The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 214 12. Doomsday Lone Army

Chapter 214 12. Doomsday Lone Army
On the square in Area C of Osborne Tower, the huge transfer gate is shining with strong light like a wall of light curtain, and the doomsday refugees from another world are rushing out of it one after another.

Many of them were still stained with volcanic ash and blood, some were with children, some were dragging boxes, and more rushed over empty-handed and full of fear.

What greeted the eyes was a towering metal tower that people in the 18th century could not have imagined anyway, and an indifferent city full of silver-gray light under the sun.

This is a very different scenery than Virginia Harbor.

People who escaped from the doomsday would subconsciously stop to look at them, and then they would be struck down with electric sticks, urging them to move forward immediately and not block the way of the people behind.

There are too many people. This is the transfer of nearly a million people under the apocalypse. Even if the old Green Goblin vacates the large square in Area C that can accommodate tens of thousands of people in advance, a slight stagnation will still lead to pushing and even stampede accidents.

The current security personnel of the Iceberg Bar from the Black Pearl and the former pirates did not hesitate to perform this task. Wearing black uniforms, they beat the sticks out of their hands, which would always make the bewildered people grin their teeth in pain.

There are also some guards wearing flight reports flying around in the air to maintain order.

But no one complains at this point.

They were all terrified by the doomsday scene they had just seen with their own eyes.

"No! Don't give us hope, Mason."

"Don't set up this kind of flag before the war! And you can say something good."

Then, the new module test starts. 10% power supply"


Mason approached him and whispered:
"The trident is in our hands, as long as you want, I can lift your curse, and you can go to the other side to be with your wife and children.

I'm going to meet Barbossa. "

The tearful prayer under despair also seems so sincere.

The big pirates under house arrest are all trapped here, and the eerie Dutchman stands proudly on the rolling waves, and in the undulating sea water, there are cursed pirates rising and falling.

The good-tempered Delaman did not refute, this time it was indeed that it did not do well enough.

But we also talked to her before.

"With all due respect, passenger."

With a whoosh, it jumped into the air and flew towards the pier that had been blocked by the Flying Dutchman.

No one in the Justice League would dare to object to something like this, otherwise Dachao would blow their heads off. "

Mason looked at more and more doomsday refugees in front of him, he shook his head and said:

"After leaving Night City, I was widely used in various occasions of the afterlife team, including the auxiliary program of the laboratory. The program I was rewritten can complete the testing of new modules independently, and you only need to focus on combat. Give the order, dear passenger.

The automatic program in the tank has gone crazy, but the Delaman program in the Mason armor is still very stable. This intelligent AI suspected of multiple schizophrenia said gently:

But he wants to see you. "

"Well, I'll see him right away."

Although the voice is still the same, this AI seems to have suddenly entered the state of "cyber psychosis" from the "electronic butler" mode, screaming hoarsely:

Getting them here is just the beginning."

Amidst Mason's exclamation, the anti-superman armor took off in an instant, and rushed up to a height of [-] meters in the blink of an eye.

"What's coming over here?"

"The Osborne Tower can't accommodate so many people. The old Green Goblin told me that they have to go to the abandoned New York City to rebuild their lives after a short break. Dr. Connors' lizardman will help them as much as possible.

"Let them go, there is no need to explain too much."

The familiar black battle armor strode out, causing the crowd to exclaim.

You know, Bruce came to see me the other day, and I told him as much as you asked me to.I feel like if you need help, it's just a phone call away and he'll start mobilizing right away.

This sudden scene made Master Catwoman who led the servants to maintain order in the square a little at a loss for a while. When the people on Turtle Island shouted Cat Goddess, she just thought it was fun and let it go.

"Actually, there's no need to go that far."

"Clypso is very disturbed. She said that she can feel the danger approaching, but the formation of the big tide is a good thing, which greatly improves her power to control as a sea god."

"If nothing can be done, I will make her suffer less."

"I know!"

"They merged and it was a one-sided massacre."


Catwoman looked back at Mason, who had already put on the black anti-Superman armor but without the helmet.

But this is a war after all.

"Hey! Didn't Captain Morgan teach you?"

A group of electric arcs danced on the boots of the anti-superman armor, and were just activated by the two gravity well engineering devices that Mason put in. The moment the liquid gravity onium was stimulated to change shape by the current, it transformed the surrounding gravity and applied it to the heavy On the battle armor.

"Didi! Wang! Ba! Egg! Hit you to death!"

Before entering the light curtain of the transfer gate, Mason replied dissatisfied:

"Draman, the first test of the gravity well module."

"Mason, you haven't left yet. It's really gratifying. It seems that we don't have to fight alone in the end."

Enough to move people's hearts.

The fully armed anti-superhuman battle armor strode forward like a giant, and the doomsday refugees rushing out of the light curtain ahead naturally made way for the black mechanical warrior.

Ertong said in a succinct tone:
"The pirates were killed and their bodies were pulled onto the ghost ship. Barbossa was already imprisoned. He had a special status and didn't resist, so Will Tenado gave him some time.

