The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 133 16. Permission to Kill

Chapter 133 16. Permission to Kill

Early in the morning on the second day of the trading day, Mason returned to the K team's resident room with a box full of refining formation blueprints on his face, and went to the old K's alchemy room after a brief wash.

He couldn't wait to try the Liancheng Formation he made yesterday, and by the way, he would modify his redesign of the anti-superman armor according to the two brothers' suggestions.

As for the trade fair, Mason is not going to go today.

I basically got all the blueprints that can be prostituted with krypton gold dog eyes yesterday, and the rest are currently unanalyzable, and the two brothers Elric are quite famous wandering businessmen in the group of stars. They have a lot of very good If Mason needs anything, he can go whoring directly from them for nothing.

It should be called "industry exchange" in a more appropriate way.

"By the way, there are still orders from others."

Mason patted his head and took out a booklet from his pocket.

That was the "order" that the two Elric brothers got in the Star Club and some places in other worlds. In the past, they were responsible for the production and sales. Now Mason can be considered as a "non-staff" to join their trading team. , naturally also have to assume a responsibility.

This is exactly what Mason wants, and he is now worried that he can't transform his manufacturing skills into the combat effectiveness of the K team.

Moreover, he just bought several sets of equipment production lines with refining arrays on credit from his brother, and now Mason needs to work hard to repay the debt.

Hey, why does it feel like an office worker with a mortgage on his back?

Depend on!
It's all in another world and you still have to work part-time to pay off your debts?
"Let me see, so many healing potions? Is this a supply for the war zone? There are also various orders for antidotes and weapons. Oh, this mark is for the rebels in a vassal world.

not bad.

I say I want to stay away from the war, but in fact I am still fighting against the stars in secret. Sure enough, there is no easy person who can make friends with me, right? "

Mason generally analyzed some kind of information conveyed in this order, and then unfolded a blueprint for forming a magic potion, and took out the components provided by the two brothers to make a small one in the alchemy room. Formed into formations.

On the left hand side are the ingredients, including a glass of water.

There is an alchemy stone in his right hand. The experiment with Alphonse last night proved that the alchemy stone in Mason's hand can also be used as a conversion medium for forming a formation.

He will follow the instructions in the introductory booklet of Lian Chengzhen to recall the process of making the healing potion in his mind, and then take a deep breath to start Lian Chengzhen.

The red arc followed the ritual of this prototype and jumped rapidly, the alchemy stone in the right hand was continuously consumed, while the materials on the left hand were swallowed into the alchemy formation.

Mason could feel that these materials were rapidly decomposed in an indescribable way and reassembled into the finished potion. Although the whole process was completed in an instant, it was completed based on Mason's understanding of the process of making healing potions.

In fact, this is also the rule of alchemy, which simplifies the long-term reaction process of traditional alchemy, and transforms materials into finished products in three steps of "understanding, decomposition, and reconstruction".

Among them, the "understanding" part is the most important.

If the alchemist himself cannot fully understand what he is doing, it will be difficult to describe what he produces.


There was a pungent smell coming from the alchemy stone in Mason's hand, and one-third of its shape had been consumed, and there was already a bottle of finished healing potion on the table in front of him.

Normally, such a bottle of potion would take Mason 10 to [-] minutes to prepare, but now it is completed in the blink of an eye.

"Complete the production of an excellent quality and excellent craft alchemy item, and the skill proficiency of the alchemy branch will increase by X10. Unlock the talent of 'Quick Alchemy of the Manufacturing Branch'.


The 'Quick Alchemy' talent is suitable for making repetitive items in large quantities in a short period of time. This technique produces creations of corresponding quality based on the user's understanding of the creations.

Using this talent can make multiple items at one time, but you will only get one skill improvement, and the chance of producing high-quality goods will be greatly reduced.

This negative effect will be weakened as the user's crafting skills improve.

The current user's alchemy skill is Lv4, and at this level, when the 'Quick Alchemy' skill takes effect, the probability of appearing items above 'exquisite' is 0.01%. "

A line of reminders jumped in front of Mason's eyes, and this reminder was not unexpected.

To put it bluntly, the principle of forming an array is a time-saving method of "scrubbing volume". It is completely understandable that the quality will decrease when the volume is taken. With Mason's current level, it is still impossible to maintain both quality and quantity.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he persists, he can do it one day.

