The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 184 67. The World of Assassins in Mason's Eyes

Chapter 184 67. The World of Assassins in Mason's Eyes

"I have entered the database of the building, you guessed it right, Mason, there are many people who are proficient in stealth and stealth, pretending to be company security guards and patrolling around.

They are clearly guarding against possible intrusion. "

The voice of the second barrel came from the team communication. The vanguard fighter and assassin jointly trained by Batman and the League of Assassins said in a surprised tone:
"From what I've seen, these guys' behavior patterns are not mediocre even among the senior assassins in Nandalbat. It's hard to imagine that they are actually deployed here as front-line cannon fodder in a branch of a disguised company.

I'm starting to trust your judgment.

This world seems to be deliberately disguising itself in front of us. They do it naturally. If I hadn't passed the master training of concealment and disguise, I would definitely be deceived by them. "

"So be careful, Jason."

On the roof of Abstergo's building two blocks away from Manhattan, Mason stared at the target area with a futuristic technology smart telescope that could see through the wall. He warned the second barrel in a low voice:

"Exit immediately after installing the data interface, I have reason to believe that there should be master-level assassins in that building, maybe there are also 'saints'.

The last time old K and his group were wiped out here was because they were ambushed by the assassin saint. "

"Saint? What kind of strange title is this?"

Barbara next to Mason was ready to remotely invade the database. Her left eye kept shining, and she asked in a low voice:

"Is it the unique power system of this world?"


Mason explained nonsense:

"According to the manuscript records left by old K, all the power in this world can be traced back to the ancient civilization Isu, which was a super civilization from among the stars, and carried out colonization or research activities on the earth in ancient times.

They are not gods, and in fact their life form is quite weak.

They are far inferior to humans like us in terms of physique, endurance, strength, and even fertility.

However, a series of surviving records in this world show that the Isu have learning and creative abilities that we cannot imagine, and their senses are also sharp enough to be close to God.

They once established a fairly prosperous 'Forerunner Era' on Earth, but they disappeared in a disaster.

However, they made a lot of preparations for that disaster, including large-scale genetic modification of the ancient humans who were in the ascendant at that time to continue their existence.

So to be precise, although the humans in this world look the same as us, they are not of the same race as us.

In this era, there are still Isu bloodlines circulating, and the owners of those ancient bloodlines often have strange powers similar to 'superpowers'.

And according to the concentration of their Isu blood, the assassins of this world will give them different names."

"Insert the data interface! Let's start cracking."

The sound of the second barrel interrupted Mason's description.

Barbara immediately implemented the quick intrusion protocol, and when Er Tuan left Abstergo's database room wearing an invisibility cloak, she had already easily obtained the data permission and began to search for the information Team K needed in the other party's database.

There is no need for Mason to describe the power system of this world under the guise of the "Old K Handbook" that never existed.

Barbara's left eye pulsated and read out the information she had scoured Abstergo's deep databases:

"According to Abstergo's information collection and large-scale human experiment results since its establishment after World War II, the concentration of Isu blood in ordinary people in this world is generally around 0.002% to 0.005%, and there is no possibility of potential discovery.

The probability of giving birth to a super-potential individual per 10 people is about 0.03%, and the standard for judging the concentration of Isu blood in such super-potential individuals is above 0.5%.

Its most basic feature is the triple-helix DNA structure different from ordinary people, which is the most obvious sign of Isu mixed blood.

This kind of super-potential individual can awaken various "ancient powers" only through simple training.

Its most basic abilities include the mutated 'Eagle Eye', motor nerves and dynamic perception more than ten times more developed than ordinary people, super tough vitality and self-healing ability, extremely effective prediction of danger and talent for using weapons etc.

This kind of super-potential individual is given the code name 'Master'. "

Batgirl paused, and continued to dig deep into the information. After searching for the entry of "saint" that Mason just mentioned, she repeated with surprise:

"The so-called 'sage' super life forms have an Isu blood concentration as high as 5% or more when they are born, and they generally show certain characteristics that are far superior to ordinary people when they are young, and generally possess a 'charm of personality' that is difficult to explain by science '.

The probability of being born in the world of ordinary people is 0.04% for every ten million people. According to Abstergo's statistics, in the past 2000 years, on average, one 'saint' would be born every 70-150 years.

Without exception, they are dragons and phoenixes who have dominated an era. Famous representatives include Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, King Arthur, Joan of Arc, Napoleon, Mustache and

The history of this world over the past 2000 years was written and presided over by such "sages", and the truth behind the appearance of these histories is the confrontation between two forces.

