The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 180 63. You have already rested for 2 minutes, even the donkeys in the production team dare

Chapter 180 63. You have already rested for 2 minutes, even the donkeys in the production team dare not rest like this, get up and work quickly

In the next two days, Mason had a very fulfilling life.

During the day, he practiced first aid in the clinic and found time to practice alchemy in the top floor laboratory. When he came back at night, he hid in his suitcase and perfected the in-depth transformation of the anti-superman armor.

The rest of Team K were not idle either.

Kiteman and Captain Jack were sent to the world of Hogwarts to find the ruins of the Atomic Energy Institute there, and to find palladium for Mason to make fuel plates for the Ark's reactor.

Mrs. Elizabeth and Angelina stayed in Gotham to preside over the operation of the Iceberg Bar. By the way, they had relationships with various "heroes" in Gotham, and at the same time looked after her son Henry who had just entered Gotham Middle School.

Barbara accompanies Judy to familiarize herself with the new environment, and at the same time takes care of Mrs. Catwoman who is on bed rest.

Master Catwoman is in charge of eating and waiting to die.

By the way, develop a relationship with the venomous symbiote and bargain.

There was no news about Er Pao, as if he had disappeared into the darkness of Gotham.

However, it is said that a ruthless guy has appeared in the city in the past few days. With Batman currently not in Gotham, he effectively filled the gap in the security area, and made a group of villains panic.

Time flies when everyone has something to do, and the weapon systems of the Anti-Superman Armor have been put in place one after another. Mason plans to hurry up and install them all tonight.

However, after dinner, he didn't get busy with these engineering matters for the first time, but was busy polishing and carving a few pieces of beautiful jewelry in his tidied up shop.

There is also a ring frame smelted by the magic fire at his hand, and it looks like he intends to make some beautiful little jewelry.

Harley Quinn, who has woken up from a deep sleep and has become full of vigor, is helping Mason. Beautiful girls can't take their eyes off these shiny things.

"What did you cut it up for?"

Harley with twin ponytails looked distressed at Mason cutting open a beautiful tiger's eye with a sharp magic knife and digging a small groove in it. She immediately felt that Mason was reckless.

"It's not really making jewelry for noble ladies to wear on their hands to show off their wealth. It's magic jewelry, understand?"

With a high-power magnifying glass used by a jeweler on his eyes, Mason hollowed out the inside of the tiger's eye with his steady hands and said:

"Go to the basement and bring over the pot of alchemy solution, along with my inscription carving knife and golden rod. Be careful not to burn yourself."


Harley looked at the fine jewelry being "destroyed" by Mason with some reluctance, but she still went to the basement humming and bouncing.

Her happiness is always simple.

Especially after letting go of myself, the mood is more joyful day by day. Although I don't know why I am so happy, but when I am with Mason, "Mr. K", I always feel at ease and relaxed in my heart.

As a former psychologist and psychiatrist, Halle knew her situation was far from normal.

She could even take a moment to do a psychoanalysis of herself.

But she was too lazy to do that.

The originally depressing life has finally ushered in a turning point. Who would want to think about things that make people unhappy?
Mr. J, who made himself miserable, has died, and now "Mr. K" is a very reassuring person, which is enough for Harley.

The only problem is that my best friend Ivy is on a business trip.

It seems that Mason has given her a new job, and it will take a long time to come back, which makes Harley feel a little lonely occasionally, especially when going to bed at night without a hug by her side always makes people feel empty.

Why didn't Halle go hug Mason, you ask?

you still need to ask?

This crazy Mason doesn't sleep at all!Harley, who was ready to move, was not given a chance to cross the thunder pool at all.

A few minutes later, Harley, wearing heat-resistant gloves, came out with a small cauldron that was still steaming, and Mason's crafting tools were tucked under her arm.

She put the raw materials for enchanting and inscriptions on the table, and when she looked back, she found that Mason's jewelry processing had entered the "second stage".

He was using a needle to inject some weird black liquid into the hollowed out tiger eye.

"What is this? It's dark."

Harry asked curiously, and reached out to try to touch it, but Mason stopped him with a stern look.

"This is gravitonium, a rare element that doesn't appear on the periodic table. It's highly toxic, and it's over if you get infected."

The young man explained and threatened:
"You don't want to have weird dark spots on your pretty face, do you? Don't touch it, Harry. Choose one of these ring frames next to it and see which one you like?"

"Oh? Is this for me?"

