The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 170 53. Although I am full of reputation, I just don't recruit!hey just playing

Chapter 170 53. Although I am full of reputation, I just don't recruit!hey just playing
"How did you get yourself like this?"

When Mason left the old Green Goblin's office and returned to the ward of Osborne Tower, he immediately saw Mrs. Catwoman being taken care of by several Osborne Group medical staff.

The latter was lying on the makeshift hospital bed, moaning and moaning, with the blood-stained battle suit piled up beside him. This gesture startled Mason.

After finally winning the battle, if the future Mrs. Wayne is here, the K team won't have to go back to Gotham. Get ready for the crazy pursuit from the master as soon as possible.

He hurried forward to drive away the group of unprofessional Osborne doctors, and personally checked the situation for Mrs. Catwoman, but the latter's injury was not serious, not even a scar was left.

"It's okay, don't worry, and don't need to bandage me."

Selena, who was lying on the hospital bed, said sickly:

"It's just that I was accidentally bombed by a bomb when I followed Mary Jane on a big lizard to attack those biochemical mad dogs, and now I have a headache.

Just rest for a while. "

Hearing what Catwoman said, Mason froze for a moment.

Afterwards, the first-aid bandage was completed professionally. Although there was no wound on the other party's body, you can see that it was half wrapped, and the magic bandage that was taken out should not be wasted, right?

The main reason is that the proficiency of first aid dressing was lost.

He wrapped a beautiful bow on Selena's wrist, then stroked his chin and said:
"Dizziness may be the sequelae of the concussion. When I go back, I will make some medicine for you. By the way, where did you go before? When everyone was busy, I didn't see any news from you. Did you go fishing?"

"I said that I followed Mary Jane to attack those elite soldiers and rode a big lizard for a while, so don't ask me, I urgently need to rest for a while now."

Selena yawned and urged:

"You should go and see the second barrel. I feel that his injury is more serious than mine. There is nothing in this terrible place. I feel that my skin is terrible.

Now urgently need a spa to relax.

And if I don't go back, Bruce should be worried. "

"Okay, okay, I'll take you home in a while, but I always feel that you are hiding something."

Mason rolled his eyes and said something, but was pushed into the next ward by Catwoman.

Catwoman, who watched Mason leave, sighed. She bit her lip and showed a cute expression of annoyance, and then pulled up the sheet to cover her head, like a "defense barrier" when she slept at night.

As we all know, ghosts will not harm people under the blanket.

Then, Selena raised her left hand to her eyes.

While she was watching, a mass of black mud-like substance gushed out from under the delicate skin and quickly wrapped Catwoman's palm and fingers, forming tough and sinister biological cat claws in just an instant.

"It's not that I won't tell you, little Mason, it's my sister, I don't know where to start."

Selina stared blankly at the changes in her hands.

She just said lightly that she was weakened by a bomb blast, but the real situation is much more dangerous than what she said.

With the destructive power of the particle cannon that almost tore her body apart at that time, if it weren't for this weird thing, the current Catwoman should meet the man she loves in black and white photos, and the K team from Mason and below should also be frowning Think carefully about how to escape from the punishment and pursuit of Bruce Wayne who lost his lover.

Recalling the dangerous scene last night, Catwoman shuddered. She really walked between life and death.

To make matters worse, she seemed to lose control for a brief moment after she was nearly killed.

In her vague memory, she only remembers her incarnation of "Venom Black Cat" to slaughter wildly. The lizard people can enter Area B so smoothly. In addition to having the anti-superman armor in front of them, her bloodthirsty hunting in the dark is also indispensable. .

However, Catwoman herself knew very well that she was by no means a bloodthirsty person, and the situation last night must be caused by this damn thing!

"You bloody bastard!"

Selena shook her hand, letting the venom symbiote fall off her fingers, she gritted her teeth and said:

"Watch me go back and find someone to kill you!"

"You'd better not do that, Selena."

A muddy and deep voice sounded in Catwoman's mind, it said:
"Didn't we come to an agreement? Didn't I save your life? Look, you're doing something dangerous, and you need me, and I need you.

We have completed symbiosis.

I have strength and I will fight for you.

Please don't tell Mason Cooper I exist.

That guy is dangerous!

That young man who always has a gentle smile hides a dark beast in his heart. He will put me and you on the dissection table as experimental subjects. I know you trust him like you trust your own relatives.

but selena
Everyone needs a little innocuous little secret of their own.

I promise, I will never do anything bad. "

Catwoman didn't answer.

She was still thinking about this, but she didn't realize that a small camera was operating in a blind spot next to her bed, and outside her ward, Mason watched the thermal imaging changes from the micro-display in his hand. He frowned tightly.

He is a senior alchemist!
When he came into contact with Catwoman's arm just now, he noticed some changes in Selena's body, but now is not a good time to deal with this problem, and we have to wait until they return to Gotham.

