The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 183 66. Is there any serious person who gives something away at the first meeting?

Chapter 183 66. Is there any serious person who gives things away when they meet for the first time?
"Mason, I've reached the safe zone."

While the three of them were approaching the Abstergo Corporation building in Manhattan, New York, Zha Kang, who had gone to the "Safe Zone" lobby of the Stars Club for information, finally sent back the news belatedly.

"It took you three ten minutes to get there?"

Mason looked at his watch and said in a surprised tone:

"You went on your legs?"

"That's not true. It only took me 5 minutes to get here by taxi, but I just took a shower and got a massage. It's a pity that I don't provide additional services. It's a disappointment."

The guy chirped and said to Mason:

"Our colleagues are quite good at finding places. They have opened a decent hotel here to do business. I took out my ID card and was allowed to enter.

However, it is worth encouraging that there is no charge for all enjoyment. "

"Wait, the safe zone is a hotel?"

Mason's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately asked:
"What's the name of the hotel?"

"What is it called 'Continental Hotel'? It is said that it is a global chain. After being fully purchased by the Stars Club, it will be used as a foothold for us people in this world.

I heard that the first stop of the pioneers of the Stars Association is here, and there are also free information sharing for several B-level teams that are resident in this world. "

Zha Kang replied in a relaxed tone:

"The food here is also good. I just filled my stomach and am going to go downstairs to chat with my colleagues."

Mason, who already felt the danger, got even more headache when he heard the name "Continental Hotel", and he clenched his fists after hearing Zha Kang said that the hotel had been fully purchased by the Stars Club.

This is still a fucking mixed worldview!
He said to Zha Kang:
"John, it seems that our action plan has to be changed now. After you inquire about the news, withdraw from there and don't disturb other people. Go to a random place outside the city and wait for us.

After we're done here, we'll go over to meet you right away. "


Zha Kang was suddenly a little surprised.

As he walked out of the luxuriously decorated elevator and headed towards the restaurant, he asked:

"Hearing your tone, it seems that you have encountered something terrible. Tell me, have you discovered any terrible problems?"

Mason was about to explain when he saw Barbara shake her head and silence him.

So he changed the subject and exhorted:

"It's nothing, I'm just afraid that you might be in trouble with drinking, and you can't speak clearly in a few words. Remember not to stay there for too long."

"Tch, who do you take me for?"

Constantine sneered at Mason's worries, chatted for a few more words and then cut off the communication.Mason took out the earphones from his ears and glanced at Barbara, Batgirl whispered:

"The communication line is not safe. At least two 'noises' were detected in John's data signal. He is being monitored. There is a problem with that hotel."

"Of course it has problems!"

Mason crushed the earphones in his hand, and said to Barbara and Ertu next to him:

"The Continental Hotel... I saw this name in old K's notes, it was the base camp used by the killers of this world to hand over tasks.

It is a world chain, but it is operated by secret assassins behind it.

It was only because of Old K's special identity that the secret was not known to the Stars Club. Now it seems that the assassins in this world have effectively concealed the background of the Continental Hotel and paralyzed the Stars Club by the way. "

He skillfully attributed the "secrets of the past" that came to his mind to the "accidental discovery" of old K, and continued on this topic:

"I now doubt that the stars will be able to buy that hotel as a safe zone for the Blazers, and it should be promoted by some guys in this world behind the scenes.

From the worst point of view, the monitors of this world not only clearly know the existence of the Constellation Society, but even all the actions of the Constellation Society in this world may be monitored by the assassins.

Including our current actions.

It sounds incredible.

But if the monitors of this world can invade Barbara's control system made by future technology, it will prove that the background of this world is far beyond the ordinary we see.

Mr. Hunter also reminded me that although the overall strength of this world is average, its hidden power is very dangerous. "

After Mason finished his "terrible" conjecture, Ertong and Barbara immediately looked at each other, and their expressions became extremely serious. Your Excellency the captain thought for a moment, and said to his companion:
"24 hours! Regardless of whether our mission can be completed, we must leave here after 24 hours!
Don't startle the scene with John for the time being, let him stay there with our colleagues, and take him to run with us when we are done. "

After speaking, he glanced at the skyscrapers of Abstergo not far away, and said to Barbara:
"Can you remotely hack into the systems there? We need to find something in its deep database, I was going to just sneak in, but it doesn't seem like a good idea to take the risk now.

I suspect there may be a dozen Master Assassins lurking there, waiting for our reckless move to catch one. "


Barbara tried it.

There was blue light dancing in the pupil of her left eye. After a few seconds, the light became intermittent. She shook her head and said:

“There are very sophisticated physical firewalls out there that have to be authorized to connect the interface to the database, otherwise it triggers an alarm.”

"I'll go."

Ertong stretched his neck and hands, and said to Mason:
"Give me the invisibility cloak, and I can do this. If I expose you, don't worry about me, just leave."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Mason snorted, took out the folded invisibility cloak and threw it to the second barrel, saying:
"If we leave you here waiting to die, you will be beaten to death by Batman immediately when you go back to Gotham. You'd better take care of yourself, as it is for everyone's life in Gotham not to be troubled by the master."

