The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 193 76. I see that you are a yellow-haired girl with a strange skeleton. Are you interested

Chapter 193 76. I see that you are a yellow-haired girl with a strange skeleton. Are you interested in joining the K team?
Mason's transformation of the Anti-Superman armor went very smoothly. It took him three hours to basically assemble it and install the reactor, ready to start at any time.

The changes brought about by the knowledge from the God of Fire and Forging to Mason's creative skills are currently just whimsical ideas, but as he continues to integrate and inherit, it will eventually bring about absolute qualitative changes.

This change is exactly what Mason wants to see.

With two hours left before the scheduled meeting with the team members, Mason got out of the suitcase. He looked around vigilantly and did not see anyone coming in the half-destroyed underground parking lot. trace.

He was very sure of that.

Because he used the supersensory skill "Eagle Eye" brought by the Isu blood, which is the basic ability of the Isu blood in this world. When activated, the five senses are strengthened to capture all the clues around him.

It is equal to a downgraded version of "spider perception".

And as the super senses of the Isu continue to adapt, this eagle eye ability will be upgraded. It is difficult for Mason to describe the feeling when this super sense is activated in words.

But to sum it up, it's cool.

Very cool.

The kind of detailed changes that can perceive the surrounding 360° without dead angle with his eyes closed made him no longer have to worry about being attacked.

It is said that the Isu can even clearly feel the trajectory of time flow because of their keen perception. If Mason continues to strengthen himself in this way, maybe one day he can really master the ability of "bullet time" by himself.

"Although it is not directly strengthened, this kind of gradual improvement is not bad."

Mason jumped out satisfied.

He picked up the suitcase and took out a tube of Polyjuice Potion from his pocket and drank it in one gulp. Ten seconds later, when he left the abandoned parking lot, he had completely changed into the appearance of the local assassin saint John Wick.

I "borrowed" a car casually on the street near dawn, used an engineering master key to start the ignition, and took out a chip and inserted it into the speaker USB of the car's console.

Soon, the voice of the old AI driver Delaman sounded in the carriage:

"Hello, passenger number one, it's good to see you safe and sound."

"Hello, Old De."

Mason leaned on the main driver and said:

"Come on, let's drive. I'll squint for a while. The destination is the New York Grand Temple outside the city. The coordinates have been entered into your program."

"Received, the best route is being planned."

In the clear electronic sound, the car started again, and soon drove Mason away from the city after a night of hustle and bustle.

But it didn't go very far.

Just a few minutes after Mason was still slightly exhausted after being strengthened by the drug, a sudden loud noise woke him up from his half-asleep.

He instinctively grabbed the penguin umbrella and the kinetic energy pistol at his waist. He was about to scold the old driver AI for going crazy and causing a traffic accident. Then he looked up and found that Delaman was not to blame.

On the hood of the car in front of him lay a bloody human figure that fell from the sky.

This guy smashed the glass of Mason's car, his blond hair stained with blood looked quite miserable, and Mason could still see his fingers twitching. How could this guy not die after falling from such a high height?

"Look at her arm! Mason."

Mr. Hat on the young man's head reminds:

"It's your people."


Mason rubbed his eyes and jumped out of the car, pulled the guy off the hood, carefully checked the guy's arm next to the black smoke, and found that there was a bloody devil's mark on it.

"Why is it cut like this? It's like rolling out of a meat cutter. The assassins deliberately tortured him. Well, it's still a young girl."

He wiped the face of the "companion" who fell from the sky with a handkerchief. Although he was seriously injured, he could still tell that it was a young lady.

This made Mason difficult.

"Looking at the injury, it should be that the assassins escaped in the chaos when they attacked the Continental Hotel. In this world, except for the A-level personnel Wesker they met, all B-level members are here, so she should also be here. One of those people."

The young man touched his hat and said:
"Should I leave her here to die? Or take advantage of the situation and make up for it?"

"She's about to wake up."

The hat reminds:
"Her healing speed is astonishingly fast, you may not be able to beat her, but there is a very chaotic magic power left on her body, as if she was hit by a powerful magic head-on and sustained damage.

Don't assassins in this world know magic? "

While putting on medical gloves, Mason laid the wounded in front of him flat on the ground, and took out the magic cloth bandage and first aid equipment he made. He explained:
"The Isu's control over energy is very superb, and some of the energy devices they left behind behave like magic after being activated.

After all, both are changes in energy, so it is not surprising that this kind of injury occurs.

Look around for me, hat.

I'm going to bandage her up. "

"The Isu Shroud on you will heal her."

The sorting hat says:

"Although you explained the working principle of that thing before, I still find its existence inconceivable. These Isu people have used technology to do things that are difficult for magic to do."

