The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 150 33. Sand Man's Abacus Beads All Collapsed on the Spider's Face

Chapter 150 33. Sand Man's Abacus Beads All Collapsed on the Spider's Face

130 meters underground in the Manhattan shelter, the middle-aged Spider-Man led the three members of Team K out of the dangerous area occupied by the underground people.

The two sides did not have much communication.

Because Mason used Mary Jane to "seduce" Peter Parker, the only remaining superhero in New York was very upset. If it weren't for Mary Jane's persuasion, the two sides would definitely fight.

"That guy's strength is so strong, the explosion just now is almost the same as the drugged Bain."

Beside Mason, Er Tong looked at the cracked helmet in his hand rather dissatisfied. It protected him from the previous collision, which fully proved that even a middle-aged Spider-Man can be quite destructive. force.

"And he has the flexibility that Bane doesn't have at all."

Er Tong stared at the figure in front of him, and concluded in a low voice:
"A formidable opponent, but not invincible."

"You think the prerequisite for defeating him is that his spider sense has degenerated, Jason."

Mason looked at the increasingly "wide" and quiet surroundings in front of him, he shook his head and said:

"Remember that time we 'fighted' in Crime Alley?"

"You mean the time you went crazy and turned into a monster?"

Ertong snorted, recalling Mason's brutal state when he transformed into "Wolverine" last time, and whispered:
"Is the so-called 'spider sense' the beast-like fighting instinct you had after injecting that drug last time? That's really tricky."

"No, the spider's sense is higher than the beast's intuition. It is the most advanced power among all combat instinct talents."

Mason explained:
"In the heyday of Peter Parker's Spider-Man career, he can even predict the danger that will happen a few seconds later, not so much as a super reaction, but more like a kind of 'foreseeing'.

In that state, it is impossible for him to deal with bullets, unless your super shooting skills can be practiced to the point of 'must hit'.

The Spider-Man in front of us has already been weakened.

But he can still knock us all down in close combat. To be honest, I really wonder if my colleagues are blind?

Such a powerful character why no one tried to recruit him? "

"Maybe it's not that they don't want to?"

Barbara thought about it and offered her own opinion.

She glanced at Peter Parker who was silently leading the way ahead, and whispered:
"Actually, when I entered the underground refuge, I was thinking about a question, Mason, if all the survivors in this city were brought into that Osborne Tower as hard labor, why is this refuge the only one that can survive?" survived?

Do you think there is a possibility that Osborne Tower is also helping this place hide?

I mean, this is the basic world of the Hydra team. Even if other pioneers don't know how powerful Spider-Man is, Mr. Sandstorm who was born here must know it.

Maybe he wanted to recruit Spider-Man too, but couldn't for various reasons.

Perhaps he regards this place as his own 'vegetable garden', Spider-Man as a fruit that can be taken away at any time, or even regards the superheroes gathered here as some kind of special 'resource'. "

Batgirl paused and said:
"Just like Mary Jane told us that the last time someone entered the shelter and took away Gwen and Frank, outsiders would enter the shelter every once in a while to pick their favorite team members and take them away.

Don't you think so?

It's like a 'self-selected supermarket'!
Perhaps the Hydra team regards this kind of "hero selling" as a business, and Spider-Man is the "finale product" left by Mr. Sandstorm. "

"Well, that makes sense."

Mason and Ertong exchanged glances.

The two nodded, and when they were about to talk again, they suddenly felt the ground shake again.

This time the vibration was more severe than the previous standard three-ten-minute vibration, and it lasted nearly 10 seconds longer. Small stones even fell from the wider dark cave and smashed around the K team.

After the shock calmed down, the four people, including Spiderman, fell into an unspeakable silence.

Things are getting worse.

And it's rapidly deteriorating.

Mary Jane's worries were definitely not groundless. According to this speed of strengthening, the earthquake in a few days would lead to inevitable casualties in the underground shelter.

"Doo Doo, Doo Doo"

The microcomputer on Barbara's wrist suddenly vibrated. She glanced at it and found that it was the communicator on Zha Kang's side, and immediately turned it on, and then Constantine's low voice sounded from it.

"Hey, Mason? Are you still alive? If you die, let me know, so I can take the three girls and find another home."

"Shut up."

Mason replied angrily.

The three of them stopped, and Spider-Man who was leading the way also stopped, seeming to be resting, but pricked up his ears to eavesdrop on the internal conversation of Team K.

But Mason didn't want to hide it at all.

He asked:
"How's the situation at Osborne Tower? Why did it take so long to communicate?"

"Forget it, we've been watched by some idiot who can manipulate electricity."

