The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 208 6. Do you have another great mentor behind my back? -Happy New Year's Eve【1315】

Chapter 208 6. Do you have another great mentor behind my back? -Happy New Year's Eve【1315】


After a day and a night, the Black Pearl has already seen the outline of the mainland under the gloomy sky in the distance.

The kiteman skimmed low in the sea breeze at dawn, and the small and reliable falcon backpack behind him retracted the mechanical flying wings in a chic gesture, allowing him to land precisely beside Mason who was in a good mood.

"Boss, Barbossa and several pirate kings are waiting for you at the port."

Charles beamed and reported to Mason:

"They made a big show, all dressed in gold and silver like fancy-dressed chieftains, but one of them was a strange woman.

Barbossa said it was his 'royal' witch, but I suspect that might be who we're after.

The human body of Colypso, the goddess of the sea. "


Mason nodded, squinted his eyes and looked at the pier where the outline of the city could already be seen in front of him. After thinking for a while, he turned his head and whispered to the kite man:
"Go back to Gotham, Charles, and take my letter to Selena and Lady Elizabeth, I need them to do something for me at Osborne Tower.

You don't have to come here after that, go to stay with Poison Ivy in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts.

if things go wrong
I mean, if the Hogwarts world is also affected by the shock, then bring her and the resources we harvested there back to Gotham.

This is very important, I must have someone I trust to do it, you understand. "

"Okay, boss, I will definitely do it!"

The kite man patted his chest vigorously, but then asked in a low voice:
"Is it okay if you just stay here? Without my help."

"What if you stay as a scout?"

Mason looked at Charles strangely, and said:
"What? Are you going to change careers and charge with Ertong? Seriously, if you really plan to show your bravery in front of a god and a group of cleanups, then I don't mind giving you a chance."


The kiteman smiled awkwardly.

Although he has been tempered in many battles, he knows that his combat effectiveness is completely at the bottom of the K team.

Especially after Barbara Gordon, a hacker girl, joined the team to take over the heavy responsibility of drone and fire suppression, Charles felt that he was becoming increasingly marginalized.

It is somewhat sad, but lack of ability is always a big problem that cannot be solved.

Although he himself doesn't hate this kind of safe life that is slowly turning into logistics, he still has to show his presence in front of the boss occasionally. After all, he is the number one dog leg under Mason Cooper's command.

After driving away the kiteman, Mason returned to the cabin and rolled up his sleeves to continue practicing his beloved alchemy. He has been feeling that he is about to "breakthrough" recently, and there is no room for wasting time.

"Jack, remember what I told you last night, you go to talk to Barbosa and the others on behalf of Team K."

Mason took out Hufflepuff's golden cup and put it in front of him. While adding ingredients to it, he said to Captain Jack who was leaning against the door and drinking a big drink:

"I am now appointing you as my plenipotentiary representative, no matter what they ask, I will agree to them, try my best to find out the situation, and also, I want to have a closer look at the Seagod Trident.

See if you can arrange it for me. "


Jack drank the flagon in his hand in one gulp, wiped his mouth again, and said:

"I doubt that Colypso might win me over. You see, even undead people like my father have sensed that something is wrong. She, a genuine sea god, must have foreseen the danger.

Maybe she will strike first.

Mason, we have to be careful. "

"Careful? Why?"

Mason glanced at the hourglass on the table. There was not much gravel left on it. After the voyage was completed, there were only three days left before the impact.

He shook his head and said:

"Don't worry too much, Jack, if she is as wise as the sea, she should know that her troubles are someone else.

We could even be her collaborators. "

"What are you kidding?"

Jack froze for a moment, then asked:
"We're here to kill her!"

"No, our task is to ensure that her divinity does not fall into the hands of the Cleaners, Jack. Killing her is only a means to complete the task, not the only means."

Mason stopped cutting the herbs, raised his head and explained to Captain Jack seriously:
"Remember those years when Colypso was sealed as a swamp witch? Even without divinity, she can still live as a mortal.

But if she falls into the hands of the Cleaners.
Although I don't know how those mad dogs will treat her, I can be sure that compared to their methods, we people are as gentle as virgin men who have never seen a woman.

So, be bold and don't be afraid.

We've all decided to save your world, and it's almost like saving a god from suffering, so the initiative has always been in our hands. "

"Well, I understand when you say that."

The big pirate nodded thoughtfully.

Ten minutes later, the Black Pearl slowly entered the port. Captain Jack and his very "fashionable" crew members were bragging and greeting their old friends on the pier.

Not seeing the members of Team K made Barbossa somewhat disappointed but at the same time grateful.

Especially now that the deal of the magic medicine has been completed, before the next delivery of the magic medicine, to be honest, he doesn't want to have too much interaction with these mysterious guys.

But the black-haired witch in the crowd was very disappointed that Mason and others did not show up.

And Captain Jack was observing her. Although she changed into a girl with white skin and red hair, those eyes were definitely the eyes of Colypso who had some "intersection" with Jack back then.

As unfathomable as the sea, as cold and infinite as the storm, as unpredictable as the tide.


