The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 152 35. In front of the real master of engineering, Mason felt his own insignificance

Chapter 152 35. In front of the real master of engineering, Mason felt his own insignificance

"Of course, we welcome anyone who is willing to help."

Mason punched the rear weapon slot of Fenrir's battle armor, and the rear armor, which was slightly modified by Judy, bounced up to the sides in a V shape in a very cool way.

While pulling out the telescopic connector with the thickness of the inner forearm of the mechanical tentacles to connect with the reserved weapon slot of the control system of the armor, he turned his head and looked at Peter Parker, who came over actively beside him.

Mason was not surprised that Peter offered to join the operation.

If the success rate of the previous plan with Mary Jane was only 60%, then after Dr. Otto told the truth about the gravitonium, Mason was [-]% sure of the current result.

It was just a "personal grievance" before, but now it has risen to the point of "survival of the world".

Mason kept connecting the mechanical tentacles with the replacement set of military mechanical control modules from Night City in parallel on the armor, while watching the program that automatically cracked and connected the weapon plug-in on the data screen in front of him.

He sighed in his heart that Judy is indeed a technical expert, and he took care of himself not being very proficient in high-precision technology, so he made a "fool version" interface for himself.

Although the silver-gray majestic armor in front of him still lacks a sufficiently powerful power source, its mechanical brain is ready, and Mason Cooper has been bound as the first driver with the highest priority.

The captain of Team K leaned against his four-meter-high battle armor, looked at the silent Peter Parker beside him, and said softly:

"Is it because of the gravitonium thing that made you make up your mind?"

"more or less."

Peter looked at the spider hood rolled into a ball in his hand, he was silent for a few seconds before speaking:
"Just now, when I heard Dr. Otto talk about the catastrophic consequences of changes in the gravity of the world, I had a feeling of returning to the past in a trance.

It's like standing in the mission hall of S.H.I.E.L.D. and listening to the captain explain the mission to us.

Although I haven't acted with them many times, I really didn't expect to be able to recall things I thought I had forgotten.

The only difference is that at that time I could trust the people around me, they were all the top righteous heroes.

But now, I can only be forced to join forces with a group of outsiders who don't know the details. "

For this answer, Mason shrugged his shoulders and exchanged glances with the second barrel next to him. He said in a drawn out voice:

"I had a former psychiatrist and psychiatrist in my family tell me in casual conversation that the more obsessive a person is with some big goal, the easier it is for a person to jump right into another when they encounter major setbacks. extreme.

Peter, I regret not being friends with you while your world was still around.

But I guess Ni at that time must have been much friendlier than now.

look at you.

Putting distrust almost on your face and repeating it in every sentence, do you think we are responsible for all the shit that is going on in your life right now? "

Mason curled his lips, glanced at the weapon plug-in connection program that got stuck after advancing to 80% of the progress, he frowned and tried to restart.

It is said that this can solve 80% of the program freezing problem.

Then he said:
"But as far as I know, your life has already started to be unsatisfactory a few years before the bloodhound of the Constellation Society entered the world. We can't blame us for the death of Aunt May and your divorce from Mary Jane. ?”

"People who are confused need a direction."

When Mason turned around to deal with the stuck program, Er Tong, who never liked talking very much, said quietly:
"Compared with positive emotions that come and go quickly and are difficult to capture, hatred is obviously more able to find a 'direction' for a person who is at a loss.

I see this a lot in places where I train and reshape me, as long as you hate something strong enough, all the losses and disappointments in your life seem to have an excuse to vent.

But we didn't make you lose your identity as Spider-Man. "

Ertong grinned and said in a low voice:

"Ms. Mary Jane told us it was you who gave up on Spider-Man, you did it before disaster struck, and you yourself got tired of the life you loved.

Even, our presence in the post-apocalypse gives you a reason to start over. "

Peter fell silent.

The words of the two outsiders were harsh, but he had to admit that they were right.

After Aunt Mei's death, his life suddenly lost its focus, and the spider boy who thought he would never stop was finally tired.

As he got older, the conflict between ideals and reality became more and more intense. In the end, he ended up divorcing his beloved one, and Spider-Man, who roamed the streets of New York and soared into the sky, died completely.

He killed him with his own hands.

He kept telling others that it was because of his old age that the spider sense that he depended on disappeared.

But it is not.

"Why are you trying to connect my mechanical tentacles with an automated cracking program?"

When Peter came back to his senses, Dr. Otto, who had put on an interstellar gangster's coat, had appeared next to Fenrir's armor. The suit should belong to Star Lord, and his signature was on it.

Doctor Octopus was looking at the mighty war machine in front of him with a very interested expression.

