The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 174 57. This AI is not quite right

Chapter 174 57. This AI is not quite right
"Mason, are all the people in the next life team shooting so generously?"

When following Judy to the afterlife team's garage in Starsburg, Barbara bumped into the captain's arm in the elevator and whispered:
"I know we helped them, but why did they send things and cars? What is that monster lizard? I heard you said it was a war vehicle
Just by the smile on your face, you know that thing must be very powerful, is this really good? "

"Well, it's true that it's a war vehicle, and it's really powerful, but it's not a precious thing in Judy's world."

Mason restrained his smile, looked at Judy who was wearing a strange device on his head and was debugging something in the elevator, looking as if he was wandering away, and explained to Barbara in a low voice:
"For these people in the next life, the time scale of their world is in 2077. Although there is no supernatural power in our conventional understanding, the world of disputes where technology has entered the next generation is not as simple as it seems.

In fact, based on what I've gathered in the Great Library, it's very likely that there are some 'data gods' in their world.

You can think of them as a new life that has completed the 'data ascension'.

They can transfer the code of personality consciousness to another body to complete the "resurrection", and there is no supernatural power involved in the whole process, and this is really achieved by technology.

In such a world with highly developed productivity, it is only a matter of code instructions to create some super weapons.

As for the lizard
That thing is just a downgraded weapon modified from a military-grade personnel carrier. In terms of destructive power, it is not as good as the anti-superman armor. What I really value is the fully conscious interactive control system in that vehicle.

If we can find a way to take it apart and take a look, then we've got something really good. "

"Is that so?"

Barbara nodded, and looked at Judy with a strange look. After a few seconds, she whispered:
"Then tell me whether Judy, her captain, and the team members are clones made through that personality remake. After all, their world has been destroyed."


The lights of Judy's overhead device go out, and she shakes her head and explains:

"Our world has indeed collapsed on a physical level, but our civilization is still there. In the last month, those super corporations and governments joined forces to start the 'upload', and everyone except the afterlife team put their own Consciousness uploaded to the super database 'Mikoto'.

All the top hackers in One World were summoned to build a virtual environment in cyberspace to ensure that those uploaded consciousnesses remain active.

The task of the birth team is to find a new world to rebuild our civilization after this disaster is completely over. "

Looking back at Barbara, she spread her hands and said:
"Thus theoretically, although the afterlife team has less than ten people, if we need it, with the bionic human production line we have, we can mass-produce troops and battle groups at any time.

A whole world of legendary mercenaries are lined up in cyberspace waiting to be summoned.

And Barbara, I'm real!
My body is an 'original item', unlike that unlucky V who had 'resurrected from the dead' before the world collapsed. "

"Wow, can civilization be preserved in this way? I really didn't expect it."

Batgirl also became interested after hearing Judy say that the consciousness of the entire world was uploaded to a super database. She asked about the suitability of that technology, but got a disappointing result.

This was expected by Mason.

他 说:

"The world of 2077 can complete this kind of big project because they have already implanted intelligent prosthetics as a way of life. If you want to replicate this method in other worlds, you must first ensure that everyone in the whole world has implanted in their brains. A piece of metal that could turn your brain into popcorn at any moment.

I think the difficulty of promoting this device in the world is even more difficult than saving the world.

They are special isolated cases and have no reference value. "

"Mason was right."

Judy nodded approvingly. She recalled the life in her hometown and shook her head after a few seconds and said:

"Sometimes I also feel that maybe the destruction of that world is not a bad thing. It is said that disasters are hell, but for us, we are already living in hell before the disaster comes.

My hometown is a hopeless world, hidden under the seemingly developed appearance is a civilization degraded to barbaric rules.

I have been thinking about whether the development of civilization will definitely end in that way, but after traveling around other worlds in the Club of Stars, I finally confirmed that we are going the wrong way.

Even without this catastrophe, our world would be over. You don't know how terrible the rate of decline in the birth rate is.

It was only a matter of time before the whole world was destroyed in a sudden war.

Everyone knew it was bound to happen. "


The elevator door opened, and what the three of them saw was a large and surprisingly large garage, which contained all the collectible vehicles of the Afterlife Squad, most of which were ordinary cars and motorcycles without any special modifications.

It's more of a museum of nostalgia than a weapons depot.

As for the war vehicle that was promised to the K team, the monster lizard was placed at the end of the garage, covered by a huge cloth. Judy stepped forward and opened the cloth, and then Mason saw the car in his memory. "Big toy".

It looks like a squashed tank, but there are no traces of tracks or wheels.

The integrated modular vehicle body is surrounded by thick reactive armor, and the trapezoidal front can mount a variety of functional military equipment.

On the left side of the gray-black car body, there is a 360° rotating super cannon turret, and on the right side is a weapon similar to a drone hive. Mason knows that it is the launch port of an electromagnetic cluster bomb.

In terms of firepower alone, this thing is really not outstanding, but it doesn't matter, things like firepower can always be modified.

