The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 213 11. You can't grasp this matter, you leave it to Uncle Tun, you see Uncle Tun will

Chapter 213 11. You can't grasp this matter, you leave it to Uncle Tun, you see Uncle Tun will let you grasp it
In the laboratory of Osborne Tower, Dr. Otto is working with the old green goblin on a strange-looking "doomsday survival" device.

That thing is not like ordinary high-tech equipment that has certain characteristics that Mason can understand. It is more like a product of the combination of magic and technology.

Or maybe it's because the technological content of this thing is so high that it works like magic in the eyes of "primitives" like Mason.

"Several levels higher than the technology of the Isu, my brother."

Suspended behind Mason, Consus, the Isu ghost that only he could see, took a closer look at the device and said to him:
"This thing seems to be used for positioning, and it doesn't have the ability to protect the world."

"Mason, your power armor has been debugged and ready to enter the battlefield at any time. I also packaged the control host of the drone group into the monster lizard. Just give it to Barbara."

The door of the laboratory opened, and Judy walked in quickly. The chic girl chewed gum, handed a chip in her hand to Mason, and said:
"This is what the captain told me to give you. It contains a copied AI. You give it to Barbara. She knows how to use it, but you must use it when you have to, Mason."

The technological girl from 2077 exhorted very seriously:

"The aftereffects of this thing are a bit scary, and it will burn out Barbara's brain."

"What's in there?"

Mason, who was trying to understand the special device in front of him, took the chip back and whispered:
"The virus that Batemos used to destroy the 'Old Web'? Or a data copy of 'Soulkiller'?"

"Don't make trouble, how could we give you such a dangerous thing?"

Judy was also attracted by the weird machine in front of her. She shook her hair and said casually:

"It's just a sealed thread of Ott. After activation, it can generate a data singularity leading to the 'black wall' in the opponent's network. If the opponent uses technological means to fight, this thing should be able to kill all parties.

Well, is this the miraculous 'Doomsday Caller' that was spread in the gossip of the Stars Club?

It's the first time I've seen the real thing. "

She stepped forward and patted the machine on which Dr. Otto was fine-tuning the signal data. This slightly rough action startled everyone present.

But Judy just waved her hand and said:
"Don't be afraid, this thing is not a life-saving device. According to what I heard, it is just a calling device, which is used to lock the orientation in the parallel world system.

As long as you can send the right message before the impact, it is said that it can save the whole world.

I don't know exactly how it works. "

"is it?"

Mason raised his eyebrows and put his hand on this very weird machine. He waited for nearly ten seconds before seeing the information label pop up:
Doomsday Caller/Virtual Messenger Generator
Quality: Epic engineering, super advanced technology creation, perfect craftsmanship, replica

Item effect: Generate a virtual messenger on the plane where the device is located, and send a foraging signal to the planet devourer to call the devouring star concept body to come.


Before using the device, it is necessary to arrange the "star-swallowing consciousness counter-equipment" in advance, otherwise it may cause unpredictable results.

Current use times: [1/1]

Producer: Victor von Doom
Item description: That idiot Reed would never have thought of solving the problem once and for all in this way!Ha, I am indeed a genius.

Tip: The blueprint has been included, but it cannot be made due to the lack of the Silver Surfer's power specimen.

"I thought it was so powerful."

Mason pouted, retracted his palm and said:

"It's just a 'bait' after making a fuss for a long time, but it's not bad, but someone who can think of this kind of slanting trick is definitely not serious."


Dr. Otto and the Green Goblin turned their heads to look at Mason. The two scientists blinked and asked almost in unison:
"You know how it works?"

"I probably understand."

Mason rubbed his forehead and asked:

"There shouldn't be Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom in your world, right? Have you ever seen those legendary cosmic gods?"


Behind Mason, the middle-aged Spider-Man stepped forward and explained:

"We don't have those things in our world, but I heard from some of your colleagues that there may be some, but the doomsday disaster has ushered in before they are discovered."

"Well, I guess that's it."

Mason said to Dr. Otto and the old Green Goblin with his arms akimbo:

"The essence of this thing is to send a signal to a god sleeping in the depths of the universe, luring it to appear in our direction. That cosmic god feeds on planets, so it will help us solve the world on the opposite side.

The reason why the signal was sent to the Cleaner headquarters before activation was probably to activate some kind of anti-beacon so that the hungry and dizzy cosmic god would not eat the world together. "

"It's really crooked."

Judy curled her lips and said:

"It's no wonder that not all of the vassal worlds of the Confederation of Stars have doomsday callers, it turns out that they only rely on external forces to survive the crisis.

