The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 199 82. Take whatever you like, I only want Mason Cooper! --【415】

Chapter 199 82. Take whatever you like, I only want Mason Cooper! --【415】

(Add more for the 'Autistic Captain' brother!)

Mr. Hunter's anger is multifaceted, not only because Mason gave her a "backstab" at a critical moment, but also because she knew that her identity might be exposed.

It wasn't because she thought it was fun that she played the cross-dressing game in the Stars Club.

The identity in the past is somewhat sensitive, and if you want to gain the trust of others, you have to hide it in all directions.

So far, she has done well. The swordsman and warlock may doubt her gender, but they don't know her true origin. It's just that Mason's messing with her will give them a loophole.

The young man didn't know the existence of the swordsman, but the hunter knew very well that in the last night of the world of assassins, there was more than one great teacher there.

The most important thing right now is to determine whether the swordsman has also returned to the Fort of Stars.

It would be best if that guy didn't come back. If he came back, he would have to test how much information she got during the few hours she shamelessly pretended to be a low-level personnel and mixed with the K team.

On the way back to Fort of Stars, Mr. Hunter was still complaining.

Obviously such a big world!Why is it so coincidental that a random teleportation in a critical moment can send such a living person as a swordsman directly to Mason.

What a hell!

The most important thing is, how could that guy with a shrunken brain usually come up with a false identity to hide information for intelligence when he saw Mason's IQ go online all of a sudden.

Could it be that the swordsman's usual foolish look is just a disguise to deceive her and the warlock?

Could it be that she is the one who is the best at acting among the three tutors?
Not so much, right?

With this in mind, the hunter quickly returned to Stars Fort.

As she expected, the castle was completely under martial law. The three layers of elite reformers from the Cleaner Legion guarded the exits. The connection between the entire demiplane and the outside world was completely cut off, and some The mysterious guy is checking the staff of the castle.

This is obviously catching a mole.

In terms of what happened in Assassin's World, there must be more than one pair of eyes of the other party inside the Stars Club. During the past seven months of contact, one's own intelligence system was almost one-way transparent to the other party.

This can be confirmed by the Isu light blade that was accurately shot at the core of the world gate.

A traitor has appeared in the lair, the nature of this matter is not ordinary, if it is not for the impact of the approaching time node, it is estimated that the entire Stars Fort will see blood once.

But for the current remedial action, Mr. Hunter is quite contemptuous. The fact that the traitor was caught with such a big fanfare shows that the problem of his own side is really big.

However, this is a real good thing for the youngsters who aspire to become "Destroyers of the Constellation Society", which means that all the current defects of the Constellation Society can be used by them.

From this point of view, Mr. Hunter would also like to thank the world of assassins for this wave of great events.

"Hunter Your Excellency! The Warlock and the Swordsman are waiting for you on the top floor."

As soon as she entered the hall of the Fort of Stars, which still smelled of blood, an elf staff member whose face was pale with fright came forward to report.

There were bloodstains on this guy's clothes, obviously he almost got hit by Chi Yu.

And when he heard that his two companions were already waiting on the top floor, the hunter's heart skipped a beat.


The swordsman came back faster than her?
This must be because the sleeping potion that Mason's bastard injected her was delayed. When entering the elevator leading to the top floor, Mister Hunter began to think about various countermeasures.

It's not enough to reveal your identity.

At the last moment, those vicious assassins had already cleared the field. Let alone the swordsmen could not know what happened during that time, because even the hunter who was the "participant" didn't know.

So the worst-case scenario right now is that the swordsman will tell the warlock all the information she has discovered, causing the Isu secrets that Quint has been trying to figure out to be shared with the stars.

If so, it would mean that a vital opportunity was wasted.

"It's really that the plan can't keep up with the changes."

The hunter sighed in his heart. He knew that the swordsman would mess up the situation. When she was led into a trap by the assassins, he should not rush out to save her.

Originally, he wanted to make her owe him a favor and use it at a critical moment, but he didn't expect that things would develop like this in the end.

But if you think about it carefully, this is already the third "out of control incident" related to Team K.

First, Gotham City's counterattack, then Spider-Man World's misfire, and finally, the assassin's world's precise backstab. It seems that things related to Mason will never go according to the plan of Mr. Hunter or the Stars.

And it wasn't until now that she belatedly thought of an important question!
I was beaten down by Mason with a stick, and the whole process until she woke up at Gotham's pier was less than four hours.During these four hours, I have no self-protection ability at all.

If that guy has a bad idea.
Thinking of this, her fingers touched the gap in her robe and grabbed an ordinary button, but after crushing it casually, she saw the delicate and weird electronic components in the button.

That little bastard!
The silver teeth under the mask were clenched, and they really dared to install a monitor on their body while he was unconscious?
How could he have such courage!

