The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 191 74. If you can't change the world, then you can only change yourself

Chapter 191 74. If you can't change the world, then you can only change yourself

Although they said they were going to the Great Temple, they couldn't just leave without making any preparations.

What the Isu blood gave him was knowledge rather than direct combat power. Although the potion used super soldier serum as an aptamer did strengthen Mason's body, it was impossible to turn him into a superman all at once.

Speaking of which, although Mason has never seriously strengthened his body, he was strengthened once when he joined the Stars Club, and then drank the Unicorn Potion, and now he has the improvement of this Isu Potion, Although he didn't pay much attention to this kind of pure strength enhancement, Mason reckoned that his current physical fitness could be considered a "junior superhuman".

However, this does not affect Mason's melee skills which are still at the horrible level of Lv1 while he is fully exerting his strength in other fields.

He himself said that he always felt insecure about the melee combat mode, except of course when he was wearing power armor. In that state, Mason's sense of security was overwhelming.

At this time, the Assassins and Templars in this world must have set up their defenses near the Great Temple. If they rushed over like this, they would probably be sieved on the spot, so Mason, who woke up, was busy in his suitcase factory.

Of course, don't forget to contact your teammates.

"John, are you all right?"

Mason disassembled the precision rifle Widowmaker in his hand, and injected magic power into the collar pin on his collar. He asked:

"They're after you, aren't they?"

"It's okay, but it's just that the whole city and even the whole world are trying to kill us, what a big deal."

Constantine's slightly weak voice came from the other end of the collar pin, and he complained:

"It's almost insane, I never imagined that I would be driven to this point by a group of mortal assassins, trekking out of the city through the stinking sewers, what the hell!
What about you?

How are you?

Barbara said we should meet you in the Great Underground Temple outside the city, which I thought was a terrible idea, but now that the World Gate is sealed by these guys, we have nowhere else to go.

The whole city is full of their people.

All communications are monitored, and my only blessing is that these guys can't do magic. "

Mason nodded, thoughtful and then looked at the technical rifle that had been disassembled into a table of components in front of him. Looking at these components, ideas for transforming them kept floating in his mind.

The knowledge of science and technology from the Isu floated in his mind, filling Mason with all kinds of whimsical ideas for a moment. He pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose, feeling that he was very sure that he could transform this advanced firearm from 2077 more easily.

After all, compared to the black technology of the Isu, the military level of Night City is indeed not enough.

"You may use golden apples, John."

Mason picked up the charging module of the technological rifle and the multifunctional engineering wrench at hand. He blinked and said to his team members:
"Take that thing out now and follow my command to operate it. It will help you escape from the capture of the assassins, and then go to the Great Temple to join me."

"That's the problem, Mason, we now have a 'guest.'"

Zha Kang lowered his voice and said:
"Still a big shot. Albert Wesker, the captain of the epidemic team of the Council of 12, is with us. He said that the Warlock Grand Master sent him here to search for information.

Tch, just like us, we are unlucky bastards.

That guy was bluffed by us with the information of the Great Temple, but I'm sure that as long as I take out the golden apple now, he will grab it. The three of us can't beat him. "

"No need to fight, as long as you move fast enough, you will be able to scare him. Wesker is suspicious."

Mason was not surprised to hear Wesker's name, he had seen Claude and Jerusalem in Starsburg, bah!Swaggered around with Tifa.

Now it's just Wesker.

He exhorted:

"Take it out first and follow my instructions."

Elsewhere, in the sewers of New York City, Team K is wading through the sewage.

Zha Kang was a little hesitant when he heard Mason's words. He glanced at the sunglasses guy who was leading the way ahead, and after a few seconds, he hooked his fingers at the second barrel next to him.

Er Tong stared at him in surprise, and after a few seconds of eye contact, he took out the golden apple from his bag and handed it to Zha Kang, then drew out his kinetic pistol and looked in front of him vigilantly.

Barbara took a step back and formed a covering formation with the two people in front of her. The shattered light in her pupils made several suspended combat Griffon drones hover beside the three of them.


When the golden apple was taken out, Wesker, who was walking in front of him, turned his head immediately, his scarlet eyes under the sunglasses stared at the Isu artifact in Zakon's hand.

Not much verbal exchange.

But the atmosphere on both sides changed suddenly, especially when Wesker walked towards them.

"Put the golden apple in the palm of your hand. The one with the triangular emblem is the bottom. Don't hold it upside down."

Mason's voice sounded in his ears along with Zakon's magic, and then he heard his captain remind him gently:

"Put your finger on it, and the position of the third middle ring buckles the second and fourth quadrangular outlines to make it enter the charging mode, and then inject magic power into it.

It doesn't take much, let me know when it shines. "

Jagger complied immediately, watching as Wesker got closer and his left hand began to emit a strange heat, he said:

"This thing glows, then what? Come on, hell!"