Time to hurry up.

Mason adjusted his expression, turned around and walked into the ward next to him, and saw Er Tong. Although the wound on his body had healed, judging from the scars, Er Tong definitely experienced a great battle.

This black-haired young man was sitting by the hospital bed looking sadly at the broken caste blade in his hand. For him, it was obvious that the loss of the weapon made him feel more distressed than the pain on his body.

However, the appearance of the second barrel is much more decent than the "venom-ridden" Selena, except for her pale face and bandages on her arms, there is basically no serious problem.

Thanks to the captain of the alchemist, the members of Team K are never short of bits and pieces of first aid medicine.

Mason took out Hufflepuff's gold cup, took a spoonful of the epic-quality blood tonic and took it to the second barrel. This high-quality healing medicine worked extremely well, and within a few minutes the young man recovered even more vitality. .

He looked at Jason, who was devastated by the loss of the weapon, and joked:
"You look like you were kicked by the white ghost. It seems that I have to give you a vacation and let you rest for a few days. You look terrible."

"But I'm in a good mood."

Er Tong, who was leaning against the bed, showed a rare smile. The black-haired young man put his broken knife into a simple box as if saying goodbye.

The young man suspected of having a "fetish" stretched his tired body and whispered:

"I was never sure if joining K-Squad was the right thing to do, but after this battle I can be sure that at least we are not bad guys, which makes me no longer suffer as much as when I fell into the hands of the League of Assassins.

The fact that my blade is swinging in the right direction is precious enough. "

"However, we just did something right at the wrong place at the wrong time, so don't think too much, Jason, maybe the next mission will require us to destroy a certain world with all our heart?"

Mason replied.

He glanced at the wooden box next to Ertong and shook his head. He took out the Gryffindor Revenge Sword and stroked it in his hand. Then, under Jason's surprised eyes, he threw the growing magic blade to he.

"The compensation is given to you, don't let it down."

"Didn't Mr. Hat give you this?"

Ertong couldn't put it down to the new weapon, and took another look at the black hat on Mason's head, saying:

"You give it to me, will you"

"After you joined the team, have you seen me fight close combat?"

Mason shrugged and complained:

"I'm quite insecure. It's great to be a coward who sneaks up from a distance. If this thing falls into my hands, the jade beads will be dusty. If you really don't want it, then give it back to me?

I took it back and hung it on the wall to look better. "


The silver sharp blade was pulled out in half. Er Tong looked at the sharp blade that had stabbed the sandman to death and absorbed the energy and turned into sand. He whispered to Mason:
"Thanks then, captain, I won't let it down."

If Mason remembers correctly, this is the first time Ertong called him "captain" after joining the team.

This title alone was enough to make the easy-to-satisfy Lord Mason happy for a long time. After confirming that Ertong and Selena were still able to move, Mason planned to leave with his own people.

The others are not hard to find, just on the balcony on this level of Osborne Tower.

The kite man, Captain Jack and Zack Kang were puffing and pointing out, and the three bragging men finally found a chance to relax.

Hearing what they were bragging about made Mason blush. These guys really have no shame.

Mason called them over and handed over the captain's authorization card he just got to the already drunk Captain Jack. After hearing the usefulness of this thing, Jack said with bright eyes that he was going to his "new ship" take a look.

This request was immediately overruled by Barbara who rushed over.

What a joke!
The vicinity of that ship was just bombed by a tactical nuclear weapon an hour ago. Although a small nuclear bomb would not cause radiation pollution, it would really kill him now.

And Zha Kang, who had wanted to leave here for a long time, was already cleaning up the gate of the world and preparing to anoint his feet.

Dawn is coming soon, and the demon Itragen, who is slaughtering below, will come to make trouble at any time, even if Jason Brad regains his sanity, it is not a good thing.

That guy had conflicts with Kang Zha before, and now he was trapped in another world and couldn't go back in a short time. If Mason was a devil knight, he would definitely draw his sword and kill Constantine on the spot.


The shout from behind made Mason, who was thinking, turn around, and saw Peter Parker, who was looking haggard, being pushed by Matt Murdoch, who was wearing the iconic red and gold suit of Daredevil.

It's a rare sight to see a crippled Spider-Man being pushed around by a blind man.

"You shouldn't be hurt to that extent, right?"

After they approached, Mason stared at the old spider in the wheelchair and said:

"Wolverine's reinforcements are enough to heal all your injuries. Who is it that you are pretending to be pitiful in a wheelchair? Are you going to use this method to get Mary Jane back?"

"No, it's over."

Peter in the wheelchair smiled complicatedly.

This time, there was no longer so much cynical resentment, and a little more relief.

It seems that getting rid of the master imitator let him settle his mind, and brought back a few traces of the figure of the naughty young man who used to hang around in New York.

