The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 147 30. Blind man, super power is to see things--【1010】

Chapter 147 30. Blind man, super power is to see things--【1010】

"And who is that 'Daredevil'?"

On the way to the shelter hospital following the cursing Mayor Jameson, Barbara gave the candies she brought with her to the children around her, and asked Mason in a low voice:

"This nickname doesn't sound like a good person, and how did you know these things? Mason, how do I feel that you are as familiar with this world as Gotham?"

"There's a library in Starsburg."

Mason nonsense nonsense without changing his face:

"There are all the mission records of the pioneer team and the brief introduction of the parallel world, and the identity of a C-level personnel is required to enter it.

While you were dancing and having fun with Judy and Selena, I went in and looked at something.

As for who Daredevil is.
It's hard for me to explain this question to you, you can understand him as a beggar's version of Batman.

He also has a 'don't kill' principle.

And his style of acting is very similar to that of our master, he is the kind of guy who is keen to walk around in the dark alleys at night, and break the bones of the unlucky criminals who meet him with his bare hands.

The only difference is that he doesn't have billions to inherit, nor does he have a fancy Batmobile to drive.

But he also has advantages.

He has superpowers! "

"What superpower?"

Captain Jack rolled his eyes and said:
"His name is 'Night Demon', so can he transform into a monster?"

"Do not."

Mason frowned and thought for a while, organized his language, and said very concisely and seriously:

"To put it simply, he is blind, and his superpower is seeing."

Sluggish face X3.

Even Er Tong showed a "you're fucking kidding me" expression under the red barrel mask.

"That's the truth, believe it or not."

Mason pouted.

Feeling that the world is getting worse, how can I say that no one believes the truth?

A few minutes later, Jameson led the group into the underground hospital while the members of Team K looked on with some kind of strange expectation.Because this was originally a shelter for SHIELD, so although there are only a few thousand people hiding here, the infrastructure is not bad, and the hospital is also very professionally built, without the feeling of a small workshop at all.

In a separate ward, Mason saw Mr. Matt Murdoch in a wheelchair.

And when she saw his wheelchair, Barbara immediately showed a "sympathetic" expression on her face, and she also had a little more affection for the masked Lord Daredevil in her heart.

Alas, they are also fallen people in the world.

But Daredevil's situation is much more miserable than hers. She was only paralyzed from the lower body after being shot in the spine by the clown, but Mr. Matt's bones all over his body were broken.

High paraplegia.

Except for the movement of the head, the whole body has been paralyzed.

However, listening to Jameson's explanation mixed with swear words that could not pass the trial on the way, it was not that the hounds of the Constellation Society and the mad dogs of the Cleaner deliberately tortured him.

It is said that during the Doomsday War, Daredevil was crushed downstairs in a collapsed building in order to save people.

If it weren't for Frank Castle, the Punisher who was still alive at the time, and Peter Parker, who is now a fat middle-aged version, desperately rescued, he would probably die in the ruins.

But the direct result of them running to save Lawyer Ma was that Spider-Man was knocked to the ground by the enemy again, and then Mary Jane ran to save her ex-husband, causing her husband and children to die in the doomsday again.

It's just a series of tragedies.


When Mason and his group stepped into the ward, Mr. Matt, who was wearing red sunglasses in a wheelchair, whispered:
"Girl, your heartbeat is accelerating. Why? Are you pitying me?"


Barbara's eyes widened.

She's still wearing a batsuit.

This special suit is not only bulletproof but also able to isolate most detection methods. At a distance of more than ten meters, this man who has been paralyzed and is said to be blind can feel his own heartbeat?
Ertong also looked at Mason in surprise.

Is this the blind man you're talking about with super powers of seeing?
You omitted at least a thousand words, right?
This super sense, which is outrageous even in Justice League, is too exciting!
"Don't look at me like that."

Mason said softly:
"I'm just ignoring billions of details. In his prime, our Mr. Matt could hear cries for help within ten blocks by hearing.

The strengthening of the four senses besides vision gave him the same ability as the perception of beasts.

Two barrels, you said that Spider-Man who has lost his spider sense can pinch you to death within [-] strokes. If you fight Mr. Matt, he should be able to subdue you within [-] strokes? "

"It's not that exaggerated."

The paralyzed Daredevil chuckled weakly, moved his ears, and said:
"The gentleman wearing the helmet has amazing physique. With the exaggerated strength of his heart beating, he can beat me, a blind man, to the ground with one punch."

