The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 143 26. Look, failed man! -【610】

Chapter 143 26. Look, failed man! -【610】

(add more for "Wyatt2048" brother)
On the road to the coast outside the abandoned city, the gray Batmobile is rampaging like a city tank.

Selena, who drives the car, has excellent skills and skillful movements. She keeps changing the gears of the Batmobile, allowing her to gallop on the road full of abandoned vehicles with a flexibility that does not match her huge size.

Each wheel of this thing is independently suspended and adopts bat black technology to make it easy to complete difficult movements such as right-angle turns, but Mrs. Elizabeth and the female pirate Angelina who are hugging each other on the co-pilot have never seen such a thing. In the shock of constant acceleration and deceleration, their faces were already pale.

"Hold on! Mason will be very angry if you spit in the car."

Master Catwoman turned the steering wheel to make the Batmobile swing its tail gracefully in a rapid speed to avoid the brimstone fireball coming from behind, and roared through the wall of flames in front of her. She said to her companion:

"I'm not feeling well, there's motion sickness medicine there, tsk tsk, Little Mason is really thoughtful. Hey, can you two still stand it?"

She used the car communicator to ask the kite man flying high in the sky and Zha Kang who was held in his arms.

Charles, who was spinning overhead trying to avoid the flames, shouted:
"It's okay, but if the reinforcements don't come, I can't stand it. That guy can fly John without wings! Where's your fucking magic? Give it a try!"

Zha Kang, who was hung in the air by the kite man, grabbed a cherry wood wand that he didn't know where to come from, turned around and threw a Fiercefire Curse. The blue flame flew up in the air and hit the terrifying demon behind him.

But it didn't slow down the opponent's speed at all.

And just when Constantine gritted his teeth and gathered the green light spot on the top of the wand to shoot Avada who had just learned to eat a big melon, the reserve members of the six-headed snake team finally arrived.

He is flying over!

A huge metal pair of wings full of mechanical oppression carried a person falling from the high-altitude clouds, and was driven by the rotating turbine and propeller of the mechanical wings to fly across the low altitude like a heavy bomber.

Dozens of tiny rockets flew out of the weapon box on the guy's back as the kite man and Jagger watched.

The demon chasing from behind was wrapped in the burst of flames flying all over the sky in the way of covering bombing, and dazzling electric light appeared together. The golden lightning exploded from the ground like a speeding trident and bombarded the demon knight. .

The simultaneous effect of the two attacks did not harm the powerful upper demon, but under the effect of the quick return of the consciousness of the demon knight Jason Brad, this dangerous demon did not continue to entangle the pursued when reinforcements arrived. .

It took advantage of the situation and fell into the abandoned building below, and under the second round of bombardment by the flying figure, it took the opportunity to disappear and search for traces to hide again.

"Hello, your colleague."

Zha Kang stared at the guy with mechanical wings returning in the sky, and joked to the equally dazed kite man:

"He looks much better than this pilot, look at those mechanical wings, how cool!"

"Shut up! It's just that it has bigger wings than mine, is more handsome, flies faster, carries more bombs, and is easier to control! What's the big deal?"

The kiteman stared at the silhouette of the flying passenger approaching him in the sky, and his eyes all fell on the latter's futuristic mechanical wings.

Just like a pervert seeing a beautiful woman, or a homeless man seeing a dollar roast chicken, he can't take his eyes off at all.

But he still said sourly, as if he had eaten several lemons:

"The fuel consumption of such a large body must be amazing. It is not as environmentally friendly and convenient as my little wings. The useless exaggerated shape is meaningless, and I don't want it."

"I figured it out. Untimely bluntness is the characteristic of Team K."

Zha Kang said sarcastically:

"Hurry up and shut up your saliva, don't be ashamed in front of outsiders."

"My colleagues in the K team, that car is not bad, it's pretty cool."

In the sky, an aviator wearing a cool pilot uniform and a silver green eye mask hovered in the air, keeping the propellers of the mechanical wings working continuously.

He looked at the kite man and Zha Kang in front of him, and looked at the kite man's small and bad jetpack with disdain, but he didn't show this emotion.

He glanced at the Batmobile speeding below, and said to Charles and Constantine:

"Come with me, the sandstorm is waiting for you. By the way, you can call me 'Vulture'."

"My name is Kite."

The kiteman also wants to declare himself a family.

But was interrupted by Zha Kang, the black magician said in a drawn out voice:

"His name is 'Pigeon', your names really make a couple."

"Hahaha, Pigeon, what a good name!"

The vulture looked at the contrast between his mechanical wings and the small wings of the kite man, it was really like a mighty vulture and a weak pigeon facing each other in the air.

He laughed happily and turned around to lead the way.

Behind him, Jagger whispered to the kiteman:

"Look, you can make the other party less wary of you with a joke, this kind of free flattery is the cheapest and easy-to-use weapon, I think you should learn a little bit.

