The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 171 54. I didn't expect that you, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, is actually a

Chapter 171 54. I didn't expect that you, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, is actually a kryptonite?
To be honest, when the two of them took the initiative to apply to join the team, Mason was a little moved at this moment.

This is the pairing of Spider-Man and Daredevil!

With these two guys, Team K's combat effectiveness can be raised to a new level in an instant!Even compared to those old-fashioned squads, they are not inferior in the platoon.

To use a more popular metaphor, if this is a damn card-drawing stamp collecting game, then the kiteman Charles Brown in Mason's hand is the green card given by the system when he first entered the game.

I have been working hard to improve and now I have finally become a blue card, and unlocking the "exclusive equipment" of the vulture's mechanical flying wings has finally broken through to the level of a purple card.

But to be honest, it doesn't make much sense to tap the potential of Kite Man.

He was not a combative character.

If it wasn't for fate that he embarked on the villain's path of no return, this guy would probably still be living a life of a wife and children in Gotham as a "good man".

Captain Jack, his girlfriend, and Lady Elizabeth are the "Three Pirates Combination" blue cards drawn from the "Caribbean Limited Card Pool".

With the servant army system in the ascendant, it is not expected that they will do much in the mission of the squad raid.

In the case that Mason's strengthening system has not been fully established, the combat effectiveness is indeed a flaw.

As for Catwoman Selina, she is the first purple card presented by the game process. Its attributes are a bit mediocre, but it is the team's kanban lady and paper man's wife.

Not very useful for combat but pleasing to the eye.

And just relying on the fact that she is permanently bound to the top orange card of Master Batman, she can have a place in the main team.

Zhakang and Ertong belong to the powerful purple cards on the magic side and the physical side. Now it depends on the two of them to output through the dungeon. Barbara is the auxiliary second kanban girl role. Currently planning to take the hacker route "Tomorrow's Star".

The three of them are promising.

As for the Spider-Man and Daredevil in front of me, these are the most eye-catching orange card characters that can be drawn in this "Doomsday Wasteland Limited Card Pool". Krypton once.

The most commendable thing is that Mason has completed the pre-tasks of these two people and is full of favors.

This is the end of the recruiting process.

But Mason chose to let go at the last moment. The reason was very simple. Standing on the edge of the balcony, he could see that Mary Jane was walking towards here with little May Parker in the passageway of the Osborne Tower below.

The little girl in the black spider suit was elated and smug, as if she was extremely proud that she finally had a superhero dad again.

Under such circumstances, it would be a bit too irrelevant to take his father out to wander around the world.

Besides, Team K really doesn't really need so many main members at the moment. They are still in the latent stage of the Stars Association. The most important thing for them at the moment is to inquire about intelligence rather than fight directly.

"Mason? Go or not?"

Zha Kang shouted behind him, smoking a cigarette:
"I feel that it's possible that Etregan is about to end, and things will be troublesome if you don't leave, unless you are willing to take us to fight that demon again."

"I'll get something and I'll be right back."

Mason waved his hand towards the urging black magician, glanced at the elevator entrance, and watched little May Parker screaming and throwing himself into the arms of his father in the wheelchair.

The children's likes and dislikes are always clearly distinguished. Her dad is worthy of liking because he has done a heroic thing, unlike her awkward mom who wants to express concern and is coy.

This scene made Mason feel a lot of emotion.

He called out to the kiteman to let the latter use his cool mechanical wings to take him into the top floor, and quickly found the safe that Old Peter mentioned in the ruins left after the burning.

After opening it with the key he gave, it was filled with various weapons.

Captain's classic buckler, Hawkeye's warbow and Ronin katana, Black Widow's grappling club and famous widow's sting bracelet, Falcon's jetpack, Doctor Strange's shattered cloak and a pile of metal dancing with lightning sparks .

It looks very cool, like an Avengers equipment display stand, but the old spider himself said that these equipment are replicas prepared by SHIELD for heroes.

Not the original.

But even the replica is very high-end, Yishui's epic gadget is very willing to use materials, and the round shield alone is made of Quan Zhenjin.

Mason squatted in front of the safe, threw the Falcon's flying backpack to the kiteman who was eager to see through behind him, and asked Charles to bring the Black Widow's equipment to Barbara, give the Hawkeye's weapon to the second barrel, and give the broken cloak to Barbara. Slag Kang.

This is called everyone has a share.

Mason himself kept the round shield made of vibrating gold and the pile of metal that was still emitting thunder even though it was broken, if he guessed correctly
Mason stretched out his hand and touched the shattered metal. Amid the surge of current that stimulated his fingers, an information label popped up:
Broken Thor's Hammer

Quality: Legendary Blacksmithing/Enchanting/Inscription Items Perfect Crafting
Condition: Completely damaged · irreparable
Tip: High-purity Uru Gold can be recycled, and Asgardian divine inscriptions can be learned [requires Lv7 of Inscriptions]

Item description: Maybe it can still be used after sticking it with glue?