After speaking, he took out a special syringe and stuffed it into the second barrel, and ordered:
"If you are really stuck there, use this. This is a strengthened serum extracted from the blood of old spiders. I haven't tried it with anyone. I don't know if it can give spiders senses.

Don't use it if you can. "

"Permanent enhancement? Or temporary enhancement?"

Jason held the syringe in his hand. He recalled the scene where he was almost killed by Mason who was injected with this thing in Crime Alley, and he pouted and said:

"It won't kill me, will it?"

"Temporary reinforcement. The production of permanent reinforcement is quite complicated and cannot be done in a day or two. Instead of worrying that my medicine will kill you, you should be more careful about the hidden killers in this world."

Mason shook his head and said:
"The assassins in this world are very evil, they have a way to kill you without triggering self-healing, after all, you don't have a skull strengthened by Adamantium alloy.

I'm not kidding, two barrels.

Avoid fighting if you can without fighting them. "


Ertong put on the invisibility cloak and took a palm-sized data plug-in from Barbara, and quickly disappeared into the night ahead.

While waiting, Mason kept looking around, as if at any moment a few men in black might jump out of the darkness and stab him.

Not only did he keep the Widowmaker, a handy precision rifle, at hand, he even took out various dangerous alchemy items and engineering grenades and placed them in the most accessible places.

This vigilant gesture was immediately caught by Barbara, and Batgirl whispered:

"Mason, since I've known you, I've rarely seen you so nervous. You've made me a little anxious. Relax, please?"

"You don't understand, Barbara."

Mason rubbed his hand on the kinetic pistol at his waist, and he whispered:
"Abstergo, the Continental Hotel, the Golden Apple, the Brotherhood of Assassins, the Knights Templar... the combination of all these elements is enough to make the danger here ten times higher.

The world has problems.

It has big problems!
The longer I stay here, the more I feel that something is wrong, you know that feeling? "

He pursed his lips and said:
"It's like you're stepping into a quagmire, like a ignorant beast stepping into a trap. I have an uneasy feeling that the stars are going to stumble here, and I just hope that happens now. Sometimes we can stay far away.

Don't get splashed with blood. "
In the Continental Hotel in New York, Zha Kang didn't realize that he was being monitored. He was still spanking and chatting with more than a dozen B-level members of the Stars Club in the restaurant.

Relying on Su Jie's eagle long sword that he specially took from Selina before departure, Zha Kang quickly opened up the chatterbox of this group of colleagues.

He lied that he came here this time to get another powerful weapon, and as Su Jie's eagle passed on the tasting in the hands of these guys, Constantine also quickly got the news he wanted to hear.

"Yo, this sword is really good. It seems that your team is lucky, but it is not the best."

An old alcoholic in his 40s stroked the snow-white blade of Su Jie's eagle and said to Zha Kang who was flirting with a colleague dressed as a dancer:

"This sword should be a replica forged by ordinary people in this world through their knowledge of ancient artifacts, not a real Isu artifact.

I've seen the genuine Isu Arcana 'Steel Broken Sword' in the Fort of Stars.

It is held by one of our A-level personnel whose brain is not very easy to use. It is said that not only is it indestructible, but it can even change the spirits of everyone around it according to the will of the user.

That crazy A-Class has conquered several vassal worlds with it. "

"Is it that great?"

Zha Kang said in surprise:

"As you can see, I am a spellcaster. I thought that the so-called ancient treasures were nothing more than extremely sharp and some special abilities, but the things that can change minds like you said belong to the field of rule-level treasures, right? ?”

"Why do you think that everyone came to this world to do their serious tasks instead of doing it?"

Zha Kang's question was immediately ridiculed by the others.

The dancer sister who was flirting with him just now sat on Zha Kang's lap, picked up a glass of wine and took a sip before saying:
"Isn't it because this unique world is rich in these things that are too powerful to be understood by common sense? Not to mention the broken steel sword that can affect people's hearts, the Isu armor that has been found continuously in the past few months is enough Everyone is running here."

"Yes, those armors that are invulnerable and can resist magic and can be compatible with various technologies."

Another Class B shook his hands and said:

"Last week, someone made three sets in the desert of Egypt. It is said that they were sold at a sky-high price at the previous trade fair. I heard that a few days ago, there was an A-level member of the Warlock Master faction who also came. here.

It is said that he came for the 'Sword of the Conqueror'.

It is the gossip that spread before, and it is said that it is an artifact used by Genghis Khan of this world to conquer the world.

It is reported that it appeared in North America and was almost taken by our people, but those guys were unlucky to be discovered by the natives of this world and killed. "

"Tch, it's because they are weak, they can't blame others."

Some people sneered at this, and arched the fire and said:

"So many people left here safely with good things, but they were the only ones who got the good things and died here. They had already entered the treasure house, but they even took their lives.

The weak are not welcome here. "

Everyone was happy to say what you said, but the more Zha Kang listened, the more he felt that something was wrong.

