The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 134 17. Hogwarts' Beast of Doom Uncaged

Chapter 134 17. Hogwarts' Beast of Doom Uncaged

The time has come to the last day of the trade fair, which is the third day since the K team came to Stars Fort. After the last trade fair this morning, most of the pioneer teams will leave here and return to their base world.

Everyone is very busy on weekdays, and the next reunion will have to wait until three months later.

Therefore, today, many teams will hold friendships in the castle, but no one will invite newcomers like the K team.

It's hard to get ahead without doing a little bit of business.

"Drink it down."

Mason, who had put on a full battle suit, picked up three tubes of Polyjuice Potion from his hand and handed them to the three bionic guards brought by Judy.

The three of them looked at Mason blankly, without reaching out to pick him up.

And Judy, who was chatting with Barbara and Selena, snapped his fingers, and the three loyal bionics took the potion and drank it down.

"They are robots, will your potion really work for them?"

It was the same technical girl in the chic leather jacket who chewed gum and asked curiously.

Mason shrugged and said:

"As long as they have 'life force', things like that will definitely take effect, and I'm glad the bionics you use are very advanced. Are they from a place called 'Detroit'?"

"How do you know? They are an unexpected harvest of the afterlife team during a certain pioneering mission."

Judy didn’t hide either.

She watched the changes of her three android guards, and said to the people beside her:

"It's a world dominated by technology. The power rating is not high but it is quite good in a D-level world. For a while, it was the base world of the afterlife team.

It's a pity that it disappeared because of the production of a special metal.

We moved the last survivors of that world to safety before it was fully dismantled, and these loyal android warriors were willing to serve us.

Afterlife Squad is an elite mode.

Except for the main team members, the rest of the logistics and support tasks are done by the bionic people, and I think you should too. Wow!They have changed! "

Amid Judy's exclamation, his three android guards covered their stomachs with painful expressions.

Then, in a few seconds, their appearance changed rapidly, even their cheeks seemed to melt, and then they were re-kneaded into the appearance of Mason, Er Tuan and Zha Kang.

This made the tech girl from Night City sigh with emotion.

Exclamation that unscientific magic is completely invincible.

"Put on our clothes, and then you will play the three of us."

Mason pointed to the three sets of clothes on the sofa, then handed a box containing six compound soups to Selina, and said:

"The commercial representative of Amaterasu's team will be here soon. Your task is to hold them back and Zhakang will notify you after the work is done, and then detain them."

"OK, got it."

Lady Catwoman showed a confident smile, and Barbara also nodded.

But Judy was still curious, she frowned and said:
"How did they provoke you to do such a dangerous thing in the Fort of Stars? I haven't heard of anyone who would dare to commit murder in this place before?"

"No one did it before because they couldn't do it, Miss Judy."

Constantine, holding the grimoire, came out of the inner room, and said to the tech girl in a drawn-out voice with a cigarette in his mouth:
"It's purely because of the mindset that I dare not think in that direction. The monitoring system of this castle is indeed very complete, but you have to admit that it also has loopholes to exploit.

As for why you want to kill people for nothing?"

Jagger shrugged and said:

"Our dear captain said that those Neon people must die, is that enough reason?"


The sound of a pistol being loaded sounded from behind Mason and Jarcon, and the second barrel with a red helmet came out fully armed. He moved his fingers and said in a cold voice:
"Am I here waiting for you to finish chatting, or do I go alone? I think I am enough alone. Really, you will only waste time if you follow."

"set off!"

Mason also stopped talking about throwing the invisibility cloak to Zha Kang and Er Tong.

He picked up the black gentleman hat at hand and put it on his head.When they went out, Judy hesitated, took a pink pistol from her waist, and said to Mason:

"Take this, your firepower doesn't seem to be enough."

Mason did not refuse the kindness.

He took the pink pistol with a very girlish heart, and the information label popped up immediately:

Quality: Legendary Engineering Creation Immortal Craftsmanship
Weapon Traits: Precision, Rapid Charge, Multiple Shots, Obstacle Penetration

Producer: Judy Alvarez

Item description: The pink maiden's heart will become a terrible thing once it is stained with blood.

"It is worthy of the heritage of a veteran pioneer. Even the guns equipped by the logistics staff are legendary weapons."

Mason felt a little sour in his heart.

Showing a thankful smile to Judy, he put the lady-style gun in the weapon slot on his waist, and threw his crit revolver to the second barrel.

Then the three men disappeared through the door.

Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door, and Barbara went to open the door and found two people standing outside the door, a woman and a man, both with oriental faces.

They took the initiative to introduce themselves:

"We are the commercial representatives of Team Amaterasu, and the captain of Team K, Mason-sang, has reached a long-term supply agreement with our team members.

We're here to discuss commercial details. "

"Of course, welcome."

Barbara immediately opened the door to let them in. As a representative, Mrs. Catwoman made a gesture of "please". Under the gaze of the indifferent Mason, Ertong and Zhakang, she brushed her hair and looked at each other generously. The two said:
"I will be in charge of this business negotiation, two distinguished guests.

