The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 175 58. "Venom Black Cat" New Skin Get!cool!

Chapter 175 58. "Venom Black Cat" New Skin Get!cool!

"Whoa, New World! It looks pretty good."

At night in Port Miller, Judy and Barbara, carrying a travel backpack, climbed up the hoisting tower of the port, where they overlooked the night of Gotham City.

This technological girl from another world uses her electronic prosthetic eyes to admire this city that seems to her to be slightly backward but full of vitality.

The night wind blew through the ends of Judy's hair, blowing up her flowing long ombré hair.

In front of her eyes, she enjoyed the wind without the strong smell of chemical pollution. On the hoisting tower, she opened her arms as if to embrace this place.

Batgirl was also very happy seeing the expression of enjoyment on her friend's face.

But a few seconds later, Judy turned to look at Barbara, and said in a strange tone:
"Who is 'Batman'? Why is his name mentioned in many communication signals in the city? I also feel that a multi-encrypted data network is secretly monitoring the entire city."

"That's the bat network, don't go in there."

As soon as Barbara reminded her, she saw Judy's prosthetic eye shining blue, and within a second she blinked and said:
"Wow, that bat cave is so cool! So many beautifully shaped contraptions, and that kid in pajamas putting sleeping pills in that old man's coffee!
Why did he do such a thing at such a young age?
Is this a cyber psychosis? "

"You took over the cameras at Wayne Manor and the Batcave? Holy shit."

Barbara covered her face and groaned.

Although she has long known that Judy, a technological girl, can be regarded as a guy with superb technology in her world, the fact that the bat network is not as good as a piece of toilet paper in front of her still makes Barbara feel sad for the technology of her own era .

"Don't dig deeper, don't enter Batman's private database, the data security of that thing is the responsibility of Cyborg himself."

Mason's voice sounded in the communicator, warning:

"I know that most of the network security systems in this world are like toys to you, but the steel frame is an exception. Your technological level should not have reached the level of mother box black technology, so don't play it to your death.


Get out of the Justice League's safety net!

immediately! "

"Wait! He's chasing me!"

Judy exclaimed, the red light in her eyes burst, and her body trembled so that Barbara hugged her to prevent her from falling from this height.

The chasing and jumping at the data level lasted for a full 30 seconds before it came to an end. Judy took a long breath and rubbed his head to take back his data signal.

She blushed and said:

"I feel like my prosthesis is on fire, that guy is awesome! But I still have two brushes, right?"

"Cyborg has noticed you, maybe Batman will be dispatched soon, let's go! We can't stay here anymore."

Mason called out, and the two girls quickly landed. Outside the container warehouse at the pier, Mason stood beside the Batmobile, the public vehicle of Team K, waiting for the two of them.

When seeing this car, Judy, who was still hot in the head, hummed twice and said:
"It's a nice car. It looks cool, but the system inside needs to be upgraded, or any hacker can hack in and stop your engine midway."

"Let them hack one, I'm also a 'data bodyguard' now."

Mason pouted, snapped his fingers and said:
"Set goals for iceberg bars."

"The city map is being accessed, the goal setting is complete, and the best route is selected. Passengers are requested to fasten their seat belts and prepare to depart. The Delaman transportation program will serve you wholeheartedly."

That electronic sound came from the sudden start of the Batmobile, and at the same time the car's cool side hatches slid open.

"You go in."

Mason released his beloved motorcycle, put on a safety helmet and said:

"I'll ride this one, let's meet over there. You don't have to try, Old De. My car is not a technological creation. If you don't understand magic, all your attempts will only result in tragic failure."

After finishing speaking, he twisted the handlebar to let the blue motorcycle soar into the sky, and disappeared into the night sky of Miller Harbour.

The Batmobile, which was automatically driven by Delaman, also set off soon, hiding in the night like a real ghost under the effect of the newly installed optical camouflage module.

Of course, Mason did not forget to remind Alfred who stayed up all night in the Batcave.

He took out his flip phone and called, saying:
"Ah Fu? Don't drink the cup of coffee in your hand! There are sleeping pills in it, I think you know who put it. Obviously, your young master is going to sneak out to play again."
"You put me out! Damn it! I told you I'm fine!"

In the box on the top floor of the Iceberg Bar, the catwoman is screaming and screaming. She is bound by a layer of flashing light beams in the corner of the box like an invisible magic cage.

