The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 198 81. Mr. Hunter loves you--Add more brothers for the "Autistic Team Captain" [3

Chapter 198 81. Mr. Hunter loves you--Add more brothers for the "Autistic Team Captain" [315]

"Barbara, don't run away, it's settled here. Come back and meet me, don't be afraid, the assassins behind you will send you here, don't conflict with them for now."

When the night rain gradually faded, Batgirl, who was chasing and fleeing in embarrassment, received a message from Mason. The deep voice of the captain made her nervous.

It's not a good feeling to be surrounded by a group of murderous assassin saints.

The embarrassment tonight is second only to the desperate feeling that Batgirl was brought to her door by Gotham's number one lunatic to seek revenge.

She took a breath and looked at the secret guest beside her who had already started to wobble. The blond lady dragged her to jump all the way just now. Without her protection, Barbara would have been caught long ago.

At this time, Batgirl hurriedly supported the crumbling secret guest, told her the good news that she was safe, and took her back to meet Mason.

However, the secret guest refused.

"I can go out by myself, don't worry about me."

The blonde chick flicked her long hair, her face was pale but she still pretended to be chic and said:

"Actually, you, a rookie, have been dragging me down, do you understand? If it weren't for you, I would have jumped to the other side of the world long ago."

"But the whole world is locked down."

Barbara said worriedly:
"The gate of the world can't be used, how should you leave?"

"When they let you go, the suppression effect of this weird device around the world will definitely weaken, and then I will be able to take the opportunity to run away."

The secret guest looked at the kind-hearted girl in front of her, she sighed and comforted her:
"Anyway, don't worry about me, don't forget that I have a backer! The powerful and unparalleled swordsman-sama will not give up on her followers, and I may return to safety sooner than you.

Come on, leave a contact information, little girl.

Let's get closer in the future. "

A few minutes later, Barbara came out of the building where she was hiding with her hands raised. In the light in front of her, those assassin saints in white robes and black robes, whose expressions could not be seen clearly but outlines, yelled at her to put down their weapons. .

And in the shadow of the building behind her, the swordsman leaned on his great soul sword and watched Barbara being sent into a black helicopter, and then he was completely relieved.

She glanced at the sky above her head where the rain was no longer falling.

The torrential rain came and went quickly, and basically disappeared after the K team escaped from danger, as if to set off the thrill of the whole incident.

"Mason Cooper"

The swordsman narrowed his eyes.

She whispered as she jumped out of this danger zone:

"Hey, see you next time, funny little guy."

On the other side, in the underground temple of New York, several "artificial saints" who also have the biological information of the Isu inventor are urgently adjusting the energy level of the aurora device.

According to Master Malaka, uh, Master Cassandra's request, they adjusted the coverage of the Aurora Device to a weakened state after a few minutes, so that the K team could open the gate of the world and leave here.

In order to prevent it from being infiltrated by the outside world again, this energy trough will only last for a few seconds, but it is completely enough for Mason.

"How many golden apples are still operating in sync with the aurora device in orbit around the planet?"

Under the lingering scenery of the pale streamer projected by the photonic computer of the Great Temple, Mason looked up at the complex and abnormal parallel world projection model floating above his head, and asked:

"You are so eager to risk a full-scale invasion to lure the stars into your world, probably because this device is not sustainable?"

"You know quite a lot."

Beside him, Sister Ka, who had put on her hood again, was playing with an Isu-style jug, and replied casually:

"As expected of the guy who awakened the memories of the 'Master of God', Hephaestus was once one of the designers and forgers of the Aurora device, and it doesn't make sense to hide these things from you.

More than 7 years have made this device rotten. In its heyday, only 220 of the planetary defense system composed of 48 golden apples are still in operation.

It works only marginally, relying on the Isu's arcane knowledge of space and dimensions to seal us off from the dying parallel world system.

In the current popular saying, it is a 'sandbox', but as you said, this kind of 'hiding' is no longer sustainable. "

Sister Ka shook her head and said in a low voice:

"However, it has protected us through three shocks, how can we ask it to do better?"

"three times?"

Mason turned around in surprise and said:

"Only two shock events have occurred in the records of the Constellation, and the third one is on the way but has not yet occurred."

"Oh? Then how do you think the Isu who were able to design such an ingenious miracle device became extinct?"

Sister Ka smiled, took a sip of wine, and said:
"True three hits, Mason.

It’s just because the first impact took place too long ago and its form was different from the two subsequent ones. The “cosmic tremor” more than 7 years ago was not observed and recorded, but the Isu people were aroused by it. extinct.

They called it the 'Toba Catastrophe'.

The Constellation has only been established for more than 20 years so far, but our world was already preparing for the shock event as early as 7 years ago.

