The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 144 27. The middle-aged Spider-Man also lost his dream--【710】

Chapter 144 27. The middle-aged Spider-Man also lost his dream——【710】

The zombies besieging the defense line of the deep underground parking lot in front of them are obviously different from the zombies in the Hogwarts world and the ghouls in the Caribbean world.

This point has been proved in Barbara's investigation just now.

Mason held the Widowmaker Precision Rifle and came to the third-story high point of the flanking building with flying claws. While the second barrel and Jack approached the ground, and Barbara set up the drone bomb swarm, he was also carefully observing The enemy in front of you.

He is now completely sure that the "corpse king" in command should be the godfather of the underworld, Jin Bin, who runs across the city. This can be seen from his iconic cane and his burly body and muscles even after he has turned into a zombie. .

But apart from the more "prestige" Jin Bin, even the most ordinary members of this group of zombies have flexibility that other zombies don't have at all.

Although they have shriveled skin, muscle atrophy and lost vision like their compatriots in other worlds, they can only prey on smell and hearing, but they are obviously an "evolutionary version".

Some of the mutants in the corpse group obviously had the same huge body size as the zombie Hagrid, and some of their bodies were distorted and changed like crawling "spiders".

In fact, Mason had seen such "mutants" when he encountered zombies for the first time in the Hogwarts world, but in that doomsday, such mutants were only a few and very rare, but now the zombies commanded by Kim The number of such things in the group has increased significantly.

This strange phenomenon immediately reminded Mason of the "2149 Source Virus" contained in the biological missile that the League of Assassins tried to launch at the Arkham Asylum.

"Is this the difference between the two viruses?"

The captain of Team K frowned and thought about this question.

Perhaps the bloodhounds of the Constellation will also use different weapons when they conduct the first round of "pollution" against the world of systems of different powers?

After all, there are evil Hydra, Green Goblin, and Spider-Man in this vassal world belonging to the Hydra team, and there may even be Avengers in the background of the world, which can be equated with the Justice League. top strength.

No matter how you look at it, it can't be considered a small and weak world, can it?

"The drone swarm is ready!"

Barbara's voice came from the communication, waking up the thinking Mason.

The captain raised the precision technology rifle and pressed the trigger to enter the charging mode. He locked on the roaring corpse king standing on the roof of a car.

When charging is about to end, say softly:



The low-pitched high-tech heavy-duty blast opened the curtain of the battle. The second barrel was fully charged in a standing position behind the temporary cover he was looking for, and the aggressive future weapon, which looked like the rifle in Mason's hand, fired at the crowd of corpses. One shot.

This guy's physical fitness is one of the top-notch normal human beings, and the double strengthening of the Lazarus pool and the blood of the unicorn has made him rush towards the "superhuman" field, just like holding a heavy weapon. The sniper can also play very steadily.

But the corpse king suddenly raised his arm as if he sensed the danger, and blocked the fatal shot like a shield. The fully charged sniper bomb actually just exploded the muscles and bones of his arm.

At the same time, the technical rifle in Mason's hand was also fully charged.

The two engineering bullets with super high rate of fire, strong impact and burning effect hit the zombie king whose arm had just been blown off in the blink of an eye, and the perfect cooperation from the two barrels formed a double sniper.

Lv4's shooting skills and the precision rifle in his hand allowed the bullet to shoot from Jin Bing's left eye into the skull with a deep implosion. The smelly and disgusting liquid exploded with burnt pieces of meat, causing the corpse king to turn over with a cry. fell to the ground.

But the lack of a kill prompt made Mason frown.

Although it is not a dedicated sniper rifle, it still survives a headshot with a fully charged bullet?

This also means that the K team, which has just been equipped with new weapons, has finally been able to keep up with the version, but this is the actual combat effect?Or, the zombies in this world have already maxed out their physical resistance points?

Although the first shot failed to kill the target, the second barrel didn't care at all.

The moment Mason hit the corpse king, he pulled the bolt again, the eyes under the red round helmet aimed indifferently and then pulled the trigger again.

Next to the corpse king, a big guy with a bloated body like a "big-headed doll" was spraying deadly venom towards the parking lot under the guard of normal zombies, and his head was exploded on the spot by the second barrel.

Mason above his head also began to name and kill, and a series of kill prompts appeared in front of the translucent light curtain again like swiping the screen.


The roar mixed with anger was like an order to the zombie tide. The next moment, the zombies who were besieging the underground parking lot turned around and rushed towards the street corner where the K team was.

