The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 145 28. Even though I lost my dream and my family broke up, I was still forced to open for b

Chapter 145 28. Even though he lost his dream and his family broke up, he was still forced to open his business—【810】

(add more for "Wyatt2048" brother)
Peter Parker stood in front of the passage leading to the underground shelter, he was going to change back into ordinary people's clothes before entering the "home" he had been in for several years.

The entire Vault knows that Spider-Man is protecting them, but even in the future, Peter still works hard to maintain his "secret identity".

Although in this rotten era, he has absolutely no need to do so.

But the past was haunting him and turning that hiding into a habit that couldn't be broken.

He walked into a secret "changing room" in the dark without turning on the lights, opened the cabinet where the battle uniforms were hidden, and a small light lit up to illuminate Peter's eyes.

Spider-Man silently pulled off the hood and threw it in the cabinet, then grabbed the edge of the jacket with both hands and took it off with some difficulty. When the tights were taken off, the suppressed stomach suddenly "jumped" come out.

Seeing the beating of the belly fat that was "regained free", Peter, who was quite speechless, was stunned for several seconds before he let out a long sigh.

He seemed to recall the "scenery" of his youth. At that time, he still had eight-pack abs and wandered around the city all day without getting tired.

But not now.

Now he can't even deal with a group of mutated zombies.

Is it weakened?
Peter asked himself, and then clenched his fists to feel the terrifying power in his body that had declined a lot from the peak, and then he got the answer to this question for the nth time.

Maybe it's the mentality that has changed?
After all, an old man in his 30s and a spiritual guy in his 20s look at the world differently, especially after experiencing the death of Aunt May, breaking up with Mary Jane, and attending her ex-wife’s wedding as a failure in her daughter’s eyes man, witnessed the collapse of the world again, and the doomsday came after the death of his friends
Peter shrugged, returning to his past years of experience and feeling a little relieved.

Even superheroes have good reason to change their mindset after all the shit they've been through.

Anyway, the city is gone.

Anyway, Spider-Man's current existence is just a big security guard for the shelter, and his life seems to have no meaning.


The light in the dressing room, which had been broken for a long time, was suddenly turned on, making Spider-Man, who was in a state of wonderful emotional outburst, turn his head vigilantly.

Then I saw the strange young man standing at the door holding a strange multifunctional saber. He had just repaired the aging circuit.

So in this narrow changing room, Mason, who did not wear a helmet, and Peter Parker, who had just taken off his shirt and only wore a white vest, looked at each other under the light of the incandescent lamp.

"Uh, sorry, I didn't know anyone was here."

Mason's eyes involuntarily fell on Peter Parker's "bloated" abdomen as a superhero, and this little belly was about to come out from under the vest.

Hey, even me, a 17-year-old high school dropout, has six-pack abs. Is it really okay for you to fail in body management like a superhero?

Mason withdrew his gaze with a strange expression, and apologized and said:
"Because you didn't make a sound, and we're not allowed into your sanctuary and need a place to stay overnight, let me just ask, how did you become like this?
Theoretically, the super spider gene can allow you to have a super strong body that can knock over a dozen people when you are 80 years old.

How much you have indulged yourself!
Ten bottles of happy water plus thirty high-calorie burgers every day? "

"To shut up!"

The middle-aged Spider-Man scolded angrily, threw his battle uniform jacket into the cabinet, took off his pants, and then took out a loose gray sportswear from it to put on his body.

As he was closing the locker, the sharp-eyed Mason glanced at the old photos taped to the door.

It was a picture of a kind old lady taking pictures with young Peter.

Both of them are smiling in the photo.

And the decadent man in front of him obviously hasn't smiled for a long time.

"So, Aunt May has already"

Mason was silent for a few seconds, and said softly:
"Did you walk in the doomsday?"

"It has nothing to do with you! Outsiders."

Pulling the hood of his tracksuit up over his matted brown hair, Spider-Man said:
"Don't ask questions. You are not allowed to bring your people into the shelter. I will keep an eye on you. There is a utility room 30 meters away from the fork on the left, which is enough for you to rest."

After speaking, the indifferent middle-aged Spider-Man passed Mason to leave.

The aura of keeping strangers away from him is really obvious.

Not even some sort of disguise.

That seemed to be the state of his life now.

"You know, I loved reading comics when I was a kid."

When Spider-Man walked to the door, Mason suddenly said:
"I have a very bad family, and I just learned not long ago that the father who kept beating me was not my father. When I was beaten black and blue, I always hid in my little bed in the utility room and read comics to escape. Reality.

I have two favorite superheroes.

One is called Batman.

He'd beat criminals like my father to the bone with his bare hands in the night city.The other is Wolverine, and he's even more over the top.

