The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 194 77. Dare to blow hair with me in my territory?Give you face!

Chapter 194 77. Dare to blow hair with me in my territory?Give you face!

The sudden change of weather did not cause any trouble for the rendezvous of Team K. When the first drop of rain fell, Mason successfully found his teammates.

Their spirits were not bad, except for Zha Kang who was still a little pale, no one was hurt.

However, when Mason jumped off the motorcycle, he saw Zha Kang hiding in the shadow of the cave with the golden apple in his arms, chanting words, looking like he was overwhelmed.

"He has been abnormal since just now, holding that thing and not allowing us to approach."

As soon as Mason came in, Ertong came to "complain".

He looked at Zha Kang who was muttering to himself with a sad expression, and whispered:
"I feel like it's bewitching him, or worse, it's reshaping John's mind like it's shielding the minds of those assassin saints."

"This is normal."

Mason moved his fingers and explained:
"He doesn't have Isu blood, so he can't withstand the golden apple's thinking force field. This thing is not for pure-blooded humans, but don't worry, he can still be saved."

While talking, the young man stepped forward and patted Zha Kang on the shoulder.

The latter turned around abruptly, protected the radiant golden apple in his arms, pulled out a cherry wood wand in a vicious voice, and yelled at Mason:
"Stay away from me! Stay away from my baby! You are not allowed to come close! You must want to snatch my baby! No, this is my baby! The baby that can make me the king of the world!"

"That's just a golden apple that needs charging, you idiot! Bring it!"

Mason rushed forward and grabbed the golden apple in Zha Kang's arms. The latter screamed as if he had lost his mind and fought with Mason, but was pulled away by Ertong and Barbara.

"Hit him! Physically calibrate consciousness!"

Mason took the golden apple in his hand and pressed it a few times to close it, then looked at Zha Kang who was howling like a pig in front of him, and made a gesture, and the second barrel immediately punched Constantine on the eye socket.

Taking such a ruthless look at the attack shows that there is a little personal grievance in it.

This Friendship Shattering Fist knocked the dark wizard out of his mind to the ground, but it worked so well that he seemed to wake up all of a sudden.

"Stop fighting!"

Zha Kang screamed and squatted on the spot with his head in his arms, then raised his head to reveal funny panda eyes, and looked at the golden apple in Mason's hand with great fear.

他 说:

"Get that shit out of my way! Damn, I feel like it's talking to me and trying to teach me, but I can't read it, what the hell is this?"

"I told you just now that the golden apple is a controller made by the Isu to control human thoughts and actions, and it is a whip in the hands of slave owners."

Mason tossed the closed golden apple up and down in his hand and said:
"People without Isu blood cannot withstand its brainwashing. You are not bad. You have held it for nearly six hours and have not been 'reformed' into a loyal servant of the Isu. It seems that you have made obvious progress recently, John. "

"Then why are you okay?"

Zha Kang rubbed his eyes and took the potion handed by Mason, drank it down, looked at the cave entrance, and said viciously:
"And what about that blond chick over there? Did you pick it up?"

"That's a companion. Well, it's a companion for the time being."

Mason hesitated for a while, but still introduced the secret guest to his teammates, he said:

"This is a spy sent into this world by Your Excellency Swordsman, one of the three mentors, with the same mission as us and Wesker. I saved her.

Don't worry, she's hurt and weak now. "

"Mason, there's a strong data signal beneath the rift, but I can't decipher it."

Barbara stepped forward, rubbing her sore forehead, and transferred the mysterious information received by the brain interface to the microcomputer on her arm, showing very weird and simple geometric symbols on the screen.

She said to Mason:
"It was this signal that had been invading the firewall of my mind before, but it seemed to be unmanned. We can't understand these mysterious words, but I personally think it should be a code or a warning left by the ancient Isu.

I'm running six hacks at once, give me half an hour and I'll crack it. "

Mason glanced at the Isu text on the microcomputer, and then said with a strange expression:
"It says 'A/C system malfunction, third vent closed', uh, I'm not kidding, that's exactly what it means."

"and many more!"

Ertong suddenly shuddered, looked at Mason, and said:

"How can you read these ancient scripts? And you can manipulate golden apples! Barbara, remember the information we found in the Abstergo databases?

Tales of the ancient Isu being reborn with the consciousness of another's body."


The Gryffindor Revenge Sword, shining with magical light, was drawn out, and with a cold light and sandy blade, it pressed against Mason's neck. Two barrels protected Batgirl and Zha Kang behind him. He asked vigilantly:
"Who the hell are you? What did you do to Mason!"


Watching this scene, Miss Swordsman, who was hiding from the rain at the entrance of the cave, covered her mouth and laughed. She looked at the scene in front of her and said:
"Oh, the way you get along with this team is really interesting. If I didn't already have a team, I would definitely apply to join you.

Mason kid!
Look how disrespectful your players are, beat them up to show your captaincy. "

"Don't make trouble."