Barbara, who was higher up, quickly pushed a black device that looked like a mortar forward.

This scattered mine launcher, which was transformed by Mason from the combat module of the Batmobile, immediately fired a dozen laser-guided anti-personnel mines forward and landed on the ground.

How do brainless zombies know how to dodge?
They rushed up screaming, and then continuously triggered the mines on the ground, splashing balls of fire one after another on the way forward. Ertong and Mason would play the role of snipers here. They didn't fight ordinary zombies but Target the mutants.

Whether it's the "big head" that spews venom remotely, or the fast-moving "spiders", as long as they get close to the corner of the street, they will be ruthlessly killed.

After all, zombies just look scary, once they realize the weakness of this twisted creation, they can only be reduced to straws to be harvested in front of real fighters.

"Barbara, prepare the petrified grenade!"

Mason gave an order to the Batgirl at the rear while changing the magazine, and Barbara immediately raised the grenade pendant under the kinetic energy shotgun in her hand.

Three consecutive engineering-modified grenades were fired, and when they fell into the crowd of zombies, they exploded, but there was no fire or impact. They just splashed the weak petrochemical potion sealed inside like raindrops.

In just a few seconds, the tide of corpses that had approached Ertong and Jack's ground bunker turned into hideous stone statues to block the path of more zombies behind, and Captain Jack also rushed out here with a shotgun in his hand. He bravely shot at the stone statues in front of him, smashing them into shattered bricks and tiles all over the ground.

As a legendary great pirate, the skill of "fighting with the wind" can be regarded as full by Captain Jack.

"Near the target corpse king, the bombing begins!"

Mason quickly descended from the third floor to the ground with the flying claws and joined Jack with the second barrel holding an assault rifle, and then gave another order to Barbara who was in charge of suppressing the rear.

Thirty bat-drones that were launched ahead of schedule carried the alchemy incendiary bombs handmade by Mason and roared to the back of the block, and completed the "bombing" under Barbara's precise control.

This kind of chemical bomb added with special explosive alchemy smelting will stick to any object it touches and burn like a Molotov cocktail as soon as it hits the ground. In addition, the flames constantly ejected from the guard gun tower underground in the parking lot will help the combustion. , when the three of Mason stepped on the broken corpses on the ground and rushed over, the entire block intersection began to burn.

"It's going to run!"

The sharp-eyed Jack shot at the living zombies beside him with his pistol, and when he looked up, he saw the big corpse king in front of him trying to rush out of the flames by knocking away the burning zombies.

This guy does have some sanity left.

It even knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

But Mason is still very relieved to see that the bullet he fired before was not in vain.

This guy's skull was blown apart, and he could even see his shriveled brain when he staggered and roared as he walked, but it was indeed healing itself, which made Er Tuan immediately draw his gun and shoot.

The bullets hit the big man's body here and there, leaving only small wounds. This guy can resist bullets only with his muscles!The second barrel simply switched back to the heavy sniper and fired a few shots into the big man's forehead, and then knocked the opponent down in the flames.

"do you died?"

The timid captain asked in a low voice, Ertuan shook his head, pulled out the kinetic energy pistol Archangel from his waist, and was about to step forward to fill in the gun, but Mason reached out to stop him.

"It's useful to keep it."

The captain said something briefly as he walked over there.

Er Tuan nodded without any argument, and tucked his weapon back into his waist like the best soldier.

Mason walked to the zombie Jin Bin. The big man's skull was smashed by the second barrel, but it still didn't die. The disgusting flesh and blood surged in the wound and slowly healed in a strange manner.

This scene looks very out of San.

The young man took out an enchanted bottle from his bosom, wrapped a special inscription chain around the zombie villain, and then chanted the spell modified by Zack Kang to shrink the big man into the body like the Batmobile and the Black Pearl. into the magic bottle.

He's not a spellcaster who can't do it with just black magic spells, but the combination of enchantment and inscriptions can do the same.

Mason flicked the bottle in his hand and the "Zombie Gold Figure" in the bottle, put it into his arms with a smile, and sighed in his heart that he got another very good research sample.

"Mason, that 'Parker' guy from the parking lot is out, watch out, he's moving very fast!"

Barbara, who stayed behind, kept watching and notified Mason and the others of the movement in time.

Mason didn't respond in particular, but Er Tuan shifted his gun and aimed at the guy who jumped from the underground garage three times in a row and appeared on the street.

Obviously, Er Tuan's fighting instinct sensed danger.

