The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 125 8. My friend's friend is also my friend [710]

Chapter 125 8. My friend's friend is also my friend [710]

When Mason finished brewing the first dose of potion, his team members also returned with a full load like the satisfied sisters after a hard fight.

Barbara was holding several electronic devices of different styles, and Zha Kang had an extra book of magic books in his hand,

Er Tong was playing with a Damascus sword, and even Mrs. Catwoman was admiring the colorful jewelry ring on her finger that was useless except for being extremely beautiful.

Everyone seemed to get what they craved.

But they definitely couldn't guess what treasure Mason found in this ascetic room.

"How is it? Is the trade fair fun?"

The young man walked out of the alchemy room holding a cup of warm potion just out of the pot. The strange smell still left on his body made the two ladies pinch their noses.

Facing Mason's question, Zha Kang, who was smoking a cigarette, curled his lips and said:
"To be honest, it's so-so. The rare and good things from various worlds sound bluffing, but it's not difficult to find that most of them are flashy, and no one will put out the real good things.

All that is really useful on that street are some cherished materials.

It can only be regarded as an appetizer.

I just asked at the front desk of the castle, and the cute goblin receptionist told me that the fair for senior personnel will not open in the castle at night.

That's the real deal.

But our guess was right, Mason.

The potions and low-level magic weapons you made are very popular among newcomers, coupled with the super charm of Lord Selena, we sold out all the things we brought in only 10 minutes.

I got you some blueprints. "

The black wizard threw over a stack of rolled-up blueprints, and Mason checked them in his hand and handed the potion just out of the pot to Zha Kang, motioning him to drink it.

Constantine is unwilling to be a drug tester.

But the weird smell from the potion in front of him made the magic power in his body more active.

"New medicine?"

He squinted his eyes and asked.

Mason nodded, analyzed the blueprint in his hand and said:

"Perritt Potion, just learned the formula, don't care about the name, and don't ask me who Perritt is. This stuff can strengthen all spell effects within a few minutes after drinking it, but it's poisonous, so take it easy."

"Cool, this simple and straightforward booster is my favorite."

Zha Kang whistled and took a small sip.

After drinking, the veins on his neck popped up, which startled the others, but he didn't feel anything and snapped his fingers.

The lighting technique, which was just a group of green fireflies, directly created a fireball the size of a human head, which almost ignited Barbara's fiery long hair beside her, making the gentle girl scream.

"Xiao Zha will be willing to pay a lot in exchange for this formula."

Constantine packed the rest of the potion into his bag and rubbed his hands at Mason, obviously asking his captain to pay him another "fee for picking up girls".

Mason glared at Zack, but still wrote down the formula of Perritt's potion and threw it to him.

As for our own people, we can always get more tolerance.

"Barbara, there are two barrels left, come out with me."

After analyzing the various blueprints that Zha Kang had exchanged for, Mason threw them into his luggage, and snapped his fingers at the two new team members. He took out the card given by the dirty elf receptionist and planned to visit another team under Mr. Hunter's command. A "own people".

Before leaving, Mason took out a piece of paper that had been written in advance and handed it to Mrs. Catwoman, exhorting:

"Selena, take John out for a stroll. Familiarize yourself with the environment and buy the supplies we urgently need on paper. It's best if you can buy them all. If it doesn't work, we'll wait until the evening's high-end fair opens."

"I feel like I've become the steward of Team K, Mason Jr."

Selena took the paper angrily and complained:

"My sister thinks that I can take on more important responsibilities."


Mason blinked and whispered:
"I'm eyeing a team of pioneers called 'Amaterasu', so I asked Big Sister Catwoman to help me collect information, and then break into them if possible.

Use your invincible charm, big sister, I hope you can bring back good news. "

"Hmph, just wait and see."

Catwoman raised her chin proudly, and snapped her fingers at Zha Kang who was still pouring the antidote to get him ready to go shopping.

Unlike Mason who came here with a purpose, Selena really regarded this trip to the Stars Fort as a relaxing vacation, so as to relieve the psychological pressure brought by her bad adopted son.

On the other side, Mason brought Barbara and Ertu quickly to the standard room on the card.

It's on their level, and not far away.

The arrangement of rooms in these star castles seems to follow a certain pattern. If Mason guessed correctly, the nearby houses should all belong to the team directly under Mr. Hunter.

"The other side is a team of pioneers who take the technological route, so for a while, they will rely on Barbara's hacking skills as the judge of the transaction, and the second barrel will be responsible for playing hard as a bodyguard."

Mason explained to his two players:
"Although conflicts are unlikely to break out, if things don't go well, Er Tong remember to cover Barbara and me and get out first."


Er Tong didn't answer, but pulled out the dagger that he bought while shopping, and played with it between his fingers a few times like a butterfly piercing a flower.

