The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 200 83. Now I am a genuine "master craftsman"--【515】

Chapter 200 83. Now I am a genuine "master craftsman"——【515】

(Add more for the brother of 'Autistic Captain')
Mason slept for a long time this time.

After he had a lot of weird dreams and woke up slowly, it was already nightfall that day, rubbing his growling stomach, Mason got up, washed his face, and went back to his small shop on his own small motorcycle.

Halle, the kanban girl, was lying on the counter and yawning boredly.

The business of this outrageously located small store is absolutely half-dead. If Mason didn't rely on this store to make money to support his family, he would have gone bankrupt long ago.

When she saw Mason come back, Harley Quinn, who was already dozing off, immediately beamed with joy.

She cheered and jumped out from behind the counter, showing the amazing flexibility of gymnastics practice all the year round. Like a koala, she jumped behind Mason and grabbed his hair, and shouted sharply:

"Another three days! You have been missing for another three days! It's too much, just leave me and Ivy here and ignore it."

"Don't make trouble, come down."

Mason shook his body, trying to make the crazy Halle normal, but obviously this expectation was not so easy to achieve.

Followed by Harry, who was like a little tail, he glanced at the shop that was fairly clean and sniffed it. There was a smell of boiled herbs coming from the basement. It should be his "apprentice" again. In the alchemy operation.

I'm ashamed to say that Mason, the instructor, is too busy, so what she should teach is only the basics, and the rest is all up to the Poison Ivy girl to comprehend by herself with Old K's alchemy handbook.

However, looking at the potions on the counter in the small shop, one could tell that the progress of Poison Ivy must be quite good.

From the smell in the basement, he smelled some medicinal herbs that only grow in the Forbidden Forest, and he knew that Poison Ivy was making pretty good progress in helping Team K manage the potion field at Hogwarts.

Feeling guilty for neglecting his apprentices and his patients, Mason touched his hungry stomach and looked at the angry Harley, saying:

"What's for dinner tonight? I'll make it."

"Ha, don't try to bribe me in this way!"

Harry tossed her hair in ponytails, but soon grabbed Mason's arm with a playful smile and went to the kitchen. She wanted to eat more, but Mason quickly took her away because she couldn't control her hyperactive hand. blasted out of the kitchen.

With Captain Captain's hard-working Lv4 culinary skills, he doesn't need anyone to help him.

Speaking of which, the fringe professional practice of cooking is much faster than the branch of manufacturing. Mason's daily guest chef in Dr. Leslie's clinic is enough to make it fast and good.

The aroma of the food soon spread from the kitchen, and even alarmed the Poison Ivy woman who was concocting the potion. She poked her head out of the basement and saw Harley who had started humming and clearing the table for dinner, so she knew it was Mason who had returned. .

As the potion field steward of Team K, Ivy felt that she should also report on her work.

Although there is nothing to report.

She, a superhuman who can manipulate plants, is basically "invincible" in a place like the Forbidden Forest, where there are magical plants everywhere. Well, she is not afraid of Superman going there.

This is probably the legendary "terrain kill".

The next one hour or so was a warm time. The three people in the small shop shared a delicious dinner. Harley talked about all kinds of things that happened in the city in the past three days and what she saw when she went to the Iceberg Bar to do odd jobs during the day. Something she thought was interesting.

For example, a guest was jealous of Mrs. Elizabeth, opened another person's head with a wine bottle, and was broken by pirates watching the scene.

For example, I sneaked a drink with euphoria with Angelina, the front desk manager, in the daytime, but I drank too much, and when the two woke up, they inexplicably appeared in the Gotham Bank vault, etc.

Although Mason didn't care very much, he was also relieved to see that his patient's mental state was not bad.

After this lively meal, it was ten o'clock in the evening. Harley and Poison Ivy went to rest, and the basement was freed up for Mason to use, but he already had a suitcase factory, so he didn't complete himself in the material world. stay up late and work overtime.

Mason has a lot of things to do tonight.

The anti-Superman armor that was burned once by the Phoenix fire needs to be repaired.

Some armors and weapons from Assassin World need to be checked and learned, and the second resurrection of the unlucky Phoenix Fox, who was killed by Kajie in 5 minutes, also needs to be put on the agenda.

But the most critical point is to take stock of what he has gained in the world of assassins.

First of all, two golden apples don't count.

That thing is a quest item.

The unlocked Odin’s golden apple needs to be handed over to Mr. Hunter. This thing was wiped out of all functions before it was sent to the Stars Club as a bait by the assassins, and it has been reduced to a pure information preservation tool. .

To put it simply, it is an "Isu hard disk".

The golden apple that Jarcon got at the Continental Hotel in New York is functional, but Mason doesn't plan to give it to other team members for use.

If even a spellcaster like Zack Kang couldn't withstand the Golden Apple's rewriting of the minds of pure-blooded humans, then it would be a terrible threat in the hands of others.

Because of Mason's Isu bloodline, this golden apple can only exert its greatest effect in his hands.