Sitting on the sofa in front of her were Zha Kang and Charles with bruised noses and swollen faces, and Er Tong rubbed medicine on his bruised arms with a sullen expression.

Facing Catwoman's yelling, Kang Zha breathed out the smoke ring in annoyance and touched his knocked-out teeth. He said angrily:

"Look at the monster in your body that beat us all into dogs! The three of us could beat Bat Boy to the ground with our hands, but we were still beaten like this by your monster.

That thing is dangerous, Selena!

I don't know what ecstasy soup it poured into you, but you stay here now, your little brother Mason is calling for help, he'll be back soon. "

The kite man also persuaded:

"Yes, Selena, your illness is still curable, don't give up the treatment, please."

"I don't need a doctor! Damn it!"

Hearing that it was Mason's envoy, the anxiety and anger in Selena's heart became more and more real. Perhaps it was due to the emotional fluctuations of the Venom Symbiote, which made Catwoman complete her "transformation" in the blink of an eye.

The black sticky substance gushed out from under her skin, covering her whole body like wearing a thick layer of tight armor, but it still couldn't conceal the figure of this female fairy.

Her head is like wearing a heavy full-face helmet.

The white eyespots looked extremely pervasive, and the mouth full of sharp teeth and scarlet tongue made her charming charm into an indescribable ferocity.


The roar of double reverberation echoed in the box.

Selena raised the left hand of the black sharp claw and slammed it fiercely at the light curtain in front of her, but at the moment of touching, a scorching flame rose and forced the venom back.

"Save your energy!"

With a bruised nose and a swollen face, Zha Kang stood up, crossed his hips and shouted:

"This hellfire barrier is enough to burn you to death! You bloody monster! Be quiet, Lord John!"


Selena's zombie cat, Mag, is also walking around anxiously in front of the hellfire barrier. Her raised tail means that this dangerous beast is in a bad mood.

It was obvious that Selena was in danger and she felt angry too.

"Perhaps an exorcism should be tried?"

The kite man rubbed his panda eyes, and suggested in a low voice:

"This thing looks like it crawled out of hell. How could a decent monster grow up like this? This thing is not serious at first glance!"

"Don't come up with ideas."

Ertu shook his head and said:
"It's dangerous. It's because it's so difficult to deal with when it first lived with Selena and hasn't gotten familiar with Selena's style. If it is stimulated again, I'm afraid it will start to devour Selena's spirit.

The monstrosity of Catwoman itself can probably be defeated, but think of the man's frenzy once Catwoman dies
I don't want to see a bat maniac chasing us. "


The door of the box was pushed open, and the drunk Captain Jack led Mason and the three into the room.

Both Mason and Barbara were holding medical equipment in their hands, and Judy, who was following them, was holding a hot dog on the side of the road, and it was terrible to eat.

"Natural ingredients with no nasty stuff added to it really don't taste good, but I need a little fruit."

Judy said.

The kite man had never seen her before, but he soon knew the identity of this young lady from Zha Kang. As the owner of the Bingshan Bar, he immediately got up to prepare fruits and welcome banquets for the distinguished guests.

The rest of the people in the box immediately got busy.

They moved the sofa and bar out of the house, completely emptied the place and removed the advanced medical cabin for surgery.

Mason also took out many bottles of potions of different colors from his pocket, and put on medical gloves and a doctor's hat, as if he was ready to perform the surgery himself.

"No! Mason, I'm fine, don't do this!"

Seeing this scene, Selena immediately returned from the venom form to normal, and she begged mournfully:

"Little Mason, don't treat my sister like this, I'm afraid."

"Shut up! Venom!"

Mason prepared the surgical instruments with the help of Barbara and Ertong, and said in a cold voice without turning his head:
"If you dare to hurt Selena, I'll take your skin off!"

"I'm a symbiote! You savage and backward guys, our lives will not harm the host. We need her brain to think and her body to survive.

We are just tools"

Venom yelled:
"Not only will I not harm her, but I will make her more beautiful, stronger and stronger. I will help her fulfill her dream and tame that guy named Bruce Wayne into a little male dog that belongs only to her! "

"Yes, you are indeed a very useful tool."

Mason regained his senses and picked up a scalpel, brushed his fingers over it, and a burning magic fire was temporarily enchanted on the blade. The magic flame made Venom's eyes even more frightened.

It is now too weak to withstand this dangerous magical fire.

