The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 177 60. Mason Cooper is really a vicious bastard

Chapter 177 60. Mason Cooper is really a vicious bastard (convinced!)
Mason had been running around during this time, but the Poison Ivy girl who stayed in Cooper's cabin wasted no time.

It wasn't just for fun that she learned alchemy with Mason.

She didn't want to turn back into the manic madwoman she used to be. If she wanted to control her emotions in her own hands, she had to learn how to make those three potions.

Thanks to day and night practice and Poison Ivy's powerful manipulation of plants, it's finally time to produce results.

Under the observation of Mason, Ivy spent three to 10 minutes from the selection of materials to complete the production of a tranquilizer, which is the easiest to make of the three mood-related potions.

But she doesn't have the help of Mason's manufacturing system, which is entirely dependent on the skills she has mastered through practice.

Ivy extinguished the flame of the crucible, put the potion into the crystal bottle with an alchemy spoon, and handed it to Mason with both hands. The disturbed expression on that green face was like a student handing in homework to the teacher for review.

Harley Quinn, who was watching, also covered her mouth, staring at Mason with wide eyes, waiting for his judgment.

She has been with Ivy these days, and she knows how hard her best friend works. Although she is about to go crazy, she still hopes that her good friend can get a "high score" in this "practice assessment".

"The color is correct and there is no problem with the taste."

Mason sat on a chair and looked at the medicine Ivy handed over carefully. After a few seconds, he shook the bottle in his hand and said to Poison Ivy:

"But the filter is not careful enough to make it appear sediment, which may affect the final effect of this tranquilizer. But for novices, it is already very good to be able to do this.

Next up is the last item, Ivy.

You know, as alchemists, we should have enough confidence in our skills. If you have fully understood the mystery of this formula, then you should know the effect of this potion.


Mason handed the potion back to Poison Ivy, saying:

"Drink it."

"This is not fair!"

Harley Quinn, who was watching, shook her blond hair with twin ponytails and shouted:
"I haven't seen you make a potion and drink it yourself, Mason, I think you're just embarrassing Ivy."

"An alchemist who can't even drink the potion he made can't be called a potion maker."

Mason said emphatically with a blank face:

"And I have to drink a bottle of 'Brown Owl' every morning to ensure my energy for the day. This is not a double standard. How can I safely give my companions something that I dare not drink?"


Harry snorted and said:
"I also know that you asked the kiteman to help you secretly recruit long-term drug testers in Gotham's minion union, and I also joined that union a few days ago!
I also saw the information posted by the kite man!

Hey, I'll drink it! "

She snatched the potion from Mason's hand, raised her head and downed a bottle of potion before the Poison Ivy girl stopped her. After drinking, she frowned and pursed her lips, as if she was savoring the taste of the potion.

"Oh, it doesn't seem right."

Harry blinked and said:
"Why is it so bitter? Mason's sedative tastes like a great orange, don't you, Ivy, have you made a mistake?"

"Because the taste is also a very important part of the effect of the potion."

Mason picked up his watch and counted the seconds, explaining to Harley Quinn:

"In order to take care of your feelings, I specially added concentrated orange juice to your potions. I know you like this kind of fruit."


Before he finished speaking, Harley Quinn fell headlong to the ground, lying on the ground in a very indecent posture, buttocks in the air, and soon started snoring.

Mason glanced at the time and said:
"It took a total of 13 seconds from drinking to falling asleep, it seems that your potion is working well.

I drank a small bottle in one go, and I really admire Harley's appetite. She has drank it so many times, doesn't she know that the normal dosage of this thing is calculated in terms of 'drops'?
What she just drank was enough for her to sleep for three days.

But this is not a bad thing, her recent emotional release was a bit too intense, and she really should restrain herself for a few days to recuperate. "

"Have I passed the test?"

Poison Ivy waved her hand, and the branches of a potted plant on the table behind her quickly grew and twisted like living vines, rolled up Harley Quinn from the ground, and quickly "weaved" into a vine under her body The bed would make her sleep more comfortable.

Ivy looked up at Mason, the evil alchemist nodded and said:

"You can start trying to make the euphoria potion. The palliative potion is the most troublesome one in the process, so I will save it until the end. But since you have already started, there are some things that should be told to you.

I need your ability to manipulate plants, Ivy.

To be precise, the small organization I belong to needs your help, and you can understand this as an 'invitation'.I will let you know the specific work when we arrive at the destination.

If you don't have a date tonight, we're leaving now? "

"Harry has been telling me that you must be from a secret organization, and she pretended to be trying to find out your little secret, it seems that she was indeed right.

She's really sensitive about it. "

Poison Ivy was not too surprised.