He felt that there was a problem with the mentality of these guys.

It's as if ignoring all the possible dangers, only the benefits at your fingertips are left in your eyes, and everyone is full of joy in the good things that are about to be obtained.

It's like a bunch of utterly greedy people.

But the members who can get into the B-level in the Stars Club come from various worlds and have experienced the experience of opening up parallel worlds. No matter how unbearable they are, they should have the most basic sense.
There is clearly something wrong with this "collective frenzy" of walking into a restaurant and enjoying a delicious buffet in a dangerous world.

This caught Constantine's mind.

He chatted with these lard-covered guys in the restaurant for a while and then left with an excuse. He puffed out smoke rings and covered his eyes with a layer of dark green light to observe the surroundings.

After entering the "super-sensory" state, he quickly caught a trace of weird power extending outward from the top floor of the hotel. This discovery made Constantine raise his brows, and then used Su Jie, who was used to disguise his identity, to The eagle is worn around the waist to board the elevator.

He was going to see what was hidden on the top floor of the hotel.

As a result, the elevator stopped all the way up to the seventh floor. Under Zha Kang's surprised gaze, a tall man in a black windbreaker and cool sunglasses walked in.

He glanced at the button on the top thirteenth floor on the elevator control panel, then glanced at Zha Kang, and said:
"Are you going upstairs?"

"Yes, what's the problem?"

Constantine was smoking a cigarette, and said in an unhappy tone:

"I went up to blow some air, and I feel like I'm going to become a fool when I stay with those idiots. Who are you, buddy? You can't enter this building if you're not from the Stars Club, so are you also here to find treasures in this ghost place?"

Facing Zha Kang's question, the cool guy wearing sunglasses replied calmly:
"A-level personnel, Captain of the 'Plague' team, Albert Wesker."


Zha Kang, who was smoking and still a little careless, almost choked on a puff of smoke. He coughed a few times, and looked up and down at the cool guy in black in front of him.

After a while, he put on a smile all over his face, nodded and bowed his head and replied:

"Big man, hello, boss, I'm C-level cutie John Constantine. When they said there was an A-level person here, I thought they were bragging, but I didn't expect it to be true.

Are you really here for the legendary 'Sword of the Conqueror'? "

"Konstantin? C-level personnel?"

The A-level boss frowned when he heard this name, he looked Zha Kang up and down with weird eyes, coughed a few times, and said:
"No, that's just a boring legend, as boring and dangerous as other legends in this world. But C-level personnel Constantine, the top floor of the Continental Hotel is not an area you can go to.

It was temporarily requisitioned by me.

Maybe I should ask you to leave now? "

"Thank you for your reminder, I almost strayed into danger because of my curiosity."

When Zha Kang heard this guy say that the top floor was in danger, he immediately turned serious. He acted very seriously, neither refuted nor insisted on going his own way, and walked out obediently before the elevator closed.

"Konstantin, wait."

When he was leaving, Wesker in the elevator stopped him, and when Zhakang turned around, he saw the A-level boss take out a very delicate syringe from his pocket and hand it to him, saying:

"C-level personnel will encounter great risks in this dangerous B-level world. You should take this biological repair fluid with you. It may save your life at a critical moment."

"Huh? Is there such a good thing?"

Zha Kang accepted the healing item presented by the other party with a flattered face, and replied politely:

"Then I will thank you."

"See you again, Constantine."

Wesker in the elevator showed a fleeting smile. As the elevator closed and the eyes of the two were cut off, Wesker in the elevator shook his head.

The guy with sunglasses crossed his arms and said in a low voice:
"In the past two years, nine teams in a row have been wiped out by John Constantine's space-time anomaly, yet someone still dares to recruit him into the team.

Either the ignorant is fearless, or the rookie who is hungry.

But no matter what kind, they are all cannon fodder in this world. "

After finishing speaking, he took out a special communication device and hung it by his ear, and whispered:

"I'm close to the target and I'm about to make contact."

"Don't rush."

The voice of His Excellency the Warlock, one of the three great mentors of the Stars Association, came out of it, with a touch of coldness and lowness, he said:
"Closer and watch, don't touch it yet, wait for my order before acting."

At the same time, outside the elevator, Zha Kang, who returned to his room, looked at the "Biological Restoration Fluid" in his hand. He pinched it with two fingers as if he was pinching some kind of poisonous thing, and threw it into the room. in the luggage.

Zha Kang pinched his nose and complained:

"The first time we met, I gave something away. I really thought I was out on the first day! But is there anything on the roof that needs A-level personnel to come forward to deal with it? Thinking about it, Mason's call just ended seems a bit too hasty, and In and out of words, let me get out of here quickly
not good!

I may be under surveillance!

There really is something wrong with this damn place!But I am still curious about what is on the top floor that can change the minds of the pioneers so smoothly?
Was that Wesker, who was by no means a good guy, here for something like that?

Tsk, dangerous things are really becoming more and more fascinating. "

(End of this chapter)

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