He took a dedicated programming keyboard from Barbara's hand and connected it to the military control module of Fenrir's battle armor, reset the parameters deftly, gave up automatic decoding and manually programmed the connection for two machines from different worlds program.

look!The real boss even wrote the driver framework on the spot.

Although he was a little uncomfortable with the technology from the future at the beginning, after only a few minutes of analysis, Dr. Otto found the data interface left by Judy and started to get busy.

"Barbara, replace the connector of the third tentacle with the alpha radio frequency mode, and then restart the physical hardware of the second tentacle. The driver software of the fourth tentacle seems to be offline because it has been idle for a long time.

Can you find a way to activate it. No, rewrite a better one.

With the skill I just saw you can do this, just use the encryption writing mode I taught you a few minutes ago. "

"Yes, Dr. Otto!"

Barbara connected her microcomputer to the split database of the mechanical octopus tentacles, and she had a satisfied smile of "I learned something amazing today" on her face.

Although this Dr. Otto looked mediocre and even a little old-fashioned and couldn't keep up with the trend, she realized that this one was the real genius during the ten minutes of contact.

It only needs to share a little bit of other people's knowledge to make Batgirl feel that the trip is worthwhile.

She also secretly tried to crack the deep data structure on the computer that Judy gave her, but the "cyber space" encryption mode made it impossible for her to do it, it was like dismantling an airplane with a small wrench .

It's not that it can't be done, but the workload is so daunting.

But it only took Dr. Otto 10 minutes just now to fully demonstrate to her how to use low-level technological power to complete the "smuggling" penetration of the underlying data structure of advanced technological products in a tricky way.

It's a stroke of genius!

"Did you complete the rearrangement of the internal weapon system of this armor? Mason"

Dr. Otto asked curiously as he connected the new weapon system to the Fenrir armor with his fingers flying. Mason pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose and said modestly:

"It took me a few days to design it with two friends, and it was my first time trying this kind of large-scale project."

"Well, I can see that it is indeed very ordinary.

It can be seen that you want to come up with something 'new', but your actions clearly cannot keep up with your ideas.

As far as I can see the current layout of the weapon architecture and even the reserved power system is full of a parody of the original design and small improvements.

Do you know what that means, young man? "

Dr. Octopus gave a pertinent and even pungent evaluation.

He pushed up his brown glasses and glanced at Mason.

The young man didn't feel any displeasure and annoyance at being criticized at all. He even had a high gold content in the slightly bald short fat man in front of him, so he answered very humbly like an apprentice:
"This means that my knowledge reserve is seriously insufficient, so all good ideas can only stay at the macro design level and cannot go deep into the specific structure."

"Very good, you clearly know what your problem is, and you will definitely make great achievements in the future, just like Peter once."

Doctor Octopus grinned, and pressed his fingers on the keyboard with a snap.

In the next moment, under Mason's gaze, the mechanical tentacles of the octopus, which was stuck in the analysis part and could not connect, vibrated strangely, and then a pleasant electronic sound sounded in the Fenrir armor without an energy system:
"It was detected that the foreign weapon plug-in was incorporated into the fire control system, temporarily named 'Octopus', and the weapon debugging program was started. The energy module was missing, and the command system failed to start.

Ask the first passenger, Mason Cooper, to detect the energy module of the armor codenamed 'Fenrir'. "

"It lacks a mechanical heart."

Dr. Otto took off his glasses, reached out and groped on the mighty Fenrir armor, relying on his sensitivity to mechanical creations, he quickly found the opening slot of the second outer armor without Mason's prompt.

As the heavy armor bounced off to the sides, what came into view was an empty place for energy batteries.

"A combat mech with such a high degree of completion must at least use a nuclear battery, or even a cold fusion type super battery, if it wants to fight with all its strength."

Doctor Octopus looked back at Mason and said:

"What are you going to use instead? I don't have any plans for the rest of the day. If you want, Mason, I can help you with the staff."

"Of course it's a wish!"

Your Excellency the captain was overjoyed.

He didn't expect that there would be such a good thing on this trip. To be able to get free guidance from a technical tycoon like Dr. Octopus for nothing is like a piece of pie in the sky.

Mason immediately took out the alchemy engine he had just finished halfway.

As soon as this thing was taken out, Dr. Otto's eyes widened. He was not surprised when he saw the Fenrir armor, because although this thing was unusual, it was not like he had never seen a product of the same type.

Although the design style and internal structure are different, Dr. Octopus's mechanical knowledge basically belongs to the situation of "know it at a glance".

But the thing that Mason took out was different.

Even if it's just a half-finished product.