Mason looked at the figure in front of him who curled up his legs and landed on the top of the street lamp in the iconic Spider-Man action.

The classic red and blue color scheme, white goggles and black spider web embellishment on the uniform make him look like a hero who has stepped into reality from the comics.

However, Mason also noticed the figure of the Spider-Man in front of him. Well, it's a bit "bloated", especially the abdomen. The slightly bulging belly seems to have explained a lot of problems.

"Can we talk now?"

Mason put away his weapon and asked in a low voice against the background of the burning corpses.

Spider-Man crouching on the street lamp hesitated for a moment, he said:

"Let me confirm again, are you from the Stars Club?"


Mason didn't hold back, saying:

"But we are not like those who destroyed the world."

"Tch, the person I brought into the shelter last time said the same thing."

Spider-Man said sarcastically:
"And yet they took Gwen and Frank, and left us all to die in an asylum. Who are you going to find in this devastated world this time? Young Mister.

As you can see, all of New York is dead, and the whole world is dead.

There is nothing worth lingering here. "

"Gwen and Frank?"

Mason frowned slightly and said:
"Spider-Woman and Punisher? What's going on with you guys here? Is Stellaris a 'talent pool' for the various squads? But why would those blind guys take Gwen and keep you here?

You are clearly the greatest Spider-Man.

If it were me, I would kidnap you even if I gave up this world. "

"You know a lot, young man."

Spider-Man snorted, and a dexterous roll landed in front of Mason's eyes, completely ignoring the black muzzle of Er Tuan's hand and the half-drawn blade of Captain Jack.

He looked at Mason, with some self-mockery, and whispered:

"Because I'm old, useless, and a burden. This is what your colleagues said when they tricked Gwen to leave. They thought I couldn't hear it.

But really I'm just a spider with degraded senses.

My hearing has not deteriorated. "


Mason raised his eyebrows and replied:
"Is Spider-Man old too? Your voice sounds like you're in your 30s at most, middle-aged at best.

I'm not bragging, there is a 38-year-old old man in my city who takes time to beat up a dozen villains every night after dinner to digest.

That's called dragon spirit and tiger fierceness.

And I don't believe Gwen Stacy would leave you for such a ridiculous reason, you must have had a big fight with her because you wanted to send her away from this hopeless world.

Right? "

"Shut up! Sharp-toothed young man."

The middle-aged Spider-Man clenched his fists angrily and waved at Mason.

He threatened:

"Don't think I can't beat you without my spider senses! Your weird guns are useless to me!"

"Mason, something is coming towards us, very fast, like some kind of flying object! There is a strong electromagnetic signal on him, and he should be carrying some kind of monitoring equipment!

hide quickly. "

Barbara's warning sound sounded in the communication, and Spider-Man in front of him also looked at the special watch on his wrist, and he dodged a few steps and jumped into the downward parking lot.

After a few seconds, his slightly cynical voice came from afar:
"Come in, those are the sandman's dog legs on patrol. For the sake of your help, you are allowed to stay here for one night, and get out tomorrow morning!

We don't have any extra supplies for you. "

Mason nodded to his team members, and Barbara quickly rushed over with the claw gun, and they entered the garage before the vulture cruised to the block.

As soon as they entered here, most of Barbara's electronic equipment was disturbed to the point of being unable to function normally. Obviously, there was some kind of "electronic defense" here to protect them from being discovered by the outside world.

The vulture spun a few times in the nearby high altitude, took pictures of the burning block and saw the burned zombies, he curled his lips and reported to Osborne Tower:
"The city's 'dirt rats' just had a fight with the zombie gang, and it looks like the zombies have failed again."

"Keep searching, Vulture."

The electro-optical man responded in the communication with a gloomy electronic voice:

"Boss wants you to search the whole city before sunset, not a single block!"

"Boss shit!"

Vulture complained:

"His cronies came to us only after they were all dead, and they licked their cheeks and said that they wanted to make us rich and powerful in the Stars Club, but they couldn't even get a door to the world.

That's just his luck!
If Master Swordsman's team first encountered us when they conquered this world, how could there be other sand people?That bastard has a sense of honor when he treats people like a dog. "

"I think so too, but you'd better not say it outright, you idiot."

The electro-optical man said impatiently:

"We are still the same, but the Sandman is no longer the flower-faced bastard who was beaten by Spider-Man. We can't mess with him now, let's go patrol.

Come back to have a few drinks together in the evening, the guy named Constantine said he wants to treat him.

Tch, another duplicitous bastard! "

(End of this chapter)

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