The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 172 55. If I knew it then, I should have stabbed you to death with a sword

Chapter 172. 55. If I knew it, I should have stabbed you to death
"What the hell is on Selena?"

On the light path leading to the Fort of Stars, Barbara asked with some concern, and Mason shook his head and said:
"The symbiont, a very troublesome alien creature, should have been accidentally infected when she executed the hunter Kraven, but don't worry too much.

While it sounds like a dangerous parasite, the symbiont actually needs a host to survive.

Selena's life will not be threatened in a short period of time. The only troublesome thing is that the thing will transform the host's body. I don't have professional tools at hand now, so I have to borrow some from Judy.

You go and communicate with her.

We need at least a platinum-level trauma team dedicated medical cabin, a set of nano-blood pumps, long-term healing robots, and a biological containment tank with the highest level of security.

She should be able to find the full set there. "

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Barbara nodded nervously. After entering the Fort of Stars, she quickly walked to Judy's studio. She has a good relationship with Catwoman, but she doesn't want to see Selena being killed by someone who sounds Tortured by very dangerous alien virus gadgets.

Mason then took another elevator all the way to Mr. Hunter's office.

When Mason opened the door, he found that there was no one here, and the entire office was empty. He first wrote a letter to his immediate superior with the authority of the captain, and then took this opportunity to walk around Mr. Hunter's office.

Didn't find anything interesting or valuable collectibles, but came across a luxurious marble bathtub at the back of the office and a bucket of rose petals beside the bathtub.

Mason also saw a few pieces of women's underwear thrown casually by the tub.

This made his eyes jump.

Rubbing his eyes, he immediately took a few steps back, feeling that he had to quickly forget about these things to avoid being hacked to death by the angry Mr. Hunter. Although he didn't know why he had to dress up as a man, there must be a reason why people chose to dress up as men in the Stars Club of.
Don't worry about this kind of personal matter and ask more questions.

He didn't dare to walk around so as not to see things he shouldn't see, so he sat on the sofa in the office, looked at the snowy scenery of the valley in the distance through the French windows, and took out his wallet from his pocket. A group of slime monsters.

The sand in the glass bottle has been almost eaten up by it, and the head has grown a lot, and when it was taken out, it turned into a five-pointed starfish, lying in the glass bottle as if observing the outside world.


This belongs to the birth of wisdom, and everyone began to be curious about the outside world.

"Kevin, keep eating, I'm still waiting for you to surprise me."

Mason flicked the glass bottle with his fingers, as if looking at a gluttonous hamster, he urged:
"You little bastard, you'd better grow up quickly. I'm also planning to do some cool alchemy experiments with activated slime. It would be great if you can be as ever-changing as Mudface."

As he spoke, Mason simply poured all the sandman cores in the box into the bottle of the little ooze monster Kevin.

Although it seemed wasteful to do so, things like magic materials could always be replaced, and a slime pet that could transform into tens of millions could make a lot of money if it could quickly form combat power.

A bigger pile of delicious sand was poured into a glass bottle, making the little ooze as happy as Harley Quinn who got into the ice cream bucket. In other words, Harley should not have made trouble in Gotham after going out for two or three days by herself. What's the matter?
Mason began to run away while waiting, but soon realized that he was wasting time.

This is too shameful!Almost like a crime.

So he quickly took out an unfinished small engineering part and assembled it in his hands. It was the very unscientific world enlarger and reducer.

It is said that this thing can change the world in the eyes of the user. Mason has made all the components, but now it lacks a large energy output device to make it start.

The Ark reactor is probably okay, but at this stage it is obviously a bit too extravagant to use the Ark reactor to combine this thing.

A few minutes later, Mason's thoughts were interrupted with a crisp clicking sound. He turned his head and saw that the glass bottle at his feet had been burst by the swollen ooze monster Kevin.

This newborn ooze monster was moving its "body" in place. It seemed to sense Mason's gaze, and it jumped cautiously onto Mason's palms, twisting and turning into a villain, bowing vigorously and clasping his hands together in thanks.

It was almost time to speak and sing praises.

This well-behaved look indicated that this guy's mind was not low, and Mason was very satisfied with being so sensible.

"Now that it has been formed, it is time to fulfill its mission."