She has "been famous for a long time" in Gotham, and has been a front-line villain for several years, so she has already been well-informed.Facing Mason's invitation, she was very calm.

But before leaving, she glanced at Harley Quinn who was sleeping soundly on the wicker bed, and said:

"Is it okay to leave her here alone?"

"Let her have a good rest."

Mason took out the invisibility cloak and put it on Harley to keep her from catching cold, and took a black, briefcase-sized drone from his pocket and placed it on the table.

The moment the finger is detached, the thing is activated.

Six X-shaped flying wings popped up from behind it to support it and began to patrol the basement.

After leaving the basement, Mason released the remaining three drones, let them guard Cooper's shop, and put the bottles and cans on his body behind the counter. This is the defense. Work.

He turned his head and saw Poison Ivy looking at the drones with a curious look, and explained:

"This thing is called 'Pterodactyl'. It is a civilian armed drone produced by the technology of the future era. It is very intelligent and can scan all life near here. If it is not authorized to enter, it will trigger the attack program.

Generally speaking, a short-frequency high-voltage stun gun is enough to protect Harley and deal with thieves. "

"But Gotham isn't just about thieves."

Poison Ivy got into the cabin of Mason's scooter, put on a green helmet and said worriedly:

"The city is full of madmen in strange costumes."

"So I gave them secondary authorization."

Mason shrugged and said:

"When the stun gun is useless, it will activate the quadruple-mounted small-caliber riot gun and the special paralysis bomb, and the lethal electric attack released when attacked should make you feel at ease, right?
As if those weren't enough, they self-destruct in place when destroyed.

The power is equivalent to the impact of three high-explosive grenades exploding at the same time.Uh, if you are still worried, I can configure a 'Griffin' military assault drone here.

Its firepower is battlefield-level."

"Enough is enough."

Poison Ivy waved her hands and said:

"Where do you get so many things that sound crazy?"

"Didn't I say it before? I went out and found some really good friends this time."

Mason grinned and said:
"These are the 'samples' she gave me. When I have free hands, I can mass-produce these equipment. When I replace them with my homemade engineering bombs, they will all become capable of making the enemy cry. The little cutie who calls mother.

Sit tight.

We are leaving. "

The young man twisted the handlebar, allowing the scooter to catapult into the air with a whoosh.

He wants to take Poison Ivy to Port Miller to cross the gate of the world there to the Forbidden Forest, complete the harvest of the potion field, and invite Poison Ivy to be the "gardener" of Team K.

As long as this sister's ability to manipulate plants is used well, Mason will not have to worry about the lack of alchemy materials in the future.

But tonight at Cooper's store is not destined to be quiet.

Just 10 minutes after Mason and Poison Ivy left, the sound of motorcycles from far and near rang out in the gloomy night of Crime Lane. A bat motorcycle came at a high speed and stopped with a chic cornering and elegant precision. In the alley opposite Cooper's shop.

Then, a short figure jumped off the motorcycle.

He wears a black cloak, a very professional ninja tights, and a domino mask found in the Batcave on his face, covering his eyes while protecting his eyeballs with white goggles.

The guy looked around vigilantly, took a samurai sword from the motorcycle and put it on his back, and took out many odds and ends of flying knives and flying claws and put them on his body.

After everything was ready, he grabbed an assembled firearm and pulled the trigger towards Cooper's store. Three smoke bombs swished into it, making the store in shadow to facilitate his next armed raid.

For Damian Wayne's current short life, being knocked down by Mason and Catwoman in the Gotham incident half a month ago is definitely a great shame.

He originally thought that he would have to fight Batman, but he didn't expect that he hadn't even fought the janitor.

This made the self-important Damian very uncomfortable. He sneaked out of Wayne Manor tonight not to seek revenge, but to fight Mason Cooper again, so as to prove that his failure last time was purely Because of Mason's "shameless sneak attack".

It sounds like the work of a child who refuses to admit defeat.

But considering that Damian's actual age is only 11 years old, it does make sense.

Taking advantage of the moment when the smoke bomb took effect, he jumped through the window nimbly and jumped into the Cooper's shop on the second floor. He was about to go to attack Mason, but he suddenly rolled when he landed.

Precisely dodged the high-voltage current shot from behind.

There is a grandfather who is the king of assassins, so that Damian's basic skills are very solid. After avoiding the first round of attacks, he did not stop. He jumped several times in the smoke and made himself lie on the blind corner of the second floor of the house.

He looked towards the attacker.

Then he saw a strange-looking drone hovering in the smoke, which made Damian frown.

"Who is a serious person who would install such an expensive and advanced drone in his home?"

The authentic young master of the Wayne family complained in his heart:

"This Mason Cooper is really not a serious person! There must be many secrets in this house."

