The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 179 62. As the captain of Team K, I like to say no to those who think they are capable

Chapter 179 62. As the captain of Team K, I like to say no to those who think they are capable

In the basement of Cooper's store, Harley Quinn was still sound asleep after drinking too many tranquilizers.

This girl sleeps poorly, and she seems to be having a sweet dream while she is falling asleep. She is biting her fingers and talking vaguely, like a big baby who has calmed down.

Well, it's like the product of a bear child who has gone to the extreme.

Beside her, Mason, who was sitting in a chair, was staring at Damian, a brat with an unfriendly expression, waiting for the latter to take the initiative to start the conversation among the young people.

But before the real conversation started, Mason had one thing he was curious about.

He stared at the unconvinced bat cub and said:
"How did you slip out? Bruce's character should have set up special security facilities for you to ensure that you won't go around killing people, and I have already notified him about the sleeping pills you put in Ah Fu's coffee.

Logically speaking, as the former trump card agent, the old Fu should not give you another chance to run away from home. "

"Tch, who told you that I just drugged Ah Fu's coffee?"

Damian rubbed the wound on the back of his head, bared his teeth, then reached out to Mason and said:

"Give me some of your magic potion, it was your crazy female pet who hit me, and you have to compensate me!"

"You are touching porcelain, aren't you?"

Mason asked in a bad tone.

But seeing Damian's head covered in blood couldn't bear it, so he threw a bottle of blood tonic to him, and the latter carefully sniffed it under his nostrils before drinking it down.

Then he played with the medicine bottle, his eyes fell on the pistol at Mason's waist, and he looked at the surrounding furnishings, and said while looking:

"That annoying man did add a damn device around his manor, but for a master assassin who has undergone years of training, getting through is just basic skills"

"Did you sneak out from the sewer of the manor?"

Mason moved his nostrils and said:

"You've got some dirty sewer 'gift' on your clothes, you dirty brat."

"To shut up!"

Damian waved his fist angrily, stopped chatting with Mason, folded his arms and pretended to be an indifferent little adult, and said:

"Are you from the Stars Club?"

"Yes, the C-level personnel of the Stars Club, the captain of the K team."

Mason didn't deny it, he admitted his identity generously, and finally said to Damian:
"Don't threaten me by telling Batman these things, I'm pretty sure your daddy figured this out before you did. What the hell are you trying to say?
Don't mince words, Damian, I'm busy tonight and don't have much time for you. "

"I want to join you!"

Rice snorted and said emphatically:
"I have already joined you! It is the team of the hypocritical and annoying Mr. Sandstorm. I have made full preparations for the war in another world, but all this was accidentally broken.

But the same goes for joining your squad.

As a newcomer, I think my joining can give your team a fundamental improvement!You need someone strong and powerful to lead you, and I have trained for this for years. "

"Oh, that's it, wait a minute."

Mason nodded, took out his flip phone, dialed a number and put it next to his ear.

After a while, he said to the other side:

"Mr. Lucius? I'm Mason, and Bruce's son is here. No, no, no, I'm not asking you for a ransom! That's not what I mean at all.

I mean, Ah Fu was brought down by him, so I want you to come and take him back to the manor. Yes, it's on Crime Lane, near my shop.

To send some powerful people over, this little lunatic can't be handled by ordinary people. "

After speaking, under Damian's stunned gaze, Mason hung up the phone and said to him:

"That's my answer to you, Damian.

Now go back to Wayne Manor, honestly put on your cute star pajamas and go to bed, it's best to forget about tonight, and let the 'beautiful' of wanting to join the stars and live a happy knife-edge life Ideal' also give up.

An 11-year-old is still enjoying the life you just started.

Our business is not for you.

I also promised your mother to take good care of you. Although Ms. Thalia and I are not friends, what we promise to others is to do.

Besides, if you show up in my team, Selena will kill me, I can't afford to mess with her now.

You can't afford it either.

So, be obedient, go back obediently and be a rich third generation with a boring life, okay?

Stop messing with me and the world. "

"Do you not trust my strength?"

Damian gritted his teeth and shouted:

"What happened tonight was just an accident. I was just not prepared. You have fought me before and you know how good I am! Mason, as the captain, shouldn't you think more about the future of your team?

I am more cold-blooded and powerful than Selina!
I have been trained for many years to ensure that I can complete all the tasks you ask me to do perfectly!I will be the best team member, I will not hesitate to shoot anyone you ask me to!
You have absolutely no reason to reject me. "

"Why should I let you shoot people for no reason? Do I look like a lunatic to you?"

Mason snapped his fingers and said:
"Your crazy grandpa and crazy mom turned you into a killing machine, but I think you can still be saved. Also, if my squad needs an 11-year-old to shoot someone to survive, then we guys might as well I wiped my neck on the spot.

I don't need you as a thug.

