The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 151 34. There is only one purpose of Osborne Enterprise!Dig through the center of the earth!

Chapter 151 34. There is only one purpose of Osborne Enterprise!Dig through the center of the earth!

Mason wanted to discuss the issue of reinforcement potions with Dr. Lizard, a real "professional". He believed that Dr. Connors would definitely be able to bring some very useful help to his alchemy skills.

But right now is not a good time to discuss skills, and another shock hit while everyone was talking with Dr. Lizard.

This thing was like a heavy burden on everyone, and Barbara, who had always been the most optimistic, couldn't smile anymore. They continued to move towards the other side of the empty underground cave under the guidance of Dr. Connors.

It's not a comfortable journey, especially when the "lizard people" who are used to living underground are peeping in the dark.

The thought of these guys who used to be real people but took the initiative to survive under the apocalypse made such a kind girl like Barbara shudder.

After a 10-minute journey, a small weird hut appeared in front of everyone.

It was built on the side of a road in a karst cave, with light strips all over it and a generator set running without much noise.

Its appearance is full of wasteland punk feeling. The outer outline of the house is an abandoned large vehicle, much like the iron shell of a large personnel carrier has been modified.

Next to the room where the light is shining, there is a strange robot whose iron shell has been changed into something like a barbecue grill.

A large number of sundries are placed around irregularly.

A recovered refrigerator was half open, filled with discarded cans of self-brewed beer. When the four people approached with strange expressions, they could even hear the sound of music coming from the room.

It was pre-war music, soft blues accompanied by a poor violin solo, turning what could have been pleasant music into a kind of torture.


In order to save everyone's ears from suffering, the old spider immediately stepped forward to knock on the door very politely.

"Hold on."

A slow voice sounded from inside.

That voice made Spiderman's face change drastically, but it was too late to leave, and the welding door was opened in the next second.

A slovenly fat man who looked five or sixty years old poked his head out and took a look. He wore a pair of coquettish black sunglasses on his round face, and his messy hair was showing signs of baldness.

He was wearing a half-worn loose gown with the famous anti-war slogan "Make Love Not War" written on it.

The whole look of an old hippie.

Even the slow expression on his face is exactly the same.

"Yeah! Peter!"

This guy surprised and opened his arms towards Spider-Man who took a few steps back in front of him, looking like a warm acquaintance, but Spider-Man took a few steps back vigilantly, crossing his hands and making a "no approach" look.

He said suspiciously:
"Dr. Otto? Are you?"

"Ah, glad you remembered my name instead of 'Dr. Octopus'."

The owner of the hut nodded in satisfaction, without concealing his identity at all. Wearing furry octopus accessories slippers, he stood at the door, patted his empty shoulders and said to the four visitors in front of him:

"Don't worry, everyone, the mechanical assistant that affects my thinking has been dismantled and discarded by me. I haven't touched it for three years. Now, look!

The bad stuff is there!

In the past few years, I have taught myself spiritual practice and meditation to adjust my thoughts and bring my life and life back on track.

The only regret is that the world has perished when I learned that peace is precious.

But that's okay too.

You have to take care of yourself even in the last days, right?
Come on, come on, the cake I made is about to be baked, if you don't mind the amount of sugar I put in, I'd be happy to share this delicacy with you. "

Mason turned his head and looked in the direction of the chubby fingers of Dr. Octopus who seemed to be out of order.

Sure enough, in the garbage pile next to the barbecue grill that seemed to be built with Ultron's rusted and abandoned body, there were four hideous silver-gray mechanical tentacles.

Because it hadn't been maintained for a long time, the thing looked gray and terrible, curled up like a dead steel snake.

Nothing in the glory of high-tech destructive creations.

"Glad to see you find yourself again, Dr. Otto."

After figuring out the truth of the matter, Spider-Man heaved a sigh of relief and congratulated him.

It's the end of the world, but it's always a good thing to have one less annoying nemesis.

And the chubby and kind professor in front of him, like Dr. Connors just now, was a figure who inspired and encouraged Peter Parker a lot when he was young.

Although they became his enemies because of a series of things later, in Peter's heart, these two have always been "teachers".

It's just that he's not in the mood to eat octopus cakes right now.

He took off his hood and walked into the punk-style room in front of him, and said to Dr. Otto, who was humming and busy opening a strange oven modified with a particle cannon:
"Doctor, I'm here because of the increasingly intensified shock recently. I already know that it's related to what the Osborne Tower is excavating. Dr. Connors told me that you can give me an answer.

Where is that tower?"


Dr. Otto smelled the cake he had baked, touched the cream with his fingers and tasted it in his mouth, then nodded in satisfaction, and while putting it on the table, he replied casually:

"The thing that the tower is mining is gravitonium. You may not have heard of this thing, which is normal, after all, your research direction in your student days did not involve high-energy physics.

