" fossil that Mason gave as a tip.

This thing was bought by Mason at the "Commercial Street". It is a production material rich in life. He used two blank quasar pistols to exchange a lot from a tree man.

Mason took out his captain card and swiped it on the closed door, then pushed the door and walked in.

The winged receptionist just introduced to him that powerful space magic has been applied to the Castle of Stars, making the castle's true volume far exceed what it appears on the surface.

There are countless rooms here for the thousands of Pathfinder squads that the Society of Stars currently has.

The captain of each team has the right to adjust the furnishings and style of the resident, and needs to pay a "decoration fee" to the property department of Starsburg when it needs to be replaced.

In addition to the original trading mode of bartering, there is also a kind of "commercial points" provided by the headquarters of the Stars Club, which can be obtained by turning over various materials to the headquarters and completing the development tasks and reward tasks issued by the headquarters.

This kind of points is a kind of auxiliary function.

Although it has many uses, it is only useful in Star Fortress. Most pioneering teams are more used to bartering.

Mason walked into the room and looked at the black background in front of him. There were several rooms, displaying quaint bookshelves and a large suite with a medieval style.

There are hardly any accents of bright color here, even the carpet is pure black.

"I knew it, it really is the minimalist ascetic style that lonely old men would choose."

He grumbled harshly.

Walking slowly through the K team's resident room, he didn't miss a place where he could hide things, but he was disappointed that old K didn't leave any decent treasures here.

Compared with the room in Stars Fort, Old K seems to trust his magic apartment that Zhakang has regarded as a mage's tower more.

However, when he opened a hidden room on the side of the study and walked into Old K's alchemy room, Mason still found some last "gifts" left by the previous captain.

A large thick book is being spread out in front of the alchemy table.

Mason went up to check and found that it was a rather old witcher's potion collection. The rune and wolf head logo of Kaer Morhen Castle and the badge of the Griffin School marked under the cover fully represented its gold content.

Old K's simplified drug formulas all come from this book.

Even the book itself was a fine-quality magical creation, which satisfied Mason greatly, and his alchemy could be further improved with this thing.

Old K also left some alchemy materials here, all of which are advanced materials needed to configure complex medicines.

In addition, Mason also found a small box hidden under the alchemy table. He took out the box and opened it in front of his eyes, and found that there were several sets of very complicated blueprints of armor and weapons:
Demon Hunter·Inheritance Armor/Weapon [Wolf, Cat, Griffin, Bear, Viper, Manticore]

Quality: Depends on the maker's tailoring (leather-making)/forging process, the lowest quality is [Excellent], and the highest quality is [Legend·Immortal Relic]

Item effects: The magic effects of the inheritance armors of different schools are not the same. Adding different materials during the production process will also lead to different effects in the final product.

Item description: The oldest reverberation of a profession, the last glory of a world, and the ultimate inheritance of a destiny.

"I thought it was just a helpless choice for you to give me your badge, but I didn't expect you to actually leave all these things at the bottom of the box to me."

Mason stroked the small box in his hand, somewhat complicated in his mind.

He said softly:

"It seems that my killing you in the Forbidden Forest may not be an unacceptable ending for you. Thinking about it, you have been living very tired. The last witcher.
Tsk, that sounds pretty miserable. "

"He must also want to swing the sword of vengeance on those who destroyed his homeland, just like me."

The branch hat said at this moment:

"And he chose you, as I did.

Mason, you were an Avenger before you woke me up.

You don't carry the wrath of the Hogwarts world alone, you were born to stand against the Order of the Stars and their evil allies. "

"Perhaps it is."

Mason put the last inheritance left by old K in his hand into his luggage, and he went to the alchemy platform to refine medicine to pass the time and calm down.

While processing the materials at hand, he said to the branch hat:

"And I think I'm pretty good at it. My first shot at them cost over 20 senior members. By the way, won't the big shots hear us discussing this here?"

"Well, here's the good news I want to tell you."

The branch hat said in a cheerful tone:
"There is a permanent listening barrier in this castle where nothing bad can be done, but now the primordial power presiding over the barrier has been drawn away to weaken it.

The host of the enchantment is not here either.

It is just an empty shell but does not work, like a giant without a heart, a tiger without teeth, it can only frighten those laymen, but not me! "

"so what?"

Mason asked.

The branch hat sneered a few times and said:

"So don't be intimidated by this formidable castle, as long as you can get over the level of timidity in your heart and act safely, no one will be able to catch you.

Mason, let's let it go!
You can get what you want, and I can be happy because of it.Let those traitors pay with blood! "

(End of this chapter)

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