The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 181 Can the 64.K team take on simple tasks?Who will believe this chapter!

Chapter 181 Can the 64.K team take on simple tasks?Who will believe what you say!

Mason's heart skipped a beat when he heard Mr. Hunter say that the mandatory mission was ahead of schedule, and when he heard the other party say that the mission would be carried out in the last coordinate world of the gate of the world, he felt a little overwhelmed.

The main reason is that they just returned from the world of old Peter. This "traitor execution" made everyone mentally exhausted and haven't had a good rest. Selena suffered a symbiote crisis and had no way to act before recovering.

At this time, it is easy to encounter unplanned situations when performing mandatory tasks.

This is something Mason has been trying to avoid.

Mr. Hunter seemed to sense Mason's worry, she did not try to persuade him but directly stated the task content.

"You are not allowed to fight, and you don't have to set foot in the area of ​​narrow escapes. I also know the situation of the K team, so I deliberately chose the world of assassins.

You just need to go inside and look for a specific area to unlock a piece of information.

If you're lucky, you'll be back one day. "


Hearing the content of the mission, Mason raised his eyebrows, and he immediately thought of what he got from Old Teague.

After searching for a few seconds in the luggage, I took the "Odin's Golden Apple" in my hand. This Isu creation shone warmly under the light of the store, and the unique lines on it revealed a mysterious feeling .

"You mean this?"

Mason delivered the golden apple to Mr. Hunter, saying:
"It is said that this thing was brought out by old K from that world last time. It was related to a secret mission. He planned to go there again, but it turned out"

"Well, this is it."

Mister Hunter reached out and put the golden apple in her hand, and she said with a complicated tone:
"It's a secret mission from the Quint Society.

It is some legends that spread from that world of assassins. It is said that there were 'gods' in the ancient times of that world, and those 'gods' made predictions about the disaster of the parallel world system.

This gossip has always been difficult to distinguish between true and false.

But even the slightest possibility for us needs to be verified.

So old K was asked to enter there to find the traces of those gods. He paid the price of the entire team to find this golden apple, but this thing needs to be in a specific area to unlock the hidden information.

This is the content of your forced development mission this time.

Mason, go to that world to find a device that can unlock the information of the golden apple, and bring back the hidden information in it.

It's really not as difficult as you might think. "

"It really doesn't sound difficult."

Mason rubbed his chin, staring at the golden apple in Mr. Hunter's hand.

From her words, Mason could tell that Mr. Hunter and even the stars would not know much about the truth about "Assassin's World", at least not as much as he himself.

There are many "golden apples" like this in that world.

Moreover, the Isu people of the ancient civilization that existed in that world were not "gods", although there is no doubt that they mastered various super advanced black technologies and gods.

But these are really two very different things and should not be confused.

"Is there anything else I need to be aware of?"

Mason pretended to be silly and asked.

"Yes, and there are quite a few."

Mr. Hunter returned the golden apple to Mason, and she said:
"'Assassin's World' was accidentally discovered during a routine development seven months ago, because of its particularity, it is a public area like the 'World of Fantastic Creatures'.

That world is rich in magical weapons and ancient knowledge left over from the age of ancient gods, so after it appeared, many B-level personnel would stay there to find usable weapons and equipment.

We have pioneered 'safe areas' there.

If the K team is in trouble, they can go there for help. Of course, this kind of private employment between teams needs to pay costs.

I believe you can understand this point. "

"Oh? A public world?"

Mason raised his eyebrows and said:

"That is to say, if necessary, we can even hire other people to help throughout the process, and we only need to sit back and enjoy the benefits?"

"If you can afford the commission, of course."

Mr. Hunter rolled his eyes and said:
"But I think it's a little difficult to hire those B-level teams with your current financial resources.

But if you make up your mind to do this, I won't stop you. As long as you can bring back the information in this golden apple, your pioneering mission will be considered complete.

However, Mason, what I want to tell you is that the 'world of assassins' may not be as simple as it seems on the surface.

Old K encountered a very dangerous situation in his development in it last time. According to his report after the event, there are some hidden dangerous forces in that world besides the superficial forces.

It's like there is a distinction between the 'outside world' and the 'inside world' in some spiritual worlds, for example, this golden apple does not belong to the realm where it is merely appearance.

I guess you will be targeted if you enter that world with this thing, so there is still danger.

My advice to you is that the sooner the better.

Don't stay in there for too long. "

Mason nodded.