"And point it at Wesker, thinking he'll get on his knees and call you daddy!"

As Mason said this, the black wizard immediately raised the golden apple in his hand.

In the next moment, the light flowed, and the dazzling broken light burst out from the golden apple in Zhakang's palm like fireworks, and the voice of Huang Zhong Dalu also exploded in Albert Wesker's heart at this moment.

"Kneel down! Call Dad!"

It's like some kind of magic that acts directly on the mind. It breaks the heart defense all at once, so fast that people can't react at all. Brother Sunglasses' legs instinctively bend down and he opened his mouth, but he stiffened Stopped, and flashed far away like a teleportation.

Then he looked warily at Zha Kang and the golden apple whose palm had obviously been awakened.

He couldn't understand what happened at all, but he was sure that the famous "Group Destroyer Engine" Constantine in the Gathering of Stars in front of him had already mastered the method of using the golden apple.

"Damn! This thing is awesome!"

Zha Kang was full of surprise.

As a spellcaster, he just felt a very clear energy shock erupting from the golden apple, as if this strange thing suddenly became a carrier of some kind of evil mind magic.

"Just to scare him, not as much as you think."

Mason explained:
"Isu artifacts like the Golden Apple are designed to manipulate the will, body, and mind of standard humanoids.

This thing has irresistible power against ordinary people within 200 feet, but it is very ineffective against "viral people" like Wesker, and it is difficult to control it precisely if you don't have Isu blood.

So stop playing.

Now inject magic into it again, snap the glowing wire on the second middle ring and let it enter the 'mind rewriting' program.

In this mode, the golden apple can generate a thinking force field.

Any human who sees its light will be stunned and stunned, less effective for people with Isu blood but enough to get you out of the assassin's circle.

Once activated, the thinking force field can last for six hours.

But don't use it to do bad things when you are running for your life, John, you are also a standard humanoid creature, so you will also be corroded by the force field of thought.This thing is a 'pointer' designed for slave owners, and it is a kind of blasphemy to be held by slaves now.

It's equally dangerous for you, so hurry up. "


Zha Kang was holding a glowing golden apple at this time, as majestic as a descended god.

He also handed the thing in the direction of Wesker meanly, and passed his will into the mind of Brother Sunglasses in the way of "spiritual hammer".

"You want this? Come get it, dear Wesker."

"What was that just now?"

Wesker wasn't afraid.

He just looked hesitantly at the golden apple in Zha Kang's hand, and couldn't understand why the K team suddenly mastered the use of this dangerous Isu artifact.

"Evil slave program."

Zha Kang snorted, pretended to have a big advantage and said with akimbo:

"The golden apple is an artifact used by the evil Isu to enslave humans in this world. We were ordered to take it out of this world, and we studied it before coming here.

It's not like you, who dare to come here to die without knowing anything.

Not that I'm bragging, but as long as I want to, I can turn you into the most obedient cutie and let you strip naked and run around to attract the attention of those assassins.
Well, what scares you is not as scary as you think.

It's nothing more than a mind blow that turns you into a drooling idiot when you're about to do something bad, so you better keep your hands in check. "

Zha Kang glanced at the two teammates beside him, and swaggered forward with the golden apple in his hand, looking for the nearest passage out of the sewer.

And Wesker looked at Constantine and the golden apple in his hand suspiciously. The "body manipulation" that went straight to the soul just now couldn't be faked. It seems that the K team really has something he doesn't know. strength.

From this point of view, they shouldn't be deceiving him by going to the Great Temple. Maybe there is really a way to leave this world?
"Mason, we managed to scare him."

Zha Kang has been observing Wesker's actions, and the dark wizard heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Brother Sunglasses followed them 20 meters behind them and followed them out of the sewer.

He pointed at Mason through the eyes of hell and said:

"What kind of adventure did you encounter? Why are you so good at these things all of a sudden?"

"Just accidentally found some lost knowledge, John, not as amazing as you think."

Mason, who was still in the suitcase factory, was flying with his hands and fingers. The original technological rifle had been reassembled by him. Not only were there more components on the table, but there were more.

Obviously, Mason used the Isu knowledge he had just learned to modify the gun based on his understanding, adding a strengthening item of [Quick Charge] and [Energy Convergence] to it.

While putting the new precision rifle on his shoulder and making a shooting motion, he told his teammates:

"When you get close to the rift valley of the Great Temple, don't rush in, just wait for me outside. The Isu have disguised the temple, and there may be assassin saints ambushing inside.

We will move on to the next step after we meet up.

In addition, if you unfortunately meet a black-haired girl in a suit with braids, a gold bracelet on her wrist, and a 'malaka' mouth, don't resist and try to moles her.

You can do whatever she asks you to do.

If she attacks you just tell her, say 'Hephaestus wants to speak to the falconer' and she will understand. "

"So where is who?"