He casually took out a bottle of potion and put it in front of the ooze monster Kevin, saying:
"Here, drink this stuff and let me see if you can keep it."

The ignorant little ooze didn't know what Mason was going to do, but he obediently let Mason pour the purple potion on its head, and the liquid quickly seeped into the body of the ooze monster, turning it khaki-yellow. The surface was quickly stained into a weird purple.

Then Mason dropped it on the ground again, gestured and said:

"Split! Put these drugs on this place, the sooner the better, let me see your ability."

As soon as his words fell, the purple slime monster swelled up like a blown balloon, and then exploded with a bang, splashing purple mud everywhere, covering the entire office with drug-tainted mud in an instant .

The explosion of the "venom bomb" made Mason very satisfied.

If Kevin's body was filled with fear gas or the more vicious clown gas, this blast would be enough to kill all the enemies in such a large space.

The most wonderful thing is that it also has "automatic tracking", which belongs to the kind of weapon that can be thrown out and left alone.

But that alone is not enough.

"Kevin! Transform!"

Mason gave another command, and the erupting ooze monster quickly withdrew its "body" from everywhere, and the purple ooze spread all over the place, quickly refused and then swelled before Mason's eyes.

Kneaded by invisible hands like a ball of plasticine, it took more than ten seconds to create a slime monster very similar to Mason's figure.

It can be seen that Kevin really wants to squeeze his face into Mason's appearance.

But it obviously doesn't have the superb control of Mudface. It's probably the first time I'm not very familiar with the process, and I haven't completed the "simulated copy" of Mason after working hard for a long time.

This disappointed Kevin.

The face with fuzzy facial features revealed a disappointment visible to the naked eye, and even sighed in a very humane way, before turning back into that little ball of purple ooze like a "leakage" under Mason's gaze. In Mason's hand.

"It's okay, just keep in touch later, and evaporate the potion in your body now."

The evil alchemist sitting on the sofa rubbed his chin and gave an order. Kevin obviously didn't understand the meaning of "vapor", but he probably understood that Mason wanted him to expel the potion from his body.

So the little purple man shook his body hard to shake the potion in his body everywhere, just like shaking a water-stained puppy to make Mason look disgusted.

It seems that it has not mastered such advanced skills as "evaporation".

"Barely okay, now split a little for me."

Mason stretched out his hand and shook it, the ooze monster Kevin opened his mouth and yelled a few times, then twisted his body in pain and "squeezed" a little ooze into Mason's hand.

Your Excellency the Alchemist picked it up in front of his eyes to check the properties of this ooze, and found that it became an active crafting material after it was infiltrated with the potion.

It can be used to make high-level potions or configure highly toxic substances.

But now Kevin is still very weak, this split will undoubtedly make it very weak, but this also makes Mason very satisfied.

This little slime has a bright future.


The door of the office was pushed open at this moment, and Mr. Hunter, who hurried back, saw Mason on the sofa and the strange thing under his feet. The great teacher said in a strange tone:
"Your pet is quite unique."

"This is not a pet. This is my alchemy assistant and important tool. It's called Kevin."

Mason stood up without talking nonsense, took out Sandstorm's broken silver identity card from his pocket, handed it to Mr. Hunter, and said:
"Fortunately, the traitor has already been appointed. I believe the death of this disloyal guy is enough to warn other people in the organization who have dissent."

"So fast?"

Mr. Hunter was a little surprised. After she took the ID card and confirmed it was correct, she said to Mason:

"As a newcomer who has been in the organization for more than a month, your growth rate is really surprising. I have to say that I saw the right person. You really have a great future."

The Great Instructor was in a good mood. As he walked towards his desk, he brought his coffee cup over with a technique similar to the Force and made himself a steaming cup of coffee.

She sat in her chair in a comfortable posture, looked at Mason, and said:

"Now let's briefly report on the mission process. I also have to write a report to fool my two companions. Tell me, I'm listening."

"There is actually nothing to say about the mission process. We rushed in to contact some local rebels, and took advantage of the dark night and high winds to rush into the Hydra team's garrison and knock him down."

Mason glanced at Mr. Hunter who was drinking coffee. That guy didn't even take off his mask. I really wonder if the coffee will be poured into her nostrils?

He paused, deliberately waiting until Mr. Hunter took a sip of coffee, and then said:

"It's just that there was a small accident in the middle of the mission. I met the Cleaner Legion."