As he was thinking, he threw a dart towards the black drone, and it hit the drone's casing with a bang, and then a dazzling current surged.

Micro EMP Shock!

The Wayne family has never been short of such gadgets.

Damian thought that such an attack would disable the drone, but he didn't expect that the drone not only withstood the EMP's attack, but also re-locked the target quickly.

This time the stun gun was not used for warning, the black shell bounced outwards, revealing the quadruple small-caliber riot guns that occupied two-thirds of his body.

In an instant, a shuttle of bullets swept over, with terrifying accuracy.

Caught off guard, Rice turned over from the second floor and landed lightly on the floor of the first floor. With a swish, he drew out the samurai sword behind him and was about to chop down the unscrupulous drone.

But after turning around, I saw three other identical smart drones surrounding them from all sides.

The drone that first discovered the rice shared the target data and threat level with them. These gadgets were not polite. In the blink of an eye, Mason, a small shop, was turned into a mess by bullets flying around.

To say that Damian Wayne is really good.

Inheriting the excellent blood of the Wayne family and the Assassin King family made him not panic at this critical moment. He swung the sharp blade in his hand and rolled a few times with the bulletproof cloak behind him before approaching one of them.

These small things are very fast and extremely flexible, and they will not hit obstacles when moving at high speed in a narrow space, but in the face of an attack by an 11-year-old master assassin, their program response is obviously not fast enough.

The moment the knife light came on, the drone in front of him was divided into four.

But before Rice took a breath, an extreme sense of threat rose from his heart and rushed into his forehead, making him flip his cape over and throw himself backwards.

With a loud bang, the hacked drone blew itself up in a narrow place, and its power shattered all the bottles and cans in the entire hut while pushing the rice and hitting the wall.

Let the young man dizzy for a while.

Then he saw the remaining three drones forming a "hunting" formation in the smoke and rushing towards him.

Rice also got angry, cursing in his heart that Gotham is a ghostly place, even a 17-year-old young man can assemble this kind of killing machine that is much more advanced than a bat drone.

But with the first experience, dealing with the remaining three "Pterodactyls" was a lot easier.

It took him two to three minutes to kill these troublesome guys. Four consecutive explosions turned Mason's small store into a garbage dump, and the steps between the first and second floors were dried and shattered.

Although Dami, who was bombed four times without preparation, was not injured, the tone in his heart not only did not come out but became more and more annoyed. He deeply felt that he had made the mistake of underestimating the enemy again.

If he had known that Mason was so difficult to deal with, he should have done the investigation in advance before coming here.

But at this point, it would be too embarrassing to just leave, so Rice decided to continue to break in, but he didn't notice that a magic bottle that Mason had placed on the counter was affected by the explosion just now and hit the ground.

There was a crisp click, and then amidst a deep roar, the zombie king Jinhe made his debut!
This terrifying guy screamed and waved his paws and rushed towards the rice. The eyes of the zombie king were reddened by fresh flesh and blood. Damian was startled by the sudden appearance of this big guy.

But he was also prepared for a long time, and he was not afraid to charge forward with a long knife.

Five minutes later, the clothes all over his body were shattered and the samurai sword in his hand was broken. Damian looked at the zombie king who was suppressed in the ruins behind him with the secret technique of the League of Assassins. It felt like my bones were going to be broken by that rough-skinned bastard.

"You win this time, Mason Cooper!"

Rice wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and opened the door while staggering with the broken samurai sword in hand, and said harshly:
"I'll show you better next time!"

Maybe it was the messy house that covered up the breath, maybe it was just after a "self-destruction war" that the rice, who had not yet reached the pinnacle of hard work, let down his vigilance.

In short, Damian didn't notice a shaky figure walking out of the basement in a daze with a baseball bat behind him.

"What the hell is this?"

Harley Quinn, who drank a whole bottle of tranquilizers and fell into a deep sleep, would have to be woken up by the explosion that was close at hand.

But at this moment, the drug was still taking effect, and she was half-clothed in an invisibility cloak like a sleepwalker, dragging a baseball bat and opened the door of the basement, yawning and looking out.

Then, at a glance, Harry saw a sneaky short thief who was prying open the door with a knife!
Do not!
No, how did he pry it from the inside out?

Tch, never mind!
How dare the damned thief come to Mason's store to act wildly?

Harley yawned, put on the invisibility cloak, and grabbed the baseball bat with both hands, getting closer to Damian who was complaining in a low voice.

Just as the young man was about to leave the place he had destroyed, there was a loud bang unexpectedly, and the baseball bat that Harley swung solidly hit him on the back of the head.

"Damn it! I was fucked!"

This was Damian Wayne's last thought before he staggered into a coma:
"Mason Cooper! You vicious bastard, I don't agree with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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