In other words, it is "exclusive equipment".

"I'm going to put you in my penguin umbrella to complete another upgrade."

Mason stroked the golden apple that was emitting golden light in his hand. He planned to use this thing to replace the intracranial disruptor in the penguin umbrella, which could no longer keep up with the fighting rhythm of Team K.

As far as the enemy Mason is facing now, the radio waves emitted by the intracranial jammer may be difficult to break through.

But the transformation or something can be done later.

Mason took out the Isu artifact cloak he had seized from John Wick, which was a real good thing.

The cloak made of Isu technology can not only defend against bullets and explosives of various calibers, but also has its own [Quick Self-Healing], and with Mason's current bloodline and engineering ability, he can also activate the [Energy Purification] program on this cloak, which is quite Yu carried a "Great Purification Technique" with him.

This is completely an enhanced version of the bat cape.

However, it takes some practice to use this decoration in an attack.

Mason doesn't want to be shot in the head because the cloak is stuck and unable to dodge in the fierce battle. Such embarrassing and regrettable things have happened in the superhero circle
Catwoman, who has been fighting Batman for more than ten years, is a good fighter with a cape, although she often doesn't use it.

"The blueprint for the Isu Shroud has been unlocked. If you don't pursue legendary quality, you can make a good replica with Batman's equipment maker.

That's great, the K team's 'standard equipment' is unlocked again. "

Mason stroked the golden cloak on the tool table.

After the Isu inheritance was opened, the blueprint of this thing has been included. Although no suitable materials can be found for a while, he can make a downgraded version of the shroud cloak for his teammates to use by relying on the blueprint.

After all, it is a baby that can "breathe and return blood", and it can save lives at critical moments.

Then he looked at the several pieces of Isu armor and weapons that were scattered aside. These shiny gadgets were not made by the ancient Isu themselves, but Abstergo Corporation, an organization under the Templar Knights of the Assassin World. Replicated with modern technology.

From the perspective of Mason, a genuine "Isu Forge", the craftsmanship of this imitation is very bad. The quality of these armors is only excellent. Although they have magical abilities, the quality is too low to be useful.

He decided to put away these armors and use them as substitutes at critical moments.

As for their main players, they must use the better equipment they have built. This is their responsibility for their lives, and it is also the responsibility and mission of Mason, the equipment supplier of the K team.

But to do this, Mason had to study the basic blueprints of the Isu manufacturing industry unlocked in his mind as thoroughly as possible.

Currently in his mind, there are about a dozen blueprints unlocked due to the [Isu Forge I] talent, including several sets of Isu Vanguard Armors with different functions for forging/engineering branches, and several sets capable of energy absorption and projection. The jewelry crafting branch of headgear and accessories.

An inhaled biological healing agent of the alchemy branch, which is also the healing potion of the Isu technology version.

From the functioning Isu Fragment of the Cerberus Reward that Mason got, it can be seen that this ancient civilization's accomplishments in biotechnology should not be underestimated.

The last is the "highlight", the Isu energy rune inscription unlocked by the inscription branch.

These geometrical mysterious runes look like something from the magic side, but in fact they are the product of pure black technology.

With special materials and engraving methods, these runes can absorb free energy, such as solar energy, wind energy, atomic energy, etc., and then release them again through the supporting energy conversion device.

The Isu inscriptions that Mason can currently make include [Energy Absorption], [Protection Matrix], [Attack Amplification], [Multi-Strike], [Blinding], [Optical Stealth] and other elementary runes.

These can at least be explained forcibly with scientific principles, but after the advanced runes introduce the Isu's super energy manipulation skills, their preview effects become "magical".

For example, the [Sixth Sense] that can slow down the perception of time, the [Predator's Eye] engraved on special arrows and ammunition to manipulate the trajectory, and the [Chaos Ring] that releases energy in a large area to stun group enemies ], and [Flame/Very Poisonous Weapons] which belonged to the Enchanting branch.

It is obviously a real high-tech, but its expression is no different from magic.

In short, this is a real treasure trove, and it is another huge victory for Mason after prostitution Judy's 2077 black technology weapon blueprint.

He had itchy hands and started to try impatiently. He first used the refining array to shape a suitable magic alloy, and then hammered out an Isu helmet to "warm up".

The shape of this thing is very sci-fi.

Because the Isu equipment has the characteristic of energy manipulation, the helmet is covered with energy rings, and those energy rings will light up after its function is activated.

It's like having an extra aperture on the head, which can completely cosplay the big brother of the angel.

"There are basically no shortcomings except that it is too coquettish."

Mason put on his helmet, looked in front of the mirror, and made a very pertinent evaluation.

Although it was just a work of practice, the quality of this thing after being hammered out was excellent due to the existence of the forger's talent. Mason, who had gained a wave of proficiency in the forging branch, was very satisfied.

He had decided to replace K-team's Batsuits with Isu armor.

This thing has a characteristic entry, which is much better than the cool but whiteboard equipped bat suit.

