The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 197 80. You are the fat pigeon we released [215]

Chapter 197 80. You are the fat pigeon we released [215]

(Add more for the 'Autistic Captain' brother!)


There was a dead silence in the Great Temple, and it was not until Miss Swordsman yelled that everyone woke up.

Worthy of being one of the three mentors, she moved very quickly even when she was seriously injured. She grabbed Barbara with her left hand and wanted to hold Mason with her right hand, but a golden light shot from above forced her to hold the second barrel shoulders, and disappeared into the great temple with the two guys in a flash.

Zha Kang frantically activated the teleportation rune he had left outside the temple.

The black wizard still expressed some loyalty and wanted to take Mason away together, but it was also the weird ejection of the golden light that made him almost fail to run away, so he could only disappear in place unwillingly.

Mason could clearly feel the demigod of this world appearing above locking him.

He didn't dare to act rashly, but the good news is that Mason will have "strong reinforcements".

Phoenix Fox, who was grilling viral meat kebabs, saw the mysterious man throwing a weapon at Mason, screaming and flew up to fight her.

It also doesn't like Mason very much.

But whoever asked this guy to bring himself out of the doomsday world and gave it sweet flames for Nirvana rebirth, it established a certain connection with Mason, so it couldn't allow Mason to die here.

The disruption of the legendary creature gave the locked captain a chance to breathe.

Taking advantage of the flames above his head, he rushed to Mr. Hunter's side, grabbed her wrist and helped her up when she was injured.

In the current situation, the guy disguised as a man didn't say hypocritically that he didn't like being touched. Seeing that the K team was still there and Wesker was suspected to be dying, she was also relieved.

"pay close attention!"

She said something in a hoarse voice, then looked up at the local demigod who was coming and going with Phoenix in the rainstorm of the broken temple above her head, waved her hand and opened a silver crack in front of her, and walked into it with Mason and disappeared. this.

But they didn't get very far.

Amidst the increasingly violent coughing, a silver light suddenly appeared somewhere outside the wilderness, allowing Mason and the hunter to appear in the middle of the heavy rain at night.

Mason glanced at the sky.

The rain curtain that had weakened a bit just now would become even more noisy, as if reflecting his dire situation at this time.

He glanced at the coughing boss, pursed his lips, grabbed her by the waist and hugged her, rushed forward to a hidden crevice in the rocks, took out the gold cup from his bag and filled it with the purified The healing potion was handed to the hunter.

他 说:

"Drink it, it's good for you."

"It's useless."

Mr. Hunter is very weak, and can make a very neutral hoarse voice without any disguise. She clutched her abdomen and said:
"This is not an ordinary injury, that woman locked my self-healing power in some way, maybe it was poison or some inheritance from the damned Isu people.

Have you unlocked the golden apple yet? "

"Well, I also got a lot of information that you must really want."

Mason didn't hide.

He glanced at the frighteningly deep night in the rainstorm, and said:
"But I'm more curious about what's going on with you? Ambushed? Isn't it?"

"You don't know how messed up things are in this world."

The hunter leaned against this narrow crack in the rock, and she took out a bottle of amber potion and poured it down. Not only did she not heal herself, but because of some force conflict in her body, she opened her mouth to spurt blood again.

But the Great Teacher's life force is strong, so spitting out such a little blood is not fatal.

Coughing, she explained:

"Before I came over, I saw a beam of light emitted from here penetrated the projection core of the World Gate in Starsburg. If you think about the worst case, this time at least one-third of the vassal worlds will be temporarily destroyed. lost contact.

They must have done it on purpose, they must have planned it.

They know us very well, and now I even suspect that there are local assassins who have disguised themselves and entered the Fort of Stars for on-site reconnaissance. This is an accurate and deadly serial set
I am attracted to golden apples.

Warlock must have also got hints of some key information. If we hadn't been vigilant enough, we might be the ones trapped here now.

But the result was not bad.

The assassins in this world know very well what kind of response their actions will lead to, and even our plan to forcibly cross the border to save people is also in their consideration. "

"There are also swordsmen."

Mason added:
"I rescued a pioneer under the command of a swordsman on the road, and she said she was called a secret guest."


The hunter was taken aback by Mason's message. Although covered by the starry sky mask, Mason could feel her stunned emotional change.

He frowned and said:
"What? Is there a problem?"

"No, it's fine."

The hunter didn't seem to want to discuss this issue, she clutched her waist and abdomen and continued:

"It's somewhat late to say this now, the local demigod is very strong, Mason, I don't want to pretend that I can solve the problem, the fact is that in a one-on-one situation, my chances of winning are small.

And it's hard to take care of you.

You have to take the unlocked message back with you, do you hear me? "

She said to Mason:
"Facts have proved that the Isu civilization in this world has indeed left something extraordinary, just this device that can cut off the connection between this world and the parallel world system is worth our risk.

Although in my opinion, this is still a tricky and evasive response, but if this device can be spread to other worlds... Think about it, Mason, if we can save another one, it will be a waste of our work this time.

please wait a moment.