Always like to turn bad guys into kebabs. "

Spider-Man continued forward without hesitation, and then Mason put his hand on his shoulder and said:
"But you were my third favorite superhero when I was a child. It doesn't mean that you are not as charming as the master and Logan. It's just that I thought you were too kind back then.

But as I grow up, I gradually realize that I can't be like Lord or Logan, but as long as I keep a good heart, I can be you. "

Mason whispered:
"Peter Parker, what did you go through to become like this?
I'm really curious about the story between you and this world. Judging by your current living conditions, you probably don't have many friends. After you go back, you will be alone and sulk.

So why don't you take a moment and tell me? "

"I have no obligation to satisfy your idle curiosity, outsider."

Peter pushed Mason's hand away, and said angrily and sarcastically:
"Why don't you find your companions at Osborne Tower? Perhaps the Sandman would be interested in telling you what he and his scumbag friends have done to the world."

"The purpose of my trip is to kill the Sandmen."

Mason said quietly:

"My companions have lurked into that Osborne Tower, and if you are patient, you may be able to see how the Sandman and his team were executed by our own hands.

Oh, right.

The reason why the sandman fled back to this world alone is because I sold him and his scumbag friends to my powerful allies in my world.

It was I who opened the door to the world with my own hands and sent him back.

If you hate him, Peter.

Then you have good reason for adopting a softer and kinder way of speaking to me. "

While speaking, Mason took out the secret execution order signed by Mr. Hunter himself and handed it to Spider-Man. The latter was stunned for a moment, took a look in his hand, and then looked suspiciously at the sincere Mason.

After ten seconds of silence, he said:
"You want to collect information from me?"


Mason nodded and admitted:

"You can think so, but what I just said is not false. You should know that in many parallel worlds, your legends exist in the form of comics or movies.

I know every version of your story by heart, Peter, you and Mary Jane, you and Gwen Stacy, you and the black cat, you and the black widow, etc.”

"I have never had any deep communication with the black widow! Don't slander me, you bastard!"

The middle-aged Spiderman pouted and said:

"And the Avengers Alliance has long since disappeared. In the year before the apocalypse broke out, they died and fled, and many people became one of you.

Black Widow.

I've heard she was one of the first to leave, right after Hawkeye and Bratton became zombies, and those two guys are probably still wandering the ruins of the Nevada desert. "

Perhaps it was the things Mason took out that made Spider-Man feel his sincerity. In short, this middle-aged superhero who had lost his dreams was not in a hurry to leave.

While still looking sullen and cynical, he did start to say things to Mason.

"Do you have a cigarette? Here's one. It's hard to find such a treat in this poor place."

he asked.

Mason took out a pack of Sika cigarettes from his luggage. This was one of the "tactical rations" that Jarcon left with him. The last time I brought a few boxes to that bastard, I still haven't used up all of them.

He personally delivered it to the middle-aged Spider-Man, and lit it with magic fire.

Peter Parker, who had completely failed in body management, leaned against the wall where the skin was peeling off, and while he was skillfully breathing out, he stroked his stubble-covered chin.

The thick dark circles under the eyes formed by staying up late for a long time looked Mason up and down.

Amid the rising smoke, he said:
"Based on the qualities of all kinds of outsiders I have seen, you are indeed a bit too young. What do you want to know? Ask, and for the sake of this pack of cigarettes, I can give you 15 minutes."

"Can I change three 10 minutes?"

Mason blinked, took out a few more packs of Sika cigarettes and handed them over.

This move made the middle-aged Spiderman snort, but he did not refuse, and after accepting the order, he signaled with his chin that Mason could start asking.

"What happened here?"

Mason cut to the chase:

"Does the rest of the world still exist? What about earthquakes that inevitably occur every 10 minutes?"

"Three questions!"

Spider-Man snorted and said:
"But it boils down to one answer, there's been an apocalypse here, as you can see a bad virus has swept the world and turned it upside down overnight.

Those who were infected turned into another form. Guys like Jin Bin got a kind of "rebirth" after death. The safe city became dangerous, but the wilderness became a popular real estate.

The Avengers Alliance, which was split by the civil war, struggled to reorganize and a counterattack was brewing.

It's a pity that there were differences internally, some people continued to fight, and some people defected to the enemy.The warriors are dead, roaming the ruins of the world in humiliation, and some have been carried away.

Then came the succession of outsiders who saw it as, well, some kind of 'talent market'?
Those who were valuable in their eyes were taken away, such as Gwen and Frank, while the rest were silently waiting for the dawn of hope that might never come.

As for the rest of the world, all I can tell you is that I don't know.