At the subsequent banquet to welcome the guests, Captain Jack and his "old buddies" drank a round of wine and took the time to approach the witch, whispering:

"My captain is a very suspicious fellow. Maybe you'll have to talk to me before meeting him, ma'am."

"No, Jack."

The witch said without interest:

"The mouse who escaped from this world before the danger is still a bit self-aware, I only talk to people who can really make things happen. You are now a dog's leg instead of the captain, and the steering wheel is not in your hands.

If you dare to talk nonsense, you will be whipped like those sailors who pouted their ass and wiped the deck. "

"Hoo hoo, what a good temper."

Captain Jack sneered.

He lowered his head and picked up a Sika cigarette, saying:
"I hope you can be as tough when those crazy dogs from outside come to your door, Colypso, you don't know what you will face, but I know, I have seen it with my own eyes.

I've been through it myself in another doomsday, and fought my way back home from hell.

So, is it time to talk? "

Facing Jack's invitation, the witch hesitated for a moment and raised her head to look at the dark night sky without starlight and moonlight. There was fear in her eyes, and she could hardly hide it.

While the pirate captain waited and watched, the incarnation of the sea god who had set off waves and buried countless fleets and travelers finally nodded.

She said softly:

"Let's talk, then, before those 'mad dogs' you call come."
The Black Pearl is still parked at the pier, the ship has been blocked, and several black heavy-duty drones are flying back and forth around the ship, not allowing anyone to approach it.

This once legendary battleship has become the residence of Team K. The first mate, Mr. Gibbs, is carrying two modified and strengthened AK47s on his back and patrolling with people, so as to prevent the short-sighted guys from disturbing the captain's manufacturing business. .

"It's done!"

In the cabin, Mason finished sketching the last line of golden inscriptions, dropped some gold sticks and took a few steps back to appreciate the second set of Isu Vanguard Armor that he had just made.

The black armor gleamed in the dark, and the pale halos on its arms, chest, and leg armor, as well as its boots, looked cool.

"Very flamboyant."

Zha Kang next to him gave a precise evaluation.

He'd be wearing the barely-stitched cloak of Levitating, and a bright red cloak covering his figure made him look very Gandalfish.

He curled his lips and said to Mason:
"I don't want this thing. It's too shiny and doesn't fit my low-key and luxurious style of life. Don't make it for me."

"You think you want it."

Mason snorted and said:
"I made this for myself. Didn't you see the data interface reserved on the armor to link with the power armor? But since you don't need it, you can get the equipment yourself later, John."


Zha Kang immediately jumped up and begged with a playful smile:

"Where can I find powerful things for a poor third-rate spellcaster, and I expect you to quickly become a master craftsman and help me fix the Elder Wand.

Those gravity rings and earrings you made are also good, hurry up and practice, I've depended on you as a craftsman for the rest of my life. Eh?
Someone is coming! "

Before he finished his flattering words, he turned his head and looked towards the end of the cabin. Being manipulated by enhanced magic power, he clearly felt the disturbance of time and space. He was about to cast a spell to seal it, but was held down by Mason.

young man said:

"It's okay, it's a friend who came, you should get out of the way first, no matter who is coming, I think you'd better participate in the next conversation. This is for you, go to the shore and find some people to try the medicine."

Mason handed several bottles of blood-colored liquid to Zha Kang, and said:
"This is the 'beast-like' medicine I prepared last night using the biotechnology of the Isu people. They are samples of the Minotaur Minotaur and the Snakeman. Don't drink it indiscriminately, the effect is not stable yet."

"Who would drink something of unknown origin? Do you really think I'm you? Just like you, you dare to throw anything into your blood."

Zha Kang pursed his lips and rolled his eyes again, picked up his cigarette and waved his cloak coquettishly, let the magic floating cloak with ugly stitching marks dragged him to take off from where he was, and wobbled to the side of the cabin. outside.

This caring guy didn't forget to close the hatch.

And just a few seconds after he left, the involuntary space-time disturbance quickly turned into a silver streamer, and then the hunter walked out of it.

"Hello, Mister Hunter."

Mason stopped pretending, stood up and greeted with an exaggerated gesture:

"Welcome Her Royal Highness Princess of Nilfgaard, Cub of Cintra, Javier of Kaer Morhen, Daughter of the White Wolf, Her Royal Highness Siria Fiona Alan Lianlun Black Pearl.

Your presence has made this wrecked ship look radiant. "

Just as Mr. Hunter was about to speak, he was overwhelmed by the long list of titles that were so exaggerated that Madam Long would call her an expert after seeing them. Then she stamped her feet in frustration and helplessness.

It's over.

Identity leaked.

"How did you know my real identity?"

She didn't waste any time, stretched out her hand to hold the sword and felt cold again, and asked directly:
"Who told you? Was it Old K?"

"Actually, Lord Geralt entrusted it to me in a dream, the night I entered the Fort of Stars."

Mason, who washed the gold cup again and prepared for the next round of production, said nonsense without raising his head:

"The old witcher who won the Holy Sword of the Lake Lady with the five virtues specifically told me that if his daughter turns into that disgusting hound, let me scold you for him.