Mason reached out and grabbed the sharp revenge sword and pushed it away, saying to his companions:

"I just made some strengthening potions for myself to drink, and unlocked some inheritances of the Isu people, but from another perspective, there is indeed a memory of the Isu people filling my mind.

But it's definitely not the kind of rebirth you think, why don't we share some secrets to verify our identity? "

The young man coughed, stared at Ertu with a drawn out voice and said:
"For example, during your training period, you had some super-friendship with a certain black elder? Do you want me to tell you the details? Two barrels?"


Sheath the blade.

In order to avoid being executed on the spot and resulting in the death of the society, Er Tong, who had to compromise, said with a straight face:
"Okay, confirm your identity, don't talk about those damn things."

"You said there was an Isu consciousness in your mind?"

Zha Kang turned around Mason in amazement, pointed to the road leading to the rift ahead, and said:

"You should know everything about there?"

"Well, the details are clear, just like going home."

Mason nodded and said:
"This great temple hides the 'Salvation Device' left by the ancient Isu people. They call it the 'Aurora Device'. In the past tens of thousands of years, that device has been protecting this world from the parallel world system. In addition, they escaped two crises in this way.

It is not that the stars will discover this world, but that the world actively shut down the aurora device in order to find a way to resist the doomsday and expose it to the eyes of the stars.

Barbara and Second Barrel should have told you about this. "

"It's awesome, no wonder the three major mentors have to send people here, such an 'Aurora Device' that can protect the world alone is worth the return ticket."

Zha Kang sighed in admiration, then glanced at the hole and pricked up his ears to eavesdrop on the secret agent here, and made a motion of silence to Mason.

He coughed and said:
"Hey, yellow-haired girl of unknown origin, how long are you going to eavesdrop? You see, our captain is a kind guy, and he may believe your one-sided words.

But I'm a big badass.

I have seen too many scumbags pretending to be friendly people, maybe even your name is lying to us, after all, I have never seen you in the Continental Hotel!

Come come.

Show me your Stellaris employee card. "

Zha Kang's request made Mi Ke's face change.

As a great mentor, she can fake the completeness of the tattoo on her arm, which is easy, but the "employee card" produced by the star club system cannot be faked.

The appearance of the Grand Mentor-level crystal card will reveal her identity.

If she was exposed before, she would be exposed, and she has never cared about such things.But it's different now. From the little information Mason revealed just now, she already knows the supreme secret of the existence of this world.

Let her let go now, even if her mind is really not very bright, it is impossible.


Just as Miss Swordsman, who was not good at using her brain, was thinking hard about how to get this matter over, a loud noise suddenly sounded from the passage leading to the rift beside everyone.

After that, the light curtain was activated in the torrential rain, and a layer of pale light emerged from the ground.

It swept across the cave, causing everyone except Mason to feel like an electromagnetic shock.

The hairs on the arms of Ertong and Zhakang stood on end, while the long hair of Barbara and Mike instantly turned into a hedgehog-like "explosive head".

"what happened?"

Zha Kang roared, Mason glanced over there, and said:
"Wesker is hitting the seal of the Great Temple, and that idiot has triggered the defense device, and these high-energy particle beams will become stronger and stronger until they melt all life around them.

But this great temple is directly connected to the continental shelf.

Unless he can dismantle the continental shelf, there is no way to get in without golden apples.
Let's go and help him. "

He took the lead, and Team K followed closely behind. No one cared about Miss Swordsman, but she couldn't miss such a thing, so she followed along clutching her bleeding stomach.

Now she finally understood why the hunters paid so much attention to the rookies of Team K.

These guys are really capable.


When rushing into the main building of the rift valley full of light, Mason punched a stone carved with mysterious geometric runes, and then an ancient storage room was opened, and there were several silver-gray full-covered Armor and a couple of shiny weapons.

"Go put it on and wait five minutes before going in."

Mason told the team:

"This is the uniform of the staff of the Great Temple. It comes with temporary permissions and will not let you be attacked by the suppression system. Don't touch anything after entering!

The device the Isu placed here is a photonic computer, which has no physical body.

and this! "

He escaped from his arms the phoenix egg that was twice bigger than an ostrich egg, handed it to Zha Kang, and said:
"Find a way to hatch it, John."

"This thing will suck me dry."

Zha Kang frowned and took it over, saying:
"What the hell do you want?"

"I'm going to burn some 'dirty stuff' here."

Mason glanced at the direction of the temple, he pushed the sorting hat, and said in a cold tone:
"If you miss this village, you won't have this shop. After all, it's rare to have a chance to crush an A-level person."


The three members of Team K looked at each other.

But Mason didn't explain much, just stomped his feet, pointed to the ground and said:
"Don't worry, this is 'our' territory now! The God of Fire and Forging will bless you."

After speaking, he turned around and rushed into the brighter and brighter beam of high-energy particles in front of him. Barbara rubbed her increasingly painful head and said to Er Tong and Zha Kang:

"Every time I come out with Mason, it's a big scene. I think I have to take a leave of absence for a few days after I go back this time."

"I just think his mental state is not stable."

