The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 176 59. Mason Cooper!You will memorize the 3.5 of this quarter!

Chapter 176 59. Mason Cooper!You will memorize the 3.5 of this quarter!
Early the next morning, at seven o'clock in the morning, Selena opened her eyes in the luxurious box of the Iceberg Bar.

She felt like she had a terrible nightmare. She was caught by a black ooze monster, and was swallowed into her mouth bit by bit as food and chewed to pieces.

The dream pain was so real that Catwoman could feel herself screaming for help.

At the end of the nightmare, it was her sweet little brother Mason who pulled her out of the monster's mouth.

"you're awake?"

Mason's gentle voice came from the door, and Catwoman, who was still a little confused, turned her head and saw the young man walking over with a light breakfast for the patient.

Judging from the fireworks on his body, Mason should have done these himself.

He stepped forward to help Catwoman up and let her lean on the bed, and sat on the bed and picked up a bowl and spoon to feed her warm porridge. After a few minutes, Selena sighed and said:
"If you go on being so gentle, I'm going to fall in love with you, little Mason."

"That's too bad."

Mason was already very familiar with the tricks of this vile big sister who likes to molest little boys. He rolled up his sleeves expressionlessly and said:
"I'm not interested in the old aunt who is old and has a bad personality."

"Can't you say something nice?"

Selena rolled her eyes, closed them again, and whispered:

"I did something stupid and got you into trouble, right? I still vaguely remember that monster beat the three of Zha Kang and the others very badly. Are they all right?"

"Charles broke his left leg, and the second barrel was crushed, but with me as an alchemist, they will be alive and kicking again. The real trouble is you, Selena."

Mason did not hide the current situation of Catwoman.

He took out an X-ray from his pocket, put it in front of Selina and said:
"Your heart has shrunk by a third, your spleen has almost completely disappeared, and your digestive system has been slightly affected but it's enough to make you a vegetarian for the next half month.

These injuries have begun to heal with the healing potion made from the blood of the unicorn, but for the next week, you will have to drink a bottle of potion every day to ensure your full recovery.

Let me warn you that the healing process of the gut hurts.
very painful.

It should be similar to having a baby. In short, you will have to endure some of the next. "

"That damned monster!"

Catwoman cursed in a low voice, and she said:

"It was tempting me with sweet words, and it promised it was harmless. I was obsessed with it and accepted it, although it did save me."

"It didn't actually lie."

Mason explained while feeding Catwoman:

"It's just that the symbiote's understanding of 'healthy' and 'harmless' is different from ours.

But the good news is that during your recovery process, the unicorn blood will strengthen your physique, allowing you to slowly surpass the normal human category just like Er Tuan.

After you have a superhuman physique, the influence of venom on you will be much weakened. After all, that kind of 'symbiosis suit' is not for ordinary people.

But as long as you are powerful enough, the negative effects will be minimized. "

"Who's going to wear it again?"

Catwoman snorted and said:

"I'm not stupid."

"But you'll always need it, Selena."

Mason put down the porridge bowl, and while delivering a sliced ​​strawberry to the eldest sister, he said:

"I was the one who got you involved in the K-team and the Stellaris, and I have to be responsible to you, as well as to everyone else. We can't keep being so weak. Compared to other ways of gaining power, the symbiote On the contrary, it is relatively safe.

Those things don't have personality. They won't take the initiative to harm the host because they can't think without the host. Therefore, whether a symbiont is good or evil depends not on itself but on the thoughts of its users.

But you really have three chapters with Advance and Venom.

But how?

You can keep a zombie cat like Miss McGonagall as a pet, and I believe taming Venom will not be difficult for you.Besides, your body has already adapted to it once, so it would be a pity to just give up this opportunity. "

Mason's words made Selena nodded. A few minutes later, Mason looked at the time on his watch and said:

"You rest, Barbara will take care of you these few days and urge you to take your medicine. I have to go to work. I have been absent from work for so long. If I don't go, I will really be fired."

"I don't understand, why do you insist on holding on to that small clinic?"

Selena picked up the vegetable soup at hand and sniffed it, then said in a strange tone:
"I do know that there are many beautiful and lovely little nurse sisters there, what's the matter? The spring heart has sprouted?"

"Of course not for such a strange reason."

Mason shrugged and said:

"It is for a greater cause and the simple ideal of saving lives and healing the wounded, and of course the deep study of first aid so that when we encounter danger in the future, there will be no irreversible casualties.