"The Lizard all-terrain suspension armored tank is a backward technology in 2060. It is said that some crazy engineers of military technology have fiddled with it on the front line in Mexico.

The site uses an all-terrain suspended personnel carrier, which can cross all currently known terrains at a speed of 150 miles. If necessary, it can cross the limit height of five meters for guerrilla warfare, but it is a great test for atomic batteries.

It is said that this thing will cause radiation leakage when it is hit by the energy capsule, so the driver is specially given anti-radiation medicine. "

Chewing gum, Judy stood on the front armor of this huge war vehicle with folded arms and said to Mason and Barbara:
"I personally suggest that you don't fly this thing. After the captain and the others come back, I will get permission to give you the blueprint of Kangtao's latest air weapon platform.

That thing is the real weapon of war, much stronger than this big guy. "

"No, this thing is enough."

Mason shook his head and said:
"All the advanced weapons in your world have to be connected to smart prosthetics. The K team can't afford such delicate things. On the contrary, this rough-skinned 'backward technology' is more suitable for us.

But if you can, I would like you to share some drawings of the drone with us.For example, the combat drone 'Griffin' of military technology, and the reconnaissance drone 'Pterodactyl'. "

"Yo, know the goods, Mason."

Judy whistled, jumped off the Lizard's armor, and said:
"I still have to prepare a large-capacity hard drive for you. I didn't need this thing when my grandfather's grandfather was there. Do you want the blueprint of Zeta Technology's 'Octant'?
That is a real heavy-duty assault drone.

The thickness of its heavy armor is almost as thick as that of the Demon Lizard. If it is operated by professional personnel, you basically don't have to worry about suppressing firepower. "

"If you can give it, I will give it a copy by the way. I don't think it's lagging behind."

Mason blinked his eyes, and made Judy walk out of the warehouse with a smile to prepare the blueprints and materials that Mason wanted, while Mason reached out and put his hand on the armor of the unactivated monster lizard in front of him, and soon an information label popped up:
Standard Heavy Suspended Tank "Demon Lizard"

Quality: Standard Engineering High Precision Items Standard Craftsmanship

Vehicle characteristics: full-conscious manipulation, all-terrain adaptation, anti-gravity engine, scandium alloy reactive armor, high-precision large-caliber technical cannon, thermal missile automatic loading module, radiation hazard
Tip: Two drivers are required to drive this vehicle, and it must be equipped with a standard or above brain-computer interface.

Manufactured by: Military Tech Southern War Logistics

Item description: Every soldier will scold the ration like pig food, complain about the damn dusty weather, and eat the anti-radiation medicine that may cause disease, but every soldier would rather endure all this and hope to sit in its driving cabin.


Behind Mason, Barbara hesitated and whispered:
"I know you don't allow me to do this, but I still want to apply and let Judy help me complete the implantation of the brain-computer interface. She assured me that it is an absolutely mature technology, 100% painless and safe.

I need that thing to better help you guys.

This encounter over there has made me realize that maybe the potential of ordinary people is really limited.”

"Why? Are you planning to stop being a human?"

Mason stared back at Barbara grimly, and said:
"This is no small matter!
You just see the good of the technology but not the bad. If I were a super hacker, I could turn Judy's brain into popcorn in an instant, because of that little brain-computer interface.

You have also seen the technology used by the Cleaners to transform soldiers, and they also have the technology of 2077!I don't want you to leave hidden dangers for yourself. "

"That's a confrontation between technologies! It's nothing more than seeing who has the better means."

Barbara choked and said:

"I have confidence in my technology and learning ability! And I was taught by Judy, and she also told me that if I use the unique technology of the afterlife team to encrypt the algorithm, I don't have to worry about being infiltrated.

She said there were 'big shots' behind them.Besides, if we don't have a super hacker in our squad, you tell me what you plan to do with this tank when you get it?

This thing is fully consciously manipulated!
I think it will be my exclusive vehicle in the future, and I want to transform it into a mobile electronic warfare fortress.

Do you have an opinion on this? "

Seeing Barbara so determined, Mason sighed, stepped back, and said:
"I have my reservations, but Barbara, I think you need to get advice from other people before you can reinvent yourself. Gordon, and Grayson.
How long has it been since you saw him?

How long are you going to procrastinate?If this goes on, he will think that you eloped with me, and then your trouble will become my trouble. "

"I just don't want to drag him into this shit."

Batgirl snorted and said:
"I'll meet my boyfriend when I go back this time. I have plenty of ways to convince him. Just wait and see."

While the two were arguing, Judy, who had gone back and forth, walked into the warehouse with a small box. The expression on her face was a little subtle. When she saw Mason, she hesitated and said:
"That... did you get into trouble when you performed the mission this time?"


Mason and Barbara looked at Judy at the same time, and the latter pointed to the top of his head and whispered:

"Mr. Hunter sent a message to the captain just now, asking the afterlife team not to enter the Fort of Stars for a month. The captain asked me to hide outside, and then I made a suggestion, so he appointed me as the afterlife team stationed in the K team. Contact a representative.