"But in order to make the host more cooperative with you, you will start to modify the host's internal organs and circulatory system the moment you enter the human body, the endocrine system will be completely destroyed by you, and the heart will be transformed into a form that is more suitable for the rhythm of the symbiont.

These bio-modifications will make your hosts your best puppets!
While you are still around, she can be safe and strong, but once she is pulled away or you get tired of playing with her and abandon her, she will definitely not survive for three days. "

Mason said coldly:
"I know you all well, Venom, I know you better than you do yourself. Now give you one last chance, before I pull you out of Selena's body and burn you into a disgusting mosaic, Come out obediently by yourself!

We can cooperate.

But not this way! "

Seeing that Mason had exposed his true colors, Venom stopped pretending. This guy manipulated Catwoman's body to stand up, with an evil expression on his beautiful and charming face.

She stretched out her left hand and transformed into a black sharp blade against her neck, saying in a hoarse voice:
"It's too late! The transformation has already begun, and now I leave this pathetic woman and she dies! Mason Cooper, I can feel your friendship with Selena, you! You, all of you don't want her die.

We can talk.

I was brought to a strange world by you, and all I want is to live well here, maybe we can reach an agreement?

I can keep Selena alive, but you don't want to threaten me anymore! "

"Shut up, you underestimate us too."

Zha Kang viciously threw the cigarette at the corner of his mouth on the ground and stamped it out, waved his hand and popped out several balls of flames that rushed forward and burned the venom screaming loudly.

The weak it looked at the attitude of these guys in front of them without retreating, and had a premonition that if they continued to resist, these lunatics might really burn Selina Kyle to kill it.

"I'm warning you one last time!"

Venom yelled:
"She will die if I come out! Don't force me!"

"Come out obediently, she won't die."

Mason's tone became more and more indifferent, and said:
"I don't allow my team members to die here, and you, poor thing, you are pushing yourself step by step into the fiery purgatory. As a funeral for you, I ask you, how familiar do you want to be?"


With a loud cry, the venom turned into a ball of filthy black mud and jumped out of Selena's neck.

It didn't want to run. Under the threat of Zha Kang and Mason's magic flames, it couldn't run far in its current weak state.

After Barbara opened the sophisticated biological containment tank, Venom jumped in in a cute and cowardly manner, and was blocked by the Batgirl with a click.

The moment it left Catwoman, Selena screamed and fell to the ground, and was hugged by Mason quickly. He stretched out his hand, and the two barrels beside him immediately mixed a bottle on the table with understanding. The silver luster potion was handed to him.

Mason unscrewed the cap and poured a bottle of potion into Catwoman's mouth.

But this seemed to have the opposite effect. Selena, who was already in pain, struggled in Mason's arms and grabbed his wrist. After a few seconds, she turned her head and spat out blood.

Shocking internal organs were also mixed in.

"Damn! Something really happened."

Zha Kang raised his hand and was about to throw a healing spell, but was stopped by Mason. He felt the struggle of the painful Catwoman in his arms getting weaker and weaker, and said in a low voice:
"This is a normal situation where the unicorn blood is repairing her internal organs. Fortunately, there is still time. She needs to rest now. I have to make some medicine for her."

He handed the weakened Selena to Barbara and said:
"Take care of her, I'll be back in a while."

When Mason left the box, Kang Zha also followed. He picked up a cigarette and said in a low voice:
"That will use up all the unicorn blood in your hand! You only have a little bit of pure blood that has no side effects, so don't you keep some for yourself?"

"It's important to save people."

Mason didn't hesitate, and then said:
"And isn't there a living unicorn on your side? It will always mate in the future, and will always give birth to more unicorns. The blood of those wild spirits is getting stronger."

"How long will we have to wait?"

Zha Kang complained.

But the idea of ​​this "unicorn taming farm" made the bad guy happy. It seems that he will have to discuss it with Xiao Zha after he returns to the mysterious house.

"Since the matter here is over, I should go too."

Constantine looked at the time and said:
"I'm going to spend the next few days at the Mystery House. Don't bother me if you have nothing to do. Also, the potion field in the Forbidden Forest is about to be harvested. Don't expect those clumsy pirates to do it. You have to do it yourself.

Also, don't you want to find a gardener for it? "

"There is already a candidate, I have to ask her opinion."

Mason rubbed his ears and said:

"This is a matter of pulling people into the fire pit. I feel that if I do too much, there will be no good end. Forget it, let's talk about it later."

(End of this chapter)

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