It's best to wake you up.

Look, so much disaster is happening before our eyes.

We have to get involved if we have the ability, if we sit idly by, so much blood buried under the doomsday will dirty our hearts. "

"Don't be silly, Mason."

Shirley didn't care about Mason's nonsense. What she said in a dream was simply nonsense. She saw with her own eyes the scene where her adoptive parents were exiled to the Broken World and died along with the World Core. There could be anything left over.

But she wasn't here to argue with Mason.

she says:

"Member No. 7 of the Quint Club, Norman Osborn who just joined, reported to the high-level that you sent someone to Osborne Tower to contact him and make him ready to accept about 100 million refugees.

It came back to me in a roundabout way, and they asked me to see what the hell you were up to.

If you don’t have a transfer door, it’s impossible to send all the people here before the shock arrives. Either you are posturing, or you have received unknown help.

From what I know of you, the latter is more likely. "

She stared at Mason and said very unhappy:
"Someone is helping you secretly? And it's not ours, you called the Justice League?"

"you guess."

Mason grinned mysteriously, and Ciri was so angry that she wanted to draw her sword and kill the guy who was almost angry with her when she played riddles with her yesterday, but in the end she suppressed her anger.

"My application passed this time, they temporarily agreed to your action, and I brought the components of the transfer gate."

"No need."

Mason waved his hand and said:
"Take it back to those who need it more. I've already taken care of it here. I don't need the help of Quentin, and I can do it myself, so they should never try to control me like they control you."


A magic bag was smashed on the table. Ciri took off her mask to reveal her silver hair. She stared at Mason viciously and said through gritted teeth:
"Don't go too far, Mason! Don't keep saying I'm like a marionette in chains, what you're saying now is a shame, you know?

Especially after I helped you. "

"I apologize, my boss, don't get angry, I was just joking."

Mason got up immediately, and with a smile brought a chair for His Excellency Hunter to sit down, and offered her a cup of hot tea, but Shirley looked at it suspiciously.

Since she was stunned by Mason with the sleeping needle last time, she is now wary of anything Mason sends.

Who knows what this crazy young man will do?
This guy is even more courageous than the legendary whale shark.

Seeing that Ciri didn't drink and didn't waste it, Mason leaned aside with a teacup and helped his boss analyze:
"They didn't use this portal to help me, Ciri, they realized that I don't need them anymore when they received Norman's report, but they need the Isu drawings in my mind, so send you quickly Send me the transfer door to try to redeem it.

Sober up, Ciri.

It's not because you begged them twice, it's because we still have value, and they can't give up on me at the risk of alienation.

The fact that you can bring the transfer gate so easily shows that they are more than capable of doing it.

But they don't want to do it at all.

They don't care about what you and I think, and you still think you are important to them. Listen to me, my boss, if you really want to avenge your adoptive parents and your own world, if you really want to destroy the Stars Club, you have to fight with me Let's do it together!

We are on our own.

Those bastards with ulterior motives can't believe it.

And now you should go, the sudden arrival of a great mentor here will attract the attention of many people, and I only realized last night that someone is monitoring Team K. "

Mason picked up the magic bag on the table, stuffed it into Ciri's hand, and said to her:
"Don't think too much, you are still a trustworthy friend and good superior of Team K, this matter will not affect our life-long friendship, but before they ask you to do anything in the future, you should discuss it with me.

You seem to be in need of an 'external brain' and I'd be happy to offer one. "

The hunter Ciri lowered his head and put on the mask. Although Mason's words were brief, they were spoken from the bottom of his heart, and some of the details he pointed out really made Ciri feel a little creepy.

It's not that she's unaware of these details, she just hasn't thought about it before.

Then she hesitated, and whispered:
"They decided to promote you to a B-level personnel. I only thought it was because you brought back the reward of the golden apple."

"They're trying to pay me off, or try to warn me about this unruly little guy."

Mason blinked and said:
"If I remember correctly, it is a very difficult task to be promoted to B rank, and it is impossible to pass it safely with my current ability, right?
Just keep quiet, pretend you don't know anything, and keep playing your marionette role.

Let me take care of these troublesome things.

But after this is over, we need to talk. "

Mason said to Ciri:

"You and me, just the two of us! You have to tell me everything you know, only in this way can I see the whole situation, of course, you can also report on me.

The choice is yours.

They just want to use you but I'm different, my dear boss, just like the big bad guys in Gotham know who to turn to when they're in trouble.

You see, I am unwilling to give up even such a broken world, which fully proves that my character is strong.

Therefore, when you need it most, I will do my best to help you just like helping the world, so why not think about it when you go back to take a bath.

Who is your friend and who is your enemy. "

Watching the silent hunter Ciri disappear into the cabin, Mason turned his head to see that the second pot of medicine in the golden cup was already boiling. He walked to the window of the cabin and looked at the brightly lit pirate city in front of him, making two nasal noises of satisfaction.

他 说:

"If you all survive, remember to thank Lord Mason for your kindness, idiots."

(End of this chapter)

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