This is Ms. Judy from the Afterlife team and a friend of the K team. We specially invited her to be a witness of this transaction.

As a fledgling pioneer, Team K not only hopes to obtain a large amount of medicine from you, but also hopes to cooperate with you in various aspects.

Come on, don't be shy, let's talk slowly. "

Everyone sat down in peace, and Barbara, who was serving tea, turned around and lightly pressed her bat watch.

At the same time, the three Masons who were organized outside the castle received the signal, and the three looked at each other, put on the prepared masks and re-entered the Fort of Stars.

Relying on the information Constantine got from his vampire "bedmate", they made it all the way to Area C on the third floor of the castle.

Zha Kang and Er Tong were hidden in the invisibility cloak, and only Mason walked to the gate of Amaterasu's team.

He reached out and knocked on the door.

The sorting hat on his head trembled at this moment, like the excitement of the Avengers before execution.

The next moment, the door opened, just like Judy before, it just opened a crack, looking at the stranger in front of him with a pair of vigilant eyes.

"I have a treasure from your world that I want to trade with you!"

Mason is no nonsense either.

He took out a box with his backhand and put it in the palm of his hand, and opened it under the gaze of the eyes in front of him, and a mass of blood-colored irregular spar was displayed in the black velvet cushion.

The appearance of this thing immediately made the eyes of the people behind the door widen.

"Magic stone?"

He exclaimed, and wanted to reach for it, but Mason pushed it away.

The young man pretended to be dissatisfied and scolded:
"Do you understand the rules? Let your captain come forward, this is big business!"

"Who is your Excellency?"

The man behind the door became vigilant and asked a question.

Mason shrugged, and reported to himself:

"The commercial representative of the six-headed snake team, you can call me the three-headed dog. Our captain is the famous Mr. Sandstorm. Have you heard of this name?"

"Your Excellency, wait a moment."

The door slammed shut, and the people inside seemed to need some time to discuss.

Mason waited patiently for nearly a minute before the door opened again.

This time it is welcome.

Through the door, Mason could see an old man in neon traditional white clothes sitting in the center of the Japanese-style resident room, leaning on a black cane and a big sword.

And there were five people standing beside him, including the one who opened the door, that's six.

The robes on them are all white without exception.

"it's him!"

The sound of the Sorting Hat gnashing its teeth rose in Mason's heart, with an undisguised resentment, it said:
"The contemporary principal of the Shinto Magic Institute, a second-level member of the Merlin Sir Order, he was once respected as the 'Tengu', which is the holy beast in the Japanese mythology.

But look at their white robes that represent a departure from the wizarding code!
These damned traitors themselves knew what a scandal they had done, so kill them!Mason, Hogwarts monsters, kill them all! "

Mason showed a gentle smile to everyone in front of him calmly. He walked into the room holding the box containing the Philosopher's Stone, and the door closed the next moment.

"Your team entered the dilapidated Hogwarts?"

The great wizard Tengu didn't have any greetings, the serious and gloomy old man asked in a deep voice:

"I wonder where you found anything else?"

"Of course, my lord wizard."

Mason made a standard wizard apprentice etiquette to the great wizard in front of him. He put the Philosopher's Stone on the table in front of him and said softly:
"Our team found not only the Sorcerer's Stone in the ruins, but also another item that you will definitely be interested in, and I hope to exchange them for an expensive item from the Amaterasu team."

As he spoke, the young man took off his hat and placed it next to the Philosopher's Stone.

Under the watchful eyes of the neon renegade wizards, the black Panama hat quickly dissipated, revealing the horrible current situation of the Sorting Hat.

These two legendary magic items made the members of the Amaterasu team look surprised, and the great wizard Tengu let out a deep old man's laughter.

He obviously recognized the sorting hat, and was satisfied with the items in this transaction, so he asked:
"So, young man, what do you want in exchange for us?"

Mason shrugged.

Lifting his head with a smile, he said:
"Of course it's your fate."


The large-scale magic dedicated to mana suppression spread out in all directions around the screaming Sorting Hat, like an invisible heavy hammer hitting the unsuspecting wizards.

The aftermath of the magic power was so intense that the assassins wearing invisibility cloaks behind Mason were all affected to remove their disguises in an instant.

But Zha Kang, who had already prepared, poured Petri's potion, and summoned the fire of purgatory while his veins burst out.

As he chanted hoarsely, his eyes turned into strange burning green runes, and bursts of scorching heat ignited the quaint paper paintings of this Japanese-style building.

Amaterasu's team didn't expect that someone would dare to commit murder in the Fort of Stars, so they reacted a bit slower.

But for high-level wizards, the magical skill of Apparition and Shadow Flashing at close range is almost instinctive. When they realize that the danger is approaching, everyone pulls out their delicate or hideous wands.