Magic is amazing, but it doesn't solve all problems.

Also, Judy was stationed in our world by the Afterlife Squad as a liaison representative, that kid might come to see you, I mean you hold back. "

Mason whispered:
"Don't really cause emotional disputes, everyone knows that your charm can kill both men and women."

"Tch, don't underestimate me."

Catwoman grabbed the cup by the bedside and threw it at Mason, who was easily picked up by the captain. He smiled and said goodbye, then closed the door and left, leaving Selena alone here to recuperate.

The eldest sister leaned against the bed and covered her face with her face, recalling what happened last night, and it took several minutes before she let out a long sigh.

Why would I be obsessed with accepting that symbiosis that is not a good thing at first glance?What was my mental state at the time?

Could it be that he is also dissatisfied with his vase status as the kanban girl of Team K, and wants to really help?
No way.

I have always been a pacifist.
"Mason Cooper! You still have the face? How many days have you been on duty in my class for more than a month?"

In Dr. Leslie's clinic, Mason is being scolded by her boss in her office.

But this time he deserves no sympathy.

Because his absenteeism is indeed a bit too outrageous, that is to say, Dr. Leslie does not need to pay him a salary, otherwise, Mason would have to deduct a fine for the last month's shift with this full attendance.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to, Mason. Seriously, I know you are a non-staff member of the Bat Family. You must have your own secret affairs, and I don't want to ask more."

After losing his temper, the cold-faced and warm-hearted Dr. Leslie also sighed.

The no longer young lady doctor sat on the chair, picked up the teacup, and said softly:

"You are a very good young man, very good in every way, I just give you a little advice, maybe you should focus on certain careers instead of spreading yourself out.

Everyone else in the clinic has a good impression of you, but your sudden disappearance and reappearance like this for three or two days will make it difficult for me to manage my clinic. "

"You can treat me as a volunteer."

Mason didn't have much psychological pressure.

He sat across from Dr. Leslie and said seriously:
"Anyway, I don't need wages and treatment, I really just want to do what I can to help others practice my healing skills.

I am very proficient at the stitching technique you taught me, do you want to show it to you again? "

"No need."

Dr. Leslie snorted and said:
"I can't understand how talented you are in this area, but what are you doing after you disappeared for so long this time?"

"Make medicine."

Mason took out three bottles of medicine from his arms and placed them in front of the doctor.

Dr. Leslie was disgusted by these chattering things, but Mason was an exception. The burn and scald ointment he gave to the clinic has almost become the signature of this clinic.

Last week, patients from Star City and Chicago came here especially.

"These three bottles of potions seem to be different from the previous ones?"

Dr. Lailis put on her glasses and carefully observed the potion that Mason took out. Although she was not a professional, it was not difficult to find out that the medicine this time had something to do with her understanding of medicine.

"That's right, these are all advanced potions."

Mason picked up the white potion and explained:
"This bottle is called 'White Honey'. Don't be fooled by the name, it is actually a highly effective antidote. Its effect can not only remove most of the toxins within 10 minutes, but also treat those patients who have sequelae due to poisoning.

Even in magic circles, such potions are rare.

It took me a lot of work to refine it.I hope you can cooperate with me to complete the clinical trial of this potion. I need some data to adjust some of its ratios. "

"Sounds unscientific."

Dr. Leslie pushed on his glasses and said:
"Can it work against most poisons? Isn't this a bit too versatile? Does it have no shortcomings?"


Mason truthfully stated:

"Although it can be detoxified, it is also highly toxic in itself.

This thing is not for ordinary people, so when using it, it should be mixed with normal saline or glucose at a ratio of at least [-]:[-].

Bezoar powder has to be added to suppress toxicity. "

"Well, in this case, I can probably understand how it works, fighting poison with fire."

Dr. Leslie nodded, looked at the remaining two bottles of medicine, and said:
"What about their effects?"

"This one's called 'Troll.'"

Mason pointed to the potion on his left and said:
"It can effectively speed up the recovery of vitality. It is very good for seriously injured patients, but it is also poisonous, so it needs to be diluted. This is only done during practice.

The really powerful one is the bottle on the right. "

The young man showed a mysterious smile. He took the bottle of pink medicine on his right and handed it to Dr. Leslie with both hands, whispering as if sharing a secret:

"This is what you need most! It's called 'Beauty Elixir', you can tell by the name, it can rejuvenate women's hair, effectively smooth wrinkles and maintain skin, and improve endocrine.