After recovering for a while, I tried to find a way to send you out. "

"What about my teammates?"

Mason said:
"What about you? Just me going back alone? No! I refuse!"

"It's all like this, do you still expect this matter to end satisfactorily?"

The hunter coughed and scolded:
"Should I praise you for being hopeful all the time? Or should I say you are naive? I understand that people who value emotions can't accept this price at first, but you will get used to it slowly."

"Don't say 'price' in front of me!"

Mason scoffed at the argument, saying:

"It was never my intention to treat every player I recruited as cannon fodder or a 'price' to pay when necessary, that's not my style of doing things.

As for whether it is consummated, we have to go to the end to know.

I have an idea."


Before Mason finished speaking, a golden battle spear flew out from the rain in the dark night, passed between the two of them with a bang, and nailed it to the stone wall behind him.

The hunter's mask shattered whole as she dodged the fatal blow.

Under Mason's surprised gaze, her silver hair spread out. She dropped the gleaming red saber in her hand, and pulled out a black slender two-handed sword with her backhand, about to flash out to fight the incoming opponent.

When I got up, I didn't forget to remind:
"Go! I'm holding her back, I have to bring the message back bang"

A sap from behind interrupted all Hunter's words.

Behind her, Mason pulled out the Isu war spear stuck on the stone wall, and the blessing from the Isu blood allowed the war spear to unleash its full power in his hands.

This sap hit was extremely standard, as coquettish as the stick that Mason made the choice to save Catwoman that night in Gotham City, and the hunter, who was attacked from the back and the back, was completely unaware that the attack came from the rear.

She fell to the ground as soon as she was dizzy, and the last scene showed the expressionless Mason squatting down holding the spear and stabbing an injection into her neck.

In its heyday, such a sneak attack would be impossible to succeed against a hunter with its own flash.

But right now is an exception.

Under the effect of increased doses of bat sedatives, the hunter passed out groggyly.

Mason took a look at her face, which was always hidden behind the mask. The eyes with slightly smoky makeup and the signature shallow knife mark on her cheek proved her identity.

Mason wasn't too surprised by this.

He stood up, leaning on the brilliant Isu war spear in his hand, and looked at the pursuer who appeared out of the rain and walked through the darkness in front of him. The latter was wearing a black hood and holding a broken spear, looking murderous.

But she didn't attack immediately.

Perhaps it was Mason's backstab on one of his own people that made her feel surprised.


Mason threw the spear in his hand on the ground, spread his hands, and said:

"We need to talk!"

"What identity do you use to talk to me?"

A very nice and magnetic woman's voice pierced through the rain, and she said indifferently:
"A hound from the Stars Society? Or a traitor who betrayed his friends for glory? You know, even if you betray your friends, it doesn't mean that I will show mercy to you."

"Stop pretending, I don't believe you can't feel the power flowing in my body."

Mason wasn't intimidated.

He came out of the cleft in the rock where he hid, and, bearing the beating of raindrops in the rain, he said:

"I'm talking to you as Hephaestus the Isu, and if that's not enough, then add the identity of a rebel from the Stars!

My teammates and I killed an A-Class who was sent to search for secrets in your world and wait for an opportunity to start a war. This is not the first time I have slaughtered these hounds.

We also have the ability to close the Aurora system in the Great Temple and reopen the gate of the world just now to bring you a war by the way.

But we didn't do that.

I guess that's enough to prove that I'm not talking nonsense, and I didn't knock my boss out to sell her to you, I just didn't want her to hear our next conversation.

That's all. "

The pursuer in the rain did not answer.

After a few seconds of orderly silence, she flipped her fingers, put the fierce broken spear back into her sleeve, and glanced at the unconscious hunter at Mason's feet.

she says:

"Take her and follow me."

"And my teammates!"

Mason added:
"They have no malice towards you, nor should they be harmed!"

"That's not up to me."

The hunter Cassandra said without looking back:
"Assassins have lost their comrades, they are full of anger, you are the last link in this extermination campaign, I have no reason to stop those Hidden Blades piercing the night.

Unless you can give me a reasonable explanation. "


John Wick, who was hidden in the suitcase, was thrown out, fell in the rain and fell into a state of embarrassment. Mason said:
"We didn't hurt any of your members, the anger of the assassins can't be vented on us."

Cassandra glanced at the Assassin Saint who was just unconscious and unharmed. She nodded and gave instructions to her subordinates who were hunting in the special communicator.

Then he lifted the unconscious Wick with one hand like a chicken, and Mason also put the hunter on his back, and followed the local demigod back to the rift valley of the Great Temple in the more bursting night rain.

It has been surrounded by assembled Assassins and Templars.

When Mason returned, a group of personnel in multi-hazmat suits were among them cleaning up the last remains of Wesker, who had been burned to death by the phoenix flames.