Hmph, don't thank Lord Constantine for teaching you something useful?

You useless dove. "

Zha Kang's words were so reasonable that the kite man couldn't refute them.

They followed the vulture all the way to the coast, and soon approached the small pentagonal city built by the sea.

The walls around it are as tall as a city wall, covered with a firepower network composed of majestic heavy machine gun automatic sentry towers, which can perfectly resist the attacks of the surrounding zombie groups.

And in the small town, a large number of honeycomb square floors are built for the people living in it.

As they flew through the air, Zakone and the kiteman saw that the people working on the ground were almost all wearing the same uniform, and their uniforms had a big logo printed on them:
"Osborne Enterprises".

The golden tower standing in the center of the City of Sanctuary also revealed its true shape as the two watched closer and closer. It was not a tower for living, but a bracket for some kind of super-large equipment.

Just like drilling for oil.

A huge black prototype drill bit was driven into the ground, and it was unknown what was being mined.

Soon, the members of Team K were brought before Mr. Sandstorm.

The Batmobile must not be able to enter through the gate of the City of Sanctuary. Selena chanted a spell to put it away like a model, and was quickly sent to the high school where Mr. Sandstorm was being picked up by the kite man. place.

"Is Mason still in the city?"

Mr. Sandstorm, whose face was covered with scars, was protected by his team member Vulture and another man in black who appeared in the yellow lightning, and said to Zha Kang in a casual tone:
"Tell me, how did you find out?"

"Because the quality control of the stars will be damned lax!"

Constantine exhaled smoke rings and cursed:

"Your world gate is obviously not as perfect as you advertised, and every time it opens, the space-time disturbance will be discovered by those who are interested.

The demon chasing us is the vanguard of the magic circle under the Justice League!Is a righteous generation.

If this wizard hadn't made preparations in advance, we would have been blocked by him at the base and burned to death.

That idiot Mason doesn't know how to lead us at all. This incident proves that his existence is meaningless, and I don't plan to hang out with him anymore.

What about you?

selena. "

Zha Kang looked back at Catwoman, and the eldest sister cooperated with showing a displeased expression and said with her hands on her hips:

"That little bastard had better not come back alive, or he will settle accounts with him with interest! How dare you use that disgusting method to drag me into this damn thing, it's really disgusting and annoying."

"There are indeed hidden dangers in the gate of the world. I wanted to remind my younger generation when I left last time."

Mr. Sandstorm hypocritically said:
"But I didn't expect that everyone would fall into this situation because of my affairs. This is too inappropriate."

He looked at Constantine, Catwoman, and Kiteman. As a B-level personnel, he could clearly see the potential of these people.

Especially Zha Kang.

After all, even in a parallel world ruled by stars, powerful spellcasters are rare.

However, he is not so easy to trust others. It remains to be seen whether these people are credible. He invited this group of people to enter his residence to rest.

After the others left, Constantine, who deliberately lagged a few steps behind, whispered to Mr. Sandstorm:
"See that hot, curmudgeon girl?"


Sandstorm glanced at Zha Kang, waiting for his next words.

The black mage grinned with a gloomy expression, and whispered:

"That's Batman's wife, just one wedding away. That idiot Mason drugged her and forced her into the world of pirates to force her into his team, just like he used some magical knowledge from another world Tempted me the same.

The 17-year-old obviously overestimated himself, he couldn't control us at all.

But since things are already like this, I can only accept it.Personally, I would prefer to choose a better and stronger team.

I heard you lost troops in Gotham?

Want revenge? "

Zha Kang licked his lips, and said with a full face of desire in his true colors:
"After it's done, Batman will be yours, and that girl will be mys. Deal? Of course, you have to help me get rid of that damned demon that has locked me in."

"Indeed, such supernatural creatures are always dangerous."

Mr. Sandstorm didn't say yes or no, he replied blankly:
"But your proposal is interesting, let me think about it for a while."

He sent a group of people into the room below to rest, and then winked at his subordinate Electroman, who nodded and disappeared in place as an avatar electric current.

As long as he can walk in all circuits and sense electromagnetic waves, the secrets of these few people can't be hidden from him at all.


Mr. Sandstorm looked back at the abandoned city in the distance, and said to another subordinate:

"Go to the city to check the situation, if you can find Mason... kill him!
We are very short of a world gate. This strange loss of connection is really a headache. If we don’t try to get in touch with Fort of Stars, those people will think that I have defected.

Alas, it's really embarrassing for Mason to take the initiative to deliver the goods to your door.

What a junior, may his death please the dark stars. "
"They have successfully entered that city of refuge."

In the abandoned city, Barbara looked at the coordinate prompt of the microcomputer on her arm and said to Mason:

"However, John took the initiative to turn off the communicator. It seems that he was under strict surveillance and had to be silent for a while."