As for the advanced dressing in the future, wait until the tailoring skills are practiced to make the legendary demon hunter armor left by old K. That thing is a good magic armor with both protection and functionality.

However, with Mason's current pitiful Lv2 tailoring skills, it may take a long time to make legendary armor.

He is in a hurry.

But there is really no rush for this kind of technical level, it is a real skill that is obtained by practicing one piece of equipment every day.

The sound of tinkling forging hammers echoed in the suitcase factory. With the help of Lian Chengzhen and a 3D printer, Mason spent three hours making a complete set of Isu Pioneer Armor.

Using Er Tuan's body shape as a model, this thing is obviously his birthday present to Jason Todd. Yes, Er Tuan's birthday will be next month, although he didn't say it, but remember this kind of thing as a caring captain? Shouldn't it be?

Mason not only remembers the birthday of Er Tuan, he even remembers the birthdays of Captain Jack and Angelina, and he is thinking about what gifts to give them when the time comes.

He put a set of armor on the bracket and dropped the forging hammer to check it, and its matching information label immediately popped up:

Isu Vanguard Armor【5/5】

Quality: Excellent/Epic Engineering/Forging Set·Excellent Craftsmanship

Equipment effects:

[-]. Energy absorption:

Although the appearance of Isu armor is ever-changing, its overall characteristic lies in the resistance and manipulation of energy. The energy suppressor of this armor can absorb most types of energy attacks and convert them into [Protection Matrix].

After the energy absorbed by the armor reaches the upper limit, it can be converted into a one-time [Counter Ray] through the energy projector of the armor, and the attack will be applied with [Penetration] and [Burn] effects.

[-]. Sign monitoring:

When the Isu Vanguard Armor is paired with the Shroud, it will have an additional [Self-Healing] effect, and when the user's life is in danger, it will provide [First Aid] to the user by overdrawing the energy of the Shroud.

Under normal circumstances, when wearing a complete vanguard armor and shroud, the user will be immune to all injuries except [serious injuries] and [dying].

Three. Solid:

The Vanguard Armor is made of a special alloy, so it is endowed with the characteristic of [Sturdy], which can withstand more physical attacks without damage.


[Sturdy] feature will be invalid when encountering [Super Sharp], [Extreme Penetration] and other special weapons.

Maker: Mason Cooper
Item Description: To be honest, my birthday is coming soon, just three days and eleven months away. I also expect a kind craftsman to give me a cool set that can shine in the dark on my birthday. armor.
"Bah, disgusting."

Mason was once again provoked by the damn item description.

He is now more and more sure that this thing is definitely not generated by AI, maybe there is a dirty big man lying on the bed right now, peeping at him lewdly through something.

Uh ~
Thinking of this, Mason's goose bumps almost rose all over his body.

However, this set of components is excellent, but the complete set is of epic quality. The vanguard armor is really good in appearance. The close-fitting armor is not a plate armor, so the flexibility is guaranteed. The energy ring dotted on the solid-color armor flashes to make it full. It has a futuristic atmosphere, and Mason specially adopts the style of combat armor to make it feel more heavy.

In order to take care of Ertong's preferences, he also specially made the armor's battle helmet into a "bucket" mask-like structure. I think Ertong will be very moved to see this bucket helmet carefully made for him, right?

But it's not over.

Mason also needs to add Isu inscriptions to this set of vanguard armor, and then match it with headgear and accessories to form a real "Isu suit". With the blessing of this thing, you don't have to worry about being shot in the head when you charge into the battle after the second barrel up.

"Perhaps we should add another combat AI?"

Mason stroked his chin and let his thoughts fly:

"Judy should have this kind of personal combat auxiliary AI. They are very good at doing this kind of thing, just like the one used by the terrorist mobile team, and the functions don't need to be too complicated.
Why is my badge vibrating? "

He glanced at the cat badge hanging around his neck in surprise. The rapid vibration of the thing made Mason blink his eyes. After a while, he climbed out of the suitcase wearing a second-barrel armor and carrying a modified Widowmaker rifle. .

Want to see if there is a sorceress coming to provoke?

As a result, when she looked up, she saw Mr. Hunter sitting on a chair in the basement, with the cold bloody saber in her hand, it was clear that she was looking for trouble.

"The armor is fine."

The hunter said something in a cold voice, then pointed the tip of the knife up at Mason's eyes, and said:
"But you dare to put bugs in my buttons? How dare you!"

"Hey, stop spitting blood!"

Mason didn't panic, spread his hands and said:
"I didn't pretend that. Although I found out and didn't remind you, it's really not that I should have been installed by the assassins. Maybe they still have the ability to eavesdrop across worlds?"

"Stop changing the subject!"

The hunter said coldly:
"I think you deserve a beating!"

"It's really not me! I have evidence."

Mason called Qu and said:
"The bug I installed for you will stay in your mask, so the one in the button is really not my fault, don't talk nonsense."

(End of this chapter)

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