He adjusted the mode to let himself adapt to the way of flying in the air little by little, and it took a few minutes to land next to Jon Kang and Jack.

"Shut up! You poor third-rate driver."

Get ready.

Mason cursed angrily.

"They are people from an ancient world with gods, Selena, and faith is part of their lives."

Mason shook his head and put on the black helmet. The moment the metal helmet was buckled, the specially-made Isu Pioneer Armor data module was connected immediately, and the sorting hat that was originally worn on his head immediately transformed into a ring that buckled the young man. The forehead does not affect the human-computer interaction between him and the anti-superman armor.

Mason yelled.

Mason said:
"It's not that I won't let you run away, and I didn't say to fight to the end here. Haven't the clearers come yet?"

Just let it go.

Do you need help?

Therefore, although the lift-off attitude is very bad, it will not fall down after flying up.

People are the most important thing.

He turned around and wasn't very skilled in activating the power connection of the gravity well module. This time there was no "spiral ascension" but a squatting and jumping movement on the spot.

"No, but soon."

"We'll need him, but not now, we have our troubles and they have theirs. It's up to you, ladies, and we'll see you after the war."

Mason rolled his eyes, shook his head and explained:
"I'm not as bad as you think, Jack, don't spread rumors and slander everywhere. The choice has always been in Colypso's hands. It's because she is unwilling to give up her divine power and insists on fighting mad dogs to the death.

May our death please the dark stars then. "

He looked around, and the reflection of the suspended world above his head was much more "real" than before he left. According to this speed, it may completely "coincidence" with the earth under Mason's feet within a day.

We are still fighting.

Are you going to pass?

"That's a good idea."

Wearing power armor, Mason is close to 2.5 meters tall, like a majestic metal knight, approaching the "cat goddess" in the eyes of the doomsday refugees in horror and fear.

She exhorts:

The moment it entered the light curtain, the originally peaceful electronic voice suddenly became irritable.

Judy's voice sounded in the communication of the Anti-Superman Armor.

Behind Mason, a tyrannical thing that looks like a combination of a tank and a floating vehicle appeared bit by bit, making those poor people who were frightened by the sudden change in the situation so frightened that their legs were weak that they would fall to their knees. .

No one will despise you for this, you and your crew are brave enough. "

The neutral male voice of the intelligent AI Delaman, who originally drove a taxi in Night City, echoed in the empty cockpit:

"Shut up! What time is it and you're still reciting poems, are you possessed by Itlegan?"

Fortunately, this thing is not propelled by a rocket, otherwise his poor handling posture is enough to make him lose his stability and do Brownian motion in the air.

He said to the hesitant Selena:
"Instead of letting those random cults occupy the souls of these refugees who are in desperate need of comfort after the end, it's better for you to do it. At least we all know that you will not let these poor people give you all kinds of jewelry. Let them engage in some cruel human sacrifices and things like that.

"I don't like playing tricks."

You have to fight for it. "

"Draman's smart travel program is at your service, the current service program is the 'excellence' package, unlocking the battle mode, self-inspection of the car body"

Mason nodded, pointed to the monster lizard chariot floating in the air not far away, and said to Barbara and Ertuan:

The airborne AI Delaman was also taken aback. It hastily reduced the power supply so that Mason would not continue to float up to prevent him from freezing to death at an altitude of [-] meters. At the same time, he kindly reminded:
"You may need to install a flight control module to help you better manipulate this gravity well system that I don't understand the principle at all. Maybe you can enter the knowledge about 'magic' into my database to help me better deep learning."

After the activation of this very unscientific gravity well, it creates an invisible "anti-gravity force field", and Mason and his armor are equivalent to being wrapped in it.

"I installed a self-explosive module on the Demon Lizard, which is quite powerful. Don't be stingy with the vehicle when necessary. You already have the blueprint, and you can knock out one with your own hands.

Captain Jack held the small pistol in his hand agitatedly with a cigarette butt in his mouth, and said:

"The weapon system has been replaced, and Delaman's airborne AI is responsible for driving it. Then you can manipulate the weapon to blow it up. It's all foolish interactions that won't trouble you. This is your world and your land. Jack.

With a click, the full-face visor bounced to the sides, revealing Mason's face.

"I will manually control the power input of the gravity well, and leave the rest to you."

Slag Kang, leaning on a coral trident as a staff, said meanly and mysteriously beside Mason:
"The earth beneath our feet is groaning in pain, it's crumbling every second, that's the sound of the continental shelf collapsing and this is just the beginning.


Captain Jack complained next to him:

Ertong nodded, touched the handle of the Alice saber at his waist, and said:

Anything conducive to stability in this situation is precious.

With such complaints, Mason's figure disappeared into the star-filled curtain, and the monster lizard vehicle that turned into autopilot behind him also approached the light curtain with a very stable posture like a flying heavy tank.

He was holding the sea monster saber at his waist with twisted hands, not like a person who was seeking death facing the doomsday, but like a commander reviewing the fleet and preparing to go out.

