The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 146 29. Spiderman brand condoms, ingenious quality, trustworthy--【910】

Chapter 146 29. Spiderman brand condoms, ingenious quality, trustworthy——【910】

(add more for "Wyatt2048" brother)
The leader of the rebel army who appeared in front of Team K was a woman who was outstanding in every way.

Although the skin maintenance is not very good due to age and fatigue, her movements and posture when she leans on the chair and looks out the window melancholy can still move people's hearts.

The chic figure of this lady in combat uniform is shrouded in the smoke from burning lady's cigarettes with a sweet smell, making people unable to help but think about how eye-catching she must be in her prime.

Captain Jack coughed, straightened his collar and took out a hand mirror to tidy up his appearance.

Obviously, the wandering pirate has found a new "target".

"who are you?"

The lady who was awakened by Mason's exclamation turned her head and frowned at the four people in front of her. Mary Jane immediately narrowed her eyes when she saw their uniform gray bat-style battle suits that were incompatible with this place.

she says:

"An outsider again?"

She curled her lips and waved her hands, and said in the same bored tone as the middle-aged Spiderman just now:
"The last two superheroes here have been taken away by your colleagues a month ago, and this place has no meaning in your eyes.

Thanks to you guys, I became a polished commander.


Before I send you off with bullets. "

"No, Ms. Mary Jane, we're not here to recruit."

Resisting the strange feeling in his heart, Mason stepped forward, and said to the ex-reporter lady who was also not very good-tempered:

"We are going into Osborne Tower to do something dangerous but beneficial to the world. A kind person told us that we can get help from you?"

"Who told you?"

Mary Jane narrowed her eyes and said:


Mason didn't answer.

His eyes fell on the Mary Jane nameplate, where the full name of the lady in front of him was written: "Mrs. Mary Jane Watson Schultz"


The young man widened his eyes and said:

"What happened? How did you divorce Peter? And remarry a man named Schultz? No wonder he's turned into the shit he is now."

"It seems that you are very familiar with him, and what's the matter with your tone just now? Are you complaining about your 'new friend'? Think I'm a bad woman?"

Mary Jane sneered and said:
"Then let me ask you, talkative young man. If you are a 27-year-old woman facing a career crisis, you have a wife and daughter who are willing to do everything for strangers in the city but are unwilling to go to work and find a good job to support themselves , and when your husband is devastated after the death of a loved one, what will you do?
When my daughter was sick and hospitalized and her father couldn't even afford the hospital bill.
ok I admit it.

At first, maybe it was just to stimulate him and cheer him up.

But it turns out that the Peter I know and love deeply may be dead, he left with Aunt May, and he was dead long before the end came. "

This explosive rhetorical question made Mason speechless, and Barbara behind him whispered to Er Tong:
"Mason also said that the strange uncle and Bruce are the same kind of person. Hell, the same kind of person! Bruce will never work hard to support his family, because of such realistic reasons that his wife and children are separated."

"Well, you're right, no matter how poor Bruce is, he will have hundreds of millions in property."

Er Tong also nodded approvingly.

"Oh, beautiful lady, don't be angry. For an elegant beauty like you, anger will only aggravate your little youth left."

In the midst of embarrassment, Captain Jack walked towards the angry Mary Jane with smart steps, and magically pulled out a red rose from nowhere.

He handed the flowers to Mary, and before he could speak, Mary waved the red rose and smashed it on his face, blocking Captain Jack's unspoken words.

Obviously, this lady is definitely not a "ruthless character" that can be taken casually.

"Get out of my office!"

Mary Jane slapped the table and scolded:
"This place refuses to provide all help to outsiders. Go find your new friends. Maybe Peter will suddenly cheer up after being decadent for several years."

"That strange uncle has been protecting this shelter."

Barbara frowned and said:
"While you have a grudge against him, ma'am, it's thanks to him that you are here, and perhaps you should."


The lady smashed her fist on the table, interrupting Barbara.

"You don't know anything!"

Mary Jane put the lady's cigarette in her mouth, stared at Barbara fiercely, and said loudly:
"When he was already disabled, he followed the Avengers and rushed towards the Destroyers desperately, when he was beaten to death and fell in the city, you didn't even know it! Young man.