You organized this downfall not because of strength, but purely as a result of arrogance and arrogance.

It's a pity that according to our observations and the calculation of the "Three Goddesses" program of the host of the World Tree, after this shock is over, the aurora device will gradually fail.

The time left for us is three months at most.

Then we will completely lose our camouflage and be exposed to the eyes of the Stars Club. With the character of the group of assholes who must revenge, what awaits us will be a terrifying revenge invasion.

Even extermination war.

They will stop at nothing to acquire Isu knowledge, but I don't believe they will give that knowledge to worlds in need. "

"Then let them come!"

Mason sneered, and said solemnly:

"When the hounds set foot on this land, I guarantee that you will never fight alone. This will become their grave. The war will never end until they shed their last drop of blood."

"It seems you have great faith in your world, Mason."

Sister Ka observed Mason's expression, she chuckled and said:
"Perhaps this is the confidence of the Transcendent A Grade world? We did our best to sneak attack and set up an ambush to achieve victory. For you, it only needs a hearty battle and it can be easily won.

Alas, it is really enviable. "

"Don't look down on yourself so much, Miss Ka."

Mason pouted and said:

"I have to admit that before I personally experienced all this, I couldn't imagine that a B-level world could cause so much damage to the stars. You have fully proved the truth that fighting depends on the brain.

Seriously though, let me know before your next move.

With our cooperation, you can actually achieve greater results.

However, under the protection of the aurora device, this world cannot obtain specific coordinates from the outside at all. How can I contact you after I go back? "

"That's really a problem."

Sister Ka nodded seriously.

But then she showed a royal sister's smile and said to Mason:
"But that's your problem, Mason Cooper, and you've got to figure it out, and I think you're capable enough of it, before our poor world is destroyed.

It is no exaggeration to say that our lives are now in your hands. "

"My lord, the energy trough of the aurora device will arrive in 3 minutes!"

The staff at the top shouted.

Sister Ka nodded, took a step back, and said to Mason:

"Then, see you next time, Mason and your K team."

Mason glanced at Barbara who was being sent behind him.

Batgirl is holding the phoenix egg that saved everyone before, Zha Kang and Er Tong who are walking weakly are supporting each other, and Mr. Hunter is placed in a biological cabin.

A star mask was put back on her face.

Mason obviously didn't intend to let other people know her true face, lest the latter become angry and draw a sword to kill everyone in the K team after recovering.

The gate of the world is already being prepared, as long as the exact time is reached, it can be crossed and left here.

"Mason, wait."

Just before they were about to leave, Sister Ka suddenly stopped them.

When Mason looked back, he saw John Wick, the Assassin Saint who had been subdued by him before, walking towards him with a dog in his arms.

"This is?"

He raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then heard Cassandra explain:

"Think of John Wick as the representative of our world stationed in your place. After all, it is a major event of joint confrontation with the enemy. It must be more formal. He will represent us to discuss some specific matters with the person in charge on your side.

After all, with your identities, if you want to hide in the Stars Club for a long time, you can't get too involved in this kind of thing. "

"Indeed, your consideration is very reasonable."

Mason glanced at the Assassin Saint who was hugging the dog and had blood stains on his face. He squinted and said:
"But can someone be replaced? I'm afraid this guy goes to my city and kills the whole city with a pencil in a fit of rage one day after his puppy gets hurt by some drunken idiot
I've looked at your database and this has happened once. "

"Wick is the only one who has nothing to worry about."

Miss Ka shook her head and said:
"He is the most suitable candidate."


Mason didn't object anymore, he hooked his fingers and said to the cold-faced evil star:
"Come on, Johnny, you will feel a little dizzy going through this door for the first time."

"Hi, next."

At the moment when the gate of the world opened, something was thrown over. When Mason turned around and grabbed it, he felt a cold touch in his palm.

Then he heard Sister Ka say in ancient Greek behind him:

"Mason Cooper, Master Assassin, our friend, may the Hidden Blade protect you, and may Mother Earth bless you."

With a flash of light, Team K returned to the underground safe house in Port Miller.

Although it took only two days to carry out the team's mission in the past, it was the most dangerous situation that the K team has experienced since its establishment.

While no one died, almost everyone who returned was wounded, with the exception of Mason.Not to mention that there is still a Mr. Hunter lying in the biological cabin waiting for treatment.

Mason glanced at the closed world door behind him. The coordinate scale on the brass door handle, which recorded the coordinates of the Assassin's world, was rapidly disappearing under the action of some external force.

It was the protection of the aurora device that made that world untraceable.

This means that even if the stars want to retaliate, they can't find a specific target at all. At least before the aurora device fails, they can only suffer from this dumb loss.

