The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 135 18. How can you show the wisdom of your boss by doing your job so perfectly?

Chapter 135 18. How can you show the wisdom of your boss by doing your job so perfectly?
"This battle doesn't seem to be as difficult as I thought? Maybe I should adjust the estimated strength of the members of the Constellation?"

In the garrison of Amaterasu's team that was burned to the ground, Er Tong wiped the blood on his saber while watching Zha Kang frantically rummaging through the surrounding boxes and cabinets for the loot.

He glanced at Mason who was "bloodletting" the great wizard, and said:

"The whole process took less than a minute, and it was a waste of my mental preparation to prepare myself for death. Why are these wizards so weak?"


Before Mason could speak, Zha Kang said angrily:
"You blind-eyed little idiot will know whether they are weak or not when you encounter them in the open. Mason's hat sealed the talismans and summoning skills that these Japanese wizards are best at as soon as the battle started, and the concentrated fear gas disturbed them. senses.

I also used my hole cards.

I'm doing my best to risk being killed by my 'friends' 'underneath'.

You just made up a knife, of course it feels easy, because the pressure is all on my side. "

"John is right, these guys never expected that someone would attack them in Fort Stars, and this station has almost no protective magic, which gave us the possibility of a successful sneak attack.

Just this once. "

Mason threw aside the dead body of the Great Wizard Tengu.

The old man's throat was almost completely cut open, and when he died, his gloomy eyes were full of strong unwillingness.Mason ignored him and picked up the golden cup full of blood.

After confirming that the seal on it had been untied, he shook his head and said:

"The destruction of the Amaterasu team will make other wizard traitors more vigilant, and it is almost impossible for them to succeed in a sneak attack if they are prepared.

You just saw how troublesome their apparition is, you can't hit them with bullets, and even an assassin like Ni will be tortured to death by the Cruciatus Curse once you are pulled away.

Not to mention the Avada Kedavra that directly attacks the soul.
They're not weak at all, Jason.

It's just that we have been prepared, but we are stronger. "

"Look at these precious talisman papers and summoning talismans, it's a big profit this time!"

Compared with the post-war summary of the second barrel, Constantine, who was still out of breath, obviously cared more about the rewards after his efforts.

He came back with a large box of runes of various colors in his hand, collected the magic bags of several wizards, and finally got a large-capacity magic backpack that looked like Mason's suitcase.

The black wizard who was good at cleaning the battlefield conveniently threw several seized famous knives to the second barrel. It was definitely not ordinary weapons that could be placed in the garrison.

The wave of magic power coming from those neon style blades means that they are all quite good magic items.

Now, Er Tong, who likes all kinds of cold weapons, is also satisfied.

"what's next?"

While pouring the refreshment potion into his mouth, Zack Kang looked at Mason who was spilling the traitor's blood from the gold cup, and said:

"The sneak attack was a complete victory, but this is the beginning of the trouble. The matter in the room may have attracted attention, so how should we deal with the funeral?"

"Simple, we don't deal with it, someone else will do it for us."

Mason put the cleaned gold cup on the burnt table, poured the alchemist's materials into it, and ignited the mobile alchemist's chalice with magic fire, and then took the hair from the nearby corpse and threw it into it. in.

The holy grail made by the legendary wizard Ms. Hufflepuff is really powerful. The compound soup that usually takes 10 minutes to make is boiled in less than 10 minutes.

Mason did the same and made three decoctions for the three of them.

They packed the corpses at the scene into their luggage and erased all traces, then drank the potion and turned into the captain and members of the Amaterasu team, and removed the world gate fixed in the station.

According to Mr. Hunter's "precepts and deeds", Zha Kang made holy water on the spot and poured it on the doorknob of the gate of the world, making it erase all world coordinates and become untraceable.

After finishing these things, the three of them pushed the door open and left.

Along the way, I greeted the colleagues I met with the warm and indifferent greetings unique to Neon people, and walked around the third floor of the Stars Fort to brush up the sense of presence before returning to the K team's station.

When Mason pushed open the door, what he saw were two members of the Amaterasu team who were chained to the ground. They were all poured with the water of life and death and fell into an irresistible slumber.

"It's done?"

Lady Catwoman, who was slowly savoring a glass of red wine, looked back at the new images of the three of them, and said:
"Let's go now?"

"Lest you have long nights and dreams."