Harley's mood became brighter all of a sudden. She held her hands on her heart with a moved look on her face, and even her voice became sharper, and then she happily picked and picked among the several frames smelted by Mason. .

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mason re-sealed the gemstone injected with gravitonium, and then took the inscription carving knife to micro-carve a strong inscription on the gemstone to make its structure more stable and withstand the impact of huge forces without breaking.

But it's not over yet.

After the inscription on the surface of the gem was carved, Mason carved another lightning inscription under the gem.

This thing belongs to the primary inscription sequence, which can absorb the free magic power around it and release currents of different intensities according to the user's will.

It is a simplified magic imprint based on the lightning spell of mages. The effect is not as good as the released magic, but the advantage is that ordinary people can also use it.

This is the true meaning of inscription literature.

Through the combination of engraving, transcription and magic circle, ordinary people can also master magic power, or seal some high-level magic and hand it over to low-level apprentices.

The magic scrolls that frequently appear in various stories are the masterpieces of inscription literature.

Of course, there is also the miraculous and mysterious card. Last time, Mason gave a box of Dark Moon cards to the Elric brothers to sell, and the two brothers said that the sales were very good.

It seems that drawing cards is a very popular entertainment for people from all over the world.

Mason can still make some primary scrolls now, but they all need the help of the spellcaster Zha Kang, because the K team has been busy with various things, so Mason has no time to try to make these things.

Tonight was one of his rare active attempts in this field.

Mason smeared the alchemy solution on the engraved inscription with a gold rod, activated the inscription with the prepared starry sky ink, and finally frosted the inscription to ensure the long-term effectiveness of the inscription.

This process requires patience and meticulousness, and it took Rao Yimason nearly 10 minutes to complete it.

"It's done!"

The tiger eye stone that has been engraved with inscriptions and injected with a small amount of gravitational onium seems to be filled with a translucent frosted texture. The black gravimetric onium flows like a liquid inside the gemstone, as if black blood is sealed in it.

At first glance, it is full of a mysterious feeling.

Harley Quinn also handed over the silver ring frame she had chosen and made into a puppy's head with anticipation. Mason fixed the gemstone on the ring surface with magic fire and alchemy glue and waited for it to cool and solidify.

After a few minutes, a beautiful magic ring was made.

Mason holds it in his hand and examines it.

The diamond-shaped micro-green tiger's eye stone looks very beautiful with the silver ring body, and more importantly, there is a faint magic power lingering and absorbing around it, which means that the two inscriptions have taken effect.

The info tab pops up shortly:

Tiger Eye Gravity Ring Unnamed

Quality: Excellent Inscription/Alchemy Creation·Excellent Craftsmanship
Traits: Sturdy · Electric Energy Release · Lower Gravity Manipulation

Producer: Mason Cooper
Item description: The jewelry is polished too rough, the ring frame is not elegant enough, and the overall design falls into a cliché, without showing any meaning that the creator wants to express. From all aspects, it is a low-quality work of a newcomer.The only thing worthy of praise is its effect, which is considered to be an excellent value for money in this grade of jewelry.

Not bad, your trotters have been honed into monkey hands, and you are not far away from having a pair of human hands, come on!
"whispering sound"

Regarding this malicious evaluation, Mason pouted.

He motioned for Harry to follow him out the door, and as Harry watched, Mason pointed the lady's ring on his little finger at an old car parked across the street.

"What follows is the moment of miracles."

Mason smiled and said an old trick, and then activated the inscription on the ring to release the electric energy, and the blue current wrapped the gemstone itself in an instant.

After electrification, the liquid gravitational onium immediately becomes an ionic state, and the gravimetric onium finally shows its own unique properties as the form changes.

Following the shaking direction of the ring, the targeted car was also lifted to a position one meter above the ground amid Harley Quinn's exclamation, and then fell back to the ground with Mason's finger.

After repeating this five times, the electrical energy on the ring dissipated, and the gravitonium, which lost its electrical stimulation, also returned to a liquid state.

"The duration of an activation is about 5 minutes. The upper limit of the gravity disorder generated when it takes effect can allow the car to be controlled by you. You can throw it out to hit the enemy, or manipulate the enemy to jump around in the air like a wizard."

Mason took off the ring on his finger, wiped it and handed it to Harley Quinn, who was staring at him.

He smiled and said:
"It's just a birthday present for you, Harry, I hope you have a good time. But be careful, this inscription of power release needs 10 minutes to recharge before it can be used again, so it can only be used in critical moments."