"Are you stupid? Why should I cure her? She's not a friend, I just bandaged her to improve my proficiency"

Mason rolled his eyes and quickly brushed up a few waves of first aid proficiency with the distressed person in front of him, and then hid the distressed girl who was wrapped like a rice dumpling in the grass by the roadside.

He packed his medical kit and returned to the car. Seeing that the car was beyond repair, he could only take the risk of throwing his small motorcycle out.

Mason pushed his hat back on his motorcycle and said:

"It's enough to do this step for the survivors who meet by chance. Whether she can escape the assassin's pursuit depends on her luck. They should bear such professional risks when they search for good things here.

Besides, I'm a C-level rookie and I can't protect myself now, how can I care about the life and death of a B-level boss? "


The flying motorcycle started into the sky like lightning, and within a few minutes, Mason was taken off the main road and into the wilderness on the outskirts of the city. Just as he was about to observe the terrain from a high place and find the direction of the rift valley of the Great Temple, the hat on his head suddenly gave a warning arrive:


Mason pulled out the kinetic energy pistol at his waist in a very quick reaction, opened the death eye and drew the gun quickly, and fired seven shots in a row towards his left, but a hand was clasped on his wrist the moment the bullets flew out, Then push it upwards to the top of your head.

The seven bullets were all emptied within a short time, and there was a blond girl who was wrapped like a rice dumpling in the bucket of Mason's scooter.

"what's wrong with you?"

The latter appeared in Mason's car body like a flash, and with a squeeze of his bandaged fingers, Mason's wrist hurt and the pistol fell into the opponent's hand.

She stared at Mason with wide blue eyes, and scolded weakly but fiercely:

"Shouldn't I try my best to help a girl in distress on the side of the road asking for help? Why did you leave me on the side of the road waiting to die? How about your chivalry?

Conscience was eaten by dogs? "

"You still need my help with your skills?"

Mason, who was wearing a safety helmet and flying goggles, was taken aback, and retorted back:

"Even if I don't help you bandage and rely on your self-healing, you can wake up in a few minutes, and you still have chivalry. You don't look at the current environment!
The whole world is after us!

After all, you are still a B-level person with the ability to protect yourself. I, a C-level rookie, will be finished if they catch me.In this case, do you still want me to help you?

Hey, are you the one who has no conscience? "

"C-level personnel?"

First, she was seriously injured by a sneak attack and then almost killed by a local demigod. At a critical moment, a wave of random teleportation came and she escaped. The swordsman lady who would "breathe back to blood" while sitting in the car raised her eyebrows.

She looked Mason up and down, and said suspiciously:
"What are the C-level personnel doing here? Don't you think it's too messy to take the initiative to give away the head? Wait, you are... that stupid hunter. Heck, I mean, the team directly under the respectable Mr. Hunter?

She actually sent you rookies here to die?

This is too much! "

"That's right, that's about it."

Mason pouted, and also looked at the mummy-like "companion" in front of him, and asked:
"What's the matter with you? Were you attacked by assassins at the Continental Hotel last night? But you were able to escape from the pursuit of so many assassin saints holding Isu artifacts. It seems that you are very powerful.

The teleportation technique just now was not bad, which team are you from? "

"I, I have a great background."

The swordsman snorted, while removing Mason's bandage, he raised his chin proudly and said:
"Have you ever heard of the powerful, invincible, unparalleled, super-cool swordsman? I am her, uh, the number one warrior under her command. That's right, that's my identity."

Having said that, she recalled the information that the hunter had revealed to her before, so she quickly added a "personal design" to herself:

"Oh, my superiors know that hunters and warlocks have sent people to this world to investigate the secrets here, but she is extremely wise and not as high-profile as those two idiots, so she quietly sent me to sneak in here.

Planning to do a low-key investigation.

In the end, those two idiots' idiots made a fool of themselves and got me involved. Where are you going?Want to escape?No need to try, the assassins of this world have some kind of tracking, and sooner or later they will find you. "

She watched Mason search the terrain at high altitude, then yawned and said:
"Go down, find a place for me to rest and prepare for the hunt, don't be afraid, little guy, since you saved my sister, she will keep you safe.

Those shameless assassins actually sneaked up on me, they are so lacking in martial arts, wait for me to recover my blood and see that I will kill them all and crush them all to death!
Not one left! "

"Why are you so murderous?"

Mason frowned and threw a bottle of potion over, saying:
"In your current situation, don't hold on to the fight, the chaotic energy in your body is constantly destroying your body, the wound can't heal and it will slowly lose blood.

Since you also admit that I saved you, follow my arrangement, we are carrying out a secret mission.

You be quiet!

I am only one step away from discovering the ultimate secret of this world. "

"Mason? Where are you?"