Mason took out the legendary pistol from his waist and returned it to Judy, and said to her:
"This is a good gun. Today is probably the first time it drank blood. Congratulations, my dear friend, you also have a killing gun."

"I always feel like you guys are a bunch of big bad guys."

Judy took the pistol and complained:

"You can still be so calm after lightly destroying a team, Mason, are you sure you are not a dangerous guy like a cold-blooded killer?"

"We're all in this business, and there's no practical point in getting tangled up in these things."

Mr. Captain of Team K, wearing the appearance of the Great Wizard Tengu, smiled at his new friend and said:

"All I can say is that those guys got their way, that's all. Why don't you come and sit in our base world? Judy, I think you'd like it there.

You can live with Barbara,
Her house is very big.

When you are tired from playing, you just fall asleep. "

"I would love to, but not right now."

The technological girl shrugged, got up and took the three bionic guards who had restored her original appearance to leave. She said to Mason:

"Let's talk about it after the 'shock'. If your world is still there, I will definitely make time to visit. I must inform the captain of what you did today.
You must understand, Mason, that my captain is a cautious man. "

"go Go."

At the same time that Zhakang activated the gate of the world to open the passage back to Gotham, Mason sent Judy out of the station. In the background of the second barrel dragging two unlucky guys tied up in chains to leave, he said goodbye:
"I believe that I will be able to meet your captain soon, and by then, both of us will become truly trustworthy and dependent 'insiders'.

You are always welcome to visit my city, Judy.

Believe me, you will be able to find the feeling of Night City in Gotham City, where the people are simple and outstanding, and you will like it there, I promise! "
A few minutes after Team K left the Fort of Stars, the door of Team Amaterasu's quarters was pushed open.

Mr. Hunter, wearing a mask and a robe, walked in with his subordinate Anna. She looked at the devastated battle marks in front of her eyes, then at the blood-stained floor, and finally shook her head.

"So unprofessional!"

Ms. Anna, the leader of the Ex team next to Mr. Hunter, looked at the mess in front of her and complained:

"I thought that Mason Cooper would be more cautious, you clearly warned him! But look at the traces he left, anyone who is not blind knows that a murder took place here.

That is to say, His Excellency Warlock was not there, so he couldn't track the battle in the first place.

Otherwise, I guess those three people would have no way to leave here and they would be arrested.I didn't say, Mr. Hunter, how could you settle on such a reckless person?
This doesn't seem to be your style. "

"You said he was reckless?"

Mr. Hunter chuckled lightly and said:
"No, Anna, he is not reckless, on the contrary, he made the most correct choice.

Both the captain and the main players of Amaterasu's team died, but the team was not destroyed, and two people were captured alive by K's team, and the captain's authority would fall on one of those two people.

Therefore, in the pursuit of the Stars Club, the Amaterasu team is still operating normally, and the capture of the captain also allows the K team to successfully obtain the second usable world gate.

And who do you think he left these things for? "

Captain Anna was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses, stomped his feet angrily, and said:

"That bad guy knew you would come here to check, so he asked you to help him deal with this mess? This is too much!"

"It's nothing too much. Subordinates work hard to realize the leader's will, even fighting with their lives. As a leader, it is natural to respond to such a noble dedication."

Mr. Hunter shook his head and said:
"Mason knew that I was the only one in the Fort of Stars who had the ability to resolve this matter lightly, so he asked me for help instead of messing around himself.

That's the right choice, Anna.

That young man understands the relationship between 'obligation' and 'right' very well, and you are far behind on this point.

You always want to get things done by yourself.

But you don't realize that if you do everything perfectly, then what is the meaning of my existence as a boss?
You have to give me some room to play now and then. "

Captain Anna pouted.

She knew that Mr. Hunter was making such bad jokes again.

After a few seconds, she frowned and said:
"Okay, I admit that what you said makes sense, but I still don't understand why Mason must do such a dangerous thing in the Stars Fort? He has only joined the Stars for a month, and he has no conflict with the Amaterasu team."

"In our business, conflicts and contradictions are not the only reason to act. What's more, there are indeed contradictions between them, irreconcilable contradictions."

Mr. Hunter walked through the devastated garrison, and finally picked up a broken photo frame in the embers of the flames, and wiped it in his hand.

In the frame is an old photo.

In the black-and-white photo, the great wizards of Sir Merlin's order all have smiles on their faces. This magical image perfectly presents the scene when this photo was taken.

