The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 207 5. The sudden appearance of the blonde girl with open hands and eyes is really suspiciou

Chapter 207 5. The sudden appearance of the blonde girl with open hands and eyes is really suspicious! --Happy New Year's Eve【1215】

Mason eventually decided to talk to the hunter again.

Although he could no longer obtain the portal of transfer from there, he was determined to do this, but he still hoped to get some useful suggestions, so he followed the process of the "Improved Green Devil Potion" provided by Consus, and processed the raw materials Put it into a gold cup for purification, and took the time to write a letter and send it to Mr. Hunter through the authority of the captain.

Then he picked up a large amount of potion materials and put them into the formation formation, intending to make a batch of advanced hunting potion "Thunder" for his team members.

This thing can greatly increase the attack power of the user, so that every attack is accompanied by a strong magical paralysis effect, and even the fists can be covered with fine lightning to enhance the destructive power.

It is said that the effect can be further enhanced in stormy weather.

Very unscientific effects are very useful in the marine environment of the Caribbean world. Apart from the severe toxicity that needs to be weakened, this potion has almost no disadvantages.

At the same time that Mason clapped his hands together and turned the raw materials into more than a dozen bottles of thunder potion in a flash of red light, Mr. Hunter's reply quietly appeared on his desk.

The reply this time was not an ordinary letter. When Mason saw it, the envelope floated up and twisted into a mouth.

"Roaring letter."

Mason wasn't surprised by this.

This is a magical effect derived from the Hogwarts system, and Zakon also knows this and is summarizing the corresponding inscription system so that Mason can also use it.

"If you want to make peace with the Transfer Gate, Mason, I can only tell you no. After you called me out for being a heartless superior yesterday, I helped you apply.


Mr. Hunter's voice sounded from the letter, full of resentment that made Mason grin, he said:
"But you should know the result before you apply. Sorry, I was in a bad mood last night. I sincerely apologize to you, my superior.

But this is not what I want to tell you, I just want to get some more advice from you before doing dangerous things. "

Mason put the materials at hand in the jar and shook vigorously, and said in a relaxed tone:

"Is there no precedent for such unruly things before? At least give me some experience and lessons. The stars will exist for more than 20 years. Hasn't there been a C-level person with the same conscience as me before?"

He originally meant to make a joke, but he didn't expect the hunter to become silent because of this.

Just when Mason blinked in surprise, wondering if he had said something that shouldn't be said, the envelope in front of him made a sound again.

It's just that this time the hunter's voice has a bit of complicated emotion.

she says:

"It was before.

But it's so far away that it happened just after the first impact, there was a demon hunter. Well, a guy like old K, he received a mission to find something and after he witnessed the impact in the target world the tragedy.

He wondered if he could be of help.

He was dissuaded from taking extraneous branches, but he was as conscientious and stubborn as you, and as stupid as you, Mason.

He bit the bullet and went for it.

He did some things privately without any permission. At that time, the group of stars was just a grassroots team, and there was no concept of a transfer gate, so he used his own world gate to save many people from that dying world. It came out but exposed the world coordinates and caused some unnecessary waves.

Although the matter finally got a fairly satisfactory ending, it is a pity that at that time, the stars would be under military control and his behavior violated the regulations on secret conduct.

They say he sparked a rebellion, and then"

The hunter's voice fell silent.

Mason also stopped. He probably guessed whose story the hunter was telling, but he didn't expect that there was such a secret behind this incident?

"So, did you join the Quint Club because of this incident, and then entered the Star Club under their arrangement?"

Mason asked in a low voice.

"What? Me?"

The hunter was a little flustered by the sudden question, and she tried to hide it by saying:

"What does this have to do with me? I just use this to warn you, Mason, what you are doing is dangerous, you must think twice before taking every step, that's all.

This kind of thing has never been successful before.

Because it is difficult for a single team to complete a large transfer of that scale without the support of the headquarters.

Not to mention that the Stars will also monitor the operation of the World Gate. If you really want to try, my advice to you is not to do it too early, and wait until the signs of impact appear. "

The hunter said emphatically:
"At that time, Fort Stars will enter the 'high-dimensional' mode of monitoring the entire parallel world system, and there will be no extra energy to track the operation of each world gate.

That's your only chance of not being detected.

But the problem with this is that the time left for you will be greatly reduced. Generally speaking, the time from the appearance of the symptoms to the actual occurrence of the shock will not exceed 48 hours.

With only two days, you can't even gather the survivors, let alone send them all to another world. "

"That's all I need to worry about."

Mason took down all the hunter's warnings, and then he asked:
"What's the name of that witcher?"


The hunter made a nasal sound in surprise, and Mason asked:
"It's the demon hunter you mentioned just now who was executed as a traitor for saving people. What's his name? Old K told me before that he admired a demon hunter named 'Geralt' nicknamed 'White Wolf' the most." ,is it him?"