Zha Kang rubbed his chin and said with strange eyes:
"Although he kept stressing that he was sober, a normal Mason wouldn't say any nonsense about God's blessing on us. Well, don't waste your time.

Change your clothes quickly, let's go help.

Barbara where are you going?

Just change it here!I won't peek at you, even my own family, right?You're not wearing underwear."
Sunglasses Gwisker has already found the sealed wall leading to the Great Underground Temple. He waved his hot fists and smashed towards the wall in front of him that was covered with geometric Isu characters.

Every punch shakes the surroundings.

Due to the transformation of the life form by the virus, he could feel that there was a huge space behind the mountain wall. Judging from the clues he got from the warlock, there must be an ancient building left by the Isu people here.

"Don't smash it! If you smash it again, the defense system will start a more advanced killing program, and you will kill us all here."

Mason's voice came from behind, making Wesker look back at him vigilantly.

But the young man didn't care about the guy's gaze.

He quickly walked through the high-energy particles that were already enough to burn flesh, pressed his hat and approached the door, and then took out the golden apple that Zakon got from his arms and put it into the groove in the wall.

It's like putting a key in a lock.

But that wasn't enough, there was another slot for the golden apple on the door, and Mason took out Odin's golden apple and placed it under Wesker's surprised gaze.

Then, amidst the rattling sound of the mechanism, the surrounding high-energy particle beams quickly dimmed, exuding a high-temperature atmosphere on the spot, and exposing the closed road to the eyes of the two.

"Distinguished A-level personnel, please first!"

Mason made a "please" gesture, and took two golden apples in his hands. Wesker pushed his sunglasses without saying a word, and strode into the great temple that had been dusty for tens of thousands of years.

When he took the first step into it, the dark place seemed to welcome visitors, and there were faint blue lights on the top and bottom, illuminating this ancient facility deep underground.

This is a disordered space.

There are strangely shaped stone pillars and some stone slabs and high platforms suspended in mid-air in a special shape that completely violate the laws of physics.

There are also some crystal-like items that have exhausted their energy scattered on the ground, and a thick layer of dust covers it like a gloomy tomb.

However, the temple looked very different in Wesker's eyes than it did in Mason's eyes.

When Mason stepped into it, his eyes blinked a few times, as if he had entered a special "observation mode", and a large number of Isu phantoms were busy back and forth in this space.

Can only see visions but not hear shadows.

Like the last traces left in this world by a group of ghosts that have long disappeared in time, Mason even saw "himself" in those phantoms.

That is, the figure of Hephaestus the Isu.

He was standing on a stone-made console on a high place, manipulating the mysterious instruments here to do some debugging work, and above the darker place was the optical projection of a complex star system.

Not the structure of the stars.

It is derived from the simulation structure of parallel worlds in the multiverse, arranged with the knowledge of the Isu people, and outlines the understanding of the mysteries of the stars by this ultra-ancient civilization.

Mason could see them clearly, although in the eyes of others, only ruins remained in this underground temple.

"Do you know how to activate it?"

Wesker's deep voice sounded in front, he stared back at Mason, and said in a low tone:
"Please get to work, C-Class personnel."

"Wait a minute, the key to the console should be nearby."

Mason stepped forward to follow the past images reflected in his eyes, and flicked his hand somewhere under the main body of the photonic computer close to the Aurora system.

During the opening and closing of the stone, something was pushed to Mason's eyes.

It was a golden-gray sphere, almost exactly the same as the golden apple in Mason's hand, but the slightly dim Isu inscription on it represented that this was not a control item.

Mason heaved a sigh of relief and reached out to touch it.

It was as if the temple that had finally fallen asleep was opened, the dark place suddenly brightened, and the pale light beams began to outline complex figures in the space above the temple.

That is the attitude of the photonic computer when it is turned on.

And at the same instant, fiery snake-shaped tentacles snaked from behind and bound his neck and body, lifting him into the air.

Wesker, who still maintained his human form but his left arm had turned into an indescribable snake-like synapse, stretched out his hand, and Mason, who was no longer useless, was knocked against the mountain wall and fell to the ground.

He saw Wesker reach out and hold the "key" he had found.

Then, as he expected, when Wesker came into contact with the Isu orb, he let out a roar as if being attacked, and threw the thing out, as if he was holding a piece of hot magma.

"Isu Blacksmith access code: YGH-1-103."

Mason lying on the ground yelled in the ancient Isu language, a blue light hit him in an instant, and a gentle electronic voice sounded in the next instant:
"Biological genetic information certification passed! The blood concentration of the Isu has reached the standard! The access code is correct! Welcome home, Your Excellency Hephaestus, the host of the World Tree - the split program of the Great Temple is waiting for your instructions."

"Hazardous substance expulsion system activated! In front of the target, expulsion mode: extermination!"

Mason stood up grabbing the dim orb that had rolled down at his hand, touched his scorched neck, and the stones under his feet lifted him up into the sky like an elevator.

He looked at Wesker who was holding his head and shouting on the ground.

"World Tree host, do me a favor and burn this rubbish, the entire galaxy will thank you for it."

(End of this chapter)

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