At that time, the great wizard Tengu, who was still very young, was standing with the white-bearded old man Dumbledore, his face was full of pride and pride as a great wizard.

"The man who died in this house was a traitor, Anna."

Mr. Hunter stared at this magical photo and said softly:

"When the Amaterasu, Death Eaters, and Lighthouse teams joined the Stellaris, I checked their background information. You know their world wasn't just destroyed by the hounds.

There are hidden secrets to the downfall of that world.

And these wizards who should have stood with their compatriots to resolutely resist the invaders immediately threw themselves into the arms of the enemy.

I've seen the fight briefly.

It is they who helped unleash the virus and attack governments around the world, without their help, the world should have been able to resist for a long time.

The least diluted zombie virus can't destroy that potential world so quickly.

Team K has nothing against them.

But perhaps in Mason's eyes, these traitors are his enemies!
Just like me back then.
This young man is doing what I did and what you are doing.He is finding out one by one the traitors who are more hateful than the invaders, and sending them to where they should go.

This can't bring back the survival of the world, but at least it can let you out. "

"But he is not from that world at all!"

Captain Anna sighed and said:
"He doesn't have any reason to do this, is he risking destruction to execute these bastards who will die later just because of the indignation in his heart?

I don't think he's that great, and he doesn't seem like a radical guy. "

"It has nothing to do with what he thinks."

Mr. Hunter put the black-and-white photo into the bag at his waist, and while remodeling the devastated resident room with his great mentor authority, he whispered:

"In these complicated and dark times, we don't have so much time to pay attention to a person's heart, Anna, what he does is more important than what he thinks.

As for the reason
Heh, when the Sons of Justice enter an evil place where black and white are reversed and order collapses, it is their only and gifted mission to turn the place upside down.

They will definitely do it!
Even if it's just because of witnessing the disaster of others.

Mason Cooper has a kind heart, and the best thing is that he is not pedantic at all, and knows how to fight the darkness in an effective, decisive and even cold-blooded way.

Just witnessing today's 'revenge of the dead' is enough to make me happy.

I'm starting to like that little guy. "

Mr. Hunter smiled and said:
"Even if it's only twice. He seems to have figured out my preferences hidden under the mask. He knows what I want to see, so he presented this scene for me.

The traitor's death cry and filthy blood scatter are probably the 'reward' he left me, to pay me for helping him deal with the mess.

Learn, Anna.

It makes me happier than if you perfectly complete every task I ask. "

"Receive your bad taste, my lord."

Captain Anna complained behind her back:

"Mason Cooper doesn't know what kind of dangerous thing we are planning. If he knew, he would probably run away from your clutches as soon as he was scared."


Mr. Hunter looked around at the resident room that had been completely restored to its previous state.

She looked back at Anna and said meaningfully:

"Do you really think he missed it? Maybe, after all, the young man hasn't seen the 'shock' happen, but I'm sure he'll fix that shortly.

At that time, he will face a choice.

Or join us.

Or because of various reasons, willingly become a hound! "

"Then he will be our enemy."

Captain Anna moved the gray combat gloves on her hands, and said softly:
"If he dares to live up to your expectations, then I will execute him with my own hands! Just like what I did before, traitors are never worthy of forgiveness!"

"Stop talking about that."

Mr. Hunter specially opened a silver light curtain door, and when she walked into it, she asked softly:
"Haven't you found your friends yet? It's been so long, wouldn't those people have been"

"Will not!"

Captain Anna said firmly:

"They set off on a great mission, and in the dark night of that apocalypse, they carried the last hope of us homeless.

I'm sure they'll send those precious seeds to safety and come back to join us.

They must be alive!

They may have returned home, if only I could find my way back Yes, if only I could find the damn world coordinates!I will definitely find it!
After witnessing the destruction of my homeland, I have sworn not to give up any of my people. "

"You know how difficult it is, Anna. What you are pursuing is a more difficult thing than Mason wants to do. Now he just wants to overthrow everything, and you are still trying to find the possibility of rebuilding."

Mr. Hunter also sighed.

She patted Anna on the shoulder and said:

"But hope and look forward, in this dark age, that's all we have left. Speaking of which, has the swordsman contacted you recently?"

"Who wants to contact her!"

Miss Anna snorted and said:
"She's not one of us, she's a traitor too, and I'll do it with my own hands in the end!"

(End of this chapter)

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