"The most suitable magic replacement metal for Fenrir's armor has been found!"

Mason grabbed a group of silver shards overflowing with thunder and looked at it in his hand. He was worried that he could not find a higher-level magic metal to complete the construction of the internal magic power frame of his battle armor.

Isn't this delivered to your door?
The only regret is that he couldn't find enough original liquid vibranium, otherwise Mason really planned to replace the two sets of armor he had on hand with vibranium and Urujin from start to finish.

That thing is too extravagant to think about, it should be a limited edition that even rich Batmans can't buy!

"Mason, hurry up!"

Jarcon's call rang in Mason's ears as the pin on his collar lit up, and this fastidious guy would say very annoyedly:
"I like the cloak you gave me, but mom doesn't recognize the torn cloak! I still have to find someone to sew it up again. Look, Selena and the second barrel and Barbara all got good gifts , I got a bunch of garbage.

I think you are targeting me on purpose.

If it weren't for you already hugging your thighs, I would have to submit my resignation now. "

"Just say you want it or not?"

Mason stood up with the buckler in hand, performed several classic moves of the captain in the deserted ruins, and said:
"Give it back to me if you don't want it, I don't even care about the spiritual cloak that can take people flying!"

"Well, it's not as simple as being able to take people flying, my poor Mason, you don't know anything about magical magic."

Zha Kang smiled triumphantly, and then urged impatiently:

"Come down when you're done, we should go.

Waiting over there, Dr. Octopus just delivered a letter from that bloody bastard Brad said he sent a message to his fellow shit before he chased us over here.

If we don't send back his safe letter soon, we will be blocked by Dr. Fate. "

"I'll come right away."

Mason's expression also became serious. He stroked the eye of hell on his collar to temporarily close it, and then laid out all the gains he had obtained during this trip before his eyes.

The vibrating gold shield should be used as a backup weapon for the anti-Superman armor, and the broken Urujin war hammer should be used to upgrade Fenrir's armor.

The ark reactor removed from the armor of the crossbones needs a radioactive palladium element battery, and this thing has to be found after going back.

But with this reactor, the energy problem of the Anti-Superman Armor and Fenrir Armor is temporarily solved.

This made Mason have one more hole card.

There is also a box of liquid gravitonium, which the Green Goblin gave Mason as a gift before, so that he could say something nice in front of Mr. Hunter.

This special element can change gravity when electrified, but Mason has not figured out how to use it.

There is also the zombie Wang Jin who is contained in a magic bottle and has healed.

This super meat shield Mason doesn't intend to give up. When he goes back, he finds Zha Kang to use voodoo to make it into a more powerful zombie, which is equivalent to having an extra super bodyguard with rough skin and thick flesh.

I don't ask him to be able to fight more. It shouldn't be a big problem to block a gun at a critical moment.Considering that Mason positions himself as a "support shooter", Jin Bin is probably the "undead baby" of Beastmaster Hunting?
Another bottle he had on hand contained a stunned version of Bullseye.

What to do with this guy is a bit tricky, but Mason took inspiration from the soldiers of the Cleaner Legion, and he may turn to 2077's black-tech prosthesis to make Bullseye another "bodyguard" for himself.

Finally, the Sandman's Quicksand Core.
etc!Mason raised his eyebrows and looked at the box with the quicksand core of the sand man in front of him, and then found a mass of gray ooze rolling slowly on it, as if it was seeping into the box?
"Kevin, what are you doing?"

Mason stretched out his fingers and pinched the pure little ooze monster, which was the little thing he "blackmailed" from Mudface last time.

Because the quantity is too small to be used, it has been thrown in the bottle of the suitcase. It is also because of the same reason that it cannot form thoughts and can only act on instinct like Paramecium.

Now the thing crawled out of the bottle and took an interest in the Sandman's shattered core.

That made Mason blink.

Speaking of which, the guy with the mud face seems to have the ability to swallow special materials such as soil and sand to complete the strengthening?The pure ooze it leaves behind should have the same power.

Mason snorted, picked up the box and opened it, looking at the magic grit that was full of it, the ooze in the palm of the other hand twisted and became more intense as if it smelled "delicious".

it wants!
Even if you don't need words, you can distinguish the thoughts of this ooze with actions.

"I can only give you half, a small half, let me see the effect first."

Mason became interested.

He poured a third of the sandman core in the box into a glass bottle, then threw the little ooze into it, capped the bottle and shook it vigorously.