The main theme of its history revolves around the two powerful camps of "order" and "freedom" in a spiral development.

Mason, I think I can now understand where your concerns and tensions come from. "

Barbara threw back her head and said with a look of astonishment:

"This world only looks very similar to other worlds, but its hidden power inheritance is far beyond our understanding."

"That's exactly what worries me."

Mason narrowed his eyes and said:
"This kind of secret confrontation that has lasted for more than 2000 years has made the world 'full of martial arts' and also possesses superb fighting wisdom, but now in the confrontation between the two sides, there is a third party called the 'Star Club'.

I think with my toes and I know how unwelcome 'outsiders' like us are in this world.

To both the liberal Brotherhood of Assassins and the Templars of Order, we who represent "chaos" are 'heretics' who need to be killed immediately.

I have now enough reason to believe that the opposing sides of the world have joined forces under the guidance of some higher power to lay a dangerous trap for us unpopular ones. "

"A higher level of power?"

Ertong, who had been listening to the conversation between Mason and Barbara, asked in surprise:
"Based on the information unearthed by Barbara, just this kind of assassin saint with 5% blood concentration sounds the same as a super human. If there is a higher level of power, it doesn't have to be directly traced back to those mysterious Iraqis. on the person?

Barbara, is there a similar description in the database? "

"Not found yet."

The blue halo of Batgirl's left eye pupil was beating.

She'd scoured Abstergo's databases to find nothing relevant, but she believed Mason wouldn't joke about such things.

Mason shook his head and explained:
"If the Isu in this world can be called gods, then their combination with humans can create the 'half-human, half-god' that exists in other myths and legends.

Such as Perseus, Hercules or the existence of Wonder Woman Diana in our world.

The characteristics of mixed blood will not weaken their strength, but will allow them to have the dual advantages of humans and gods at the same time. The body that was upgraded to superhuman level by the Isu with genetic technology, coupled with the unique super sense and super learning of the Isu with creativity.

A sufficiently long lifespan allows them to fully exploit their own advantages, and this also includes the various Isu black technology equipment left by the forerunner civilization, giving them the ability to manipulate space and even time.

I have enough reasons to believe that such an 'Isu demigod', he or she will definitely not be weaker than Diana Prince in terms of destructive power.

Even close to Clark Kent in normal form.

The number of such 'half gods' is definitely not too many, but even one or two is enough to easily kill all the pioneers that currently exist in this world.

According to the star society's rating of world power, once there is such an individual who can destroy civilization alone, then the world's rating should be raised to 'A rank'. "

Mason sighed.

He knew that this so-called simple task was definitely not that simple. Looking at the dark night in front of him, which became more and more dead in his perception, he said:
"There's no doubting that this world disguises itself in the eyes of the Constellation, Barbara, search the Abstergo database for the keyword 'Atlantis'!"

"No message."

Barbara replied a second later:
"There's only some folklore about Atlantis, but I've found a secret operations program within Abstergo called 'The Odyssey'.

Its goal is to search for the existence of the city of Atlantis.

But this building is not its headquarters, and its internal database does not store specific information on such high-level operations. "

"As expected, the second barrel was withdrawn at a faster speed."

Mason exhorted, and then said to Barbara:

"Search keywords 'Cassandra' and 'Alexios' and 'Grand Temple of New York'."

"Except for some folklore that is popular in the Mediterranean region, there is no valid information. There are only a few words about the 'Great Temple', but according to the data path, unlocking its encrypted information requires a more advanced key.

This branch database can't provide this kind of authority at all, forcibly hacking into a higher-level data link will definitely expose our whereabouts. "

Barbara gave another disappointing answer.

But Mason's face remained unchanged. He rubbed his forehead and recalled, and said to Batgirl:

"Search for the keyword 'Phoenix Project'."

"Hold on."

Batgirl searched the database again for the information given by Mason, and this time her longer silence should have been rewarded.

After a few seconds, she looked up and said:
"Yes! Although we still haven't got specific plan information, the nearest Phoenix Project laboratory is in an underground area on the outskirts of the city."

"Very well, let's go there, the sooner the better."

Mason gestured for Barbara to disconnect, saying:
"There should be Abstergo's deep database there, where we can find all the information we need."

"I don't understand, Mason."

While disconnecting and burning the two barrels of data ports left in the Abstergo branch, Barbara rubbed her hot forehead and asked:
"Why do you care so much about this information?"

"If our main mission unfortunately fails, at least we should bring back something that can make the stars shut up, right?"

Mason let out a long breath and said:

"The information we have collected so far is enough to prove the danger of this world, and at the same time, it can make up for the terrible hidden dangers caused by the intelligence errors of the Constellation Society.