How am I going to explain that thing to you?
Let my rusty brain think about it. "

The former Doctor Octopus was speaking, and then picked up a half-samurai knife marked "Eagle Eye" and converted it into a table knife to cut open the cake, and enthusiastically distributed it to Barbara and Ertu who walked into the room.

Batgirl glanced at the cake in her hand and then at Mason, who nodded to her.

So Barbara showed a sweet smile to thank Dr. Octopus, and then sat in a chair and began to taste this rare delicacy under the doomsday.

The second barrel rejected the food.

He doesn't like this kind of sweet thing, he thinks that such enjoyment will make him relax his vigilance.

His eyes fell on the "violin" that Dr. Otto put on the dilapidated sofa. It was made of a silver-gray thing that looked like a motorcycle helmet and a barrel that looked incredible. welded up.

It kind of feels like doomsday punk.

"Gravityonium, a rare natural mineral or magnetite hidden deep in the center of the earth, is an aggregate of special chemical elements that have never appeared on the periodic table of elements.

Its biggest feature is that when these elements are broken down by high-voltage current, their physical properties will change and gravity can be affected. "

Mason stood at the door and said softly to the people in the room:

"But gravitational onium mining is very difficult. As part of the earth's gravity system, they have always been hidden deep near the center of the earth. No wonder the Green Goblin has to build such a large mechanical tower to complete the mining.

No wonder the world has a slightly weaker gravity than normal.

Everything makes sense. "

"Exactly, the learned young man!"

Mason's explanation made Dr. Otto clap his palms, and he said appreciatively as if he was praising his own students:
"It's great to know so much at your age, it reminds me that Peter was as knowledgeable as you back then, but unfortunately he has become an alcoholic now.

Look at his belly, my God, how long has it been since he had exercised well?

You're outsiders, though, aren't you? "

Dr. Otto pushed the small brown sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. While eating his cake, he looked at the three of Mason and said:

"The knowledge about gravitonium was passed down to this world from your colleagues, and even the cause of this war and the end is related to it.

This rare element that can artificially change gravity is not available in every world, in fact it is also a very rare resource in parallel worlds.

Unfortunately, there is an excess of gravitonium stored in the center of our world.

It has been more than three years since the end of the day, and the Osborne Corporation has built excavation towers all over the world and has sent too many precious resources to your organization.

Their excavation caused Oceania to sink to the bottom of the sea, and Asia to undergo terrible landslides. Neon Island was torn apart by a major earthquake a few months ago.

The gravitonium there has been exploited!
And now, Osborne has set his sights on North America.
Their excavation has obviously exceeded the safety limit. The change of the world's gravity is just the beginning. If it is not stopped, the rotation of the world will be affected in half a year at most.

In fact, if you have observed the moon, it is not difficult to find that the change of gravity has already begun to affect the earth-moon system.

And the shock that occurred in New York City was a side effect every time the Osborne Tower extracted gravitational onium from the center of the earth, but it was clear that the Green Goblin strictly demarcated the area of ​​gravity influence. "

Doctor Octopus shrugged, stuffed the last bite of cake into his mouth, and said to the three stunned people in front of him:

"He's going to destroy this city of zombies, and bury all of us survivors who are hiding in the ground! Unless Peter and Connors give him what he wants.


Although I have lived in seclusion here for so long, I have never stopped observing the outside world. "

"Dr. Otto! Why do you know so well?"

Peter looked suspiciously at this unusually peaceful "old friend" in front of him. Under his questioning, the fat doctor wiped the cream from the corner of his mouth and put it into his mouth, saying vaguely:
"Because Osborne Tower. Uh, I mean, I designed the digging device they used to dig out the gravitonium. They were going to find Tony Stark, but the guy who left with a group of people wouldn't take over.

Wakanda was destroyed in the Doomsday War, and Banner was taken away as a wild beast. Looking at the world, I am the only one who can complete this design. "

Having said that, Dr. Otto showed a very complicated and incomprehensible smile.

He turned back and tuned the blues music on the radio to a softer serenade, and with his back to the four of them, said:
"This world is destined to be destroyed, Peter, and friends from outside, the reason why we can live for three more years after the end is not because we are lucky.

Simply because they need the resources produced in our world.

This is a kind of luck and a kind of misfortune.

It's like you escaped death but got a reprieve. "

Having said that, Dr. Otto looked back at his student Peter Parker, and said earnestly:

"Everyone who survived has lost a lot, so they should cherish what they still have. I don't want you to understand this at my age, Peter.

I heard from the broadcast on your shelter's private radio station that you drove Gwen away.
You made a wrong choice. "

"That's between me and Gwen, Professor, let's not talk about it, shall we?"

Spider-Man clearly didn't want to discuss the subject, changing the subject to say:
"The problem now is that Osborn is going to bury us, and I don't want to lose again, I didn't protect my city, and the people in that shelter are my last family.