Mason, who is driving the anti-Superman armor, said to the onboard AI in the cockpit:
"Activate it, slowly increase the electrical stimulation, be gentle, don't open it to the maximum all at once."

"Did you hear that?"

This world will be buried first by the icy sea water, and in the abyss colder than ice, the scorching core of the earth will be disintegrated, and finally this world and us in it will be exposed to the deep space with a bang .

I don't know who in the crowd yelled, and suddenly a large group of people rushed over and gathered beside Selena, who was wearing a cloak and looked a little pale, and was being supported by Mary Jane.

Mason saw Jack's uneasiness, and he took out the model of the Batmobile from his luggage and handed it to his team members, saying:

In this way, Colypso can survive in human form, and we don't have to die here. "

Our 'new friend' is harnessing the sea to keep the rapidly rising sea levels from blowing in, but global tides are in place.

"Give you this."

I also hope that things will end perfectly, but it doesn't matter if we talk about it.

"But you have to convince that rebellious Sea Goddess to listen to you first. If you ask her to hand over her strength, I don't think she will do so meekly. In the end, you still have to fight.
It's not as good as Mason's arrangement now.

"I understand this, Mason, and you don't have to stress it so much."

But right now this situation is terrible.

As long as you are not dead, we can bring you back. "

Seeing that there are more and more people coming to worship her, if not stopped, maybe a weird religion will really come out.But just as Selena was standing on a box supported by Mary Jane, ready to explain, Mason's voice came from behind:

Lady Catwoman put her hands on her hips and said:

"No no no."

Zha Kang exhaled smoke rings, stroked the coral trident in his hand, squinted his eyes and said,
"This thing can contain divinity, we don't need to give that precious thing to the hunters, anyway, Mason doesn't believe them, we can hide it ourselves.


"You continue to fly that, Delaman took over the driving, and you are responsible for firing and manipulating the drone swarm. Two barrels, after the shooting, you go to help Colypso, but you have to remember your mission."

So, our world is not dead yet!
We know we're going to hell, but in whatever hell we're going to be the best ghosts."

The ghost captain turned his head, a smile that could scare a child into tears appeared on his infiltrating face, and he said:

Mason landed on the pier that was mostly submerged. When he landed, he felt the ground shaking violently, but the monster-like pirate captain in front of him stood upright in the sea.

We can arrange for her to leave whenever she wants.

With divinity in hand, although I still can't get rid of the curse, at least I can guarantee that the hidden danger of that thing will not deepen.

Since they call you a goddess, then you can pretend to be a real goddess, your appearance and temperament are definitely enough and I think this kind of cosplay is not difficult for you. "

In addition, I have already contacted Lao Wei, and he has prepared a full set of prosthetic bodies to be connected to the operating cabin.I know you don't want you or your team to become 'reformers' like us.

People are whispering that this is the Iron Knight under the seat of the great and beautiful Cat Goddess.
And the 2077 war vehicle, the Demon Lizard, which has been modified from the inside to the outside, is slowly moving forward in a suspended propulsion posture, and there is an oversized tank buckled in its rear armor filled with weapon modules. A storage tank.

These superstitious people from the sea have long heard the legend of the "cat goddess who brings hope", and seeing a real person plus the experience of being fished out of the disaster makes their hesitant hearts almost In an instant it is reduced to the belief of hearsay.

Borrowing a knife to kill someone doesn't dirty our hands. "

"The Cat Goddess! It's the Goddess!"

"Although it is true that many men call me their goddess on various occasions, I think the meanings of the two should be different.

The monsterized Will Turner shook his head, stretched out his tentacles-like fingers to the rising ocean in front of him, and said:
"We used to be the evil symbol of this world, we were called monsters and scum, but in this desperate age, even we have signed the final contract with our world and our civilization!

The chest of this set of thick battle armor no longer emits purple fluorescence, replaced by a shimmering ark reactor, which looks like a light has been ignited in the black metal from a distance.

Ertong and Barbara also pulled their bodies with flying claws and jumped off the crumbling tower, and jumped to Mason's side. Batgirl showed no fear on her face. When she fell, she whispered to Mason:
"Those pirates wanted to run too, but Will Turner suddenly appeared and stopped them. Captain Ghost asked them to stay and fight, but no one would listen, so."

"A world is coming to an end, Mason, my companion."

The sharp shouts startled Zha Kang and Jack who were still in Virginia City on the other side of the transfer gate. The two guys were organizing the orderly evacuation of the people in the city, and then they saw that the transfer gate was temporarily cut off.

"About entering the transfer gate, the Delaman program takes over and switches to autopilot. Good luck, Mason."

"Actually, there's no need for that."

Old Teague's voice also came from behind.

This dashing old pirate didn't seem to be affected by the doomsday at all. He sat there holding a guitar and plucked the strings. In the old and sad melody, he said softly:
"Someone has to stand up and fight for it, just like a curtain-closing ceremony has to be supported by someone, this is our choice, bless us."

The old pirate smiled mysteriously and said to Mason:

"But we'll see each other again, I promise!"

(End of this chapter)

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