That way, no matter how harsh Mr. Hunter is, he can't accuse us of failing to fulfill our mission.

In addition, I am also very interested in the inheritance of the Isu people. This ancient civilization is fundamentally different from other gods we have heard of.

They're physically weak but really good at building things.

If only I, who dedicated myself to being a good craftsman, could be lucky enough to get the technology they left behind.
Well, I guess we'll have to wait until we become more powerful in the future. Right now, with our strength, we still have to keep our tails between our legs in this world. "

Your Excellency the captain shrugged regretfully.

A few minutes later, Ertong returned to the hiding place, and the three "borrowed" a car on the side of the road and headed towards the direction of the Phoenix Project laboratory that Barbara had found.

The second barrel was driving, and Mason was observing the surroundings in the co-pilot, while Barbara in the back seat closed her eyes and analyzed the series of data she had just downloaded and copied.

After a few minutes, she said:

"This 'Phoenix Project' is a long-term human experiment project that Abstergo Corporation has continued for nearly 70 years, and their purpose is to artificially produce high-concentration Isu hybrids.

What a crazy move.

According to the information I have seen so far, in the past 70 years alone, there have been nearly 5 experimental subject consumables in North America. "

"If I were you, Barbara, I wouldn't worry about how many people they killed in the past."

Ertuan, who was driving, reminded in a low tone:

"Just two saints can completely annihilate Old K's team and let a veteran pioneer like Old K escape in embarrassment. It's fine if the Phoenix Project fails, but what if it succeeds?

What if assassins in this world could mass-produce that kind of killing machine?God knows how many man-made saints are hiding in this city now waiting to kill us? "

"Don't scare yourself, Jason."

Mason shook his head and said:
"Even if they succeed, they can at most mass-produce master-level Isu hybrids, and 5% of the Isu blood concentration is enough to change life forms.

It is definitely not something that can be produced by just finding a few experimental products. If they really have that kind of strength, they don't need to play this kind of 'hide and seek' game with the stars.

But we still have to be prepared. "

他 说:

"In my estimation, once we find the information we need, the alarm will be triggered, and even if it can be delayed until we enter the underground temple of New York to unlock the golden apple, it will definitely trigger a bitter battle.

There is absolutely not much time left for us, and we will leave as soon as we get the materials.

It is best to be able to enter the Great Temple to unlock the golden apple information. If you really can't do it, find Zhakang and withdraw from here immediately. "


Jason and Barbara nodded. Both of them understood the operational risks that Team K was taking at this time. With the current communication monitored, they had no way of contacting the "safe zone" that was still not safe at all. "Constantine in.

I don't know what the hell is that guy doing now?
Hopefully he'll be as aware of the danger this time as ever, and be smarter about it later.
While the three of Mason are going to risk their lives, what is Zha Kang doing here?
The answer is simple.

He is also dying.

After applying the most advanced concealment magic that he can use so far, Constantine made a guest appearance as a "bat boy" tonight. He fixed it on the edge of the roof of the Continental Hotel with a flying claw gun, allowing himself to be seen in the dark. Little by little, approach the top floor from the outside.

He was very curious about what was hidden on the top floor of the Continental Hotel.

And as he got closer there, an irresistible disturbing power to the mind vibrated at the spiritual level of Constantine, like an invisible source of waves, which could assimilate and change the mental state of any living body close to it.

That is to say, Zack Kang is proficient in all kinds of black magic, and he is also a walking "cursed complex", which makes his mental resistance far superior to that of ordinary people, allowing him to persist until he climbs to the window on the top floor.

But even so, when Zha Kang arrived at the destination, he was still out of breath and covered in cold sweat.

He now feels that his current actions are a bit risky.

But it was too late to regret, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and poked his head out to cast a penetrating magic on himself to look towards the top floor, wanting to see what that evil thing is here.

Afterwards, he saw a round golden gadget floating on a rather unique golden pedestal on the table in the center of the empty room sealed on all sides.


Constantine's eyes widened.

He felt that this thing was really familiar, he must have seen it somewhere!

"Isn't this the thing in Mason's hand? This thing can transform the spirit on such a large scale? But why doesn't the golden apple in Mason's hand have this ability?

and many more!

If this thing can change thinking, is there any possibility that it is not that old K was lucky enough to take the golden apple out, but that the golden apple needs someone to take it out of this world?

If the golden apple in Mason's hand was a decoy deliberately sent out of this world, then the K-team
It's the hooked fish!

NS! "

(End of this chapter)

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