The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 192 75. Don’t Talk About Your Boss When You Are in Trouble, Your Boss Can’t Solve This Matte

Chapter 192 75. Don’t Talk About Your Boss When You Are in Trouble, Your Boss Can’t Solve This Matter
Zha Kang complained that they didn't care about the attack on Fort Stars in the world of assassins, and used them as cannon fodder, which is actually wrong.

Although it is true that the Stars will often do this kind of shit, but at least this time it is different.

The K team was sent by the hunter, and Wesker was directly under the leadership of the "warlock". Two of the three mentors of the Stars Club have become interested in this world.

Coupled with the sudden loss of contact with a bunch of B-level personnel trapped in it, the situation has risen to a very complicated point.

The Stars Fort has become a mess.

The department in charge of monitoring many vassal worlds is as noisy as a frying pan. They have also encountered world loss, but they have never been as turbulent as this time.

The connection between the world gates of the 11 B-level teams and the Fortress of Stars was cut off at the same time. After emergency maintenance, it was confirmed that the problem was not on their own side, so the problem must have occurred on the side of the Isu Assassin World.

This was clearly a trap aimed at them, and it is a pity that the truth was not discovered seven months later.

At a higher place in the Fort of Stars, the three mentors gathered here.

Both the hunter and the warlock were silent, obviously overwhelmed by the situation and not in the mood to talk, but the swordsman next to them looked very happy, and even grabbed a bag of potato chips and pushed his mask up to reveal his lipstick-painted mouth , chewing this snack from an unknown world.

As if it had nothing to do with him.

This is normal.

Because this guy really came to watch the excitement.

To be more precise, when she knew that Warlock and Hunter had stepped into the pit, she immediately ran to watch and laugh wildly.

She herself doesn't even hide it at all.

Last time, it was her people who screwed up in the world of Team K and made her feel ashamed, and was ruthlessly ridiculed and blackmailed by two bastard colleagues, but she didn't expect the news of this world to come so soon.

Now it's the swordsman's turn to eat the big melon in front of him.

"Can't you go out and eat before coming in?"

The hunter couldn't think at all because of the rattling sound, she yelled at the swordsman in a vicious voice:

"Snacks are not allowed in the office area of ​​Fort Stars! Look at the crumbs you've made all over the floor, is your mouth gaped?"

"Who said you can't eat here? You just set the rules?"

The swordsman disagreed.

She changed to a more comfortable position on the seat and lay down admiring the hunter's impotent rage. While throwing potato chips into her mouth, she said in a drawn out voice:

"Oh, oh, some people blew their hair, and it's too scumbag to take their temper on innocent people, but it doesn't matter, I understand your mood now.

Just like the last time I felt.

Stepping on shit for no reason sucks, right?

Come on, take a bite of potato chips, what a big deal, isn't it just a group of idiots trapped in a B-level world?Have a little confidence in your cannon fodder.

They're actually not as weak as you think. "

"Shut up!"

This time it was the warlock who spoke.

The gloomy caster sat on his black wooden chair and said in a gloomy tone:

"It is still within the normal range for a B-level world to find a way to cut off the connection of one or two world gates, but this time the projections of 11 world gates were cut off at the same time. The energy disturbance required to do this is quite terrifying .

If you don't understand, let me put it in a simpler way to take care of your poor thinking ability.

This is an energy level that shouldn't appear in a B-level world at all!
We were lied to.

From the time we discovered that world until now, they have been pretending to be weak and luring the enemy deep. "

Hunter walked around the office with her arms folded, and she briefly concluded in a man's voice:
"Smart hunters often appear as prey. The most important thing now is not to find the reason, you two, you have to break the blockade immediately and take our people out of it.

It is dangerous for them to make such a big battle.

The later we act, the more threats our people are exposed to. "

"I'm just bored."

The swordsman said here again in a strange way:

"Isn't it just a group of B-level personnel? It's worth the attention of the two of you? The last time 27 B-level personnel died inexplicably, I didn't see you two getting so nervous.

Even at the time I was in the mood to blackmail me.

Come on, relax, nothing big will happen. "

Warlock and hunter immediately completely ignored the swordsman who came here to find trouble today. They both turned their heads and looked outside the office at the same time. They could feel the abnormal vibration at the core of the coordination world gate projection not far away.

Although it has not yet affected all the projected bodies, this kind of shock already represents the continuous escalation of the situation.

"They're trying to crack the mystery of the World Gate."

The warlock whispered:
"The perception of the world gate body has been triggered, and if this continues, the projections of the 11 world gates will be completely shattered, and our last connection with that world will also dissipate among the stars.

Need to speed up. "

"You mean, we lead a team to 'forcibly cross the border' without going through the gate of the world?"

The hunter hesitated, and said:
"This reminds me of the early action mode of the Stars Association. At that time, the gate of the world had not yet been cast. Wouldn't it be too risky to play this kind of 'world airborne' when the opponent was clearly prepared?"

"We have no choice."