Zha Kang said gloomily:

"What a disgusting and obscene ability! It's really enviable. All electronic devices can't hide in front of him. If he wants to, he can watch all the small movies of private life recorded by all the cameras in a city without being noticed.

Fortunately, the little thing Barbara gave him was beyond his comprehension and had the characteristics of isolating detection, otherwise it wouldn't be able to stay.

Now that brainless guy who wanted to pick up girls was drunk by Selena and Elizabeth, so I found a chance to hide in the bathroom and talk to you.

Well, let me make a long story short.

Sandstorm is a complete jerk. He took all our equipment and put us under house arrest in disguise. He doesn't look like he intends to help.

He has several reserve team members here. Currently, there are vultures who can manipulate super-large mechanical wings, and the electric man who can turn into electric light and shuttle through the current.

I also found a violent lunatic dressed like a jungle hunter in Osborne Tower. I don't know if it is a servant of the Sandman, but that guy is eyeing Selina
But not the kind of attention a normal man would pay a normal woman.

I can feel that he regards Selena as a 'prey' who can relieve boredom.

According to the drunk Dianguang's unobstructed statement, there should be a guy who plays illusion called Mysterio in their reserve team, and two cannon fodder who fight with mechanical armor and brute force.

One is called Scorpion and the other is called Rhino.

Now they and the vulture were sent out into the city, and no one knew what they were doing. "

"The Sinister Six, sure enough."

Mason wrote down this information and asked again:

"Have you any news from your side about this regular shock?"

"Electric doesn't know much, but he shares a secret in order to show Elizabeth his 'charm'."

Zha Kang laughed meanly.

他 说:

"Apart from the Hydra team in Osborne Tower, there is also a person in charge named 'Green Goblin', that guy is the real master here.

It is said that he is the partner of Stars Club in this world.

But the Goblin doesn't just serve the Stellaris, according to Electro, the double-dealing guy is also serving the 'Cleaners' at the same time.

He helps them mine something in this world, and the whole Osborne Tower was built for that reason.

The constant shaking is related to what is being mined.

Oh, and one more point.

According to the Electro-Optical Man, the shock that happened in the city these days was specially arranged by their boss, the purpose is to force a deadly enemy to show up.

With Mr. Sandstorm's squad wiped out, he desperately needs some strong people to join him.

That nemesis was his target. "

After Zha Kang finished speaking, the three of them looked back at Spider-Man at the same time.

The fat middle-aged man kicked the small stone next to his feet fiercely, and Barbara's guess came true, and all of this was really aimed at Spider-Man.

"Okay, I won't tell you guys anymore, if I don't go out of the toilet, they will doubt my masculinity."

The sound of flushing water sounded from Zha Kang's side, and he said again:
"Hurry up and come here quickly, Sandstorm is a guy who doesn't have much patience, I suspect he will have a showdown with us by tomorrow at the latest.

Perhaps he sent three of his men into town just for you.

do you understand me?Mason, if he can bring back your head, then the merger of Team K into the Hydra team will be a certainty. It seems that you offended him quite hard last time. "

"That's a good thing, John."

The corner of Mason's mouth curved into a sneer, and said:
"This means we don't have to bear any psychological pressure when we kill them, you and Charles take care of the girls and don't be taken advantage of by those idiots.

We will act as soon as possible. "

After speaking, the communication was cut off.

Mason stretched his fingers and looked up at Spider-Man ahead, saying:
"Do you still doubt our motives? Peter, look, I said from the beginning that we can cooperate. The sand people obviously want to use the lives of the people in the shelter to blackmail you into submission. Sure enough, the person who knows your power best is your enemy. "

"Just because they're jerks doesn't mean you're not."

Peter was still cynical.

He said angrily:

"Go to Dr. Connors first, and find out what Osborne Tower is doing before talking about cooperation."


Mason didn't care about it, and the four of them went on the road again, but a few seconds later, Mason suddenly said:

"It doesn't matter whether it's another bastard who destroys one bastard, the civil war between evil and evil always benefits the good side, Peter.

I know you and your world have been through a lot of torture that I can't even imagine, but even in the most utilitarian and practical sense, you should help us.

It doesn't do you any harm. "


Spider-Man turned his head and gestured for a silence, and he whispered:
"Dr. Connors' lab is nearby! Keep your voice down! As far as I know, that once venerable professor has been injecting himself with mutant potions since before the end, and he hasn't returned to human form for several years.

As a cold-blooded creature, he doesn't have so much emotion to talk about. We have to approach carefully and show that we are not malicious in order to get a chance to talk to him.

and also!

Don't try to attack him.