After trying the formation for the first time, Mason quickly completed the orders of the Elric brothers in batches, and after a few more visits, he could pay off the arrears of the equipment he bought, and the rest was to "make a lot of money".

He planned to get some Zhenjin and Urujin from those two brothers first, and then try to get the Ark Reactor in the hands of those two guys.

They boasted that they could find all the materials Mason wanted. If this was true, it meant that Mason would not have to worry about raw materials in the future.

After completing the commercial order, Mason took some time to assemble a metal formation, and then made nearly a thousand rounds of cursed bullets and various engineering warheads at one time.

The more he used it, the more convenient it became.

I finally don't need the hand-made bullets that are bitter, and even dangerous things like alchemy grenades can be mass-produced. Of course, this explosive thing is made with great concentration.

During the period, a little thoughtful wandering can easily lead to an explosion accident.

So busy until the afternoon, Mason walked out of the alchemy room with a magazine full of cursed bullets, and just in time to see the disheveled Zhakang holding his tattered clothes and tiptoeing furtively Sneaking into the room from the side.

The two looked at each other.

Mason looked at Zhakang's neck, the "blood-red strawberries" all over his body, and the scratches like leopard's claws, and fell silent. Zhakang also had a "badly played" expression on his face, looking up at the sky hopelessly .

After a few seconds, Mason whispered:
"What? Did the car overturn?"

"It's okay, so-so."

Zha Kang picked up a cigarette with trembling hands, his mouth was hard but his legs were soft, and he said:

"It's just an [-]-year-old vampire duchess. Although it's very hot and deadly, what scene has my lord never seen? The process was tiring but I still won!
This is a feat that a little virgin like you can't even dream of. "

"I advise you to take a break before bragging."

Mason sighed and said:
"I'm afraid that if you say a few more words, you will die suddenly. Look at you like this. Stay away from me. Standing by my side, I'm afraid you will suck my yang energy. But before you go to rest, I still have to ask.

You have sold yourself to this point, have you got the information we need? "

"Well, we got it all."

Konstantin struggled to light a cigarette, panting in the smog and said:

"The grievance between Amaterasu team and that mad vampire stems from a mission, they sneaked into the vampire's base world to steal some legendary things.

It wasn't a big deal to let you know.

But those neon people are daring to try to use cleansing and binding magic to control my terrible lover and bedmate from last night.However, they obviously underestimated the power of a B-rank lone ranger, and they knocked down three guys on the spot and then fled.

My energetic bedmate even offered me a 'personal bounty'. "

Zha Kang pursed his lips and said:

"She said that if I can find a way to kill a few people in Amaterasu's team, she will open her blood treasury to me and let me pick a few good things to take away."

"It's going to be complicated, John."

Mason frowned and said:
"The B-level personnel of the Stars Club don't have a fuel-efficient lamp. If she reports our actions, it will be very troublesome."

"will not!"

Constantine shook his head and raised his right hand again. On the back of his hand, there was already a very bright blood-colored rune. He shook the thing and said to Mason:
"I have already signed a contract with her, and using her original blood as a medium is enough to ensure that she cannot leak any information. I think this job is capable.

And you've got your eye on those neon mages too, haven't you?
Although I don't know how they provoked you, it's not a problem if you just hug the grass and beat the rabbit, and you can eat two fish for one. "

While talking, he threw over a card with various information and specific locations of the Amaterasu team, and Mason took a look at it in his hand, nodded and said:
"Okay, act before leaving tomorrow! I have to make some preparations first?"

In the next second, Mason and Kang Kang turned their heads to look at the door at the same time.

The closed door was pushed open, and Er Tong, who was holding a helmet, wearing tattered clothes and carrying shoes, was sneaking in trying to sneak in.

As a result, when he looked up, four eyes were staring at him.

"Are you sick?"

Er Tong was startled, but he still maintained the tone of a cold-faced villain and reprimanded:

"It's six o'clock in the morning! What are you doing here if you're not sleeping?"

"Did you enjoy the boxing sparring last night?"

Mason asked quietly.

Zha Kang was more direct. This guy breathed out a smoke ring in a cheap way, pointed to the position of his neck and said:
"Wipe the hickey, thank you.