At least on the North American side, there is only the large gathering place of Osborne Tower left, but it is Osborn's property, and the Green Goblins are the first batch of bastards to seek refuge with their new owners.

He relied on a successful horizontal jump to make him a powerful person under the doomsday.

I'm guessing that the more frequent earthquakes must have something to do with that tower, but I have no idea or even interest in what they're doing. "

Peter Parker was silent for a moment, then he threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stomped on it again, saying:
"It is already difficult for us to live, and everything in the outside world is meaningless to us."

He flicked another cigarette, glanced at the thoughtful Mason again, and said:

"Even if you execute the Sandman, it's meaningless to kill the Green Goblin by the way. They are not the ones who really rule this doomsday. You have an army stationed on the island outside Osborn, and they defeated the Avengers.

I saw with my own eyes that even Thor was killed
Ah, what a dreadful day. "

"That's not our army, and while it's a 'fraternal agency', we're really just a bunch of bad-hearted explorers, and it's not our job to fight."

Mason shrugged, corrected Peter's statement, and asked again:

"Are there any resistance groups here? I mean those who secretly resist Osborne's rule. If they want to enter that city quietly to complete the execution of the traitors, I may need some help."

"Yes, I have."

The middle-aged Spider-Man grinned and clicked to signal Mason to follow.

He wouldn't say anything about not allowing the K team to enter the shelter. After a series of cumbersome identification verifications, Peter, smoking a cigarette, led four people into an elevator that went straight to the ground.

After several minutes of descending, they reached a shelter at least 100 meters underground.

When the elevator door opened, a super-large underground cave was completely hollowed out, and the artificial lighting facilities extended from Mason's eyes to the end several kilometers away.

It is like an underground workshop, with a complete residential area and roads planned.

If you don't count the dark rock formations around it, it's almost no different from a small town.

Mason raised his head and could still vaguely see the logos of the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. from the graffiti-covered metal wall, but it must have been a long time ago.

"Go straight along Manhattan Street, turn left at the third intersection and turn left at the sixth house, which is where the resistance organization is located."

Peter patted Mason on the shoulder and said:

"Go ahead and find someone who will help you and then leave me alone, I have a date at the bar tonight Thanks again for the cigarettes, young man."

After finishing speaking, this decadent guy put on his sunglasses and swaggered away, even whistling with a few well-dressed young ladies on the way, looking very familiar.

This scene was nothing special to the other three members of Team K.

But for Mason, it was a bit of a shock. He didn't expect that a kind person like Spider-Man would have such a free and easy side?
On the way to the resistance organization, Barbara asked curiously. Mason thought about it and answered briefly:
"Can you imagine Batman dragging his bloated body to give up night patrol one day, ignoring the chaotic Gotham, smoking and drinking to burn his head every day, and giving up Selena and Thalia and running to hang out with a group of roadside dancers?

If you can't imagine, then you can understand how I feel right now. "

"Huh? Do you compare that decadent strange uncle with Bruce?"

Barbara said in surprise:
"Is this too exaggerated?"


Mason pouted and said:

"You really don't know anything about exaggeration, Barbara. That guy's career when he was young and beautiful, even if Bruce came over, he would willingly give a thumbs up.

Although their behavior style is completely two extremes, but they are indeed the same kind of people. "

"That guy is very good, very good in every way."

Er Tong, who had been silent all this time, observed the surrounding environment and said in a low voice:

"In pure hand-to-hand combat, it would be very difficult for Bruce to defeat him.

If we fight with our lives, he can crush me to death with at most fifty strokes.It seems that he is secretly sheltering here, otherwise the thousands of people here would not be able to resist the enhanced version of zombies outside. "

"That person gave me a strange feeling."

Captain Jack looked at the small houses with feasting lights on both sides of the road, and expressed his opinion:

"He's not really tired of the world, I can feel it, he just has no reason to go anymore. You know that feeling?
Like a kite with a broken string, nothing is pulling him and he doesn't know where to go. "

"Aunt May is dead."

Mason sighed and said:
"I drove Gwen away with my own hands, witnessed my friends die in battle, watched my former comrades-in-arms turn to the enemy and rebelled, and the city I had been guarding turned into ruins.

Indeed, all the reasons worth fighting for had vanished.

But no! "

Mason frowned and said:
"Mary Jane should still be there. With that woman around, Peter couldn't be so decadent. Huh?"

Mason pushed open the door of the resistance organization in front of him, and at a glance, he saw a big sister with long red hair sitting behind a desk with a depressed face, holding a lady's cigarette in her hand and looking out of the window melancholy.

Judging from the dusty nameplate on the table, this lady is the "rebel leader" Peter said?
"and many more."

Mason stared at her and said in a strange tone:
"Mary Jane?"

(End of this chapter)

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