The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 206 4. Strange Friendships Always Come Uninvited, Occasionally Breaking In - Happy New Year&

Chapter 206 4. Strange Friendships Always Come Uninvited, Occasionally Breaking In - Happy New Year's Eve [1115]

Behind the Black Pearl, on the swirling sea surface, an eerie ghost ship was sinking into the sea.

Will Turner doesn't plan to show up in Port Virginia. He and his ghost pirates have something to do, and it's estimated that they won't appear in the final battle until the Cleaners show up.

"What is the effect of strengthening?"

Mason watched the Dutchman sink to the bottom of the sea, and asked the yawning Zha Kang beside him.

“Okay, average”

Constantine, who was obviously satisfied but insisted on pretending to be nothing more than this, said stubbornly as usual:
"The improvement of my physical fitness has allowed me to have a few abdominal muscles, and I can even bend steel pipes with my bare hands, but what makes me even more delighted is the manipulation of magic power. A few magic spells that were a little difficult to use before are now readily available.

Some forbidden techniques that cannot be used can also be arranged. It seems that the inheritance of the Isu people does have something. "

"As long as you are satisfied."

Mason pouted and said:
"I've given you the reward you've always wanted, John, and you have to work hard this time. Although it's not as ominous as I felt in the Isu world before, this time you can do it without saying more than me." Understanding what we're facing doesn't make it any better."

"I heard from Barbara that you still don't think it's exciting enough to kill a god, so you plan to make it more difficult for yourself?"

Zha Kang smoked with a cigarette butt in his mouth and said:

"Are you planning to transfer the people here to a safe world? Are you crazy? There are at least 100 million people here. Even if we open the two world gates in our hands all day long to transfer them, we will wait until the end of the world." Not enough.

I guess Mr. Hunter doesn't intend to help?

Honestly, if I were a decision maker like him, I wouldn't waste my energy in a world where it's worthless, really. "

"It has nothing to do with worth, John."

Mason snapped his fingers and said:
"When we see it, we can't ignore it."

"Tch, this is the heart disease attack again."

Zack Kang vomited a strange ship-shaped smoke ring and complained:

"I understand, you are a lunatic who can't sit still, you helped a group of doomsday survivors find a new home in Peter's world, and you still don't want to let go of these poor creatures in the sea, you just don't want others to suffer.

You are simply a living Bodhisattva.

If they don't put up a monument for you after this shit is over, they will blind your kindness for nothing. "

"Whatever you say."

Mason shrugged. He stood on the bow of the ship under the night and looked at the gloomy sea in the distance. He folded his arms and said:
"We can't turn a blind eye to these people who are struggling to survive. Every pair of eyes begging for help we see while walking on this road should be answered. If there is an ability to help, why shouldn't all be received?
Actually, I have a bold idea, John. "

He turned his head to look at Zack Kang.

When the latter noticed Mason's expression, he immediately crossed his hands and shouted:
"No! Stop your bold ideas! The last time you said you had an idea, we were forced to have a fight with the Stars, and robbed Wayne Industries' warehouse for millions of vaccines.

This time I think your idea may be even crazier.

Be realistic, Mason.

The end is near, and you are not a savior, let alone a god, so you can't save everyone! "

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Mason ignored Zha Kang's yelling, and said with piercing eyes:
"I will think of a way to send all the people here to Old Peter's world! They have enough supplies and places to live, but they just lack people.

The old Green Goblin is confident that he will survive the onslaught with the power of the Quintessence, and he will need them if he wants to rebuild the world, and that won't do him any harm. "

"My God, you still said it!"

Constantine covered his face and said in a desperate tone:

"Leaving aside whether Norman Osborn is willing to accept these 18th-century refugees, let's talk about the space-time disturbance caused by opening two world gates at the same time and keeping them open for several days!
Don't forget, we have done experiments, and the base world is needed as a transit between the two world gates.

It's almost like lighting a torch in Gotham!
Not to mention a spellcaster at the level of Dr. Fate, even an apprentice can clearly feel it.

You are simply throwing our old hat out!

Are you tired of this game of hide-and-seek and want to play a game of cards with those superheroes who have been deranged by the disaster? "

"Well, you're right, I overlooked that."

Mason nodded regretfully.

Zha Kang's retort was right in his words, if he wanted to keep the K team hidden, he couldn't do it with such a big fanfare, and now he persuaded Mason, and Constantine breathed a sigh of relief.

He did feel that Mason was asking for trouble.