"That's right! It's Fan who stabs people with a knife when they don't agree with each other."

Mason complained:
"You really fit the role of this violent madman."

Amidst Barbara's chuckle, Mason straightened his clothes and reached out to knock on the door. A few seconds later, a hoarse female voice sounded from the room:


Mason replied.

The next moment, the door opened a crack, and a pair of vigilant eyes looked out through the crack, just in contact with the eyes under Mason's hat.

"I haven't seen you! Go away!"

This is a girl.

And he seems to have a bad temper.

Mason's attention was focused on her weird and cool hairstyle, the long green hair dyed purple at the end and leaning towards the left side of her cheek.

Part of the hair on the right side has been shaved off, leaving only stubble, and a delicate silver and black metal piece is "embedded" in the skin above the right ear.

Well, if Mason remembers correctly, the scientific name of this thing should be "prosthetic body plug-in"?
In addition to this very iconic hair, the tattoo on the upper body of the girl wearing a vest made Mason squint his eyes.

Especially the "13" on the right arm surrounded by three red roses, and the "spider web" tattooed on the skin that attracts all eyes.

"You are the famous Judy Alvarez?"

Mason said softly:
"What a surprise. I didn't expect to see you here."

"who are you?"

The stranger in front of her called out her name that had not been used for a long time, which made the girl in the house immediately vigilant, and her fingers even put her finger on the heavy pistol on the waist of her black leather pants.

"As I said, I am a guest and a friend."

Mason waved his hand.

The card given by Mr. Hunter appeared on the fingertips, and the appearance of this thing immediately dispelled part of the hostility of the girl in front of her, and then she heard Mason say again:

"You're the 'Afterlife' team, I'm so slow, I should have guessed who you were when I heard that name.

I am friends with Mr. Sandstorm from the Hydra team. He introduced you to me and said that you have worked with him and are very good and professional pioneers. "


Judy showed a hint of disgust when she heard the name, she gritted her teeth and said:

"We're not friends with that bastard! But if it's recommended by Mr. Hunter"


The protective chain of the door was opened, and the girl who was not tall and even looked a little dainty opened the door, and pouted at Mason to signal them to come in.

And when she saw Barbara Gordon, who was wearing a bat suit and a mask behind Mason, perfectly showing her tall figure, Miss Judy, who was still resisting, immediately lit up.

He even became strangely enthusiastic.

In this messy house that is more of a "workshop" than a residence, busy preparing drinks for the reception.

She said to Barbara:

"Sorry, it's a bit of a mess here. The rest of the team doesn't come here very often, so I'll just use this as my personal studio, don't mind."

"Huh? No, I don't mind."

Barbara didn't know why this pretty and personable young lady was so polite to her, but she, who was gentle by nature, didn't show off but responded to the kindness.

The communication between the two girls was noticed by Mason.

The evil Captain of Team K rubbed his chin, and looked at Miss Judy who was always leaning towards Barbara with weird eyes.

A very dark thought then burst into his mind.

And Judy in front of her was very enthusiastic to help Barbara pack a place to sit, and then her expression turned cold when she looked at the two smelly men.

The chicly dressed girl casually picked up the chewing gum on the workbench and threw it into her mouth. While chewing, she said impatiently:

"The blueprint of the bat suit that Mr. Hunter handed over to us is not bad. It has no shortcomings except that it is too backward. The idea of ​​making that thing can be used as armor suitable for hacking operations.

Therefore, the captain said let me inspect you, and if possible, we may be able to cooperate further.

Now, first the rewards to you. "

As she spoke, a blue halo danced in her eye sockets, as if she was sending a message.

Then a tall and burly man in black came out of the inner room carrying a box, put the box in front of Mason and Ertu with a bang, and opened it.

Inside was an oddly shaped weapon.

It looks like a left hand prosthesis, very well made like a real arm, but with some special inserts on its skin.

Under the gaze of Mason and Ertong, the black-clothed man picked up the thing, activated the switch, and with a bang, the snow-white shaped blade popped out of the prosthesis in a folded and ejected posture.

The very precise mechanical structure, like the limbs of a praying mantis, makes it have an astonishing impact the moment it pops out.

This vicious and violent weapon specially used for assassination and close combat made Er Tong's eyes shine.

But Mason frowned and stretched out his hand to touch it, and the next moment the information label popped up:
Seiko Praying Mantis Knife
Quality: Epic Engineering Precision Creation·Perfect Craftsmanship
Traits: Slash the enemy and kill, as fast as a gust of wind, super fast start, extreme penetration, weapon plug-in X3
Designer: Arasaka Heavy Industries
Item description: Replace your own arm with a mantis blade, which bloody genius came up with the terrible idea?
Tip: Engineering Lv3 is required to use this precision weapon.During blueprint analysis, [Photographic Memory] talent is activated, and the analysis speed is increased.