He looked at the golden apple in his hand and asked again:
"If you have already confirmed that there are hidden forces in that B-level world, and there are even prophecies about the crisis in this parallel world, why don't you conduct a large-scale investigation or fully station there?

I think if that prophecy is true, the importance of this world is far above the ordinary A-level world, right?
Isn't this worth starting a massive invasion war? "

"That's just a B-level world, Mason. Its power system determines that it is difficult to perform miracles. You can find danger and you can solve crises. These are two completely different concepts."

Mr. Hunter shook his head and said:
"Similar precedents also exist in past development missions, and in some worlds with magical inheritance, there are also figures such as 'prophets' who have predicted that shock events will occur in the future.

But none of them can effectively respond to this, so if it is just a prophecy, it is not worth the battle for the stars.

We still have a lot of A-level worlds that we haven't figured out yet.

Besides, it has only been seven months since we discovered it, and the actions against that world are still at the stage of investigation and intelligence gathering.

Large-scale advancement and excavation will have to wait until the follow-up plan is implemented.

Second, things about the golden apples have only been confirmed among 'us' so far.

I can be sure that some senior members of the Constellation Society are also secretly investigating that world under high-level orders. In fact, such investigations have not been interrupted since we discovered that world.

It's just that except for Old K, no one else could bring out anything of value from there.

With the style of the higher-level organization of the Constellation Society, once it is confirmed that the information in the Golden Apple is indeed useful, the Assassin World will immediately fall into an unstoppable war of destruction.

That's not what I want to see.

If that world really hides the doomsday prophecy and defense methods left by the ancient gods, we are more inclined to cooperate with them to jointly explore ways to resist the crisis.

Instead of grabbing those things at the cost of destruction. "

She paused and said to Mason:
"So regardless of whether the information you unlock is useful or not, the content of this operation must be kept completely secret. If the secret is leaked, Mason, I will not punish you.

But you are responsible for all the wars and suffering in that world caused by your indiscretions.I guess you don't want to see a world in crisis because of you either? "

"Well, that sounds like a huge responsibility and a possible debt of conscience."

Mason grinned.

He put away the golden apple, nodded to Mister Hunter and said:

"I will be as careful as possible. Is there a time requirement for this pioneering task?"

"A standard development cycle is five days."

Mr. Hunter made a gesture and said:
"But like I said, the sooner the better for your safety.

Of course, as I said just now, the world of assassins has always been rich in excellent ancient weapons and equipment, such as Old K's Sujie Eagle is a representative of them.

If you have spare time, you can search for it.

If necessary, I can give you some clues. I heard that Abstergo, the largest pharmaceutical company in the world of assassins, has a good collection of ancient weapons.

But because too many pioneering teams are focusing on them, the defense system there is already very tight, and it is difficult for the K team to break through with its current strength.

So let's wait until you officially become B-level personnel before going on an adventure. "

After finishing speaking, Mr. Hunter took out a pocket watch and looked at the time. She turned around to leave, and waved out a silver light curtain, but when she walked into it, she turned back to Mason and said:

"Finally, I would like to give you a piece of advice. Don't make any extravagances when you stay in that world. The code name there is 'Assassin's World' because they have used this unique inheritance to the fullest.

According to our statistics, one-third of the people in that world are engaged in assassins or related industries. If you throw a brick on the road and hit at least four out of ten people, they may be killers.

Because of this, even though the power system of that world is not outstanding among all B-level worlds, its danger is no different from that of ordinary A-level worlds.

Ever since it was discovered and a pioneering team entered, there have been frequent occurrences of senior pioneers getting caught in it and being killed inexplicably.

After all, no matter how good you are at fighting, you won’t be able to stand up to a group of killers who want to kill you in a city other than you, and their organization is very vigilant and tight, and it is almost impossible to infiltrate in a short time.

The two previous "pollution operations" were discovered and counteracted in the first stage, which is one of the reasons why the Stars Society has not made up their minds to carry out large-scale operations against it.

The price-performance ratio of launching a full-scale invasion of a B-level world is too low.

So remember to keep your head down, Mason. "

"Thank you for your reminder."

Mason nodded, and responded seriously. Mr. Hunter walked into the light curtain and disappeared, leaving him alone in his small shop.

Looking at the golden apple in his hand, the young man couldn't help but twitched his mouth when he thought about his understanding of this thing and that world system.

He now has a guess that the Stars may not have truly realized the source of inheritance in the world of assassins.