The energy grit in the bottle rolled and submerged the ooze, but soon its quantity decreased rapidly, like an hourglass quickly leaking down. In just a few seconds, only the grit that was originally in the bottle was left. One third, in the sand surrounded by the wind is lying a... Well, I don't know how to describe it.

A khaki-yellow, weird mud puppet between liquid and solid.

It's a lot bigger and seems to be comfortable.

Just lying in the sand and moving his body lazily, if it wasn't for his lack of hands and feet, Mason could even make up the image of this guy rubbing his stomach and moaning comfortably.

It ate some energy grit and seemed to be trying to change its shape, but it obviously didn't have enough strength to complete it, so it threw itself back into the sand and continued to "eat and drink".

Mason shrugged, put the thing in his pocket and went downstairs again. A few minutes later, the K team passed through the gate of the world amidst the blessings and farewell sounds of the survivors of the doomsday. Inside the container base at Miller Harbor in Gotham.

Mason rubbed his shoulders, feeling a rare sense of fatigue, but he still cheered up and said to his team members:
"I'm going to go to the Fort of Stars to report on my duties. What are you going to do? Does anyone want to go with me?"


Barbara held up her hand and said:
"I want to go see Judy, and ask for some hacking techniques by the way. After studying with Dr. Otto this time, I realized that I still have a lot to learn."

"I'm not going."

Captain Jack stretched himself with a cigarette in his mouth, and said:
"This trip is really torturous. I'm going to go back to the bar and drink for three days, and then sleep with him until the sky is dark!"

"So do we."

The two female pirates also looked tired. For their ranks, this hunt and the subsequent emergencies were indeed a bit too exciting, and they urgently needed a rest.

Mrs. Elizabeth still has to go back to see how her son Henry is doing. Next month, he will be sent to Gotham Middle School to go to school with the kiteman's son. It's impossible not to make up for the basics.

"I'm going to the mystery house."

Zha Kang said with a displeased face:
"Wipe the ass of our 'non-staff member' Mr. Jason Bullard, and ask Xiao Zha to help me contact some powerful magic tailors. Hey, I said, Mason, don't you know how to thread needles?
Hurry up and practice!
After that, I will look for you if the clothes and socks are torn or something, so I will save a lot of wasted money. "

"I'm busy, how can I have time?"

Mason replied very bluntly, and finally looked at Ertong. The black-haired young man was hesitating while holding the eagle-eyed ronin suit. After a few seconds, he said to Mason:
"I'm going to walk around Gotham, don't worry about me, I'll call you if I need anything."

"Okay, it's all up to you."

While turning open the door leading to Fort of Stars, Mason said to Er Tuan:
"Don't go crazy and challenge the master again, Selena, won't you go there with me? The afterlife team has professional medical equipment that can check it for you."

Mason's words made the catwoman who was trying to reduce her sense of existence jump in her heart, and then she shook her head as usual and said:

"No, no need, I'm very healthy. I said before that I need to find time to go on vacation. After finishing this task, there is just enough time for me to go shopping in Europe.

Leave me alone for the next few days, Mason. "

After finishing speaking, she turned around and took Elizabeth and Angelina to the outside of the warehouse. After watching them leave, Zha Kang puffed out the smoke ring, glanced at Mason, and said:
"What happened to her? It feels weird."

"You feel it too?"

Mason shook his head and whispered:

"Maybe it's because the ghost is on her body. She thought I didn't know what was on her, and apparently she didn't realize how terrible it was. John, Jason, Charles, please do one thing to the three of you.

Go get Selena! "

"Hey, little brother Mason is finally going to do something to the mature and sexy big sister!"

Zha Kang rubbed his hands and said with a smirk:
"I'll take care of this matter, and I promise to make it beautiful for the captain. Do you want to get you something to add to the fun?"

"No, what Mason means is that Selena is in danger, and I also vaguely feel that her aura has changed, but I think I can handle it alone."

Er Tong said something.

But Mason shook his head, and he seriously urged:
"The three of you go together, or we can't figure it out. The current Selina-sama may be the most capable person in our team. Don't let her run around, and we'll talk about it when I come back."

After speaking, Mason took Barbara into the gate of the world.

The three big men in the basement looked at each other in dismay. Zha Kang threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out, grabbed the red tie around his neck, and said:
"Hey, my lord doesn't believe in this evil anymore, you two follow and watch me get this done."

Then he swaggered out holding a ball of green flames to catch the black cat with his bare hands, but in less than 15 seconds he heard Zha Kang's screams:
"Oh! Fuck! What the hell is this? Two buckets! Charles! Come help me! I can't do it alone!"

(End of this chapter)

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