I was the one who dragged him and his girlfriend back from the battlefield with bullets and bullets, and that adventure of infidelity cost me my husband and my son"

"Feel sorry."

Barbara took a step back in fright, hurriedly lowered her head, and sincerely apologized:

"It's my fault, I shouldn't have mentioned this."

"Forget it, I just vented my nameless anger on you."

Perhaps some irritability that had been suppressed in her heart was expressed in an unexpected conversation. In short, Mary Jane, who was still very angry just now, quickly calmed down.

She seemed to have lost all strength and sat back in her chair.

He stretched out his hand to brush his hair and then wiped his red eyes, coughed a few times, and said:
"Since that man was able to bring you here, it means that you have won his trust, maybe you are really different from other outsiders.

But I don't really care much.

Tell me, what help do you need from the Resistance?What are you guys doing here?Let's just say, although I'm already a polished commander, I can still provide information. "

Mason pulled up his chair and sat down at the table, repeating to Mary Jane what he had just said to the middle-aged Spider-Man, and he asked about the earthquake again.

But Mary Jane couldn't give a specific answer either.

The brooding lady sighed and looked out the window at the children playing in the playground in the subterranean town.

She was silent for a few seconds before speaking:
"It's been a long time since we've been above ground, Mason. We hid ourselves underground and prayed for the protection of the dark, the world under the sun that has become synonymous with danger years ago.

Especially for those kids.

If it wasn't for the zombie siege that broke out today, it is estimated that Peter has not been on the ground for several months. After all, there is nothing but desolation there.

But if you really want to figure out this secret, it’s not impossible.”

The polished commander of the rebel organization pursed his lips and said:

"I can give you a suggestion, but it's very dangerous. Go all the way down the sewer of this shelter, and there are some 'underground people' deeper underground.

They entered the underground life before us, and there was already their little kingdom there long before the end happened.

They might know something. "

Mary Jane paused, glanced at Mason who was taking notes, and said again:

"As for sneaking into Osborne Tower, it's not as difficult as you think. The Green Goblin has been recruiting workers in this ruins, and he went crazy after his son died in the end.

Has been expanding his private kingdom.

In short, there are a lot of workers needed there, and you only need to go to their recruitment point outside the city to sign up and you will be sent to the outskirts of Osborne Tower.

But it is not so simple to get into the city center.

But you should all be guys like superheroes or super villains, and things that ordinary people can't do are a piece of cake for you. "

Just as Mary Jane was introducing the situation of Osborne Tower to Team K, the door of this office was suddenly pushed open roughly, and a bald little old man with a cane rushed in violently and shouted:
"Mary, Mary! You missed this meeting again, hell! We were supposed to be discussing the unsustainable water supply of the shelter today. Huh? You have guests?

These are. Hell!

It's an outsider! "

After recognizing the identity of Mason and the others, the grumpy little old man immediately dropped the cigar at the corner of his mouth on the ground, pulled out a revolver from his waist, waved it and shot at them.

But marksmanship stinks.

The four of Mason were only a few meters away from him, and they shot at each other. While firing, he was still cursing:

"Fake outsiders! Fake Stars Club! It's you bastards who brought the doomsday and disasters! It's you who have shamelessly tricked our city defenders away batch after batch!


Because you've got us so down right now that we're relying on that nasty liar Spiderman to protect us, we're relying on an untrustworthy masked criminal to survive the apocalypse.


How did this world become like this?
If my newspaper office is still there"

"Okay, Jameson, you are very old, calm down, too angry is not good for your health."

Mary Jane was obviously used to the irritable behavior of the nervous old man in front of her. She puffed out the smoke ring and said in a non-energetic tone:

"Stop scolding Peter, he doesn't care anymore, maybe you should also let go of your obsession with Spider-Man, it's the end of the world, can't we just make do with it?

You are the mayor who is loved by everyone in the shelter now, can you be decent? "

"Don't think about it!"

The old man waved the pistol in his hand, excitedly knocked on his cane and shouted:
"Unless I die! Even if I die, I will be nailed into a coffin, and I will use my decayed vocal cords to shout out the truth for everyone to know.
Spider-Man is a big liar!

He actually pretended to be a photographer for my newspaper and lied to me for so many years!Heck, I'm still paying him for those pictures he directed and acted in!
And we don't have to rely on him.