The door of the mentor hall was pushed open, and the swordsman who had changed his clothes was lying sickly on the single sofa, while the warlock was obviously treating her with two medicine bottles in his hand.

Seeing the cold hunter walk in, the swordsman jumped up immediately, and shouted to her under the surprised gaze of the hunter:

"You came back safely, and I was not in vain for worrying, I haven't thanked you yet, about you saving me from that damned demigod and covering my early evacuation.

My apologies for always thinking you were a jerk, Hunter.

Seeing the truth in a crisis, you are a trustworthy good companion. "


The hunter narrowed his eyes.

What nonsense is this guy talking about?
and many more!

Is she signaling for herself to follow her words?This guy doesn't want warlocks to know what happened in the world of assassins?Ha, sure enough, this guy's previous silly Baitian has been pretending.

Very scheming.

"Hmph, it's good to know, next time you encounter this kind of thing, you can count on me to help you."

The hunter snorted and sat on the sofa covering his wound. She glanced at the warlock and said:
"How's the situation? The body of the gate of the world is not damaged, right?"

"With that energy intensity, it's almost impossible to directly hit the main body of the gate of the world, but the projection core of Fort Stars was completely shattered, and it will take seven days to rebuild."

The sorcerer said in a gloomy tone:

"This shattering will directly affect hundreds of worlds that are connected to Starsburg, and a large-scale loss of connection may cause unnecessary waves.

But the impact is approaching and people are already panicked, so there is no time to heal the two of you.

Rest for a few hours and then take the members of the 12-member council to inspect the important worlds. I will sit in the headquarters and restore the communication as soon as possible.

and also!

This matter has alarmed Lord Fate, and it requires us to conduct a thorough investigation and allocate part of our manpower to search for traces of the Isu Assassin World in the parallel world system after the shock is over.

It considers the knowledge of the Isu to be of great importance, and has shared this matter with its higher authority.

Specific instructions may come down in a few days.

Speaking of which, Hunter, the swordsman was attacked and seriously injured when he jumped in. It's understandable that he couldn't find any clues, but you stayed there for four hours, didn't you find anything useful? "

"What you really want to ask is your servant?"

The hunter sneered.

She patted the table and got up, raised her finger and pointed at the warlock's nose, cursing:
"Who do you think provoked this incident? The Albert Wesker you sent! He took away the sacred objects of the assassins under their noses, which directly triggered their worldwide siege and war. fight back.

Just 5 minutes after he took the golden apple, that world activated the Isu device to hide them.

He didn't regret his own death.

But he pulled 11 innocent teams to be buried with him!

Those poor B-level personnel may not realize what happened until they died, and they were blocked in that world by the assassins who had prepared for pigs. "

"Yes! That's right!"

The swordsman, who was lying on the sofa and looked at the weak, chimed in and shouted:

"During the period when the hunter covered my escape, I kept jumping in order to get rid of those difficult assassin saints. The people you sent were really good. One person rushed into the great temple of others and released the power of the virus there.

He may have a high opinion of himself, thinking that one person can level up the world.

But it turns out that he got himself into trouble that he couldn't solve himself. He alarmed the guardian demigod of that temple, the one who cut me half to death!
Ahem, of course, it's not like I can't beat her!

The main reason is that I was smeared by the light cannon at the beginning. In short, you should bear at least one-third of the responsibility for my injuries!If you don't pay, I will stay in your meditation room and never leave. "

The two people's accusations made His Excellency Warlock somewhat embarrassed.

He whispered:

"As far as I know, Wesker is not such a reckless person. There must be some things that we don't know about. Didn't you also send someone to search for information?"

The warlock glanced at the hunter and said:
"Didn't your people find anything useful?"

"A group of B-level personnel died, and an A-level member was lost, and a great mentor was almost killed. None of us found anything useful, but you are still counting on four C-level rookies to make a comeback? "

The hunter let out a sarcastic nasal sound and said:

"If even our C-rank cannon fodder can do this kind of thing, the stars will unify the multiverse long ago, we are just exploring the sequence! Warlock, don't expect a group of explorers to do the work of the army.

Those four rookies were almost scared to death.

If I hadn't jumped out of there with them at the last moment, they would have been captured alive. "


Warlock is a little reconciled.

But things have come to this, unless the coordinates of the Assassin's World can be retrieved before sending people in, what happened there will really become an unsolved mystery.

As for whether the hunter and the swordsman will join forces to deceive themselves to hide some secrets, the warlock has never considered this possibility at all.

The swordsman is notoriously brainless, and the hunter is a senior pervert who has been disguised as a man for more than ten years. It is not a day or two that these two people don't like each other.

In fact, Warlock felt that his main task at the Gathering of the Stars was to coordinate the conflict between the two of them so that they would not fight each meeting.