But it still almost challenges Dr. Octopus's understanding of mechanics and physical science.

"Come on, boy, this thing is very interesting, tell me how it works."

He squatted in front of the silver-gray semi-finished product and beckoned Mason to come over. Then the two of them seemed to have exchanged positions just now. Mason became the instructor explaining the alchemy engine, while Dr. Otto became the student who listened carefully.

"Well, it's over."

A few minutes later, Barbara pulled out the data cable of the microcomputer on her arm from the socket of the mechanical tentacles of the octopus, feeling a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

Writing drivers for such exotic weapons used to take her at least a few days, but with Dr. Octopus's words and deeds, it only took her 10 minutes to complete it with a brand new way of thinking.

Even Bruce's web of bats!
Barbara is also now confident that she can get it in 10 minutes without a security access code!

"That guy is very powerful?"

Er Tong kicked the iron lump under his foot, feeling a little depressed.

He doesn't think he's stupid either.

But Mason and Dr. Otto chatted more and more excitedly, but he couldn't understand a word beside him.

It was the first time he had seen Mason look so excited, completely different from his usual calm attitude.

"Dr. Otto is not very good, Jason."

Barbara wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said to Er Tong seriously:

"He is very, very powerful, let's put it this way, if he goes to our side, Mr. Lucius will definitely resign the position of chief designer of Wayne Industries, and then invite Dr. to be the new design director.

The technology of Judy's era is at least three generations behind what we use now, but that future technology is not difficult to understand in Dr. Otto's eyes.

Do you know what that means? "

Batgirl shook her head, sighed and said:

"This means that even in the world of 2077, Dr. Otto is still an incredible technical leader, the kind that Judy will worship when he sees it.

God, his thinking is at least 100 years ahead of this era!I suspect that Lex Luthor is not as smart as him, the two of them are at least one level of genius! "

Speaking of this, Barbara said to Ertong with bright eyes:
"Jason, let's find a way to kidnap Dr. Otto! Bind him to our side, a genius like him deserves a better world!"

Facing this wild idea, Jason Todd immediately shook his head and said:
"If we do this, what's the difference between us and the stars? We can invite, but it's up to him whether he wants to go with us or not.

And if he is really as talented as you say, then I believe he can live well even in such an apocalypse. "

On the other side, Mason looked at the design drawings of the new armor's internal structure and weapon system that Dr. Otto had completed with him, feeling a sense of accomplishment spontaneously.

Like Barbara, he feels he has learned something powerful.

"Perhaps this request is a bit too much, but please help me take a look at this armor."

Mason took out the anti-Superman armor whose outer armor had been repaired, and said to Dr. Otto:

"Compared to the Fenrir armor whose main design cannot be modified at all with my current ability, I am more interested in this set of anti-Superman armor.

As you can tell, the Fenrir armor was developed for special occasions, and I can't just walk around the streets with it.

In contrast, this set of personal multi-purpose armor is more important to me.

But there are still many immature places in my design, so... "

"I'd like to take a moment to help you perfect it, Mason, I've been busy anyway."

Doctor Octopus put on his brown glasses again, and stopped Mason with a gentle smile that shouldn't have appeared on his face. He let out a long breath and said:

"But this time I'm going to make a little request. Outsiders, I hope that the K team will do us a little favor. The Osborn Tower stores a large number of gravitonium that has been excavated from all over the world.

The loss of those things has destabilized the world.

When I designed that excavation device for them, I left a refill trap door, and I need you to give back what they took from this world!
Just re-inject those gravitonium into the core of the earth, and the unstable earthquakes all over the world will gradually subside in the next few months. "

Dr. Otto said seriously:

"This world may end in the future, and we may not be able to prevent that ending. But there are things we can do, and I don't want to see it end in the hands of a bunch of jerks.

Even though I was one of those jerks too. "

"If possible, I will do my best."

Mason nodded and said:
"That's not inconsistent with my main purpose."

"Beware of the Green Goblin."

Doctor Octopus carefully observed Mason's expression, and after confirming that he was not prevaricating, he reminded:

"I worked with Norman and I know a lot of people said he was crazy, but he wasn't! He knew exactly what he was doing and why.

He is more determined than everyone in this doomsday world.

He is therefore more dangerous than ever. "

"It doesn't matter! I will make a move."

A voice sounded from behind. Mason and Dr. Otto turned around and saw the middle-aged version of Spider-Man stand up and put the hood on his head. He said:

"Just like in the past, let me deal with the Green Goblin. I know why he hates this world, and I will find a way to solve it. This is Spider-Man's responsibility!"

(End of this chapter)

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