"This is normal."

Mr. Hunter sipped his coffee and said in a casual tone:
"The world where Sandstorm is located is one of the first worlds to be discovered and developed. There are still rare resources there, and the Cleaner Legion should be stationed there.

After all, the 'pollution' suffered by that world was of the highest level, and some very troublesome ones would occasionally be born among the zombies endowed with super vitality.

Are your contacts with them going well?

They didn't make things difficult for you? "

"No, they are quite easy to talk to."

Mason pouted and said:

"Especially when we overthrew five commanders and crushed an entire Cleaner Legion, that group of kind people didn't complain a single word from the beginning to the end."


Mr. Hunter violently sprayed warm coffee from the mouth of the mask, making a mess in his office.

She stood up abruptly, pointed at Mason tremblingly with her fingers, probably couldn't think of any suitable adjectives for a while, so she stamped her feet angrily, and cursed:

"You repeat what you did? What did you do to them?"

"Kill it."

Mason took out the nameplates of the five clearer commanders from his pocket, and threw them on Mr. Hunter's desk. These blood-stained and distorted Mr. Hunters were speechless.

At her level, she can overthrow an army of liquidators by herself, not to mention that it is only a local garrison, a third-rate role in the war army, and there will be no strong people stationed there.

It is not impossible for K-Squad to destroy a garrison regiment with the help of the local rebels.

But the problem is, this is not a question of combat power comparison at all!

The demise of a legion stationed in the world will definitely lead to an investigation by the liquidator headquarters and even directly alert the higher authorities. Once what Mason did is exposed, she and her people will also be implicated.

To be honest, at this moment, Mr. Hunter really burst out with anger and killing intent.

This Mason is so crazy!

He had no idea how much trouble his actions would bring to his companions who were still hiding in the dark.

But before Mr. Hunter got angry, Mason took the initiative to send more information.

He told the truth about the Green Goblin and the other three Trailblazer teams and even produced a detailed mission report, precisely pointing out the numbers of the three Trailblazer teams and a hidden secret agent hidden in the brother organization. Information network, this level of matter immediately made Mr. Hunter suppress his anger and narrowed his eyes.

She keenly grasped the gold content of the information Mason brought back.

"The 'Defenders' and 'Punishment' teams are fine, they are low-key and not very well-known among the B-level members, but the 'Holy Shield' team is indeed very powerful.

Each of their missions is completed very beautifully and almost has no intersection with other teams at all. It is almost becoming one of the urban legends of the Stellaris.

As far as I know, my fellow swordsman has been secretly wooing them. "

Mr. Hunter was sitting on a chair thinking, she glanced at Mason and said:
"You're really going to get me into trouble!"

"But I have brought you three forces that can be controlled. Once their dark history is exposed, they will have nowhere to gain a foothold in the Gathering of Stars."

Mason whispered:
"It doesn't necessarily mean that this is an organization that encourages betrayal, right? I know that our behavior has great risks, but it's nothing compared to what we've gained so far.

You should probably go there yourself and interview the old goblin.

That old fox has a mind of his own and is now at his weakest. Just a little guidance and he can be your help. Maybe we can have a new member in our little 'Quint Society'.

Although I don't like Old Norman, I also have to admit that that guy's brains are definitely enough, and he acts ruthlessly, which is a rare 'talent' for your career. "

"Well, I really should go, not just to meet him, but to deal with the mess you left."

Mr. Hunter wiped the coffee stains on the mask, sighed tiredly, and said:
"Mason, I'd like to at least let me know before doing something like this next time, maybe you think you're helping, but you're not! Our organization doesn't need that many people right now.

What's more, according to your statement, he is still a careerist. "

"I admit that my actions this time were somewhat thoughtless, and I am sorry for the trouble you have caused."

Mason pocketed the ooze monster Kevin, and said softly:

"But I think, I have proved my loyalty and ability, and I deserve more trust, so Mr. Hunter, can you tell me now, what is the ultimate goal of our small organization?"

Mr. Hunter was silent for a few seconds, raised his head, and replied:
"Be patient, old K. You have to find the answers one by one. Aren't you always curious about the truth about the 'shock'? I think it might be more appropriate for us to talk about this issue after you have experienced it first."

(End of this chapter)

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