Warlock stood up quickly and said:

"Get ready, the three of us will go there together this time! Summon our respective guards and the 12-member council, don't ask ordinary members for this matter.

They can't handle it. "

After speaking, the warlock got up and took a step back, and disappeared into the office while flipping the dark cloak behind him.

The hunter also wanted to leave, but was stopped by the swordsman standing up.

She glanced at the latter's fingers covered with potato chip crumbs clasped on her wrist, and immediately said in a cold tone:
"You wanna fight? You know I don't like people touching me!"

"Oh, don't be so angry."

The swordsman let go immediately, but she approached the hunter and whispered:

"The annoying guy has finally left. I just want to ask you what's going on this time? You two are not people who panic when things happen, because it's rare to panic like this at the same time in an emergency.

There must be a problem here.

You tell me, I'll do my best to help you after we've passed, otherwise I'll be fishing for fish.Both your and the warlock's world travel abilities are adventurous.

You know, I still have to do it myself for this kind of frontal assault. "


Seeing this guy threatening, the hunter was speechless for a moment.

She was silent for a moment, then whispered to the swordsman:
"How much do you know about the world of assassins that is happening now?"

"Not much, just like what the organization preaches, a very rich world, rich in all kinds of excellent weapons and armor, and mysterious ancient knowledge. There may be some mystical powers, but the external performance is not outstanding."

The swordsman put his hands on his hips and said:

"My subordinates have also gone in to explore and find good things, but I don't think there will be such a 'natural treasure house' in the dark stars. You see, although I am not as cunning and smart as you two, I have always had a feeling for the treasures that come to my door. Very vigilant.

This is my principle of doing things.

And this vigilance allowed my people to perfectly avoid this trouble. "

"You're also missing out on some very important information by putting your arm around what's in doubt."

The hunter shook his head and said:
"There is a problem with that world. It is suspected that there was a super civilization in it, an ancient civilization that can be rated as a Transcendent A Grade force.

And that civilization made predictions about the impact disaster tens of thousands of years ago, and seems to have made preparations.

The warlock obviously noticed these clues, so he sent his A-level personnel to investigate, and I also have my people tracking this matter.

But this time, people from both sides had the problem of being cut off within 12 hours after entering.

What do you think this is because of? "

"bad luck?"

The swordsman tilted his head and said:
"Or did they really find some clues?"

"I have a feeling right now."

Mr. Hunter did not answer directly, but said in a suspicious tone:
"A collective blockade of this scale should not be aimed at the pioneers we sent, it is likely to be directed at us, I mean one of the three of us."


The swordsman immediately shook his head and said:
"How can they be so bold? Even if there was a super civilization, their power has long since slipped. Unless a superman or Thor is born in them, they will not be able to do anything to us.

We don't need the gate of the world to travel through the world, even if we can't beat it, can't we run? "

"Oh, your brain sometimes makes me envious."

The hunter said quietly:

"In your eyes, all problems will eventually be attributed to the confrontation of power. Such a simple thinking allows you to not be troubled by any conspiracy. To be honest, I am really envious.

Forget it.

Get ready, we'll be there in a bit. "

"You call me stupid and beat around the bush, but I'm not as knowledgeable as you."

The swordsman snorted, stretched his body again and said:
"Gee, such a simple and rude crossing of the line makes me feel like I am back in my youth, when we first got together and there were not so many broken rules.

How to work and do things is our temporary decision, let our temper.

At that time, you were not so vicious, and the warlocks were not so gloomy at that time. At that time, the three of us were still so innocent. We really thought that everyone was looking for a way out for the future of the infinite stars.

Every day is so fulfilling.

How is it like now?
Live like a fucking zombie."

"You miss the past?"

The hunter suddenly asked:

"You know, we can actually go back in time."


The swordsman who was still smiling just now suddenly turned cold and said:
"After seeing so much blood, committing so many murders, and witnessing innocent worlds being turned into ruins and sacrificed as bargaining chips because of your actions, who can pretend that none of this existed?

Even if I am so heartless, I can't do it.

As for you.
I don't know what you're planning, and I don't care, but I want to advise you, Hunter, don't hang out with those bad guys who have eight hundred minds in the blink of an eye.

They will sacrifice you when necessary, just like you would use D-class personnel as cannon fodder.

Believe me.

They will not hesitate when it is time to make up their minds.You have been to my world, you know what happened there, and I know your story. "

The swordsman snorted and said:
"Essentially, you and I are the same kind of people. We are good at action but not good at planning. Your brain is indeed better than mine, but it is far worse than a conspirator.

Be careful of being used as a gun by them.


That's all for now, whether you like it or not. "

After finishing speaking, this guy picked up his snack bag, whimpered, turned around and tore open a black space-time rift and jumped in, leaving Hunter alone in the office silently.

The three mentors of the Stars Club, the hunter, the warlock and the swordsman, have a very delicate relationship. For the hunter who has already determined to be "Xiao Fengxian", the warlock is a gloomy opponent that cannot be avoided.