He looked down at the gift in his hand again.

A Hidden Blade crafted from a special type of leather and Isu metal, it is the status symbol of the Master Assassins and their famous assassination weapon.

Using this thing obviously requires extremely high melee attainments, and Mason, who has never worked hard to practice melee combat, is not suitable for it.

This is just a symbol of being recognized by the other party.

But it's not useless.

"Give it to you."

Mason threw the Master Hidden Sword in his hand to Er Tong, who was a master of cold weapons and fell in love with it the moment he saw it, and started playing with it regardless of his injured body.

"Don't look for me for the next few days!"

The pale Zha Kang clutched his stomach and shouted:
"I'm going to get drunk! I'm going to have fun! I'm going to play hard and not give money! I really don't want to go through this shit again, Mason.

Don't forget the serum you promised me!
Bastard, I've walked through hell and haven't gotten anything good. "

"Go, go, I will definitely not bother you, and I desperately need a break myself."

Mason rubbed his forehead and really didn't have the energy to argue with Zha Kang.

He arranged for Ertong, who was still able to move, to send Barbara home who was about to faint, and asked Zha Kang to take John Wick to the Iceberg Bar to get acquainted with the environment before meeting the hero of this world.

In the end, he put away the phoenix eggs by himself, and stayed alone in this underground safe house. He didn't plan to go back to his small shop, so he just took a rest here.

Physical fatigue is next.

It was mainly because of his mental retardation that Mason felt that this was no longer a problem that could be alleviated by refreshing potions.

Before he fell into a deep sleep on the sofa, he didn't forget to put the Isu cloak that could heal wounds on the hunter lady in the biological cabin.

After leaving the world of assassins, the power that prevented her from healing was dissipating.

It seems that it is still a "area buff", and it will be invalid when it leaves there.

Mason slept soundly this time, and he had a lot of weird dreams, and he didn't open his eyes until he felt a chill in his neck.

Then he saw the hunter holding the bloody knife against his neck.

It's not that she doesn't want to cut it off.

Facing this bloody subordinate who dared to backstab her boss in front of her, she couldn't vent her anger no matter how many knives she slashed. He was spared purely because Mason was holding a golden apple in his hand.

And that thing is emitting a faint golden light to interfere with the hunter's thinking.

"Are you awake?"

Mason was completely unaware of backstabbing his boss to cause trouble. After seeing the hunter sober, he grinned, not paying any attention to the sharp knife on his neck.

He even put away the golden apples for self-preservation.

And the moment the power of thought interference disappeared, he was lifted up with his neck stuck, and smashed against the disguised wall of the container next to him.

Under the starry sky mask in front of him, those big eyes shone with a cold light.

"I think you should calm down."

Mason, with his legs hanging in the air, relaxed his body, not intending to fight at all.

He was a little uncomfortable being stuck in the neck, but he still intermittently said to the silent woman in front of him:

"We came back alive. No one died. This matter was settled satisfactorily. No matter from which angle you look at it, you have absolutely no reason to be angry."

"You sneak up on me!"

The hunter gritted his teeth, and the sound was almost squeezed out from between his teeth.

she says:

"It's still when I'm protecting you!"

"Yes, I am really touched by the fact that you risked your life to rescue me and my team, I take back my suspicions that I shouldn't have before, you are indeed a good five-star boss.

I shouldn't have done that.

But you know the situation at the time, and I don't think in that situation you would listen to my explanation and do things according to my ideas. "

Mason sighed and said:
"I just chose the most direct method of dissuasion, and it turns out that my method is very effective. And compared to what we are here in the past, I think there are more troublesome things waiting for us to deal with now.

Stars Castle will not let it go.

As the only team that escaped from Assassin's World, I can imagine with my heels how many head-scratching questions I have to accept.It's fine if I have a clear conscience, but I'm a real [-]-year-old boy.

You say, what should we do now? "

"I'm not dead yet."

The anger in Hunter's heart couldn't be swallowed, but in the end she threw Mason back on the sofa with a flick of her hand. While arranging her robe and mask, she said in a cold voice:

"No one will attribute this matter to a small C-level team. Your apparent weakness is the best protection. But I have to go back to the Stars Fort now. I will talk about it next time I come over.


I don't have time right now to find out what deal you made with those assassins to get us all back together, but you'd better make up a decent reason before I come over. "

The silver light was turned on, and she walked into it and disappeared.

Mason shrugged his shoulders, fell headlong on the sofa and continued to sleep. He was really tired, and the feeling of a tall person standing on top of the sky was really great.

Tsk, Siria Fiona Alan Lianlun, Her Royal Highness Princess of Nilfgaard, Daughter of the White Wolf
You are such a good boss.

(End of this chapter)

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