"The premise is that he can hit you."

Mason stepped forward to check Matt Murdoch's physical condition, he said:
"Didn't my colleagues come to recruit you?"

"What value is a cripple? They may have a cure for me, but obviously your colleagues don't want to waste time on a cripple.

But you seem to be an exception. "

Mr. Matt, who was wearing red flamboyant sunglasses, said in a gentle tone:

"It also saves me a lot of trouble. You smell like Peter. Have you seen him? He hasn't seen me for a long time. How is he doing?"

"I can only say that my colleagues really have no vision!
You and Peter are the two most precious treasures in this abandoned city.And how much better can you expect from a middle-aged single man who has lost everything, is heartbroken and has failed body management? "

Mason pinched Matt's severely atrophied muscles and his horrible bone status.

He made a diagnosis like a professional physician, and chatted with Matt, who obviously met for the first time but felt very familiar, just like an old friend, in a low voice:
"Peter told me that your good friend Frank Cassel left with my colleagues, do you have any objection to that?"

"He should have gone long ago."

Matt shook his head with difficulty and said:
"Frank is also a person who has no reason to fight here. He was born to belong to the battlefield, and the bursting war flows in his veins. Staying here as a security guard will only make him regret for life.

The people who took him and Gwen were pretty decent, maybe in other worlds he could find his old passion?

Compared with Frank, perhaps Gwen's departure is more tragic. "

Daredevil sighed and said softly:
"Peter. He drove her away. Maybe he felt something, but that was also a choice, a choice that was finally made in the confused life under the doomsday.

Between Mary Jane and Gwen, he still chose his first love.

The girl who accompanied Peter through the darkest time must have been heartbroken when she left. If you meet her in other worlds in the future, remember to say sorry to her for Peter.

I know that pained guy kept that to himself.

He was tormented by so much he had lost, and he didn't even have the courage to say 'goodbye'. "

"You look like a melancholy poet, Matt, and it looks like the end has changed you a lot."

Mason sighed and signaled Ertuan and Jack to come forward to help him lift Daredevil out of the wheelchair and put him on the hospital bed next to him, and together with Barbara tied up Matt's limbs and body with special ropes .

Barbara, who drank the bone spirit herself, knew that this process was necessary.

This mason-crafted potion was useful, but the horrific pain it caused when it took effect was nothing short of torture.When Mason unscrewed the cover of Bone Spirit, Matt Murdock, who was tied up on the hospital bed, suddenly asked:

"So, what's the price? Do I have to leave with you? If that's the case, then let me refuse. There are tombs of my lover and friends here, and I don't really want to leave here."

"Don't worry, it's free this time."

Mason shook the black liquid in the bottle and said:
"The world has been taken away so much that I have no intention of plundering it. But I would be very grateful if you could help me and my team-mates while we are making a fuss at Osborne Tower.

Also, I do have something to ask you.

Old Peter didn't want to talk to me about the things that stuck in his heart. "

After finishing speaking, the young man put the medicine in his hand into Matt's mouth, and downed the whole bottle of Bone Spirit.

Lawyer Ma thought that the paralyzed man would no longer have pain, after all he was already like this.

But he was wrong.

As it turns out, Daredevil seemed to have forgotten the concept of pain after losing his powers, and Mason was kind enough to bring back what he had forgotten.

Just 30 seconds later, Matt rolled over on the bed like a struggling caterpillar, the veins on his face popped out but he gritted his teeth to prevent himself from moaning weakly.

Seeing this scene, Barbara immediately stuffed the rolled towel into Daredevil's mouth to prevent him from biting off his tongue in excruciating pain.


The deep groans came out of the ward very quickly, and the old man James, who was waiting outside with a look of anticipation on his face, was immediately excited. He called the doctor to come by swearing, and almost immediately made the ward very lively.

Team K quickly backed out to prevent the doctors from entering the ward.

Captain Jack declared that the patient's condition needs further observation, in fact, he gave enough time for the conversation between Mason and Lawyer Ma.

When entering a new world, intelligence gathering is always the most important job.

This is not the first time Mason has used Bone Spirit.

He had a very precise grasp of the law of the effect of this potion, and when the pain caused by the first wave of bone healing was slightly reduced, he reached out and took out the towel from Lawyer Ma's mouth.

The latter was soaked in sweat all over his body, lying on the hospital bed like glutinous rice balls fished out of a pot.

He is very weak.

But the mental state became more and more sober because of the pain.

