The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 140 23. I, Mason Cooper, did not cheat! --Add more for the "Prisoner on the Throne&quot

Chapter 140 23. I, Mason Cooper, did not cheat! --Add more for the "Prisoner on the Throne" brother [310]

The sorting hat said it would give Mason a gift, and the young man was of course very happy.

But when he actually took the thing out of the "belly" of the Sorting Hat, the smile on Mason's face disappeared completely.

"It's all broken"

Sitting in his alchemy room in the basement, he looked at the debris piled up on the table in front of him, and his face was sad for a while.Not that this stuff is bad.

It's actually pretty good, but it's broken like this and it's really useless.

"Stop picking and choosing."

The Sorting Hat placed by Mason on the side of the table had a blurry human face dented on the black hat, and the mouth moved and said:
"Rowena Ravenclaw attached a very powerful wisdom enlightenment magic to this crown, and that magic was maintained on the basis of the crown.

So as long as the crown is intact, it still works.

All you have to do is remelt it with your magical fire from hell. "

That being said, the originally very beautiful silver eagle crown on the table in front of Mason's eyes has been shattered like scum, as if it was smashed from the outside by some kind of huge force.

Not only did the crown itself twist like a broken iron bar, but even the huge emeralds and fourteen magic diamonds that were supposed to be embellished on it were broken and unsightly.

The iconic flying eagle decoration was incinerated by some kind of flame.

This caused the great wizard's relic to be worthless in appearance. Mason complained that the Sorting Hat was a "garbage king" before, but now it seems that the young man's complaints are absolutely accurate.

Probably I also felt that the things I took out were a bit shabby, the Sorting Hat coughed violently a few times, and lowered its voice to persuade:
"You can be regarded as an alchemist who has stepped into the room, and is considered a person in the magic circle. When looking at things, don't just look at the appearance, the essence is the most important.

Bring it with you after smelting it, it will definitely be good for you. "

Under its urging, Mason stretched out his hand to hold the horrific crown fragments in front of him in his left hand, but he didn't call out the magic fire immediately, but waited for the information label to pop up.

He has to fully confirm that this thing is harmless to him before he can smelt it.

Soon, what Mason wanted to see jumped into his eyes:

Ravenclaw's Diadem/Diadem of Wisdom/Diadem of Enlightenment
Quality: Legendary Alchemy/Enchanting/Jewelcrafting Items Perfect Crafting
Condition: Severely damaged · irreparable
Item effect:

[-]. Crown of Wisdom:

Ms. Rowena Ravenclaw is a pure spellcaster who has pursued magical wisdom all her life. She regards the blessing of wisdom as the best gift to others.

In her later years, she made the golden crown herself with the help of her friend Helga Hufflepuff.

The legendary great wizard used his lifelong magic knowledge to apply a mysterious magic to this crown. Anyone who wears the crown will be enlightened with his own personal wisdom.

While wearing the Ravenclaw Diadem, all manufacturing proficiency gains are doubled.Manufacturing skills increase the chances of producing [excellent] and above quality items.

After the branch skill reaches Lv6, the probability of making craft items of [ZhiZhen] and above increases.


Because Ms. Ravenclaw hates fighting all her life, this improvement effect can only be effective for manufacturing branch skills, not combat skills.

[-]. Intangible blessings:

The item has been damaged beyond repair, but Ms. Ravenclaw's "Inspired Wisdom" blessing only uses the golden crown as the carrier of magic, so reshaping the item will not invalidate the blessing.

Created by: Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff
Item description: That hat is right, the inside of some things is ten thousand times more important than the outside!You big fool who judges people by their appearance!
TIP: The remains of this crown can be molded into any shape.

"I'm a big fool!"

After seeing the single but powerful effect of this unattractive pile of wreckage, Mason decisively admitted his mistake.He solemnly apologized to the Sorting Hat next to him who sighed and lamented that the young people today have poor eyesight and said:
"Please forgive my poor eyesight for almost missing this peerless treasure. Thank you for your generosity, Mr. Hat."

"It's almost there."

Seeing Mason's sincere apology, the Sorting Hat didn't want to pursue anything further. It let out a "teachable" laugh and soon fell into a peaceful dormancy.

And Mason looked at the pile of wrecked crowns in his palm, and after thinking for a while, he called on the magic fire to reshape the metal fragments in his palm.

Relying on the talent of precise shaping given by Flame Manipulation Lv2, the pair of shattered crown wrecks were reshaped into a pair of golden round-rimmed glasses in Mason's hands in less than 2 minutes.

Much like the genteel glasses that scholars often wear.

Of course, there is only the frame, and Mason plans to choose a few pieces of jewelry from his hand to grind the lenses and practice jewelry processing by the way.

There is an ancient inscription inside the left temple of the gold-rimmed glasses, which is in ancient English. The translation is the advice left by the great wizard on Ravenclaw's crown:

"Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of being born."

"Thanks, Grand Wizard."

Mason looked at his work with satisfaction.