They used the most advanced protection to collect the dead but still alive flesh and blood of the main body and put them into the helicopters parked outside. Some assassin saints in black and white robes guarded key locations, and some wore blood robes in the air. Templar saints with crosses dotted on their bodies guarded the main road with heavy guards.

They have really teamed up!
Two forces that have been hostile for more than 2000 years have joined forces to strangle the third party representing chaos.

Entering the temple area, Mason immediately saw the captured Zack Kang and the second barrel. They were placed in some kind of biological cabin. Barbara and Miss Mystery were missing, and they were probably still on the run.

Cassandra in the temple waved her hand, and the staff here immediately filed out respectfully, making the place quiet down quickly.

But Mason can be sure that those murderous guys are standing outside the door to sharpen their knives. As long as they don't say a word correctly, they will be happy to replace the demigods of this world to execute themselves, an outsider.

But sitting still is not Mason's style.

He looked at the place where he had fought before, and saw his burnt black power armor that had been cleared out by the armed personnel of this world.

By the way, I saw the phoenix eggs contained in a glass jar

Less than 10 minutes after the hapless Fox was reborn from Nirvana, he was fucked back into the form of a phoenix egg. Isn't this life in vain?

"As expected of the legendary god-killing hero."

Mason murmured in a low voice:
"It took less than 5 minutes to kill my phoenix, which is a legendary creature."

"When I was young, I killed ten or even a dozen legendary creatures. You don't know how crazy the followers of Artemis, the goddess of hunting, were.

Now it's just a juvenile phoenix, how difficult can it be? "

Facing Mason's complaints, Cassandra, who was no longer in a fighting state, spoke a lot more kindly.

She stretched out her hand to hold her hood and pushed it back, exposing to Mason her face that had never aged during more than 2000 years of World Watch.

The iconic braid hangs down his chest, which makes Mason want to say "ma'am, your hairstyle is really dangerous".

"Speak, and use sweet words to try to win you and your companions a way out."

Sister Ka folded her arms and leaned against the stone pillar in a chic way, and looked up at the pale streamers flying and shining on the top of the activated Great Temple.

She knew exactly what it was.

She had seen many of these in her long life.

Although humans ostensibly ruled the world, an ancient like her knew that the Isu influence had never faded in the changing history of this world.

The world would be nothing but ordinary without the embellishment of these ancient things.

And the most ironic thing is that from the perspective of the descendants guarding outside, Cassandra herself is already a member of these ancient and legendary things.

Although both Assassins and Templars have already passed the stage of god worship, Sister Ka knows very well that there are still many young people in the current organization who worship her as a real "god".

But she has no intention of correcting these.

Time will always smooth out everything for her, whether it is fanaticism or vigilance.

"K-Squad are spies."

Mason said frankly:
"We are the undercover personnel sent by our world to the Constellation Society. Just like your world is resisting the invasion, our side has also put the threat of the Constellation Society on the agenda and successfully thwarted a pollution operation they carried out secretly. .

I think this alone is enough for us to get out of here safely. "

"is it?"

Sister Ka was noncommittal, and with a wave of her hand, a suspended stone pillar fell from high above her hand. She glanced at Mason and said:
"What are your world coordinates?"

Mason skilfully reported the coordinates of the Gotham world. Sister Ka executed a search program on the stone in front of her, and the main body of the world tree in the Great Temple quickly gave the search results.

she says:

"Well, according to the database we copied from the Stars Fort, you did have a failed invasion operation there. It seems that you are not lying."

"Have you penetrated to this point?"

Mason raised his eyebrows and said:
"Even the database of the Star Club has been hacked? This is too exaggerated, not many A-level worlds can do this."

"Don't forget the power characteristics of this world, C-level personnel Mason Cooper, lurking, disguising, and espionage are the specialty of assassins, not to mention we still have the technology left by the Isu."

Sister Ka waved her hand and said:

"We had twelve months of preparation for this less than 12-hour operation, and the whole world revolves around this plan, so it's not unusual to do this.

But this is our limit.

It can only cause a little damage to them but cannot completely eradicate that dark and chaotic organization. "

She stared at Mason with deep and sharp eyes, which were the scrutiny of the wisdom and experience gathered from the long life of an ancient person who lived for more than 2000 years.

Needless to say, it was very stressful.

After a few seconds, she waved her hands and said:

"You can go, Mason Cooper. If you are still around after this shock is over, I hope you will send a messenger to return to us."

"It's that simple?"

Mason frowned and said:
"I have also prepared a lot of arguments to persuade you to show kindness."

"How difficult can this be?"

Sister Ka snorted and said:
"Anyone with a discerning eye can see that we need helpers. Whether we are continuing to fight against the stars or seeking to survive the end of the world, we all need helpers.

We will find no companions in the gathering of stars.

We tried, but there were no eligible companions there.

Your world might be worth considering, so we send kindness and look forward to a response.

And you, Mason."

Sister Ka stretched out her hand and nodded on Mason's heart. She said:
"You are the pigeon we unleashed."

(End of this chapter)

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