"In terms of the technological level of the Isu and the weird things they left behind, the current evaluation of this world of assassins in the Gathering of Stars is a bit too low.

There must be something tricky about it. "

Mason rubbed his forehead, put away the golden apple and sent a message to his team members.

Of course not everyone.

Considering the uniqueness and danger of this mission, he felt that the fewer people going, the better.

Selena is still recuperating.

The kiteman helped Poison Ivy familiarize herself with the environment at Hogwarts and found palladium for Mason to make energy batteries. The force of Jack's trio could not cope with the challenges of the B-level world.

Therefore, he decided to take only Zha Kang and Er Tong in this operation.

But when waiting for the assembly an hour later, he accidentally saw Barbara among them.

"What are you doing here?"

Mason said in surprise:

"Shouldn't you be playing in Gotham with Judy?"

"Judy doesn't need my company at all, as far as her ability to hack into any network in the world at any time, Gotham is nothing more than a chaotic playground to her.

She is now helping Mrs. Elizabeth with the Glacier Bar, and it is said that she is planning to develop an entertainment called "Super Dream" for it. "

Batgirl rubbed her hair that had been flattened at one corner, and said:

"I just finished 'leveling up', Mason. I think I should find a place to test the upper limit of my current ability to adjust my fighting style.

I just heard from Jason that there was a sudden action, so I came here. "

"Let you think about it! In the end, you still put dangerous things in your mind!"

Mason gave Barbara a hard look.

But since this was her own choice, Mason couldn't say too much, but just helped Barbara check her body with the technique of an alchemist.

The prosthetic body modification circulating in the world in 2077 is already a fairly mature technology, and even this kind of stuffing of components into the brain will not cause a health crisis.

At least Mason did not detect any more hidden dangers.

The second barrel next to him also looked worried.

Like Mason, he is a "conservative" in this regard, and he is quite critical of Barbara's choice.

Ten minutes later, Zha Kang with an ugly face appeared in the green portal with a cigarette butt in his mouth.

He looked like he was dead, but it wasn't just because Mason's sudden call interrupted the two-person world between him and Xiao Zha, you and me. In fact, they had a quarrel last night and separated again.

There are many reasons why this guy is in a bad mood.

For example, the bad news he brought:

"The good news is that Brad's letter won the trust of those bigwigs, and they didn't suspect us.

The bad news is, those bastards have locked up Gotham City again.

So after we managed to deal with the Demon Knight, there are likely to be more troublesome enemies lurking here, and our situation still hasn't changed much.

If we had known this earlier, we should have let Brad come back with us, and we would not be afraid of accidents if we had someone to take care of us. "

Speaking of this, Zha Kang blew out the smoke ring, touched his arm, and said:
"And I found the potion used to remove the camouflage magic in Zha's bedside table, and now I strongly suspect that I may have been exposed.

I asked her, but she didn't tell the truth, and I had a big fight and I was kicked out of the mystery house.


It's all your fault, Mason. "

"Don't put all the shit on my head."

Mason, who was applying hair restorer to Barbara's sideburns, said without raising his head:
"It's obvious that you can't manage your relationship well. What does it have to do with me? Besides, if you are exposed, you will be exposed? What's the big deal? Now I seriously doubt that Batman may have known our identities a long time ago.

It's just that he kept hiding it and didn't want to say it.

Perhaps waiting for a certain moment?

Forget it.

This will not say that.

Let's take a look at this task first. "

He shook his head, introduced the content of this mandatory mission to the people around him, and repeated Mr. Hunter's instructions.

The expressions on the faces of the three of them were not very good-looking.

"Unlocking something that seems incredible in a world full of killers, and saying it's an easy task, I think everyone in the Stars Club is crazy!"

Zhakang complained:

"What's the difference between this and death? Maybe we will be sent out by a bunch of killers in the face just after we go there. You also said that the world is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

I suspect now that Mister Hunter is trying to get back at us for causing trouble with the old spider.

Do you think he intends to take this opportunity to make us disappear? "

"It's possible, but unlikely."

Mason shrugged and said:

"I have my thoughts on this pioneering mission, and if all goes well, we can indeed complete it in a day or two and withdraw safely.

This time, we must obey the command and work. The key point is not to cause extra problems. As long as it does not attract the attention of the "inner power" of the assassin world, it will not be a big problem.

Without further ado, get ready and go now. "

(End of this chapter)

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