I am now ordered to go to your world to rebuild a 'safe house'. "

"That's a good relationship, absolutely welcome!"

Mason smiled, and Barbara even cheered and hugged her friend.

Judy was a little apprehensive and looking forward to it. After her own world was destroyed, she was rarely in the mood to live in other worlds for a long time.

"You can stay at my house."

Barbara said to Judy:
"I'm going to pretend to be a poor little wheelchair user. You can be my personal nurse, which just happens to reassure my dad."

"So you're still going to play the check-up game and the pajama-pillow fight between the girls?"

Mason made a witty remark but was glared at by the two girls. Judy shoved the box into his hand angrily and said:
"Here is the blueprint you want, and there is also a copy program for the intelligent AI, just for your personal armor. Try it first, if you get along well, you can copy it into the Fenrir armor Help you take over that military-grade combat support system.

But let me tell you in advance that this item cannot be returned!
If you take it, don't return it.

I'm going to be sick of it. "

After speaking, Judy pulled Barbara out of the garage to help her pack her luggage.

And Mason looked at the delicate silver-gray data chip in the box, and was a little puzzled for a while. He threw out the anti-superman armor, inserted the chip into the reserved card slot, and took a few steps back.

After waiting patiently for 30 seconds for the self-test, the mask of the unmanned anti-superman armor suddenly lit up, and the core of the tritium engine on its chest also emitted a purple shimmer.

It "live".

"The energy is almost exhausted, please replace the core battery. The system is being adapted."

An intermittent man's voice with an electronic sound sounded from the armor. After a few seconds, he manipulated the armor to make a "head up" movement, staring at Mason and said:
"Hello, passenger, the Delaman copy program is at your service. Ms. Judy has renewed your 99-year 'Excellence' package, including vehicle autopilot, crisis combat mode and passenger remains burial service."

"Fuck! It really is you!"

Mason knew who this guy was when he heard the AI ​​self-report, he rubbed his forehead and said:
"Why don't you drive a taxi well and become the AI ​​of the battle mech? Also, which Delaman are you? Old Druid or one of the seven little Druids?

Didn't you go to the data world behind the black wall? "

"The black wall is gone, or it has been upgraded to become a firewall and a crib of civilization. The data space that was originally used to live for the wandering AIs is now all vacated for those poor people.

We guys will naturally be exiled, and then contribute to the revival of civilization. "

The intelligent AI named "Draman" replied and explained in a gentle tone:

"Passengers don't have to worry, this AI is powerful, quick-thinking, and very familiar with human civilization after living in human society for many years, it will definitely not cause any trouble to your daily life.

If I need to fight, I will do my best to help, but I may need to spend some time collecting combat data.

It was detected that the passenger did not have any smart prosthetics installed, so are we going to use this most primitive voice communication mode in the future?Or do you need me to recommend some useful brain-computer manipulation systems for you?
In this era of catastrophe, it is difficult for such a primitive and pure body to survive those dangerous wars."

"To shut up!"

Mason said something, pointed to the monster lizard next to him and said:

"Can you manipulate it?"
Mason said he would rush back immediately, but before leaving Fort of Stars, he still visited his "friends", that is, the two Elric brothers who were still staying in Fort of Stars, and told them what happened in the old spider's world.

The two brothers looked at each other after hearing that K-Squad had put together an army of Cleaners.

"Fuck! Awesome!"

The short alchemist also made a rare swearing.

He really convinced Mason's audacity.

The two brothers were wandering merchants and they only dared to secretly support the rebels against the Stars Association in other worlds. As a result, the K team looked indifferent, but it was a big deal when they made a move.

It really makes people feel that the C-level personnel of the Stars Club are all monsters now.

"I suggest you find a chance to go to the world of assassins labeled 'Isu', it's been very popular recently."

When Mason took a stack of manufacturing orders and was about to leave, Edward sent him to the door of the factory workshop and reminded:

"Our two brothers went there three months ago. There are many blueprints left by ancient civilizations. The effects are very good. It is very suitable for you to use to study various technological innovations.

But it's a bit dangerous there, and there's something we don't quite understand. Al and I had headaches for several days after we got back and seemed to have forgotten something, so you should be ready to go again.

Your last order has been closed, and the customer is very satisfied, so extra money has been added. "

Edward snapped his fingers, and his younger brother Alphonse came over with a box and said to Mason:
"We have replaced all kinds of rare materials you need, and I will give you an extra tube of liquid primordial vibrating gold, which will be regarded as a red envelope reward. Keep up the good work, Mason."

"Hey, there are bonuses for doing a good job. It seems that you two brothers are not unscrupulous businessmen."

Mason whistled and took the box, said goodbye to the two brothers and left, Edward's suggestion reminded him that he still had a golden apple from the world of Isu assassins in his hand.

Maybe I really need to find a chance to go there and get some advanced blueprints.

(End of this chapter)

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