He put the pair of gold-rimmed glasses without lenses on the bridge of his nose and stretched out his hands to push them, after confirming that they would not slip off suddenly, he felt a little itchy and planned to try the effect of this artifact.

He opened his suitcase and took out a few pieces of magic metal with the characteristic of [toughness], and called up the blueprints of the future firearms collected in Judy's workshop on the light curtain of the character card.

He intends to finish K-team's weapons upgrade in the next few days.

Let’s start with the “exclusive weapon” that he promised Ertong. Of course, the reason for choosing this gun is that it is the easiest weapon to complete among all the blueprints Mason obtained from Judy.

This is not a technological weapon that can be recharged, nor is it the kind of smart weapon that Judy admires most that needs to be implanted with a smart prosthetic body to be perfectly controlled.

It is a kinetic weapon.

According to the classification of the technology system in Judy's world, it is actually a product of the next stage of development of gunpowder weapons under the current technology.

This kind of weapon contains almost no high-tech components, and only uses exquisite design and special structure to extend the system of transforming gunpowder into kinetic energy to generate lethality to the extreme.

But such a weapon is also difficult.

Because its production drawings specifically indicate that this weapon needs to be made of composite metal to avoid the disintegration of the firearm and the accidental injury of the gunman caused by the super kinetic energy when it is excited.

Materials science.
As we all know, under any civilization or system, it is a bottomless pit. Under other circumstances, Mason can only slowly try to make composite metal.

But he was lucky enough to get Will's forging handbook from Will Turner, a famous ghost ship captain in the Caribbean world, a legendary pirate, and a master blacksmith.

The 18th-century notebook recorded a special metal fused with a variety of magical metals, which was the material used by the triple-mounted ghost main guns of the Flying Dutchman!
If this is not enough, the metal refining array of the two alchemist brothers also recorded all kinds of magical metals they encountered when wandering in various worlds.

So many good materials are more than enough to make a good gun.

"Get to it, man."

Mason stretched his hands, and used magic fire to burn several metals to complete the shape. During this process, Mason suddenly thought of another thing.

With a curled mouth, he took the phoenix egg out of the suitcase and placed it on the shelf in front of the "out of favor" alchemy crucible, and lit a fire to incinerate the huge egg.

Although it is certainly not as satisfying as the magic flame.

But the giant egg still vibrated slightly and seemed to enjoy it when it was burned.

Because kinetic energy weapons contain almost no high-tech components, it only took Mason 10 minutes to melt and shape all the components needed for this kinetic energy pistol.

After waiting for the assembly to cool down, he began to assemble them according to the design ideas that were completely different from modern firearms, and he also found a piece of dragon's blood wood in the Hogwarts forest as a handle.

The finished gun is very beautiful.

The silver barrel has the shape of a traditional revolver.

However, the gun body is very thick and has a rectangular parallelepiped structure. When the embedded cylinder is inserted into the gun body, it fits tightly with the barrel, which minimizes the kinetic energy loss when the gunpowder is fired.

Only half of the trigger guard seems to be broken, and the golden trigger creates a "missing" aesthetic.

The red dragon's blood wood grip adds a touch of bloodthirsty to this silver heavy pistol.

This gun is very heavy.

With Mason's strengthened strength, it will feel heavy when picked up, but it is very well balanced, and there is no "top-heavy" situation.

It is suitable for the close-quarters "gun fighting" fighting style of the second barrel, and it can even be used as a warhammer when necessary.

In addition to the fact that the gun is so beautiful that it looks like a killing art, Mason could clearly feel a "power" constantly coming from the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose during the entire production process.

In addition to keeping one's spirit fully focused throughout the process, there is also a feeling of "inspiration" that constantly pushes one's thinking into activity.

It can be said that this production process is the most perfect production process after Mason unlocked the manufacturing skills.

Even before the gun body was assembled, Mason had a faint perception that he would make a real "boutique" this time.

At this time, the young man put the gun in front of his eyes, wiped it carefully with a rag, and the information note also popped up at this time:

Archangel 【Precision Kinetic Revolver】

Quality: Epic Engineering Item · Outstanding Craftsmanship
Weapon characteristics: critical strike, damage enhancement, heavy hammer stun, weak recoil, indestructible (provided by weapon materials), bleeding (provided by dragon blood wood handle accessories)
Weapon Status: It can be further modified to improve the quality · Requires Engineering Lv6
Producer: Mason Cooper
Item description: Is such a high-quality weapon really made by your pig's hooves?You must have cheated on, right?
Successfully complete an epic-quality · outstanding engineering engineering item production, the wisdom enlightenment effect will take effect, and the engineering skill proficiency will increase by X120.

"That's right, the master is just using a cheating device, don't accept it and bite me!"

Mason had long since found the item descriptions of the damn thing that was always provoking him distasteful.

Satisfied, he pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, smiled smugly, grabbed the refreshing potion next to him, and took a sip into his mouth.

Since he was in such a good state tonight, he decided to take advantage of the victory to make more weapons.

