The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 139 22. Operation code name "Tricking and Swindling"--Add more for the brothers &q

Chapter 139 22. Operation code name "Tricking and Swindling"--Add more for the brothers "Prisoner on the Throne" [210]

"Are you sure you want to take it apart?"

Outside the lakeside of the ruins of Hogwarts, at the station of Hodmeade Village, Jarcon looked at Mason who was holding up an engineering wrench and gesticulating on the front of the magic train.

He glanced at the Fenrir battle armor that was placed on the platform and was being looked at by a group of pirates in amazement and awe, standing in the moonlight like a mechanical giant.

He flicked his tongue and said:
"I admit that this alchemy engine looks very interesting, but its size is impossible to put into the cool armor of that Batboy, right?"

"Who do you think I am?"

Mason glanced up at Zha Kang and said:
"Can you only do this simple job of putting one thing into another? Let your people come and take it down! I've already drawn the blueprints and understood how this thing works, now I just need to look at the real thing Come to confirm my idea of ​​miniaturizing it.”

"Can you do it?"

Jagger is a magical genius but also a mechanical idiot.

His understanding of these engineering objects was limited to exclaiming "I don't know what to do" when he saw them.

But at Mason's request, he still rolled up his sleeves and called the pirates of the Black Pearl who had already been trained to come forward to help.

Mason had disassembled the alchemy engine used by this magic train last time, and he was familiar with it this time.

While disassembling the parts with an engineering wrench, he told the pirates to carry them out and place them on the platform in order.

The Master Wizard's request must be strictly implemented.

These pirates also tried to make a good impression in front of Mason's eyes.

The most obedient group among them has been sent to another world to enjoy happiness with Captain Jack, and the rest of them will naturally seize the opportunity to perform well to escape this ruined world full of "magic ghouls".

Dozens of people worked together and quickly transferred the alchemy engine to the platform. Mason took out the blueprints that had been analyzed and drawn for comparison with the real thing in front of him.

After aspiring to become a manufacturing master, this is the first time he tried to combine various skills to complete his memorable first "large-scale project".

He wants to miniaturize the alchemy engine and put it into the Fenrir armor as its energy center.

"I said, why are you bothering?"

Zha Kang used a teleportation technique to send the pirates back to the mage tower in the Forbidden Forest, and he stayed beside Mason, complaining with a cigarette in his mouth:
"Since this is Bat Boy's own battle armor, he must have a power battery that can adapt to this thing. With the relationship between you and him, why don't you just go and ask for one?

I don't understand mechanics though.

But I don't think you're going to end up putting an engine that's used on a train in a suit and it's not going to look good. "

"I could get an atomic battery from Wayne Industries' cutting-edge lab, but why would I?"

While using his engineering knowledge to modify the drawings, Mason said:

"Other people's things are always other people's, and I don't like to put the power that I live on on others.

I finally found Judy and helped me cancel all elements related to Batman on this armor, and unlocked the DNA lock. Why did I repeat the same mistakes and send it back to Bruce?
John, if the Justice League does come and beat us, you better hope I get this thing done before then. "

While talking, Mason raised his head to look at the idle Zha Kang, took out a large bag of enchanting and inscription raw materials prepared in advance from the suitcase, and said to Zha Kang:

"If you're free, why don't you help me inscribe the armor inscription on Fenrir's armor?"

"You're kidding!"

Zha Kang's eyes widened, and he said:
"You still need to engrave runes on such a big iron lump? Do you need to fully enchant it later? Are you going to transform it into a weapon with both technology and magic?
What an idea!

But no.

The steel of this battle armor is not magic metal, it is strong enough but the energy conductivity is too poor. "

"We have plenty of magic metal."

Mason said without raising his head:

"You just design a more powerful inscription and enchantment system, and I will replace the magic metal inside it. Oh, yes, and this!"

The young man took out the tattered set of anti-Superman armor from the suitcase, snapped his fingers at Zha Kang and said:
"By the way, we also designed a 'magic arm' for this suit, including functions such as shields, rays, energy absorption and emission.

This shouldn't bother you, right?
In the future, when our system matures, I will get each of you a set of armor, otherwise people from other teams will think that we cannot afford to wear it. "

Mason drew big cakes crazily, but Zha Kang, who was as cunning as a ghost, just couldn't be fooled.

Constantine has seen the world. He picked up the pile of magic materials and looked at the two sets of combat weapons, one large and one small, and said:
"When you can rub out this kind of armor with your hands, I don't think they will be able to defeat a demon knight like Brad with your bare hands.