And the swordsman.
This guy looks stupid but he can't see through it.

The hunter doesn't know whether she will become an enemy, but the only thing that is certain is that there must be a force behind the swordsman, otherwise she will not be able to sit in this position with her brain.

For now, they are neutral.

After two hours of mobilization, the Big Three of the Star Club gathered again. This time, apart from them, there were also the personal guards of each of the Big Three and members of the 12-member council.

Except for Wesker, who was already trapped in the world of assassins, all the other 11 people were present.

"I'll be the vanguard!"

The swordsman holding a devil helmet announced excitedly:
"After I tear open the space-time rift, you will jump in. The target world has already launched a shameless head suck on us! This is equivalent to a direct declaration of war, so there is no need to hold back everyone."

"The Cleaner Legion has received the signal."

The warlock also said in a gloomy tone:
"After we have completed the stripping of the large-energy space-time disturbance, the battle group will enter the field to complete the next cleanup. This is an unplanned invasion operation.

But it shouldn't be difficult for you. "

"set off!"

The hunter with the sword on his waist finally concluded:
"Everyone, protect yourself."

After finishing speaking, the swordsman bravely buckled his helmet on his head and waved it away.

A pair of black two-handed sharp blades emerged from the flames in the palm of his hand.

The pungent sulfur smell gushed out from the burning fire around her, and as she stretched out her hand to hold the invisible space and tore it apart, she brutally opened a path to the world of assassins.

The three masters all have the ability to directly travel through the worlds without going through the gate of the world, which is the capital of their lives, but such brutal frontal interference can only be done by swordsmen.

Just like her code name, simple, rude and efficient.

"I see them!"

The swordsman said full of fighting spirit:

"These guys are preparing for a war, they are so confident, awesome! My blade is hungry!"


The black space-time vortex was completely torn apart, and the swordsman rushed in first.

The three members of her faction in the 12-member council followed closely behind, but before they got close to the swordsman's vortex, an unstoppable force recoiled from the gap torn by the swordsman, like a sharp long sword Sweep across the upper floors of Fortress of Stars.

In an instant, the dome of the top third of the castle was cut open.

The cracks torn apart by the swordsman quickly closed up, and the warlock raised his head and saw the projection core of the higher world gate began to crackle.

"not good!"

He exclaimed:

"The world coordinates are going to be invalid! There is a device over there that can interfere with the rules of time and space! There is another trap in the trap! Pull her out!"

"That's too late!"

The hunter's robes all over his body were rattled by the energy impact. She opened the silver light door following the traces left by the swordsman, and shouted:

"Warlock, give me a Beacon! Quick."


The dark red magic flashed across the hunter, and she herself disappeared in the silver light curtain in the next second, and then all the vibrations and conflicts stopped instantly, and the projection core of the World Gate above everyone's heads was also Broken apart in mourning.

"This TM is a B-grade world?"

In the crowd, a guy in a crimson tights covered his face and crotch and screamed nervously, as if he had been kicked. He scolded:

"No matter how you look at this movement, it is Transcendent A Grade, right? Hey, how do you do intelligence work!"

"No, Wade, shut up!"

"Thunder" Shazam, one of the 12 councilors who have a lot of research on magic, checked the remaining energy here with a serious face. He whispered:

"They activated some devices! Obviously, they themselves couldn't control the devices well, otherwise, the impact just now would have been strong enough to destroy the space foundation of the demiplane that carries the Fortress of Stars.

It should be some kind of 'ancient relic' or 'ancient artifact' that exists in that world, and it is very likely that it is a one-time thing. This kind of thing often happens after civilization degenerates. "

"Now is not the time to discuss this."

Warlock said in a cold tone:

"The projection core of the gate of the world has collapsed. I have to go and see its body. You should maintain order here first, and don't make too much publicity about what happened here.

do not worry.

They're alive, I can feel them. "
"Fuck! This time I'm down."

On a snow-capped cliff in the Assassin's World, the swordsman who was hit by a strange energy just now fell into the snow in embarrassment.

The armor on her body was completely shattered, and her beautiful figure was almost cut into pieces. While vomiting blood, she said to the hunter who came to help her:
"You shouldn't have come! You bastard's crow's mouth was right, it was a trap for the three of us, and we jumped into it stupidly.

It felt like being punched a dozen times in the face by Superman."

"Say a few words less."

The hunter will also be angry.

She tried to help the swordsman up, but the next moment, in the snow in front of the two of them, a figure in a black suit and a golden cloak emerged from the blizzard.

The latter is still wearing crystal high heels that office clerks would wear, a black braid hangs down her chest under the hood, and a golden snake-shaped bracelet looms on her swinging left wrist.


She stopped in front of the two of them, glanced at them, and said cursingly:

"The juniors these days are rough and unreliable in their work. Why are there two of them here? Sigh, I don't know if my old arms and legs can hold up."

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, I wish you all a happy new year!15+3 will be added tomorrow, and there will be another update for the Lantern Festival. I wish you all a happy new year.

(End of this chapter)

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