Our doctors have diagnosed a physical problem with our Vault Guardian and they are going to perform an operation on our venerable Guardian Mr. Daredevil tomorrow.

As long as we can straighten his broken bones, yes!

As long as we can fix him, we don't have to rely on that big liar!Mr. Matt, who is taciturn and well-versed in the law, is obviously more trustworthy! "

"My God! Have you not given up on that outrageous plan?"

Hear the shouts of Jonah Jameson, the former owner of the Bugle Daily, the biggest black powder boss of Spider-Man, the former superior of Peter Parker and the black man of life, the deputy mayor of New York before the end, and now the mayor of the underground shelter in Manhattan After the sound, Mary Jane, who was already helpless, felt even more headache.

She covered her face and said:

"Enough, Jameson! Don't throw limited resources into that bottomless black hole. Matt himself said that he can't get better in this life, and those invaders almost broke all the bones in his body.

With our current medical conditions, he can't be cured at all. No matter how much you hate Peter, you can't change this fact. We can only rely on him now.

Unless you are willing to take refuge in Osborne. "

"Damn Osborne!"

The little old man jumped up angrily and cursed with saliva splashing all over the place:
"As the mayor of New York City, there is no way that I can get along with that bastard! Even if I jump off the Osborne Tower! Even if I fall to my death, it is impossible to reconcile with him.

When that bastard threw the zombie virus into my city with his own hands, he became my enemy for the rest of my life!In order to fight him, I'd rather team up with the big liar Spider-Man!

And this time we're serious, Mary, I've sent my son to take someone underground to find the leader of the Underworld, and we all know who he is.

His miraculous self-healing powers may help our true hero get back on his feet."


Mary Jane, the chief of the security department of the shelter, suddenly got up when she heard these words, she supported the table and shouted:
"I won't allow it! Jameson, you are crazy. Professor Connors has long lost his humanity, and his followers are even less likely to show mercy to us.

You are pushing your son into a pit of fire. "

The fierce quarrel between the mayor of the refuge and the chief security officer caused the members of Team K to look at each other. After figuring out their contradictions, Mason rolled his eyes.

When the smell of gunpowder between the two lessened a little, he Shi Shiran stood up and coughed, and stretched out his hand to stop the two from continuing to quarrel.

He said to the grumpy Spider-Man black powder leader in a gentle tone:

"Regard your temper, Mr. Jameson, I'm an unwelcome outsider but I'm also a... Well, doctor! I have a magic drug from my world that can help all fractures The patient stands up again.

If you trust me, let me go and see Lord Matt Murdoch's injuries. "

"To shut up!"

The little old mayor screamed, brandishing his unloaded revolver:
"You outsiders are all stinky, you just want to deceive our city guardian again! I will not give you this chance."

"no no no"

Mason glanced at Mary Jane, and he said to Jameson:
"Actually what we want to take away is Spider-Man, but if I want to take away a Guardian, I have to leave a Guardian for you, you see, I will help you cure Daredevil, and then take Spider-Man.

That way your Vault has a genuinely trustworthy Asylum hero and you save yourself a whole lot of trouble, I mean, didn't you say Spider-Man was a liar?

Wouldn't it be all right if I took him away? "

"No!" X2
After Mason finished speaking, Mary Jane, who said that she was completely disappointed in Peter Parker, and Jameson, who had always been black as Spider-Man, refused at the same time.

The tone was decisive, and there was no room for maneuver.

This duplicity made Mason curl his lips, and it also made the remaining three members of Team K almost laugh out loud.

"cough cough"

Mary Jane coughed twice in embarrassment, and explained with some intention of concealing:
"We don't like this Spider-Man right now, but we need it."

"Yeah, it's like a condom for young people, you don't really want it, but you can't live without it."

The little old man deserves to be a lifelong black fan of Spider-Man, even the metaphor is so vicious.


Mason stood up, took out a bottle of Bone Spirit and threw it up and down in his hand, he said:
"Just say if you want me to help heal Daredevil, or not take him. You obviously know a lot about the creatures of the subterranean world, but you don't want to share it with us.

I'm pressed for time, so, make a deal.Mary Jane, and Mr. Jameson. "

The captain of Team K stared at Mary Jane and said:

"I cured Daredevil, you! You are going to take us underground yourself! Deal?"

(End of this chapter)

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