Two barrels cannot fight with only one gun, and no matter how powerful the revolver is, its six-round ammunition capacity also determines that it cannot fight alone.

Mason also needs new weapons to replace the initial weapons of the crit shotgun series, which can no longer keep up with the pace. The kiteman responsible for scouting and fire suppression also needs a real heavy weapon to realize his "life value".

And this time, Jack, Angelina, and Mrs. Elizabeth, who are going to meet the world together and hunt down Mr. Sandstorm, also need their own weapons to defend themselves.

The only good news is that the caster of Zha Kang is very resistant to guns, so Mason doesn't need to worry about his weapons.

This inadvertently reduced Mason's workload.

Wait, you said there was another member of Team K?
Yes, there are.

But when Mason left the Fort of Stars, he clearly saw Judy secretly stuffing a few things into the hands of Barbara, who played well with her.

So Batgirl's weapons naturally don't need to worry about the captain.

Well, having learned the valuable skill of "eating soft food" at a young age, it can only be said that Barbara Gordon really has a bright future.
Early the next morning, while Harley, who was drinking heavily last night, was still sound asleep, Poison Ivy got up early, yawned and entered the basement to practice alchemy.

She is really a very good student.

Relying on the old K's alchemy notebook left by Mason, he can now make healing potions by himself.To be honest, it is thanks to Poison Ivy's hard work that Mason's dilapidated store, which runs around every few days, can still be open until now.

But when Poison Ivy pushed open the door, she was taken aback.

Without him.

The entire basement was full of scraps from smelting various metals, and the place where the alchemy crucible was originally placed was grilled with a large egg on the fire.

His alchemy "mentor" Lord Mason was muttering to himself with a pair of dark circles under his eyes, assembling a very weird-looking rifle.

On the workbench behind him, there was already a light machine gun with a complex shape and a deterrent effect, and three pistols with different shapes and colors.

These things dotted the basement like a black gun gang's stronghold.

But Poison Ivy has also eaten and seen it.

As a top villain in Gotham, she is no stranger to these killing weapons, but these guns made by Mason are not the same as the gunpowder weapons she knows from the outside.

This piqued the interest of Poison Ivy.

She glanced at Mason, who was already a little crazy, and crept closer to the workbench, reaching out to try to pick up the black and gray heavy pistol.

But it sank and almost fell to the ground.

Good guy!
This gun is about to catch up with the iron block of the same size. Is it really for ordinary people?

Just as Poison Ivy was looking at this simple and elegant kinetic energy revolver, a strange sound like a microwave heating suddenly sounded behind her.

She turned back sharply.

Mason, who had two panda eyes, had already picked up the complex rifle in his hand, and the weird sound was coming from the body of the gun.

It sounds like the charging sound effect of some kind of dangerous item.

The black muzzle was aimed at him, and the almost straight line of the gun body and the modular structure made this weapon full of a cold feeling unique to metal creations.

The bullpup-style gun rested on Mason's shoulder, and the unique design of the grip and gun body made it look like a big poisonous snake that chose to eat someone.

The most wonderful thing is that this gun seems to be alive.

At the moment it is activated, the charging acceleration module of the gun body pops out like the rails of an electromagnetic gun and then closes again under the action of the adaptive ballistic correction module, finally forming a shooting posture with wings spread out.

This immersive technological experience alone is enough to prove that this thing is extraordinary.


The charged rifle made a muffled sound when the firing pin moved forward when Mason pulled the trigger, but the absence of bullets made it ineffective.

But that ferocious momentum still came oncoming.

"Don't touch these new guns."

Mason put down the rifle in his hand, pushed his gold-rimmed glasses without lenses, glanced at the pistol in Ivy's hand, and said:

"I haven't finished the 'King Kong' yet. I'll come back after get off work in the afternoon to complete the process of enchanting and breaking spirits for them. If possible, you can help me deal with the raw materials after the alchemy is over.

I put them all in a drawer, and the specific process is also written on paper. "


Ivy looked worriedly at Mason's fairy-like face, crumbling, and saw him skilfully take out a bottle of refreshing potion and pour it down.

After a few seconds, she said:
"These weapons... aren't for normal people, right? And was your gun charging just now? Is this a new weapon you developed?"

"I'm just scratching the surface, but they're pretty good."

Mason casually said modestly:

"Don't tell other people, so as not to cause trouble."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the "Epic-Class · Technical Precision Rifle · Widowmaker" in his hand and smiled, and put it in the pile of firearms behind him.

In the end, Mason glanced at the shiny Lv5 engineering on the character card and had to admit that he really got a "cheat device" in the true sense.

He picked up his hat and put it on his head, and adjusted his clothes to go to work.

At the moment he opened the door, he said in his heart:
"Thanks, Mr Hat.

In order to express my sincere gratitude, I decided to put the cause of hunting down those traitors on the agenda as soon as I deal with the current matter!
I promise, we will all get what we want. "

(End of this chapter)

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