Tch, after I have learned all of Grindelwald's black magic and the secret inheritance of the Shinto Magic Institute, watch me go back and beat up that bastard who doesn't know what to say. "

"You don't have to wait until you are powerful, you have a chance to beat him up now."

Mason made corrections on the drawings in front of him with a ruler and a drawing pen.

All kinds of knowledge in his mind are constantly rolling to push his thoughts to become active, and all kinds of whimsical ideas are splashing, making him constantly modify the original design of the alchemy engine in front of him.

While drawing the picture, he said to Zha Kang:
"Since Jason Brad is targeting our people unreasonably, then we don't need to discuss any rules with him. I decided to take him with me when we went to hunt Mr. Sandstorm this time." past.

The strength of the veteran pioneer team is strong, and we may also need a little 'foreign aid'.

If Jason Brad is a righteous devil as you said, then when he saw the K team and the bloodhounds of the Stars fighting for life and death, he would naturally understand that our existence is very important to this world meaning. "

"good idea."

Constantine exhaled the smoke ring and said quietly:

"But what are you going to do? Brad's not one of those rookies who will be fooled by your words.

That guy has lived for more than 1000 years. He was one of the Holy Grail knights that King Arthur relied on most in his time. Although he did not enter the Round Table Council, he must not be underestimated.

Not to mention that he also has a 'demon friend' to help him out.

The fighting power of the high-ranking demon Itlegan is beyond your imagination, Mason, Mr. Sandstorm was not killed, but our K team will be eaten alive by that crazy and violent guy.

Demons generally have a bad temper. "

"That's right, although I haven't seen demons, I also know that they have a bad temper."

Mason nodded and said:
"So, John, can you forcibly awaken the demon in Jason Brad's body? A knight who has lived for a thousand years must be able to maintain his sanity and not follow us through that door under deliberate temptation, but if It is a demon that is out of control and provoked, and I think the probability that we can fool it is very high."


Zha Kang viciously smashed the cigarette butt in his hand on the ground, stomped it out with one foot, and raised his middle finger at Mason and cursed:
"I knew that I should be vigilant when you mentioned that you have an idea, and you are going to push me into the fire pit again?
You jerk captain!After I joined the K team, I can be regarded as conscientious, why do I have to come every time such a dangerous thing? "

"Those who can do more work."

Mason sighed and said:
"Besides, no one can use such advanced magic except you. I can make some magic scrolls now, but I don't think I can make such high-level scrolls with my poor inscription skills. So it's just you.

But I won't let you do it for nothing, John.

You know me, I've always been generous, why don't I let you challenge the prize first this time?Or give it to you after I make the super soldier serum? "

"What the hell is that thing? Why does it sound so evil?"

Zha Kang picked up a cigarette again and asked.

Mason explained the effectiveness of the alchemy formula he obtained at the trade fair.

After hearing that injecting the serum can make his physique surpass the limits of human beings and enter the category of superhumanity, Constantine squinted his eyes and was obviously attracted.

He has his own set of troubles.

As he himself said, there are a group of bad guys coveting his soul all the time "above" and "below" the world of Gotham.

In the past, Constantine could do anything to protect himself, but now he joined the K team so that he could hide in other parallel worlds and finally had a leisurely time without being disturbed.

But those troubles will not disappear by themselves, so Zhakang is also constantly strengthening his own strength in his own way.

He learned Grindelwald's black magic, learned the secrets of the Shinto Magic Institute, and collected all kinds of strange magic tomes in the Stars Castle for this purpose.

He is one of the people in the K team who needs the power most urgently.

So after more than ten seconds of consideration, Zha Kang took a deep breath of smoke, glanced at Mason, and said:
"Okay, deal. I can help you this time at the risk of completely offending Brad, but you have to get me that super soldier serum within a month.

If it does not have any side effects as you say, then I owe you a favor.

Alas, magic is also very troublesome. I actually master many dangerous forbidden techniques, but my mortal body can't bear the backlash of that kind of high-level magic. "

"Uh, actually, if you can accept that you have an extra second personality in your mind... I can make a similar superhuman potion for you right now."

Mason pointed to his head and whispered:

"Here's the recipe. I've tried it before. Just nod, John, and you'll be a super strong guy in no time. Just take a little risk.

Anyway, in terms of how bad your life is, it's not a big deal to have an extra second personality. On the plus side, you can still chat with yourself. "

"Go away, I don't need a second personality to chat with myself, and my life has fallen into the quagmire, do you still want me to swim on my back in the stinky quagmire?"

Zha Kang scolded:

"If you want to use it, you must use the best one! Don't try to lie to me to test the medicine for you, you bastard. You have been writing and drawing for so long, haven't you finished it yet? Do you have pig's hooves on your arms?"