Unfortunately, things are different.

He coughed and said:
"Jane and I can't go back to the past, and I shouldn't keep thinking about going back to the past. People always have to look forward. Maybe we will become friends in the future"

"Come on."

Mason leaned against the wall next to him, rolled his eyes and said:
"Your relationship is just starting over, every Spider-Man deserves his own Mary Jane, it's not even something you two can decide.

Let's not talk about this, how is your situation? "


Peter bared his teeth, pointed to his head, and said:
"The wild beast sense seems to be still churning in my head and I don't want to leave, but this may not be a bad thing. Under its stimulation, my long-silent spider sense seems to have a little movement.

There is also hunger and stomach discomfort, like intestines twisted together. "

The old spider rubbed his stomach, and Mason noticed that the fat on his body had disappeared a lot, making his belly flat.

"The ten-minute fight last night cost me twelve catties of fat, but perhaps Logan's fighting instinct was urging my body to consume these useless things."

Spider-Man sighed and said:

"It's horrible, and while it's an effective way to lose weight, I really don't want to go through it again."

"Be patient, the most uncomfortable rejection reaction has not yet come, you probably have to lie in bed for half a month."

Mason took out a few bottles of palliatives and a lot of bottles and jars for body conditioning and handed them to the old spider who had a headache, and told him how to take them in a drawn-out voice like an old Chinese doctor.

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the two people in front of him and said in a low voice:
"What are you two going to do next? I'll tell you the truth, I just talked to Norman Osborn, and he plans to use the abilities of the two of you to help him contact the pioneers who have left.

Lawyer Ma will be sent to contact the defenders.

And you, Peter, he's going to let you get Frank and Gwen back. "

"No! He can't."

Peter in the wheelchair drank the palliative in one gulp, which relieved his headache slightly, then shook his head and said:

"I will not join the Stars Club, I want to stay here! I will continue to protect the people here in the Osborne Tower. I have no interest in those gorgeous parallel worlds. Compared with the outside world full of demons and ghosts, this devastated world My hometown needs me more."

"me too."

Lawyer Matt sat next to Mason.

He's recovering well but years of bed rest have prevented him from engaging in high-intensity battles, but tonight he also participated in the battle to liberate Osborne Tower in his own way.

Leaning on his guiding stick called "Billy," he whispered:

"Norman Osborn obviously has a plan of his own, and he's using every surviving hero as a pawn, don't take his word for it, Mason.

Those exodus heroes are believable characters.

If they're having trouble with the Goblin, it's because there's something else going on.I know that K-Squad works with Norman, but don't get too close to him. "

"Well, I've experienced it myself."

Mason sneered and said:
"Before he put us together, that guy may indeed have a grand ambition, and he does agree with our goal for the time being, but I don't like the means and methods he used to achieve his goal.

Me and him won't be friends, but sadly, we need each other. "


After a few seconds of silence, the old spider in the wheelchair raised his head. He played with the crystal bottle in his hand and said to Mason:
"If you need me to help you, I can follow you! I owed you a heavy favor last night. If you need it, I will do my best to help."

"me too."

Attorney Matt smiled and said:
"I owe you my life. This is a big favor. I just don't know if there is a place for us two useless people in the K team."

"No, I have no plans to recruit more people for the time being."

Mason winked and rejected the two "recruitment contracts" delivered to his door without looking at them. He glanced at the door to the world that had opened behind him, and joked:
"But you can join K-Squad as a 'non-staff', an honorary member of ours, so I don't have to pay you an extra 'job insurance'.

No kidding, you two. "

He seriously said to Old Spider and Lawyer Ma:

"You all have concerns here, and I'm not hungry enough to snatch a little girl's new-hero dad from her hands. As for you, Matt.
I heard from the Green Goblin that Erica also went to the Gathering of the Stars?Are you not going to find her? "

"She'll be back."

Attorney Matt showed a gentle smile and said:

"Erica left the shelter to go to the outside world to find a way to save me, but now that I have recovered, maybe she will come back soon."

"Look, a man has a happy life."

Mason said in a sour tone:

"So I, who will bring misfortune, will not disturb your good life after the apocalypse. The K team does not lack two powerful attackers."

"Wait, Mason."

The young man turned around to walk into the gate of the world but was stopped by the old spider. He turned around and saw Peter handing him a key, saying:

"The weapons that the Mimic Master collects are from S.H.I.E.L.D.'s special equipment for the Avengers, and I keep them all in the cubicle safe on the top floor.

If Matt and I can't accompany you to go to a more dangerous place, then maybe the weapons of the dead will protect you instead of us.

Remember to come back when you have time, and don't forget that you still have friends here. "

"If you need it, remember to speak up."

Lawyer Matt stood up, reached out and patted Mason on the shoulder, and said:
"We and the world will definitely respond!"

(End of this chapter)

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