He admitted that the people struggling to survive before him were pitiful, but what did that matter to him?Everyone has their own destiny, so what's the point of always expecting others to come to save us?
It is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. Don't forget that you are also a human being.

Mason, who was persuaded by Zha Kang, returned to the remodeled cabin of the Black Pearl, where he built a simple alchemy room, but judging from the expression on his face, it was obvious that he did not give up his plan.

It's just that Mr. Hunter is unwilling to help, and the world gate of Team K can't be used, so he has to think of another way.

Mason needed to calm himself down at such a chaotic moment, and the way he calmed down was to walk into the alchemy room to complete a potion making.

Mason took out the Hufflepuff's gold cup with ease, and dropped the ingredients prepared in the bag into it, heated it gently, and put a wisp of magic fire on the phoenix egg set up next to it.

He advanced alchemy with proficient techniques, but he was thinking about another thing. After exhausting all the current possibilities, Mason still couldn't find a usable method, until he caught a glimpse of the "engraved" coin placed on the alchemy table. The Isu Fragment of Erberos Reward", an idea suddenly appeared in my mind.

Maybe he can find some clues from the inheritance of the Isu people?
Mason picked up the dangerous "biological mutagen" and rubbed it in his hands. Their understanding of the parallel world and the space structure of the universe is very deep, perhaps.
"You look troubled, my brother."

A sudden voice made Mason turn his head vigilantly, and then saw a phantom floating behind him.

It was an image of an Isu, wearing a researcher's white armor and a very sacred half robe, just like the costumes on the stone carvings of ancient Greek gods.

Mason blinked and looked around, but the two pirates guarding the door of the alchemy room turned a deaf ear to this.

So he was sure that this guy should only be visible to him.

Is this because the Isu bloodline has gone crazy again and started to project images from the past?

His thoughts seemed to be sensed by this Isu vision, which hovered before Mason's eyes, shaking his head and explaining:

"No, I'm not an illusion of the past, Hephaestus, I'm Consus, and I'm living" on the cloak behind you. It's the biological signal you sent out when you were thinking about profound issues that awakened me."

"Oh, Prometheus."

Mason touched the Isu shroud on his body. There was indeed an ancient Isu consciousness signal in it. He looked at the "ghost" and said:
"I am not the Hephaestus you are familiar with, nor is this your hometown, I am sorry to disturb your sleep, but I am not in the mood to discuss Isu civilization with you right now.

As you can see, I am very busy. "

"I see that you are using pure manual methods to make some seemingly advanced medicines, but what you think in your heart is not in sync with what you do in your hands.

You still hold the dangerous mutagen created by our sister Juno.

With all due respect, just a slip of your hand, and the genetic signal interference generated by this biological mutagen is enough to turn all ordinary humans on this ship into monsters you don't want to see. "

The Isu Consus reminded slowly:

"According to the Isu biological laboratory regulations, this dangerous test object should be contained in a secondary time stagnation container, my brother, tell me.

Talk about your troubles, even if I can't help you, I can be a listener.

Best of all, you don't have to worry about me spouting your worries around, as you can see I'm just a 'ghost' of the past that only you can see. "

"Uh, okay."

Mason looked at the overly peaceful Isu ghost in front of him with weird eyes.

He conveniently put the biological mutagen in his bag, and while paying attention to his pot of potion, he talked about the troubles he was facing now.

Consus thought for a moment after listening, and his phantasm peeled off in another place, stretched out his hand and wrote some complicated Isu scripts in the air, and then turned back to Mason and said:

"Do you remember the instrument we designed to explore the parallel world system? If you can make it now, then you can lock the phase coordinates of the target world without relying on the space-time shuttle device that the stars will provide.

Then use your amazing crafting skills to analyze their world gates.

Then use your supreme wisdom to imitate a safe and undisturbed transfer device, and your problems will be solved. Knowing your amazing skills, my brother, these imitations will not trouble you. "

"That's the problem."

Mason rubbed his forehead and said:
"Those complicated knowledge haven't been unlocked in my mind yet. The inheritance you set up should have some biological locks added, so that it can unlock the knowledge and technology you have for me in a step-by-step manner.

I can learn now, but I guess it's too late. "

"Then there is only another, more adventurous way."

Consus was silent for a moment, then suggested:
"Use the power of the enemy! As you said, if those invaders will enter this world on a large scale before the end, then they must have equipment that can transmit troops on a large scale.

That could work for you too, but it would be very risky. "

"This is also a way."