It is said that if you drink it regularly, you can even lose weight.

The only downside is that this effect is short-term, so once you start drinking it, you have to keep it up, one bottle a week, otherwise it will return to the previous state. "


Dr. Leslie, who was always calm, couldn't sit still.

The way she looked at Mason was like seeing those liars who sold Dali Pills, a quack drug, but considering Mason's previous "good credit", the doctor lady still took the potion with suspicion.

She looked it up in her hands and said:
"How does this thing work?"

"Drink it directly, of course it can also be put into a small bottle and sprayed as perfume."

Mason shrugged and said:

"It depends on your preference. I added some gardenia essence to it. I know you like this fragrance. Well, old Gordon also likes it."

"To shut up!"

Dr. Leslie blushed and slapped the table and said:
"I have nothing to do with Gordon! It's just that Barbara's incident made him very painful, so I will give him regular psychological intervention recently, so that the old guy will not develop mental illness because of too much pain. Yes, I admit that we are Went out for two meals together, but that was just the patient thanking the doctor!
There is nothing between us!


You are not allowed to talk nonsense! "

"Ah, yes, yes, it's clear, I understand."

Mason didn't discuss this issue with the naughty doctor in front of him. He knew that the story between Dr. Leslie and Director Gordon was very complicated.

Hearing from Barbara, they had a child when they were young, but...
In short, it is a very complicated love story of the elderly, and Mason, a young man, can't get involved in this kind of matter.

On the one hand, he sent the beauty potion to prove that he was not absent from work to do other things, and on the other hand, he also wanted to please his superiors.

After all, places like the Leslie Clinic where Mason can freely practice first aid and cooking skills are not easy to find in Gotham, unless Mason plans to try his career as a black market doctor.

But how could he have the time to run around in different worlds?

"Then I won't disturb you anymore, I'll go to work now."

Mason stood up, bid farewell to Dr. Leslie, turned and left the office to continue his career as a nurse.

Thanks to Gotham City's endless gang fires and endless supervillains, there is no shortage of patients here, and Mason ends his day on a busy day.

He felt that after another week of practice, his first aid technique would break through Lv5.

What a joy.

But this happy mood didn't last long. After Mason returned to his cabin after get off work, he saw Harley Quinn, who was covered in blood and was still waving a baseball bat with a nail head to Poison Ivy. He got a headache.

Since the patient himself has let go of himself, he has become more "free" in acting.

Although it hadn't reached the level of the real Harley Quinn's disregard for human life, in the few days since Mason left, Harley Quinn had already unified the small gangs in a few blocks nearby.

Judging by her eagerness to try, she is already planning to step out of the crime alley and step into a wider black area.

"You go down the pill like this!"

Mason took off his coat and hung it on the clothes pole, and sighed to Harley Quinn who was circling around him excitedly telling the heroic story of how she blasted the heads of several bastards with a stick today:

"Did you miss your medicine again? You're so naughty, Harry."

"I ate!"

Harry, who still had blood on his face, retorted imposingly and triumphantly, as if taking his medicine on time was some great achievement.

The Poison Ivy girl beside her also nodded silently.

She can see the changes in her girlfriends. Although Harley's current mental state is a bit worrying, at least she is happy now.


Happy as crazy.

"I've met some amazing friends this time out."

Mason rolled up his sleeves and walked to the basement, and said to Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn following behind:

"They have a magical way to treat a schizophrenic like Harley, just implant a small emotional control chip in her brain, and it will bring her back to her senses and lead a normal life again.

You two think about it.

I was serious.

Harley's situation can only be prevented by potions and psychotherapy alone, and if she wants to cure it, she has to work hard. "

"Huh? Put something in my head?"

Harry stared wide-eyed, held his head in horror and said:
"No! I refuse! You can just tell me what I did wrong, Mason, you can't use this method to turn me into a fool, right? The more I listen, the more I feel that this is like a frontal lobotomy or something."

"I'm not kidding."

Mason emphasized:
"That's really an effective treatment, and you'll see when you meet her in a few days. Now, I have to check Ivy's alchemy level.

I have a new job for you, Ivy.

But I declare in advance that you can refuse, because this job is very dangerous.

Not even just dangerous. "

(End of this chapter)

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