Jaggerkone's voice followed, with the flash of Mason's collar pin, as he said:
"We've arrived near the rift valley. We also defeated some idiots chasing us along the way and got some good gadgets to re-arm. However, Wesker said that there is quite amazing energy in the rift valley, and he plans to go in and see for himself."

"Let him go."

As Mason landed towards his companion, he said:

"There's nothing wrong with multiple cannon fodder taking the place of a dead ghost. I'll join you now. Don't approach the Great Temple until I arrive."

"Wesker? The 'disease' in the Council of Twelve?"

After he finished the call, the swordsman in the carriage frowned and said:
"The person sent by the warlock is actually him? Tsk tsk, it seems that the warlock is not satisfied with just exploring the secrets. He has made preparations in advance to launch a pollution war here."

"Oh? What do you say?"

Mason squinted and asked:

"Are you familiar with the Council of Twelve?"

"That's pretty familiar, and I've had dinner with some of them."

The swordsman rolled his eyes, and said in the usual tone of passers-by bragging:

"I know those twelve people very well. Take this Wesker as an example. This guy is an out-and-out bad guy. He was a complete villain before he joined the Stars.

Spreading dangerously engineered viruses in his world in an attempt to gain access to the mysteries of altering life forms, he is, it must be said, gifted at this.

Later, when his world was in crisis, he immediately grabbed the olive branch that the stars would give him, and became our eyeliner. It only took a few months to help us get rid of the disease that has become a wasteland. world.

But his biggest feat wasn't that. "

The swordsman waved her hands in disgust, and shared the inside story indifferently, only the Big Three knew about it. She said:

"Albert Wesker's research on biological viruses won him the favor of warlocks, and he was subsequently included in the 'Pollution Operations' team.

That guy did a great job.

The source virus, which was originally full of lethality and very scarce, was fused with many strange things, and downgraded to a less dangerous but more polluting 'zombie virus'.

Because of his success in this area, it took him only one year to enter the 12-member council and become a capable general of the warlock faction.

The downgrading virus he produced was quickly spread to countless D-level and C-level worlds, which greatly accelerated the development speed of the Stars Club in this area.

So his nickname is 'Plague'.

It's like the source of pollution, with endless poison.

The warlock sent that guy here, probably planning a long time ago that after figuring out the secrets here, there will be a wave of virus outbreaks on the spot to prepare for the subsequent occupation war.

It's not me, boy, you C-level people deal with that kind of guy. "

Miss Swordsman had a youthful and beautiful face of a beautiful girl, but she shook her head old-fashionedly and said:

"You can't play him, and I suspect that your companion may have been 'contaminated' by him. That guy is a 'poison man'. He has almost all the disease samples that the stars will collect."


Mason flicked his tongue, and a rare cold murderous intent appeared in his squinted eyes. He said:

"It sounds like a heinous guy. If he dies in this world, the victims of the entire stars will be grateful for it, right?"

His words made the swordsman in the car show a surprised expression. As a veteran who has traveled back and forth in countless worlds among the stars, she can naturally understand the deep meaning in Mason's words.

The Stars Club is not a benevolent organization. It is not uncommon for organizations to ambush their companions to kill people and seize treasures.

She just didn't understand where this C-level person had the courage to ambush an A-level person?Are all the C-rank cannon fodder under Hunter so confident?
No wonder the casualty rate was so high.


There was a sudden muffled thunder in the gloomy sky just now, and then there were dark clouds reverberating, and gusts of cold wind blew in, making Mason, who was in a bad mood, glance at the sky.

What happened to this sudden change in weather?Is it because God specially changed his face to set off the desperate situation of Team K?

Isn't this too fitting?
"It's going to rain, let's go down, these shitty things should be over. By the way, I haven't asked your name yet? If it's not convenient to say it, can you give me a nickname or something?"

He looked at the swordsman, who shrugged and said:

"Call me. Well, 'Secret' would be fine, it's been a long time since that nickname was used."


Mason froze for a moment, then nodded and said:
"A good nickname, mysterious and chic enough."

"Really? Haha, it took me a lot of brainpower to think of this nickname at the beginning, but in the end, I was not allowed to use it when I entered the Stars Club, saying that it is too recognizable to be good for hiding.

Tsk tsk, what a broken rule!I'm not considered a first-line hero in my hometown, even in the parallel world, not many people know me, right?

It's really annoying to mention. "

Miss Swordsman was in a good mood after being praised.

But she didn't notice the flash of surprise in Mason's eyes.

This B-level personnel is actually a senior X-Men?Tsk tsk, the Stars Club really has a lot of talents, but I don't know when I will meet someone like the professor or Lao Wan.

Of course, the short man he likes the most doesn't know if he will be lucky enough to meet and ask for some more autographs.

In addition, is this yellow-haired lady who fell from the sky really a B-level person?
Why doesn't this look like an old-fashioned old fritters?
(End of this chapter)

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