Zha Kang asked with some perplexity:
"Is it the leader of those goddamn assassin saints? From your point of view, he seems to be a very dangerous person?"

"People? No, that's not people, John."

Mason sighed and said:
"Barbara should have told you about our discovery. There are some things in this world that cannot be understood by common sense. You can just understand her as a 'living demigod' like Wonder Woman.

The only difference between the two is that, based on Malaka's big sister's combat experience and the degree to which she is strengthened by the Isu blood at this time, it is estimated that Diana Prince can be beaten to the ground.

It is impossible for us to leave this world without her permission.

So you better hope that 2000+ year old big sister is kind enough to us. "

"Depend on!"

Zha Kang cursed, and he complained:

"We are the top tank for Mr. Hunter, this kind of massacre by the door has happened here, the three mentors don't want to save it?

Let us, a group of pioneering explorers, fight with a world plus a powerful demigod!
Those guys really have no conscience. "

"Waiting for them to come to rescue is better than waiting for death, at least death will come sooner or later."

Mason complained:
"Or is it that our great John Constantine is willing to pin his hopes of survival on the conscience that a group of transworld villains may or may not have?

And to be honest, as far as I know about the Isu people and Malaka's big sister, even if Mister Hunter really comes over, it's not certain whether that guy can get away unscathed.

This is the home of the people.

In short, act as soon as possible, I am here to prepare some weapons and go to join you.

John, take care of Barbara and Ertu.

This kind of desperation is when you make a difference, isn't that why I invited you to Team K?Work harder, it will be to your advantage to get out alive this time.

Really, kid you not. "

Kind words comforted Zha Kang to work hard. After the communication was cut off, Mason frowned. He didn't expect that there would be an A-level person to intervene in this matter.

"If it's Albert Wesker, then this little water gun probably won't work."

Mason looked at the technological rifle that had just been modified by himself in his hand, and after thinking about it, he felt that even kinetic energy bullets were not enough to hit "virus people".

He needs a little more deterrent "heavy firepower".

In the next moment, Mason's eyes fell on the dark anti-superman armor that was being hung by several chains in the transformation workshop. This thing was still in the process of repairing after beating up the cleaners in the old spider world.

Mason had a lot on his mind about it.

But before, due to the lack of knowledge reserves, he couldn't really put it into practice, but now that he has the Isu inheritance, his mind is full of Isu Sao ideas, and he just took this opportunity to overhaul the armor.

Originally, engineering was at Lv5, but now the [Ingenuity] talent unlocked by the Isu inheritance has been added a little more.

Lv5+1 engineering is just enough to complete the technical level of transforming the anti-superman armor. It happened that my beloved Batmobile was blown up by John Wick with Isu weapons, so I removed the weapons on the car and added it to myself. on the battle armor.

Then use the Isu's unique understanding of the energy cycle to rearrange the energy system.

As for its missing energy core

With a flick of Mason's finger, the Ark reactor jumped into the palm of his hand. Although the palladium collection operation of Kiteman and Captain Jack in the Hogwarts world is not over yet, Mason has a palladium plate on hand that can activate the reactor.

It's a pity that the full combat is estimated to last only about 2-5 hours.

But the good news is that the skill judgment of the Isu bloodline is +1, so that Mason has unlocked the production blueprint of the reactor at hand, and he can "wholesale" this thing when he has enough materials in his free time.

Even better!

Give it a makeover with the Isu's superb talent for energy manipulation!
"Hey, if it weren't for the lack of ability to repair you now, it would be perfect to use you as the 'Mechanical Heart'."

Mason stretched out his hand and flicked it, and the broken Life-Binding Rat Charm twirled at his fingertips.

This magic item that can give life to all dead objects is the most perfect energy source in Mason's mind.

The reason is also very simple.

You see, the number one strategy against mechas is always to destroy the energy source, but if there is no energy source in my mecha, then wouldn't this Achilles' heel disappear?
This combination of magic and technology is the perfect tactic in Mason's imagination. The only regret is that his jewelry processing skills are now at Lv2 with the blessing of Isu blood.

It is far away to repair or make the Twelve Talismans.

"Why do you say that there are only 24 hours in this day?"

Mason rolled up his sleeves, picked up a strange-shaped engineering wrench, and walked to the workshop to start overhauling his anti-Superman armor, while complaining fiercely:

"Why can't my day be 48 hours? It's not enough to break every minute into two petals. How good would it be if there were two of me?

two me?

Two me!why not? "

The young man blinked, and took out the Yin-Yang Tiger Charm from his pocket.

He suddenly had a bold idea, if he couldn't be strong enough to change the law of time, then it seemed that he had to start with himself.

Now it seems that after the K team escapes from this world alive, the focus of the next stage may have to be on jewelry processing and inscription branches?
Associating with the field of Isu inscriptions that stand a large part of Isu knowledge, emmmmm, this idea is worth considering.

(End of this chapter)

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