Isn't this just pulling a tiger's skin to pretend to be a big banner? "

"Don't say that, being able to make this kind of device already shows that they have the means to check and balance the gods of the universe, which is already very powerful.

I just don't know which Uncle Tun they are calling? "

Mason shook his head and said:
"Dr. Otto, you can send the signal. I guess this thing has a great chance to be an automatic answer, and you don't need to simulate the signal of the clearer to perfection.

Only key information is needed to trigger the anti-beacon. "

"That being said, it's better to check again."

Doctor Octopus didn't want to take risks and checked the program again. Judy also pulled out a "data cable" from under his palm and connected it to the doomsday caller to help check the internal program.

This scene startled Mary Jane and Little May Parker next to her.

"Mom! That beautiful green-haired sister has a wire growing on her hand!"

The little girl let out a cry of surprise and buried her head in her mother's arms as if she had watched a horror movie. Mary Jane smiled apologetically at Judy in embarrassment.

But tech girls don't care.

Instead, he purposely stared at the prosthetic eyes to make his pupils change shape and color to scare the little girl for fun.

In Judy's world, babies are supposed to receive this level of prosthetic modification from birth to help them manipulate various advanced devices, such as the data interface in the palm of her hand, even the homeless on the street.

In the world of 2077, a person without a prosthetic body cannot survive.

This is probably the "cultural difference" between different worlds.

"nailed it!"

After 10 minutes, Dr. Otto finally confirmed that everything was correct, and then took out the identity card of the dead Cleaner commander imitating the master and inserted it into the doomsday caller to send a signal to the Cleaner headquarters.

After 30 seconds, the doomsday calling machine received the activation key, and the seven lights on the top of the machine all lit up, one by one flashing green light beams to represent the activation of the "star-swallowing anti-beacon".

"There is a message sent out!"

Judy, who had been paying attention to the machine, yelled, and in her electronic prosthetic eyes, a signal with unknown meaning was sent into the distant starry sky by the machine in the form of a special information wave.

The speed of that special information wave far exceeds the speed of light, and it disappears in the depths of the star sea the moment it is sent.

As Mason said, throwing a "bait" into the sea of ​​stars, there was a reaction in the starry sky soon, and the shining bright purple light spread all over the entire star dome in an instant, as if the sky was ignited.

Everyone in the laboratory rushed to the top of the Osborne Tower at the fastest speed, where they used various astronomical telescopes to look at the starry sky.

As they watched, a distorted wormhole opened in the space beyond the earth, and then a mechanical spaceship with a strange shape appeared in the wormhole, and another huge figure appeared from the spaceship.

When it first appeared, it was about the size of the moon, and then quickly expanded to the size of the earth, and then grew to be as huge as the sun within ten seconds.

The purple giant seemed to have a body cast by machinery, and on top of its weird battle skirt was a biological body armor, and the outline of muscles could be seen.

There is a strangely shaped crown on his head, but his face cannot be seen at all.

He didn't seem to notice the planet close at hand at all. It should be the counter-beacon of the doomsday caller that was in effect. The moment it appeared, it focused on the "Earth Two" that was breaking through the dimensional boundary.

It's like seeing delicious food.

The purple-red giant, as huge as the sun, stretched out his hand towards the planet, just like the god Mishishi in the mythology. He held the world that broke the world in his hands, and kneaded and devoured it bit by bit like magma incinerated. .

Countless people in the entire Osborne Tower looked up at this scene in a daze.

They can't see the movements of the cosmic gods outside the world, they can only see the reflection of the world above the sky disappearing bit by bit in the shining purple streamer.

The whole process only lasted 1 minute, and when the purple-red light disappeared, everything disappeared like a dream.

There is no trace of the reflection of the world above the head, another earth that broke through has been devoured, hurry up, the earthquakes that have occurred continuously before have subsided, only the dust cloud formed by the volcanic eruption in the distant sky represents that everything just now is not false .

On the top of the Osborne Tower, a group of people put down their binoculars.

They saw the wormhole disappear, and the cosmic god who ate the invading world disappeared quietly just like when he came.

A wave of sleeves won't take away a single cloud.

But it did help the world of Spider-Man eliminate an apocalypse.

"not right"

Mason, who had fully witnessed Uncle Tunxing's power, put down the astronomical telescope in his hand. The scene in front of him was very exciting, but he frowned tightly, because the posture and movements of Uncle Tunxing he saw just now felt uncoordinated. .

Very stiff.

Like being bound by something.