The hunter responded with a nasal sound, and after a moment she added:

"Old K decided to join the Stars Club after hearing about that incident. Before that, he was just one of countless ronin."

"I see."

Mason nodded, and then both of them fell silent. After a few seconds of embarrassment, Mason took the initiative to say:

"Whether a person deserves to live when the end comes, cannot depend on whether he has value in the eyes of those who can make decisions. We are all members of the Stars, and the only thing that distinguishes us from those hounds we despise cannot be just idea.

I think, now I can finally understand why you said that old K suffered so much in the last period of his life. "


The hunter said with some jokes:
"You little guy, just listen to a story and you have new insights? Now I'm free anyway, so let's listen to it."

"I guess it's because of disappointment."

Mason hesitated for a while, but decided to tell the hunter what he wanted. He poured out the purified potion from the golden cup and continued processing, and said to the envelope in front of him:

"He joined Quint because he wanted to take revenge or to inherit some kind of behest of Lord Geralt. After all, Quint would claim to do something different from the Stars Club. However, after joining Quint, he worked hard for them for a long time and finally realized Both sides are just one way.

No, Quint would be worse!
At least the Star Society really saved some people in the period before they fell, but the secret actions of the Quint Society did not have any meaning of salvation, at least I didn’t see it.

Old K can neither avenge nor save anyone. He may feel like a marionette clown. No wonder he told me not to trust anyone.

Perhaps he meant that even you, Hunter.

Perhaps in the eyes of old K, you are no different from a hound. "

These words are obviously offensive, but what is even more surprising is that the hunter did not refute. She asked instead:

"Mason, I ask you, if one day I ask you to spread a virus to a world"

"I will refuse."

Mason replied without thinking:

"And I don't think you will let me do this kind of thing. You know that I have my own principles, and it is impossible to follow your ideas."

"But what if I told you that doing these dirty things is for a greater purpose?"

The hunter aggravated his voice and asked:
"A great goal to set things right, and to achieve it requires some sacrifice, even of one's own conscience"

"I'm not afraid of getting my hands dirty, but what does it matter to me that you have a potentially great goal?"

Mason piled up the processed raw materials in front of him, and staggered his hands to form a formation. A dozen bottles of potions were made in a flash of red light.

While checking the quality, he said confidently:
"First of all, if your great goal requires me to sacrifice a world to help you achieve it, then your goal itself is not 'great' at all!
Second, if you can't even keep your conscience in the present, how can I believe that the future you claim will be better than the present?

Mr. Hunter, let me ask you, would you trust a person who vowed to save the world, but turned a blind eye to the little girl who fell in front of him?
If you believe it, then you are a big idiot number one in the sky. "

The cabin fell silent again.

The roaring letter in front of Mason maintained his mouth slightly open.

It can be seen that Mason's sharp rhetorical question said that the hunter was speechless. After several seconds of silence, the roaring letter in front of his eyes burned, which meant the end of the call.

Before the thing turned into ashes and flew, the hunter's voice came from it.

She seemed to have made some kind of decision, saying:
"I'll help you apply for a transfer door again, this time I'll wait for my news, Mason, don't rush to do it yet."

"Mason! Are you there?"

Barbara's voice also sounded from outside the cabin at this time. When Mason turned his head, a gentle smile was already on his face. He said to Barbara who rushed over:
"what happened?"

"There's an important call here that you need to answer."

Batgirl handed over her communicator.

Mason looked at the strange number on the communicator in surprise, and asked Barbara with his eyes, and the latter whispered to him what happened just now.

Mason's expression also became strange.

He put the communicator on the table and activated the holographic voice. The next moment, the figure of the secret guest appeared in front of the two of them.

She was no longer in her palace full of regional styles, but appeared in a very luxurious office, sitting at the desk, writing and drawing.

After looking up to see Mason, the blonde gave Mason a broad smile and waved, saying:
"Hey, little Mason, we meet again. Come, tell my sister, how many transfer doors do you need now? I'll arrange for someone to send them to you."

"Who the hell are you? You can give me something like the Transfer Gate, at least you are a great mentor."

Mason frowned and said:
"It is rumored that the warlock's great mentor is a gloomy man, so you are a swordsman? Why do you help us? Just because we met by chance before?"

"You saved me, have you forgotten?"

Master Swordsman pretended to be stupid and said in a daze:

"When I was weakest, you were the one who bandaged my wound and stopped the bleeding, Mason. This is a life-threatening friendship. What is such a small matter now?"

"Are you joking?"

Mason felt that the guy in front of him who was trying to "get away with it" was insulting his IQ, he shook his head and said:

"I do need help, but kindness from unknown sources must be quite expensive, so if you don't make it clear, I'm really hesitant to accept it."

"Why do you think so much?"

The swordsman narrowed his eyes and said:
"You must have found a hunter, but I guess she can't help you, because the organization she belongs to is a group of... er, how should I put it? Not very normal guys anyway.

And her brain is not suitable for playing with those people at all.

But I am different.