However, Er Tong, a killer trained by Batman and the League of Assassins, was obviously faster at drawing his sword in this closed environment.

Two black blaster cannons were pulled out, and at the same time as the barbaric collision kicked the wizard in front of him, a dance of bullets also broke out in this scorching place.

A slug with a curse effect pierced a female wizard's abdomen in an instant under two barrels of at least Lv6 deadly shooting technique, and forced the wizards to use Apparatus to run around in the room.

Then six bottles thrown by Mason smashed on the ground and walls, and the green fear gas quickly vaporized in the high temperature caused by Slag Kang.

Team K, who wore anti-gas armor during the chaos, was not affected.

But not the Neon Wizards.

This thing is the "concentrated solution" that Mason carefully crafted for today's raid. He is sure that even a person with a strong will like a god like the master will definitely be affected by inhaling this concentration of fear gas.

It's just that the entire resident room turned green in an instant, and the effect of the fear gas took effect almost instantly.

The screams of the wizards were obviously affected by their thinking and sanity, and there were screams of pain from time to time during the deadly and quick pursuit of the second barrel.

Dangerous green beams are bursting indiscriminately.

The Avada Kedavra curse was thrown out as if no money was needed, and the Fierce Fire Curse with the blue temptation was thrown at Mason in front of him by the great wizard Tengu.

The young man opened the penguin umbrella, the magic inscription on the umbrella shone to block the blazing flames, and drew out the exquisite flintlock gun at his waist while retreating, and fired a shot at the spell-casting tengu in front of him.

Even the great wizard couldn't change his shape when casting a spell. This bullet passed through the blue Fierce Flame and hit the great wizard's body.

But the soft buckshot didn't do any harm, it just tore through the tengu's robes and didn't even penetrate his body, and the gloomy neon old man pulled out his cherry wand with a smirk.

The green death-defying light was about to fall on Mason.

He heard the sound of the sea.

In the sound of the surging tide and the reverberation of the waves, the vulgar pirate songs were clearly transmitted to everyone present like phantom sounds.

Mason looked up and saw the phantom of a dilapidated ghost ship walking out of the void under the guidance of lead bullets fired from Old Teague's cigarette lighter.

He could even see the howling and drinking pirates on the battered ship that marked the Bard.

At the bow of that ship, the majestic old Teague swung forward with a pirate knife in his hand, and this illusory ghost ship, driven by the sea water, slammed into the giant who was casting a spell like a heavy hammer. On the wizard tengu.

Amidst the terrifying loud noise, the double impact on the body and will triggered a frenzy of glaciers, which just froze the great wizard Tengu and the three wizards around him in the solid ice in an instant.

Even if Tengu broke free from the ice in the next second, it was too late.

The pillar of purgatory fire summoned by Zha Kang fell on the head, engulfing the figures of the four wizards in an instant, and engulfing the entire resident room in a sea of ​​flames.


At the same time, screams came from the other side.

Even a high-ranking wizard didn't know if he was crazy.

Actually grabbing a samurai sword and wanting to engage in close combat with Ertong, this is exactly what Ertong wanted. If his archery skills are about Lv6, then his melee combat skills are at least around Lv8.

It took only a few seconds for two enchanted and cursed caste blades, one long and one short, to pierce the pathetic guy's heart. While the latter fell to his knees, he was slashed from behind extremely viciously.

Mason watched the torrential flames burning in front of him, he grabbed the legendary pistol that Judy lent him at his waist, activated Death's Eye, raised it to the other side and pulled the trigger in the perception that time was almost suspended.

Eight bullets flew out from the muzzle of the gun, easily pierced through the wall, and smashed the heart and head of the two female wizards who were hiding behind covered in blood and were about to call for support.

The destructive power and precision of the legendary pistol amazed young people.

But there are obviously more important things at the moment.

When the scorching flames dissipated, Mason picked up the Sorting Hat that was cheerful and laughing madly, took out the sealed Hufflepuff Gold Cup from it, and drew out the ghost-headed black blade from the penguin umbrella and stepped forward.

He watched the great wizard Tengu who was struggling in Purgatory put the golden cup on the ground, grabbed the miserable old man by the neck and dragged him over.

The cold devil's head blade rested on his neck, and he said:

"The Beast of Doomsday at Hogwarts sends hello to you, Your Excellency, the Undead of Hogwarts are waiting for you to reunite in hell. For me, a transfer student at Hogwarts, I would like to send my greetings to Mr. Potter and Miss Hermione." say hello."


The light of the knife slashed, and blood burst out.

The noble blood of the pure-blooded great wizard poured out of the wound into the golden cup in front of him like a waterfall, like the post-war celebration of the warriors who drank blood from the cup in myths and legends.

But that was just the beginning of Mason's "career" as Hogwarts Avenger.

I have to say, it was a pretty cool start.


Gradually recovered from the symptoms of the Xiaoyangman, so tomorrow will be added to the leader!
(End of this chapter)

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