"This is just the first wave. The Bone Spirit roams through the bones of your whole body to help you correct the misplaced joints. The first stage will repair the trauma, and then the second stage will help your bone marrow regenerate when the medicine takes effect.

That is more terrible pain.

It’s like ten thousand ants crawling in your bones.”

While posing a miniature formation, Mason took out various herbal ingredients, turned his head and said to Lawyer Ma, who was panting on the hospital bed:

"But don't worry, before it breaks out, I will give you a potion that can temporarily separate the will from the body, so that you can spend the night safely without biting your tongue in pain or causing a permanent psychological shadow.

You are awake for about ten minutes. We can chat during this uninterrupted time, which will also help you keep your mind clear. "

"Your medicine is really powerful."

Lawyer Ma complained weakly:

"If I didn't know that you were treating me, I would have thought it was a damned forced confession."

"Uh, there are indeed records that some evil alchemists will use the pain of the bone spirit to force information. Their specific operation is to break the target's bones first and let him suffer the first wave of pain.

Then feed him the bone spirit to make him suffer the second wave of pain in a waking state.

Generally speaking, after this set of operations, no matter how hard-spoken people are, they will open their mouths.

If you meet a really tough guy, repeat the above process until the other person can't bear it or the nerve necrosis is caused by long-term pain. "

Mason activated the refining formation, and made five bottles of life-death water from the materials at hand amidst the flashing red light.

While preparing "post-operative medication" for Lawyer Ma, he shared a little anecdote about the hellish alchemist. He observed the changes in Lawyer Ma's expression and said:

"Okay, don't show that expression, I'm just joking. I won't ask you too complicated things. Can you tell me in detail about the doomsday battle in your world?

I mean, the sign before the war, do you also have traitors and leaders in this world? "


Lawyer Ma groaned a few times, and after Mason fed him some kind of potion, he whispered:

"At first it was just an argument.

It was the end of the divided era of the Heroic Civil War, and after the world had been cleared of the Skrull offal, we saw for a time hope of reuniting.

It was at that time that some researchers first observed the signs of the doomsday, and then a rebellion broke out in New Asgard where Thor was located, and Wakanda closed the country overnight.

Those were all separate events, and no one brought them together to discuss them.

It wasn't until after the Illuminati failed in their covert savior that we realized that the Stellar Order had extended their tentacles deep into our world back in the days of the Skrulls' secret war.

Even those Skrulls are likely to be secretly supported by them.

Aware of the danger, we decided to unite to deal with the crisis. However, before we unearthed the truth, a worldwide virus disaster suddenly broke out.

Its results were disastrous. "

"Is this ruined world a remnant of the 'Pollution War'?"

Mason pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose, and took out the zombie Wang Jinbin, which was shrunk down and placed in a bottle, from his arms. He observed the sample in his hand and asked:

"It seems that you can still retain a certain amount of sanity after being infected by this virus?"

"not only that."

Lawyer Ma sighed and said:

"It swept the world overnight, and we thought it was just an ordinary zombie virus at first, but subsequent research surprised us.

For ordinary people, this virus will strengthen their reactions and strength, almost strengthening them all except for brain damage.

For superhumans, this virus will not only retain some sanity, but also distort their behavior and thinking. During the craziest period, news of superheroes or supervillains being infected came every day.

We had to put down the operation of digging the black hand and deal with the growing zombie crisis, but soon, those zombies united.

Ironically, they unite faster than we do. "


Mason raised an eyebrow.

Although he knew for a long time that the zombie crisis in this world was different from what he had seen before, Mason was still surprised to hear Lawyer Ma's description.

他 说:

"Is it the 'unity' I was thinking of?"


Lawyer Ma gave a wry smile and said:
"They formed a zombie version of the Avengers, headed by the zombie Thor, and they also had a think tank, and a zombie Nick Fury commanded their army.

I know you're wondering why you can't see them in the world right now.

For your brethren have taken them, perhaps as evil legions to poison other worlds.

And at the most intense moment of our battle with the zombie version of the Avengers, the Stars and the Cleaners just swaggered in here.

In the shadow of the doomsday, we have no power to resist, so we can only launch a final desperate charge. As you can see, we lost, and our world is finished.

This is our story, Mason.

The story of a bunch of underdogs. "


This wave of upgrades is over, ask for a monthly ticket~ By the way, the next upgrade should be on the Spring Festival and New Year's Day.

(End of this chapter)

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