The secret society I belong to is a great one, with friendly members, clear goals, and clear rewards and punishments.We don't engage in those imaginary things. We gather together to live a better life.

Mason, I saw your potential with my own eyes in the Isu world, so I decided to give you some sweets and pull you into our organization by the way.

Hunter let you down, didn't you?

Don't be sad.

She's just like that, she's not a bad person, but she looks forward and backward when doing things, like a marionette, only moving when others kick her.

Come on, say how many transfer gates do you need?
Hurry up!
It takes time to cheat and conceal things like this. After passing this village, there will be no such shop. "

Mason really wanted to tell the blond girl in front of him that the hunter had not let him down and that in the riddle-man-like conversation just now, he was sure that he had pulled the hunter from Quint's side to his side a little bit.

But you can take advantage of this good thing delivered to your door.
"I said you are too straightforward?"

Mason frowned and said:
"You also have a secret organization. Don't tell me that warlocks also have a secret organization? What's the matter with your three mentors? Don't you avoid people when you form such a small group?"

"Oh, not Warlock. He doesn't have any secret organization. He's just a loyal dog. That's not quite right."

The swordsman scratched his head, organized his words, and said:

"He probably really thinks that the current model of the Stars Club is the best kind of guy, who is devoted to helping Lord Fate maintain the existence of the Stars Club and basically doesn't participate in other things.

As long as you don't mess with him, he's actually pretty easy to get along with.

But it's a pity that you have already provoked him, Mason, and you killed Wesker with your own hands. Well, let's not talk about this, do you want the transfer gate? "


Mason glanced at Barbara and said:

"There are only 100 million people left in this world."

"Tsk tsk, what a shame."

The swordsman curled his lips, drew a stroke on the paper in hand, and said:
"It seems that the main body of civilization has collapsed. No wonder the hunter doesn't help. She really can't help with this kind of thing, and only a stunned young man like me who is not afraid of troubles dares to jump into this mud pit.

A set of [-]% new semi-eliminated transfer doors is enough. It has already entered the destruction process so it is not in the sequence. It will probably be scrapped after two or three uses.

Can send everyone away within 36 hours of full operation, do you need a safe target world?
How about I provide you with one? "

"Hey, your enthusiasm is a bit too much, I feel like I'm selling myself now."

Let alone Mason, even Barbara thinks this is unreliable. Batgirl raised her eyebrows and complained:
"We don't get paid for anything."

"You guys talk too much nonsense!"

The swordsman stared, and threw the paper in her hand into the rotating light curtain. She picked up her ice cream bucket again and said:
"I said you don't need to be paid this time, but after this is over, you have to meet with me, it's very personal, you'd better prepare in advance.

Plus, you guys took out the sandstorm, right? "

Mason nodded.

Then I heard the swordsman eating ice cream and saying to him:
"Be careful with Norman Osborn, that guy is an out-and-out careerist, he also tried to contact us, but I guess he must have never told you about it.

He wanted to use our influence to break into the Stars Club, he thought he could make a career if given enough chances, well, this character alone is very suitable for the hunters' supporters. "

"Then why did you reject him?"

Mason asked in surprise:

"As far as I know, the intelligence network in the hands of the old green goblin is very valuable."

"It's easy!"

The swordsman stretched out her fingers to hook the cream on the corner of her mouth, she pinched her fingers, glanced at Mason, and said:
"He is not our 'one of us', so we are not interested in all his thoughts at all, and we don't even bother to listen!"

After speaking, the communication was disconnected at this moment, and the swordsman's holographic projection dissipated little by little, but her final answer made Mason feel puzzled.

What do you mean by not being "one of your own"?If you don't accept others and don't give them a chance to show their loyalty, how can strangers become your own?

There is no point in saying this.

"Mason, do you think she's believable?"

Barbara said worriedly behind the captain:

"This gift is a bit too hot. To be honest, I am a little uneasy. We can understand why Mr. Hunter can't help, but I suspect that the swordsman is so enthusiastic that she has other plans."

She glanced at Mason and whispered:
"Maybe she really has a crush on you"

"Uh, if selling one's body can really achieve this, I'm not at a loss. That's the lives of a million people."

Mason pouted and joked:
"Let's think about it later. Now at least the transfer door is in hand. Go find Jack. I need to talk to him. It's time for him, a fugitive pirate, to do more for his hometown."

"But the hunter?"

Batgirl said softly:
"Are we going to change doors and join the swordsmen? Actually, I think Mr. Hunter is a pretty good guy, and he even took the risk of going to the Isu world to save us."

"No, Barbara, we don't rely on anyone! This is just a personal gift of mutual help, and has nothing to do with the division of forces. The K team must keep their eyes open and not be fooled by other people's so-called lofty goals and ideals.

We have our goals, and naturally we have our own way to go. "

Mason narrowed his eyes and said:
"As for the hunter, she still has a conscience, so she can still be saved, but those people behind her are just a bunch of sanctimonious bastards."

(End of this chapter)

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