"Stuff is really good stuff."

With the blessing of the new talent, it only took Mason more than ten seconds to get the blueprint. He withdrew his fingers regretfully, and glanced at the hunk in black next to Judy.

他 说:

"However, using the Praying Mantis Knife requires prosthetic transformation. To fully utilize its brutal destructive power, I need to implant an operating system plug-in into the nervous system of my team members.

But that stuff seriously damages your health.

I will not let my team members lose their hands just in exchange for a temporary increase in combat effectiveness, which is not worth the candle.This thing is too insincere, Miss Judy! "

"Yo, I'm still a smart guy."

Judy, who was getting close to Barbara, raised her eyebrows. The cool girl with tattoos on her hips said to Mason in surprise:

"You are a good person who cares about the health of the team members. The captains of other teams are not as indecisive as you. Do you know how much such a Seiko Praying Mantis Knife can be exchanged for with them?

This is for the sake of Mr. Hunter's personal instructions, so I will raise your reward to this level.

Don't open your mouth like a lion. "

"I didn't say you guys are dishonest, I just don't want this stuff!"

Mason decisively refused:

"Change to another one. With all due respect, you'd better take out all the implanted prosthetic plugs in your body, Miss Judy, and with those things, you won't live to be 50 years old."

As he spoke, Mason took out a quasar pistol from his waist. This action made the black-clothed man next to Judy immediately pull out a precision pistol and aim it at Mason.

The young man glanced at him and said:
"Didn't you see that we were talking? Get lost, that impolite bionic!"

He took the pistol in his hand out of the drum and put it on the table, and said to Judy:

"The blueprint for this technological pistol comes from your world. As you can see, I am also an engineer, so I want something similar rather than something that will damage my health."

"It seems that you are very resistant to body modification. Even the most basic modification on our side seems like a crime to you."

Judy chews gum and stares at Mason.

Fragmented light lit up in her pupils, and under the silent command, the tall bionic warrior who protected her put away her weapon, and silently retreated into the inner room.

The handsome girl stepped forward, looked at the quasar pistol that Mason had taken out, and skillfully disassembled it and reassembled it.

A few seconds later, she had an extra fire control chip in her hand.That is what Mason got from the military laboratory of Wayne Industries, which represents the most cutting-edge technological products of Wayne Industries in the military field.

But Judy stared at it like a lump of X, and said:
"Your gun-making skills are good. Handmade weapons are comparable to finished products made by intelligent production lines, but why use such backward chips to manipulate them?"

Judy narrowed her eyes.

The tech engineer from Night City grinned and said to Mason:

"Ha, I see. What you need most is actually this kind of integrated chip that you think is 'future technology', right? What a cunning guy."

"It's easy to talk to smart people."

Mason also smiled, leaned on the sofa and snapped his fingers, saying to his team members:
"Barbara, it's time for you to play, let's go to her warehouse with Miss Judy and have a look, and choose some smart chips for us that can be applied to our technological level.

My two Batmobiles and the Anti-Superman Armor also need a 'heart of mechanical intelligence' that cannot be locked out by remote control. "

When Mason asked Barbara and herself to go to the warehouse to pick up goods, Judy had a visible smile on her face, but she noticed Mason's gaze and quickly put on a serious face.

"Okay, I still have the authority to change the remuneration for you, and I think you are a good engineer, Mason. Our two teams may try to establish a long-term cooperative relationship."

"I think so too."

Mason's eyes flicked between Judy and Barbara, and he said:

"Do you think I should send a representative to your side? Or maybe you will be stationed in our city as a representative of the 'Afterlife' team? After all, your world is destroyed, right?"

Hearing Mason's words, Judy's eyes were complicated and lost. She took Barbara's hand and led her to her warehouse, and said to Mason without looking back:

"This. Let's talk about it later. Don't mess with my things. If you break it, you will have to pay for it!"

Watching Judy and Barbara disappear, Mason immediately got up and walked towards the wall directly in front of the studio under Ertu's surprised gaze.

Second Barrel reminded in a low voice:
"There are infrared security devices in there, and if you take them down, it will set off the alarm."

"I don't need to steal them, Jason, which normal person would do such a near-death thing on someone else's territory?"

Mason stared at the various weapons hanging on the entire wall in front of him.

His eyes burst into a captivating light, and he stretched out his hands towards them, just like a pervert seeing a beautiful woman after taking a bubble bath.

He whispered:

"I just want to appreciate some of these ultra-modern weapons from the future. I just appreciate their structure and design ideas. That's all. I can't let Barbara's 'sacrifice' go to waste."

(End of this chapter)

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