"Stop scolding, it's already designed."

Mason picked up the complicated drawing in his hand.

It was a miniaturized alchemy engine, about the same size as the engine on his flying motorcycle.

But the internal structure used by the large engine of the magic train is retained and improved to ensure that the power of this little thing is enough to support the Fenrir armor in full combat.

Before getting a super technology like the Ark Reactor, this thing is the best source of power that Mason can find.

And it was designed by wizards, so it can be perfectly adapted to the requirements of some magic charging, and it doesn't even need to do complicated "normal energy/magic power" conversion.

This is handy for Masons who want to transform Fenrir's armor into a tech/magical armor.

"The only problem now is that I need to improve my engineering level to make it, and I need to build a professional engineering laboratory."

Mason rubbed his chin and looked at his drawings, and said:
"You can't really rub out these precision parts by hand, it's not scientific or magical at all."

"One more question!"

Zha Kang, who was circling around the tattered anti-Superman armor to conceive a magic enhancement plan for it, raised his head and said to Mason:

"All of Batboy's weapons are designed and manufactured according to the 'don't kill' principle.

His battle armor is equipped with non-lethal weapons, which can only be played by a madman like Bruce Wayne, and non-lethal weapons are not good for the scene we are going to face.

You have to find a way to replace these two sets of armor with more powerful weapon systems.

But I don't think you're in a hurry, because we have better options than stealing from Wayne Industries' military lab. "

Constantine exhaled the smoke ring and said to Mason:

"Didn't it mean that the afterlife team with future technology has a grievance with that sandstorm? After we kill the sandstorm, wouldn't it be cooler to extort some more destructive weapons from the allied team?"

"And now we're together, John."

Mason grinned and said:
"The various black technologies mastered by the afterlife team are also a treasure trove. We must be good at digging out urgently needed knowledge from them. Put these two things with you first, and I will go back.

Tomorrow night, I will bring magic metals to modify their 'casting system'. "

"Go back for what?"

Zha Kang pouted and said:
"Be careful of being caught and tortured by Brad. The devil's punishment is notoriously abnormal, so it's better to stay here."

"I think so too, but don't you have to go to work tomorrow morning?"

Mason sighed and said:
"Dr. Leslie has been very good to me, and I'm going to keep practicing first aid skills in case you ever have that kind of emergency and no one treats you.

This is a matter of life and death, and there is no room for carelessness.

Also, did the two wizard traitors who stayed with you ask something? "

"No, the mouth is very hard."

Zha Kang snorted and said:
"They are all senior wizards, and Veritaserum has limited effects on them.

With your permission, my dear Captain, perhaps I can use some less 'humane' methods to get the information we need. "

"up to you."

Mason pushed his hat, looked at the Hogwarts ruins in the distance, and said:

"Remember to save your life.

When they choose to betray their own world, we don't need to talk to them about human rights. Maybe their screams can rest the wraiths in this doomsday wasteland.

So be it.

I'm going back. "

He bid farewell to Zha Kang, and returned to the secret base in Port Miller through the World Gate.

Be very careful on the way back to the small shop. When approaching Crime Alley, the Sorting Hat, which had been quiet for a while, suddenly reminded Mason:
"Look at the area on the left of the third small advertisement under the electric pole on the right in front of you! Yes, it is the few lines below the small advertisement that claims to strengthen yang, look carefully!"


Mason followed the complicated instructions of the Sorting Hat, and there was an almost invisible twilight dancing in the dark night.

This was the case when Mason could perceive the flow of magic power because of his magic fire. If he hadn't been reminded, he would never have noticed that child's graffiti.

"It's a dark spell that monitors what's going on around it, like a demon's eye."

The Sorting Hat whispered:

"It won't be effective for more than three or ten minutes, Mason. That demon knight, Jason Brad, has already locked you in. Once you show any suspicious behavior, he will act immediately."


Mason stood in front of the small advertisement on the telephone pole and looked carefully, with an expression as if "my illness is finally cured", and then walked away quickly, speechless under the disdainful gaze of a passing drunken sister.

Amidst the laughter coming from behind, he whispered a little tiredly:
"Don't worry, hat, he won't interfere with your revenge, I promise."

"It's our revenge!"

The Sorting Hat corrected in that old man's voice:

"I have the feeling that you are about to be drawn into a dire trouble which may take up much of your time and postpone the moment of sweet vengeance.

This is something I don't want to see, so I decided to give you another thing to help you through this difficult time. Don't be afraid, the blood oath of revenge has been made, as you said, we are already our own people, so I won't ask you to go do something dangerous.

But, let me be forewarned, you may have to find a way to patch it up first. "

(End of this chapter)

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