This is not the same as Tun Xing in his cognition, and the cosmic light emitted by Uncle Tun should be pure purple, why is the one in front of him a mixed purple-red?
What does that ray of scarlet represent?
Could it be that he came from the other side of the gate of the world that the hunter said?
Is this a manipulated zombie devouring the planet?
No way.
"The god of the universe is so scary!"

Judy covered her head and said:
"It's no wonder the captain told logistics personnel like me not to go to the battlefield. Who wouldn't be afraid to see such a ghost thing all day long? If I watch it a few more times, I'm going to get cyberpsychopathic!
This is much scarier than those boring fantasies and super-dreams. He can eat up such a big planet in two or three strokes. "

"However, in the end, we don't know if there are any living people on that planet"

Doctor Octopus said with a sense of loss:

"If there were people like us out there, we put them into the mouth of a cosmic monster, which frankly makes me feel bad"

"Enough! Otto!"

The old Green Goblin didn't care.

While recalling the shock of witnessing the tyrannical power of the cosmic god, he turned his head and said to Doctor Octopus:
"We are still alive! Knowing this is enough, don't think about other things, it is not only pointless but also an absolute waste of time!

We're going to take that instrument apart and study it.

Maybe when the next onslaught comes, we won't have to pray to the Scavengers for some goddamn counter-beacon. "

After the Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus left, the old spider walked over with his daughter in his arms and whispered to Mason:
"Although we have a cooperative relationship with Norman now, I still don't trust him very much.

That guy obviously has plans of his own, but the good news is that they sent someone to stabilize Harry's situation, maybe next time you come over you can see him greet you.

Harry is a really nice guy and I'll introduce him to you.

But I know you're going to fight something dangerous, Mason, and if you need help, Matt and I are here to help, and we can get there now. "

"No, it's not as dangerous as you think, I'm ready."

Mason let out a sigh of relief.

Looking at the cloudless sky above his eyes, he said:

"I just need to think about it, and I think there may be details behind these things that we haven't discovered about this shock.

The truth of the end of all things.
It shouldn't be that simple. "

Mason narrowed his eyes and said:

"The Green Goblin thinks he can sit back and relax with a doomsday caller, but you can't pin your hopes on this kind of trick. I have to go back there and help Colypso fight off the Cleaners, Peter. After this is over, we Let’s talk again, and about the doomsday calling machine.
If you research some results, remember to share them with me. "
"The number of responses to the doomsday caller is 1532, and the number of responses is 1278."

On the top floor of the Fort of Stars, in the meeting hall of the three mentors, the hunters, swordsmen, and warlocks divided into three parties are staring at the light curtain suspended in front of them, looking at the messages coming from it.

Lord Warlock wearing a black cloak said in a hoarse voice:

"It was very bad luck this time. The Isu assassins' attack on the projection core of the World Gate still produced a series of chain reactions, and more than 200 low-level vassal worlds were buried with them."

"Is not this nonsensical?"

The grumpy swordsman leaned on a sharp black sword and said:
"We all know that it's only a matter of time before it goes out of control, after all, it's not the real Devouring Star, it's just a lingering shell from the damned universe separated by the gate of the world.

When I look at the next impact, the doom caller will no longer work.

If something happens again, it's probably all over. "

"Next time? Do you want to next time?"

Mr. Hunter is still in the emo state after being attacked by Mason's language, she whispered:

"After this shock, less than one-fifth of the total number of worlds can be left. Every world that can survive has two brushes. It is not impossible for them to counter the cosmic gods.

If this is a brutal game, it has moved on to the next, more brutal stage.

Right now, the third shock is still in the brewing stage, and the real trouble has not yet come, Warlock!Immediately apply to the superiors to use the conquerors to enter the various high-level vassal worlds to prepare for defensive counterattacks, and it will be troublesome to delay. "

"Yes! Let's get serious."

The swordsman suddenly stood up, raised his sharp sword and shouted:

"If we can't even protect our own vassal world, it won't be interesting for these bullshit stars to stay any longer. They usually search for so many good things to support them, and now it's time for them to take part in activities and have a magical event."


Mr. Warlock, the most gloomy of the three mentors, hesitated for a moment, and finally he nodded and said:

"I'm here to apply!
The two of you bring all the A-level teams to move, and deploy defenses in those important resource worlds!Bringing the B-level team along with them, and letting them see for themselves that the Constellation is indeed doing protection, may dispel a lot of restless thoughts. "

"With all due respect, doubts have been born in people's hearts and spread."

Mr. Hunter got up and said:
"One action changes nothing."

Faced with these words, the warlock tightened his hood and released a wonderful magic to monitor the parallel world. He showed a meaningful smile and said without raising his head:
"That's better than the onlookers and critics who are always questioning us, but don't want to do anything, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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