"It may also be surrendering to the enemy."

Holding a quasar pistol in both hands and walking on the street corner with two barrels, Captain Jack wore a half mask and said to the others:

"It's not me, that guy Konstantin is a bastard with five poisons at a glance, exactly the same as I was when I was young, and more cunning and vicious than me.

Trust me, I can't be wrong. "

"You are right about this point, Zha Kang is indeed a complete rotten person."

Mason walked forward holding the technological rifle, and said without looking back:
"Sure enough, only the same kind can distinguish the same kind at a glance, but I don't think he will make such a stupid choice. After all, Mr. Hunter has issued an execution order. Even if we fail, there will be the afterlife team and the mysterious Aix team to take over. .

Sandstorm is dead.

Jagger would not jump on that doomed ship.How far is it? "

"It's just ahead."

Barbara tracked down the weak signal source, looked up at the messy and bombed streets ahead, frowned and said:
"But we have to find the entrance first. That place is deep underground."

"There's something ahead!"

Er Tong, who was walking in the front, suddenly raised his hand, reminding:

"A lot of creatures are moving, it looks like there's a fight, Barbara, cast the drone!"


A black bat drone immediately flew out of Batgirl's backpack, and under her precise manipulation, it bypassed the collapsed tall building in front of them and showed the situation there in front of the four of them.

Looking from a height, what came into view was a large group of strange-looking zombies rushing out of their hiding places to besiege a parking lot-like place screaming and screaming.But there is a device similar to the guard tower installed on the ground there, as long as there are zombies approaching, it will spew out blazing flames to ignite them.

This scene is very similar to the scene where ghouls hunt down living people in the Caribbean world, and Captain Jack expressed no interest in it.

But Mason narrowed his eyes.

Among the group of zombies, he saw an unusually burly guy, wearing a black suit and waving a stick in his hand. His movements didn't look like a walking dead without wisdom at all.

Amidst the guy's roar, more zombies rushed out of the shadows to attack the defense line of the guards and grab the tower one after another.

"This guy is intelligent! And it can command these corpses?"

Barbara exclaimed.

The second barrel grabbed the weapon. Obviously, Jason sensed the danger.

"It's like."

Mason stared at the burly figure and said something in a strange tone. After a few seconds, he said to Barbara:

"Let the drone go down and enter the parking lot to see the situation inside. It can make the corpses so excited. There should be living people inside."


Batgirl immediately changed the coordinates of the drone, and the small black bat-like detection equipment accelerated and rushed into the darkness of the guarded parking lot.

It activates night vision mode.

As a result, just after flying in less than 50 meters, she was held in her hand by a figure that flashed by suddenly. Barbara was terrified and wanted to detonate the drone to avoid exposure, but the hand that pressed the button was held by Mason.

The young man stared at the picture from the drone. In the black and white picture, there was a face with a weird mask, two big black eyes and a mask without a mouth.

And the pattern on the mask that resembles spider silk.

With a heart move, Mason turned on the communication switch of the drone, and he said to the other side:
"Peter Parker?"

"who are you?"

A vigilant voice came from over there a few seconds later, asking:

"Why are there still living people wandering around in the city? Did you escape from Osborne Tower? Or are you the lackeys of the Sandman?"

"Well, it's not like you to have such a hostile reaction, my dear Spider-Man."

Mason gestured to the players not to be nervous.

He took over the comm and said softly:
"You may not believe it, but we are trustworthy people, and have nothing to do with the Green Goblin or the Sandman. You can think of us as a group of backpackers who strayed into this place.

Tell me, what do we have to do to earn your trust? "

"You are the hunting dogs of the Constellation!"

There came a disgusted scolding:

"Go away! I will never join you, and I don't need your help here!"


Communication is closed.

Mason glanced back at the three people behind him and said:
"They do seem to need help, so what's your opinion?"


The second barrel pulled the bolt, and Barbara also raised the shotgun that Judy gave her, replacing words with actions.

Captain Jack is not very willing to rush out and fight dangerous zombies for strangers, but seeing that Mason is also ready to move forward, what can he do as a weak and helpless legendary pirate?

"Give me a long gun anyway."

Jack complained:

"What can you do with a small pistol?"


Mason threw to him a fine kinetic energy shotgun made by practice, and gave him a few clips with explosive warheads. Second barrel also took out a magic katana seized from the Amaterasu team from his luggage and threw it to him. Jack.

He knew that the pirate's swordsmanship was not bad.

Then, the four rushed towards the line of defense guarded by Spider-Man.

"'Corpse King' Jin Bin, Spider-Man who doesn't trust others, the city that keeps shaking weirdly, and Vulture, a reserve team member who is suspected of being an evil six-headed snake.

And the big villain Sandman who calls himself "Mr. Sandstorm."

Mason took aim, flicked his tongue, and said:
"Tsk, that's interesting."

(End of this chapter)

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