Mason rubbed his chin with folded arms and said:
"If you can't find a better idea, then it becomes optional. Do you have any other suggestions?"

"I would advise you to give up, my brother."

Consus said seriously:

"You are planning a cost-effective and very dangerous thing, in terms of your current situation, maybe you should learn to accept this reality.

That is, you cannot save everyone.

That is beyond your capabilities. "

Mason was silent, and after a few seconds he shook his head and said:

"It seems that our conversation should be over, thank you for your help, Consus, I will take the initiative to call you if there are any questions I don't understand in the future, you are good at the field of biotechnology, right?
Can you show me this fortified recipe?

I would like to make it safer to improve the strengthening drug that can produce a second personality as a side effect. "

"Why not?"

The phantom of Consus floated to Mason, and he said softly:

"I've slept in long enough, and I'm glad to be of service to you in these dreadful times, my kind brother.

Well, the design of this formula is really bold. Using such a rough method to stimulate the pituitary gland to secrete more substances that are beneficial to body circulation is not worth the candle in my opinion.

You might be able to improve on this.

Come, pick up your pen, and modify its generating equation according to my instructions. "

At this time, outside the alchemy room.

Mr. Gibbs, the first mate with a cool toad mirror, was looking at Mason who was talking to himself in the dim area. He was very worried and whispered to Barbara who was secretly called behind him. :
"Master Mason seems to be talking to someone, but there is no one around him at all. This scene frightened the guard brother and reported it to me. Ms. Barbara, do you think this is because Master Mason is too stressed, so..."

Mr. Gibbs pointed to his brain and made a chaotic movement.

Batgirl was silent.

She just bit her lip and looked worriedly at Mason, who was getting more and more excited when she was talking to herself. As a teammate and sister in name, Barbara knew very well the pressure Mason was under during this time.

Especially after he injected himself with strange drugs in order to turn the tide in the world of assassins, Mason's behavior became more and more weird.

"Don't startle the others."

Barbara gave instructions to the terrified first mate Gibbs, and quietly retreated to discuss with Zha Kang, and asked that unreliable guy to check Mason's spirit.

If it doesn't work, team K will have to give up this mission. Mason's health is much more important than this dilapidated world!
But just as Batgirl walked out of the cabin to find Kang Kang, her personal communicator suddenly vibrated.

Batgirl took out the communicator given by Judy. She thought it was Judy who encountered something interesting in Gotham again, so she shared it with her across the world, but when she picked up the communicator, she realized that it was from an unfamiliar number. a message.

"I heard that you have encountered a little trouble?"

The message for that number says:

"Why not try to connect with new friends when the old friends of K-team and the incompetent superiors who don't want to take risks can't help you?"


Barbara clicked on the note of this strange number in surprise.

It was discovered that this was the "secret guest" who had met once in the world of assassins before, and she had indeed exchanged communication methods with Barbara when she left.

Seeing that her friends who fought side by side survived, Batgirl was also very happy, but she paid more attention to the content of this message.

She walked to the edge of the deck, thought for a while, and dialed the number for this cross-world communication.

A few seconds later, a holographic projection was played on the communicator, projecting the figure of the yellow-haired girl of the secret guest together with the background of a dark hall carved with demon sculptures in front of Barbara's eyes.

On the screen, the secret guest is lying comfortably on a throne that looks very evil, holding a bucket of ice cream in his hand and eating it with a skull spoon.

"Yo, Barbara, how are you all? I hear you're in trouble?"

The secret guest waved his hand very familiarly and said:

"Do you need help?"

"How do you know we're in trouble?"

Barbara asked vigilantly:
"Are you spying on us?"


The secret guest was dumbfounded by this question, she lowered her head and complained:

"Oh, now the C-level personnel are really monkeys, and it's really hard to do secret surveillance. I start to miss the group of idiots I met at the beginning.
Popping flames from their fingers can scare them into obedience. "

Then she raised her head again, flicked her long blond hair, dug a big mouthful of ice cream into her mouth, and said vaguely:
"Let's not talk about this, just say if you need help? I can help."

"Help? How are you going to help?"

Barbara already sensed that there was definitely something wrong with the guy on the other side, so she didn't plan to talk any further, and said casually:

"Could you be able to get the transfer door?"

"Huh? The door of transfer? I thought it was a big deal, so this is it?"

Sitting on his throne, the swordsman-sama laughed like a queen and said:

"Tell me, how many do you want? I'll report right away"

(End of this chapter)

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