"I'm going to coordinate my personnel and assign them to conduct inspections."

The hunter got up and said:
"But after Wesker committed suicide, the seat he vacated"

"I was injured, this is still a work injury!"

The swordsman coughed, raised his hand and said:

"I think that seat should belong to me. I have so many capable people and strange people who want to climb their heads."

"You already owe me your life, and you want to owe me another favor?"

The hunter said quietly:

"And look at what psycho you've been recommending over and over again! That guy named Wade Wilson is killing people. I can't help but want to stab him every time I have a meeting! Or talk about him Sew your mouth shut!"


The swordsman was choked and speechless, so he waved his hands reluctantly and said:

"All right, all right, it's up to you. What happened to Wade was just an accident. Who knew that guy was so lucky that he could win three times in a row by drawing lots. I didn't want to."

"This incident made me realize that it would be difficult to do many things without my own faction, so I will arrange for one of my people to enter the 12-member council."

The hunter glanced at the gloomy warlock and said:

"About this seat, I will compensate you, Warlock."

"That parliament was originally used to balance the forces of all parties, but the three of us all know that the division of seats represents the power behind us to develop the right to speak in this regard."

Warlock didn't object, after all, his faction had the most seats in the 12-member council.

He just reminded:

"The forces behind you have always been mysterious, Hunter, if they want to step up to the front, they'd better go to the council headquarters to report in advance, I don't want to cause any upper-level disputes."


The hunter nodded, turned and left.

When she returned to her office, just as she was about to take off her mask, there was a dark red crack behind her. She glanced back, and the sickly swordsman stepped out of it.

She looked at the hunter without talking nonsense, threw out a key carved with a devil's head, and said to the hunter with her hands on her hips:
"This is the key to my treasury, and it's all yours! I want something from your hand."

"what would you like?"

The hunter asked in surprise.

Then I heard the swordsman snap his fingers and say:

"I'm short of a bed warmer recently. I think that little boy named Mason Cooper under your command is pretty good. Give him up to me."

The request made Hunter narrow her eyes, then she shook her head and said:
"Sorry, this is not for sale."

"I'll add another twelve vassal worlds, all of which are C-level with special resources, which will definitely satisfy the forces behind you."

The swordsman is the same as participating in the auction bidding, saying:
"We were 'fighting side by side' just now, let me tell you the truth, I have no interest in Assassin World and Isu knowledge, it's up to you how you want to fight.

All I want is Mason Cooper.

If you don't give him to me, I'll tell the warlock everything I know.

You see, I'm your potential friend now, Hunter, and you don't want to see me on the Warlock's side, do you?
And I know a lot of things, for example, your afterlife team has been secretly supporting the rebels in many worlds against the Cleaners.

You traitor! "

"Shh, be careful what you say."

The hunter put his finger on the swordsman's mask, she stopped pretending, and warned in a woman's voice:

"It's not up to you to point out whether I'm a traitor, if you want to tell Warlock what you want to say, don't threaten me, I don't want to do that.

Besides, you have a lot of dirty stuff, Liana.

What are you planning to do by secretly searching for mutants from various worlds to prevent them from joining the stars?You also concentrated them in a certain A-level world for protection. Do you really think that you are doing this very secretly? "

Having said that, the hunter coughed, approached the swordsman and whispered:
"The Aix team is someone sent by you, right? What do you want to do by placing eyeliners next to me? To be honest, this kind of operation doesn't seem like a job you can do with your brain."

"Anna and the others really have nothing to do with me. We belong to two systems. They hate me so much."

The swordsman rolled his eyes and said:
"I am also a puppet pushed to the front. I never care what the people behind me want to do. Why don't you ask Anna yourself if you are so curious?
Don't you trust her very much?

She adores you too, so much that she starts imitating your attire in her own home.In short, don't talk about these things, Mason Cooper, that little guy, will you give it or not? "


The hunter sneered and said:
"It's not impossible to discuss if you want him, at least tell me the reason."

"Like I said, I need a bed warmer. That guy is pretty."

The swordsman curled his lips and said something.

The hunter glanced at her and said in a drawn out voice:
"You lack warm beds, so I don't need them? Well, since you don't want to talk about it, let's stop here. That guy is the one I focus on training. If he dares to stretch out his claws, he will chop it up for you.

Try it if you don't believe me. "

The two women broke up because of a man's quarrel, and the swordsman who left the hunter's office was a little annoyed.

She activated her ability to jump over seven worlds in a row and finally arrived at her own base world. In the depths of a demon fortress in a standard hellscape, she pinched a group of crystals used for cross-world communication.

When the light came on, she said to the other side:

"Professor, that's the thing I might have found another one."

(End of this chapter)

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