I want to stop him!
Doctor, I need your help. "

"Of course, of course, of course I am willing to help you, Peter, as compensation for all the troubles I caused you during the period when I was crazy."

Dr. Otto opened his metal drawer very eloquently, took out a black USB flash drive from it and handed it to Spider-Man, saying:
"This is some 'gadget' I took with me when I left the Osborn Tower. Inserting it into any socket of the tower's defense system can paralyze their internal security system for a short time.

I also have a copy of the internal structure of Osborne Tower here.

But I can't go there with you guys and beat down the guys who are getting more and more outrageous, I didn't dismantle my mechanical tentacles for nothing.

I can no longer put them back on. "

"This is enough."

Barbara wiped the cream from the corner of her mouth and said:

"With this thing, I can hack into the Osborne Tower's system and shut it down remotely."

"Yo, the technology of this microcomputer is amazing."

Dr. Otto immediately noticed the strange computer on Barbara's wrist, rubbed his hands together and said:

"Can you show me? I'll just take a look and make sure I won't break it, little girl, this thing seems to be at least a generation ahead of my technology. It's a rare thing.

Those guys showed me stuff like that when they tried to take me before, and said I could get them by leaving with them.

When I rejected them, I regretted it for a long time. "

"Discuss technology with Dr. Otto, Barbara."

Mason pushed his team and said:

"He's one of the smartest people in the world."


The amiable fat doctor immediately grinned and said:

"I have to drop my IQ by 99 points to be included in the 'smart' column, but it has helped this step anyway, why don't I help you complete the work of hacking the Osborne Tower system here.

There's an Electro Man over there that's troublesome.

He is like a 'living firewall', ordinary hacking techniques can't deal with him.

Come with me, little girl, let me see how powerful you, a little hacker from another world, can be. "

Dr. Otto walked to the other side of his confined room. Next to the sofa where he slept, there was an old computer with the Avengers logo printed on it.

Mason glanced at the garbage dump outside the door, and said to Dr. Octopus who was already calm beyond belief:

"Mr. Otto, if you don't want the mechanical tentacles, can you give them to me cheaply? I happen to have a battle mech that lacks an intelligent weapon system.

I can pay. "

"Take it away, and give it to you for free."

Dr. Otto waved his hand and said:
"It means that I bid farewell to the past completely, just like a harmful relationship that must be broken if it is to be broken."

After getting permission, Mason pulled the two buckets out and moved the heavy four-segmented tentacles like dead snakes out of the garbage dump. Mason cleaned it first, and then squatted down to examine the thing carefully.

Soon an info tab pops up:

Mind-interactive multifunctional mechanical tentacles
Quality: Epic Engineering Items · Supreme Craftsmanship (long-term abandonment leads to quality degradation)
Weapon traits: super strength, spiritual adaptation, self-discipline weapon, self-upgrade
Weapon Status: Abandoned · Needs Repair · Lack of Energy
Weapon effects:

[-]. Universal plug-in:

The mechanical tentacles designed by Dr. Otto Gunther Octavius ​​can perfectly adapt to various combat and production scenarios, and are adapted to most technological battle suits and combat weapon systems.

It can also be considered as a "special prosthetic plug" implanted into a mechanically enhanced individual.

But to use the mechanical tentacles perfectly, it needs to be connected with the user's mind, and the mechanical intelligence of the item will interfere and affect the user's thinking.

[-]. Smart weapons:

The mechanical tentacles have powerful intelligent AI, and in most cases, they can carry out combat, investigation and auxiliary production without the need for instructions from the user.

Dr. Otto designed a set of self-upgrade logic for his mechanical tentacles. When they come into contact with all technological items that can be used for self-enhancement, the mechanical tentacles will try to analyze the technology and transform themselves.


This self-modification program will make the AI ​​of the mechanical tentacles more intelligent, and the impact on the user's mind will be more serious as a result.

In some specific cases, AI will try to replace the user's thinking in order to better fulfill the mission it was originally designed to help and protect the user in any situation.

The current AI intelligence level of mechanical tentacles: assistant-level weak artificial intelligence.

Producer: Otto Gunther Octavius

Item description: Once this thing is fastened to something long and hard, it will be screwed as a screw, and its minimum output is five tons!Therefore, I warn you not to do weird things with it!
"Enough of this obscene description!"

Mason complained.

Then he threw out the Fenrir armor, and he planned to put this thing into his Fenrir armor and turn it into a part of the weapon system to replace the master's non-lethal weapons.

But before Mason started to transform, Spider-Man came out and said to him with a cigarette in his mouth:
"When are you going to leave for Osborne Tower?"

As the smoke rose, the burning cigarette butts were thrown on the ground and stomped out. The middle-aged man with a fat belly said in a low voice:

"If you can, count me in!"

(End of this chapter)

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