"Wow! I love it so much!"

Harley Quinn took the ring and immediately put it on her finger, and stretched out her finger to watch.

Her beautiful smiling face was like blooming flowers, and the powerful ring was second to none, mainly because Mr. K gave her such a precious thing for the first time, which made Harry even more happy.

When Mason turned around and walked into the small shop, the cheering Halle rushed over from behind like a monkey and hugged Mason's face and kissed him vigorously.

It was hard to tell whether she was too happy or doing it on purpose, so Mason waved her off in embarrassment.

"I'm going out to play tonight! I'm not coming back, take care of yourself."

Harley put on her blue-and-red helmet, jumped on Mason's motorcycle and yelled towards the house before slipping off to play with her new toy.

"No baseball bats allowed!"

Mason shouted from the shop:
"Don't hurt anyone! Otherwise, I will take back the ring."

"You are so annoying, you know."

There were sharp shouts from far away, and the crash of baseball bats being thrown into the trash can. Amid the cries and howls of the crazy female ghost who let herself go, the flying motorcycle disappeared into the night sky.

Of course, there are also two released pterodactyl drones following behind. Mason doesn't want to see the magic accessories he made being used by Harley to kill and rob.

It's not surprising that Mason can do anything with her brain now.

But seeing her so obedient is indeed a good start.

Whether it's for her patient, Harley Quinn, or for her jewelry crafting skills, it's a good thing.

Mason has discovered that these manufacturing branches are not independent of each other. With his alchemy breakthrough to Lv4 and engineering to Lv5, he has become more comfortable making items in other fields.

Even tailors who had not been able to get started well before had more experience and understanding.

Think about it, too, these things are all made with your own hands, as long as your hands are dexterous enough, you can master all the tricks.

Mason returned to the production stage, planning to make a few more gravity rings for the team members to use for self-defense.

But before he picked out the jewels, he saw a flash of silver light, and Mr. Hunter, wearing a cloak and a mask, appeared in front of him as if he had passed through an invisible door.


Mason raised his eyebrows in surprise, put down the materials in his hands, picked up a cup of herbal tea, poured a cup for his boss, and said:
"How do you have time to come to me, a busy person? I should have said that the spellcasters in this world have already taken action to monitor all smuggling from outside the territory.

Won't you get me into trouble by swaggering like this? "

"If I don't even have this ability, isn't the status of the great mentor of this group of stars too cheap?"

Mr. Hunter snorted, looked at Mason's residence that was just bombed by Damian two days ago, and said:

"You are too shabby, aren't you?
It is a good thing to hide your identity, but you should pursue the quality of life, otherwise you will not be able to have enough positive feedback even if you have no strength, which will dampen your enthusiasm for work. "

"No, I have a lot of happiness to share with myself."

Mason waved the carving knife and golden stick in his hand, he said:
"It must be something important for you to come here in person. Tell me, and I'll listen."

"Hey, your attitude is a bit too much."

Mr. Hunter said a little annoyed:

"I'm your boss anyway and you just got me in trouble, so, a little respect, okay?"

"Need me to book you a distinguished box in the best hotel in Gotham, and two bottles of 82-year-old Lafite, and finally we'll hold hands and watch a movie?"

Mason said without raising his head:

"You know that all unnecessary rituals are a waste of time. Everyone is busy, so we have to be pragmatic."

"Well, it makes sense."

The hunter nodded seriously, took out a document from his pocket and threw it in front of Mason's eyes. The young man's eyes widened after a glance.

He put down his tools and looked at the document.

He frowned and said:
"Compulsory development mission. The time should not be up yet? Are you sure it is now?"

"Because the impact is approaching, all the team's recent mandatory development tasks have been advanced. This is not aimed at you, don't think about it."

She waved her fingers and said:

"You are my direct team, you could have chosen one of the three missions, but considering the current situation, I made the choice for you.

Go and finish what Old K should have done but was interrupted because of your appearance, right in the last coordinate of your world gate. "

"That B-level world? Assassin's world? That ghostly place where old K's team was wiped out?"

Mason rubbed his teeth and said:
"Are you sure that's where we should go now? You're not retaliation, are you? My dear boss."

"Of course not, don't think too much about it."

The hunter coughed a few times, folded his arms and said:
"If you're not busy, I'll describe the mission to you now.

Don't worry, you won't be sent to fight for your life this time, and you've all been able to take down a Legion of Cleaners, which other teams can't do.

Don't underestimate yourself. "

(End of this chapter)

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