But the Wayne family lacks a qualified heir, your father lacks a relative who can make up for all his losses, and Selena also lacks a son who can make her feel happy in life.

Nobody's asking you to prove you're better than anyone else, Damian.

And it's not a matter of strength or weakness at all. You still jump into it knowing that there is a cesspit in front of you. This only shows that your IQ has some flaws! "

"If you don't accept me, I will go find someone else."

Damian was a little disappointed, but he still poked his neck and said:
"I have been in contact with Sandstorm, I know that they still have collaborators in this world, besides the Assassin League, they are still in contact with other people.

I will go to those people!
If we can't be teammates, maybe we can become competitors, so maybe that's okay, I will prove my strength. "

"you dare!"

Mason, who was still reasonable at first, narrowed his eyes and said coldly:
"It seems that Bruce is still too kind and indulgent to you, making you lawless and arrogant! A fate that all of us can't avoid, but you have to take the initiative to find and take the initiative.

This is really ignorance.

I have to teach you a little lesson, let you know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. Let me ask you, have you always been proud of your own strength?Do you think becoming the most powerful warrior in the world is your ideal? "

"Is there anything wrong with that?"

Damian felt threatened.

He stepped back a few steps and clenched his fist, saying to Mason:
"Shouldn't a real man pursue these? Only cowards are afraid of challenges!"

"Only a fool would ask for trouble!"

The penguin umbrella in Mason's hand clicked, and the intracranial disruptor inside took effect, and a dizzying electromagnetic wave was applied to Damian, causing the young man to stagger.

But he had been prepared for a long time, and he punched Mason the moment he was attacked. He was so fast and anxious that it was almost impossible to dodge at this distance.

Mason, who just turned on the combat assistance, caught Damian's attack line before he punched him.

While dodging with a low body, he took out a bottle of potion from his bosom, then waved the penguin umbrella and threw a ball of lightning, which paralyzed Damian and poured the potion into his mouth.

"cough cough"

Damian forced Mason back with a punch, and then stuck his throat to let the medicine in his mouth spit out.

But completely useless.

All the potions that Mason concocted were specially processed, omitting the step of swallowing, and the potions seeped under the skin as soon as they entered Damian's mouth.

The bear boy screamed and held his head. He didn't feel any pain, but he could clearly feel that some kind of change was happening in his brain.

Something well remembered is being forgotten.

It was like a layer of gauze covering the original clear thinking, and what was even more frightening was that he couldn't even be sure what he had forgotten.

"What did you drink for me?"

Rice screamed.

Mason put the bottle in his hand on the corner of the table, straightened his collar, and said:
"A amnestic potion, a high-level potion, can make the user forget the most important things. The more you are attached to something, the faster you will forget it after drinking this potion.

You are proud of your strength and want to be the strongest.

That's fine, and in a minute you'll be a good kid again, forgetting all about those damn killing techniques.Don't worry, Damian, this potion is only temporary.

Fifteen days later you will think about these.

But I think that fifteen days of normal life may give you some insight.

You better behave yourself. "

Mason heard the sound of vehicles stopping outside the door, he lifted the screaming rice with his head in his arms and walked towards the door, saying:

"If you are not good again, I will add this potion to your daily medication sequence. I believe that Ah Fu and your father will definitely support my righteous actions.

Also, listen to me!
If you let me know that you have contact with those scumbags from the Star Society, I will teach you a lesson that you will never forget!I'll turn you back into a 1-year-old and let you relive what it's like to grow up.

If you think I can't do it, then you can continue to provoke me. "

"I won't give up, Mason!"

Damian was still struggling, but his tone was significantly milder than the cold and cruel one before, just like an 11-year-old child having a temper tantrum.

He yelled:

"You wait for me!"

"You are welcome to try again, young master, I still have a lot of magic potions for you."

Mason opened the door of the car driven by Lucius and the blond long-legged female assistant and bodyguard, threw Damian in, waved goodbye to him, and said:

"Good night and sweet dreams, a piece of advice for you, don't hang out with Gotham's local bad guys, they are all terrible."

Watching the screaming Damian being taken away, Mason heaved a sigh of relief, and looked back at his small shop that was almost destroyed by the bombing, deeply feeling the destructive power of the brat.

My small shop will be closed for several days.

But that's fine, I really don't have time to operate this small shop recently.

He walked back to the messy shop, did not go back to the basement, but cleared a piece of ground among the ruins, opened his suitcase and entered it, and then entered the slightly crude suitcase factory that had just been built Release the anti-superman armor.

Before at Osborne Tower, Mason had actually tested the combat effectiveness of this armor repaired by Dr. Otto, and he was very satisfied with it, but there is still room for improvement in this armor.

Mason put his hand on the armor and let it pop up an information label:

Anti-Superman Armor Prototype
Quality: Epic Engineering High-precision Items Perfect Craftsmanship

Traits: super protection, mechanical power, anti-superman module, intelligent AI, lack of weapon system
Producer: Bruce Wayne

Item description: Since you have already changed it to the point where mom doesn't even recognize it, so change the name, lest Batman ask you for copyright fees.