You've seen Dr. Connors' followers, those half-lizards are tough enough, but you won't know what 'fear' is until you actually face Dr. Lizard.

His crocodile-like teeth still give me nightmares, huh? "

Peter watched the three people in front of him, whose faces changed dramatically, raised their weapons to aim at him, and then retreated silently. The expression under his mask twitched, and he said:
"He's right behind me, right?"

"Stay still, Peter."

Mason stared at the behemoth slowly emerging from the darkness behind Spider-Man. He clenched the Widowmaker rifle in his hand and replaced it with the most destructive enchanted explosive bomb.

He whispered:

"Don't move, his teeth are on your head, just bite gently."

"It's just like the legendary Gustav crocodile!"

Barbara also murmured in a low voice.

She had never seen such an exaggerated thing in Gotham, and the big lizard in white robe in front of her was much more "exciting" than a guy like Killer Crocodile.

Counting the big tail that is as long as the body, the thing in front of me can be more than eight meters straight!

Those gloomy eyes that reflected light in the darkness not only had the ferocity of a beast, but also a chilling icy human wisdom.

The most peculiar thing is that when he appeared, he was still holding a beaker in his forelimbs that could crush his skull with a claw, which contained a blue liquid.

And above the murderous mouth of Dr. Lizard, there is a pair of black-rimmed glasses that are too big.

These two things add a little "humanity" to this behemoth.

"Dr. Connors! Do you remember me?"

Spider-Man took a deep breath, reached out and took off his hood, and turned his head to the huge upright lizard staring at him in front of him and said:
"I'm Parker, your former intern. Well, your size is bigger than before. Has the reptile booster you've been promoting made any big progress?"

"Peter, of course, I remember you."

What made everyone relax was that this ferocious upright lizard didn't seem to intend to fight. Although the deep and turbid voice sounded uncomfortable, he did speak out.

This means that he still maintains the wisdom he once had.

Mason lowered his gun, and Barbara and Barbara lowered their weapons too, which made Dr. Lizard's eyes roll like real lizards, glanced at them and then stopped paying attention.

He looked at Spider-Man in front of him, looked up and down, and said:
"You look like you've had a rough few years, Peter, and this fat belly is not the size of a Spider-Man. I'm improving my serum, and it's a job that requires long-term research and concentration, so I don't ask You have entered my laboratory.

Come on, what are you doing here? "

Dr. Lizard pushed his glasses with his other paw, and said indifferently:
"You should be able to understand that my hiding 130 meters underground means that I don't really want to be disturbed."

"The catastrophe is imminent, Doctor."

Spider-Man didn't hide anything, and told everything he just knew. After speaking, Mason also took out the recording of the call just now as evidence.

The young man looked up and down Dr. Lizard's mighty appearance and the explosive power hidden under the green scales. He pushed his gold-rimmed glasses without lenses on the bridge of his nose, and said softly:

"In fact, Peter is still too kind, even after experiencing suffering, he is unwilling to think too darkly about human nature, but I have another guess, Dr. Connors.

Perhaps the Sandman and the Green Goblin are working together to cause constant earthquakes in the city not just to blackmail Peter, and you are most likely on their target as well.

Even your value in their eyes is higher than that of middle-aged Peter.

The lizard mutation serum in your hand can turn a group of unarmed civilians into a killing herd overnight. What's more commendable is that your serum has been perfected and has very little damage to the user.

For the organizations I work for, this is exactly the 'strategic item' they need. "

Mason coughed, staring at the large lizard wagging its tail in front of him, and concluded:
"To sum up, helping us is also helping you. If our raid fails, Osborne Tower will have an absolute advantage when facing the people of the underground.

This is not a good trend for you. "

"I know all this."

Dr. Consner sighed humanely in the form of a large lizard. He was obviously a cold-blooded creature, but at this moment he vaguely showed the appearance of the calm and wise biologist he used to be.

it says:

"Osborn sent me an invitation two years ago, but I declined, and I expected that guy to be undead. I have been improving the potion to prevent him from taking risks.

Personally, I am inclined to help you guys, Peter.

But whether the underground people are willing to go or not is up to you to convince yourself. I have never interfered with their underground life and their cruel and boring little politics.

But I can't give you an answer about vibration, that's not my field of expertise. "

Dr. Lizard licked his forbidding teeth with his bright red tongue, and said:
"But you don't have to be disappointed, you can go to another person, he will definitely give you a satisfactory answer, and he lives nearby, he is an unpopular 'neighbor'.

Well, Peter, don't put on that surprised look.

The world above may have been destroyed, but there are still many hermits below. "

(End of this chapter)

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