From my professional point of view, this is left by two different girls.Not bad, Jason, I didn't expect that a guy like you who follows the style of abstinence is also very popular among muscular female warriors.

Did he just roll on the bed while slapping his head?
Don't explain, I understand.

I was young too.

Can't help it. "

Seeing that it was smashed, the second barrel simply stopped filling.

He threw away the shoes in his hand, rubbed his still aching waist and complained in a low voice:

"Those Spartan female warriors are crazy! There is no pleasure at all, and it is a shame that they use me as a tool for lust! What kind of broken rules are you not allowed to use guns in a fight?

In short, I will definitely win next time! "

"Don't be so pessimistic, people didn't play you for nothing, isn't this a 'tip'?"

The sharp-eyed Zha Kang pointed to something stuffed in the pocket behind Er Tuan's buttocks, and Jason took it out belatedly, only to find that there was a golden delicate griffin knife stuffed there.

Ambilight is extraordinary at first glance.

"Go and rest."

Mason shook his head and said to Jason:
"Replenish your energy and get ready for work tomorrow."


Ertong asked angrily.

Mason glanced at him and said:

This answer stunned Jason for a moment.

He glanced at Mason, then at Zha Kang, who bowed his head and smoked. After confirming that they were not joking, his expression turned cold, and he asked with the knife in his hand:

"Good guys and bad guys?"

"A group of traitors who betrayed their hometown and led to the doomsday. They stabbed their companions in the back in exchange for the bastards who survived."

The captain glanced back at him and said:
"It happened to be the tragic role played by the League of Assassins in the last incident, what? Does executing such a person give you a psychological shadow?"

"No, no."

There was a cold smile on Er Tong's exaggerated hickey cheek, he stretched his neck and said:
"Actually, I've been bored these past few days. I hate traitors the most in my life, and it's a pleasure to exercise my muscles and bones, but is it really okay to do such a thing in a place like Fort of Stars?"

"So I need to 'ask for instructions'."

Mason took out a bottle of brown owl and drank it with his head up. Feeling refreshed, he took a bottle of white honey to alleviate the toxicity. Finally, he took off the Sorting Hat and threw it in front of the two of them, saying:

"Take advantage of this time to ask the hat to tell you how wizards fight, and to prepare you for it. I'll go up and come back later."

After finishing speaking, Mason turned and left the room and walked into the elevator all the way to Mr. Hunter's office.

"Here's your execution papers."

Seeing that Mason came over on time, Mister Hunter handed him a document and said:

"In the world of Sandstorm, if you encounter interference from the Cleaners, give them this order document to prove that you are performing the official mission of the Constellation.

If you act fast enough, you shouldn't be dealing with those nasty guys. "

"I try my best."

Mason put away the documents and glanced at Mister Hunter again, he said:

"I would like to ask, after the Stars Castle was established, has any murder occurred in this castle?"


This question caused the Hunter to make a nasal sound of surprise. She raised her head and said:
"What does it mean?"

"Just curious."

Mason said:
"If, I mean, if someone commits a crime in the castle and kills them, what should be done according to the rules?"

Mr. Hunter was silent for a moment, then said in a drawn out voice:
"This castle has a wide range of monitoring magic. Theoretically, any private fighting behavior will be detected and stopped immediately. This magic is personally monitored by my companion Warlock, and no one can escape his sight.

However, Warlock recently went to the headquarters to report to work.

He might be back by nine o'clock tomorrow night.And according to your question, 'if' there is a murder, I will arrive as soon as I stay here.

If the murderer can be caught on the spot, he is usually executed immediately.

But if you can't catch it, there should be a reward.But I don't think anyone in this castle can escape my pursuit, unless those cunning guys take advantage of the noon time to do it.

You know, I have a lunch break and I hate being interrupted for those 30 minutes.

Do you have any questions? "


Mason nodded with a serious expression, looked at the time on his watch again, and said:

"I believe that no one would dare to do bad things during your lunch break. In addition, Team K will leave Starsburg at noon tomorrow, and we will prepare to execute Sandstorm immediately after we return.

The organization cannot tolerate the existence of such traitors, let the loyal K team solve your worries! "

"Okay, let's go."

Mr. Hunter waved his hand, and when he looked down at the file, he reminded:

"Do it cleanly this time."

(End of this chapter)

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