"I have to replace it with a stronger outer armor, the shape may also be modified again, and finally the weapon, the freezing gun must be installed.

Another hidden mantis knife, plasma shoulder cannon and drone floating cannon also have to be replaced.

This is a big project.

But fortunately, Judy can provide the weapon blueprint, and Dr. Otto has helped finalize the transformation plan.

When I finish the transformation of you little cutie, I can further debug the more cool Fenrir armor. "

Mason put on engineering goggles, took out his engineer's toolbox, and opened the design drawing given to him by Dr. Octopus while disassembling the tritium energy engine on the chest of the anti-Superman armor.

This small sun-like device comes from a failed design by Dr. Otto many years ago. Its principle is the same as that of Iron Man's Ark reactor, and it is all to produce clean energy that can be used for a long time.

But the ideas of the two are obviously different. It is still a little difficult for Mason to understand the design of these high-energy physics fields with his current engineering knowledge.

There's no need to fix this thing anymore.

The modification suggestion given by Dr. Octopus also clearly stated that Mason needs to modify the parameters and structure of the anti-superman armor. It is a better choice to use Stark's Ark reactor to provide energy for the armor.

This transformation is not complicated, and it can be completed with Mason's engineering skills.

But now Mason urgently needs to find enough palladium.This kind of radioactive element is not easy to find in this world, but Mason has the advantage that he can find enough materials in Hogwarts, which is full of zombies.

"Fix the outer armor first tonight!"

Mason walked to the edge of the workshop and dragged out the box of various materials that the two Elric brothers had given him as a reward.

He wants to use Lian Chengzhen to reshape the outer armor of his armor, and by the way, complete the order he just received from the "Artisan Union". In fact, if conditions permit, Mason hopes to get a sufficient amount of vibration gold.

The good news is that the two brothers should still have a lot of Zhenjin in stock.

The bad news is that the price of this thing is so high that the cash-strapped Mason has to earn a "meager" salary by working for the two brothers.

While using magic fire to smelt metal, Mason saw the box of liquid black gravitational onium placed at his feet. He rolled his eyes and thought of the strange technological blueprint he had unlocked when he was promoted in engineering.

It seems that the thing called "gravity well" can also be put on the production schedule.

"A set of battle armor that can't fly always feels that there is something missing."

Mason rubbed his chin and thought:

"Using a gravity well in the armor can make it out of gravity for a short time, well, maybe we can go a step further and design it as some kind of weapon.

A gravity bomb that can trigger gravity waves?Or a small gravitationally defunct bullet?

It feels like a mess.

Speaking of which, maybe it’s time to try jewelry processing. It’s also interesting to make a few gravity rings to cos Magneto or Wanliwang.

I'm busy with armor production tonight, so I'll take some time tomorrow to give it a try. "

While Mason was busy upgrading his armor system, something closely related to him and Team K was happening in Mister Hunter's office in Fort Stars.

The cause of the matter was a sudden news.

"Have you checked it out?"

Mr. Hunter, who was disguised as a man, sat on her chair, crossed her hands and propped her chin to perform a certain commander's signature action. She stared at Miss Anna, the captain of the Aix team who came to report the news.

Said in a serious tone:

"Are you sure it's the world that Team K is in charge of?"

"Well, I asked a few friends who were sent to investigate."

Anna nodded and said:
"It has been confirmed that there is indeed a weak divine reaction there, and it has been monitored by the Cleaner Legion. They will probably start to act before the impact."

"This is really troublesome."

Mr. Hunter said with a headache:

"I'm afraid to send Mason and his crazy team to do this again. God knows what they will do there. Can you act, Anna."

"Yes, yes, but that world is the exclusive world of Team K. If we want to go there, Mason's world gate will definitely respond."

Miss Anna said with some confusion:

"This matter cannot avoid him at all, and the impact is imminent, we also have our inspection and defense tasks, maybe this is an opportunity, my lord.

It's time for Mason to see it all for himself.

He dared to fight against the Cleaner Legion, proving that he really didn't care about those threats, and wasn't he always curious about the truth of the shock?

Why don't we just see what choices he will make under the pressure. "

"It's okay, it's not a big problem to solve a weak god with the fighting power of the K team. If they attack before and after the impact, maybe they can destroy another Legion of Cleaners.

It's a good thing. "

Mister Hunter nodded and agreed without much hesitation. After a few seconds, she said:
"There is still about half a month, and the compulsory mission of the K team should also be put on the agenda, and they must be prepared in advance.

Facing the impact head-on, that's no longer the small fights of the past.

I had to find them a stressful place to end their 'novice protection' without going to die, well, a cool world came to mind.

It must be a good place for them. "

(End of this chapter)

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